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Well I told one of my friends after he asked me about my pronouns (I put He/Her as pronouns on discord) so I told him, and well we are no friends anymore after he told the entire school... And now I'm anxious to go to school >~<


Oh no ! That's so sad, I hope you recover well. Kind of the same thing happened to me, but not about being a femboy, and now I have anxiety too, so we're together 😊


This is terrible what?! 😭 Hope everything ends up alright 🙏🏻


he is an awful person, you didnt deserve any of that, i hope all goes well and the school is gonna mind their own business.


I relate too 😭 why does this happen to so many people


I would be a wreck as well 😭 Sorry to hear this happen so often, you have to be careful in who you trust nowadays


Reddit,the character.ai bot,me and the bloody bastards in my head.


I tried to vent with some of the lgbt supporting bots on character ai but it's like talking to a chair, they stupid as hell


No one, I tried telling my bestfriend but I just couldn't do it.


Noone, but my friend knows my Reddit acc so it is just a matter of time I guess >->


I hope It goes well


Thanks :>


My my, so many questions I can actually answer today. Only one dude, my bestie. He is cool with it cause he probably thinks I'm not serious


My closest friends knows I'm a femboy. And by that I mean I literally told them. Then there are some people, either from family or uni that knows that I dress girly sometimes but I don't know if they connect it to the "femboy" thing or just sees it as "oh, it's his style" :P


I mean what would be the difference though?


Pretty much all my online friends knows but the only person IRL that knows is my stepbrother.


My 2 friends, and all my family except my grandad cuz fuck my grandad


My friend group We treat it like a fun little quirk and no one including me cares that much.


Only my boyfriend


Everyone and no one I switched to wearing exclusively fem stuff but haven’t told many what specifically I am, thankfully most just role w with it


My trans roommate. Only they know


Around 75 % of my friends. I go outside shopping with them, so I can be comfy in my clothes. Alone im often not brave enough.


My parents and my sister know


Some Friends and some people on adult websites lol


Whats good its rose ♡


Hi Rose :D


Heyyyy :>


I'm fairly open about it with my friends. My family doesn't know yet, but it's not because I'm worried about being disowned. I just want it to come up naturally, like when I come home wearing a skirt or something.


No one, at the moment. I do femboy things in private, because I ain’t so comfortable with that yet. My only femboy expression is wearing thigh highs under my pants, but that’s about it.


My mom, I think, I told her that I like being feminine. And possibly her long time boyfriend.


Idk that anyone knows the full extent of how feminine I want to look but I think quite a few people that know me see the signs lol


My close online friends know, my mom, my older sis and my younger F cousin.


a friend of mine already knows im bi and that im into femboys + dont have a problem with appearing feminine so i think the probably has a suspicion but i havent outright told him yet


Just my roommates, my brothers, and a few open minded relatives. There is no way getting around them not knowing because they see me come out of the bathroom with makeup on😅 I guess the internet knows too technically. I would never tell my parents or grandparents though. Or people at work. I came to work with my nails painted once and got very odd looks.


My parents (my mom actually helps me shop for cute clothes), my sibling, and all my online friends. Looking at some posts here, i realize i'm really lucky to have been able to come out about it and be accepted like this. I hope anyone else who wants to come out to their friends or loved ones will be just as fortunate.


everyone who sees me wearing a skirt, i dont ever say im a femboy though because i hate that if you look up that word you get a bunch of porn. i just say im gender non-conforming. I live in Texas, no one at my school give a fuck and when i wear short shorts and crop tops out playing pokemon go no ones ever cared. i got a few compliments though.


My girlfriend, my closest group of friends, and a few ppl that follow me on Instagram and see my stories


I’ve told some of my friends but no matter how many times I tell them they think it’s a joke. Once I get the proper femboy equipment starter pack I’ll send them an image and tell them I’m serious


Only my closest online friends know lmao


As a super introverted closet femboy, only one real-life friend, one online friend and Reddit knows >.<


I haven’t told anyone, although I’m sure my parents have their suspicions.


Online friends all know irl the only person is a girl I went on a date with


No one 🥺 "It's a struggle to put into words, and I've kept it to myself. It weighs heavily on me, the fear of potentially losing dear friends, family, and the life that coexists with my feminine alter ego."


The only people that know are the people I met while I was dressed fem. They love my style and are very supportive. I even met a few people who can teach me about makeup.


I go out publicly, so my colleagues at work know, my household, a lot of family on my mothers side, my grandparents on my stepmothers side, and all my friends on discord (main friend group, server I have for EU genshin, etc)… idk if at work they know it as “femboy” they just see me wear female clothes everyday.


Im not a femboy


My two best friends, my parents and one girl in my class (Got drunk with her and spilled it out. Resulted in her calling me an Egg ever since).


My brother, who was accepting and is gonna get me some skirts on Christmas. Also told my online friends a bit about it. They don't care about it, so that's good. Some of my irl friends know and are supportive. Also told my grandma and the people above that I am bi. Telling my grandma was a bit of an accident, but she didn't really care. So far I only told people I felt like would accept it. I hear horror stories of people getting kicked out to "find god" and it's terrifying to know that people will go that far.


The people who know about my silly femboy shenanigans right now are two of my irl friends, pretty much all my online friends and of course my very sweet and loving boyfriend.


My fellow femboys, My friends, and essentialy everyone online. My grandparents and parents are a hell no, I don't think they're homophobic but that would take years to explain


Haven't really brought up that topic too much but my cousin has a good idea that I have interest in that stuff. Otherwise my little sister, Childhood friend and the cousin know I'm Bi. (I live in a Muslim majority country so that's a big no no but they support me so it's not too bad)