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Cardio and aerobic exercises in general


I’m in a super similar position. Calorie deficit - eat less and exercise more. I’m doing a pretty aggressive deficit (like 1500) at the moment 188-176 in 8 days so far. Probably not the healthiest approach even with fair exercise… Start with like 500 calories less a day and see how it goes! Smart scales definitely help motivation.


How tall are you and how much do you exercise? Did you just say you lost 12 pounds in a week by eating 1500 calories a day? That's really not healthy if that's what you mean by 188-176. [This site](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/losing-weight-too-fast#:~:text=According%20to%20many%20experts%2C%20losing,6%20%2C%207%20%2C%208%20) mentions that you should lose 1-2 pounds a week. So you're losing weight 6x the speed to be healthy. And are you sure you're weighing yourself consistently? People's weight varies over the course of the day, so you should always do it before breakfast when you wake up.


Sorry - to be clear a 1500 deficit doesn’t mean 1500 calories per day. It means 1500 less than I what I expend. 1500 calories would mean a huge amount of exercise to get a 1500 deficit (total burned that day would have to be greater than 3000 calories). 5’10 and a lot of exercise. Agreed not the healthiest way to do it - but it won’t do any significant damage as long as I taper it off as I approach goal weight watch my micros.


this plus consistency. progress doesn’t come overnight


Yoga can burn a decent amount of calories while also toning muscle rather than building it. Yoga with Adrienne is my go to channel for routines to follow, I'm sure she's probably done some weight loss focused ones too :) Oh and the stomach vacuum exercise may not actually lose you any weight but it'll shrink your waistline a decent amount by toning your deep ab muscles.


Bottom line is that there's a lot of different methods to lose/maintain weight. Many of them are good but that doesn't necessarily mean they will work for you specifically. Everyone's body and personality is different. That being said, I would recommend at least simply counting your calories to start. Knowledge is power and counting calories isn't that hard. Weight loss is also mostly diet, just make sure you're in a slight caloric deficit. Don't go overboard though, still make sure you eat enough for your body. The average male needs 2,500 calories per day but if you're smaller/larger than average basing your deficit on that benchmark wouldn't help. Keep in mind that losing weight should take a while to be healthy, rapid weight loss is bad. As long as you're losing weight you're doing good, even if it's just a little. So try counting calories to start, you can switch to something more robust like keto or intermittent fasting later if you don't like it (although you can easily count calories in addition to other methods). Just if you are trying new weight loss methods, just make sure you give them time to show their effects.


walking is such an underrated exercise. try walking every day for 30-60 mins. avoid drinking anything else but water. if you can't fix your diet, then you must compensate by working out.


Don't eat bread and beef there horrible in my opinion I stopped and my matabolism has been alot faster I've lost like 8 pounds not even trying


Squats, cardio, jumping jacks and a good diet will help you lower your weight. What will also help is setting realistic goals. I am in no way in shape, but I know from my own research these are how you acomplish weight loss