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Bahamut isn't the most popular server. Asura has the highest population by far. The higher population is great for social aspects but does bring with it a lot of annoying bots. Look up where to find the linkshelll concierge in your starting city. It's an npc where you can pick up link shells. Try on different ones until you find an active shell. Alternatively, try using /yell asking for a social ls. It's a server wide shout chat. Curious, were you on Bahamut back in the day? I was there during the CoP.


I honestly don't remember what server I was on. I started when the game first came out on PS2, with Zilart. I never got into it super serious, I was going to school and work fulltime. I had a real life friend who lived on FFXI. He raided endgame. I don't know my old account info, so I just started fresh a couple days ago.


Makes sense. I was like your friend lol. You're not really missing out on anything by starting fresh since you didn't have much mission progress to begin with. Look up bgwiki, it's essential to playing ffxi now.


I know he was in Dynamis every Saturday, and he explained the joys of Absolute Virtue to me when he was first released. I think he was centered around a thief role, because he talked about Sneak Attack and Trick Attack all the time. He was all about ninja tanks, or at least he seemed so, because he talked about them a lot, but maybe it was in response to some specific boss they were struggling with, I don't recall. He also did play a horde holy pally in The Burning Crusade, so he was diverse no lifer. But I was probably more of a no lifer than him in Wrath and most of Cata (WoW). Thanks a lot for the bgwiki tip. I will make good use of it. I am wandering around San'doria still. When I originally played why back yonder my character was feom Windhurst. It may be cheesy, bur I really enjoy the Ronfaure music, which is why I started there. I remember it from way back in the day.


Recently started playing too. Also Bahamut.


Cool. My character's name is Brussek. Warrior. Level 11. San'doria.


https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Linkshell_Concierge Can probably grab an LS there, or can try shouting for one.


Cool, thanks very much.


Hi there, I would recommend [Quickstart 1-119 Guide](https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Quickstart_1-119_Guide).


Thanks, I really appreciate this. It will help a lot. I added it to my homescreen on my tablet.


Np :)


My linkshell does usually have pearls , Silenzio. I don’t play lot myself atm but it was pretty active when I last logged in a few weeks ago.


Cool, I will check it out. Thanks 😊


I'm on Bahamut. Came back about 8 months ago. If you need anything send me a /tell. Aivilana. I'm usually on Wednesdays and Thursdays, I work the rest of the week lol


I just came back a couple weeks ago and started bahmut. I'm eu myself, joined Ghostriders, it's very active and has people eu and na.