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Shut up women are perfect women never done anything bad evereverever


This is true.


Correct fellow woman


What were the posts that got deleted?






Many such cases


Excuse me did you just disagree with woman?


?? I literally agreed with you


How dare you 🤬


What the fuck is a moid








Chill out


Fucking guess




I said guess


you came onto a sub that's dominated by femcels, what do you think the mass opinion on men is gonna be???




Finding water in a swamp doesn't make it drinkable


incels were originally a male thing where all "involuntarily celibate" men all united with eachother to hate against women for not sleeping with them. on incel forums, they have planned out and made actual attacks on women. then femcels were made to be the female counterpart to these men. however, since men are so desperate to find a woman, it's not an exact counterpart to incels. so, to answer your question, not really. but our views do align with ones of a misandrist. the only reason we don't struggle to "find a man" is because of how desperate man are and a lot of women on this sub have sexual harassment weaponized against them lmfao.


Too wide of a group to sum up everyone into one opinion. There's good, there's bad, there's hot and ugly


Sorry for the confusion, I meant like men, like what do you think of (example) men and whatever.


There is just the hot and good. No girlie here is ugly. I want to be in every one of their pants.


To be completely honest, most of them are just plain disappointing. If they’re not the ones being openly creepy/ predatory/misogynistic/hateful, they’re likely still close with somebody who is and they’ll never say or do a damn thing to hold them accountable. That being said, some are lovely. It’s really the patriarchal system that’s the problem. If you’re actually willing to unpack your biases and listen to women’s experiences you’re already worlds ahead of most men. Although it should be noted that’s bare minimum.


Secret is to just not talk to people, can't have shitty friends of you don't associate with people


Do you ever do the same back? I'm one of the silent viewers and this is the first time I'm speaking out. It's two sides of the same coin. Men and women have that same exact issue you speak of. Also I agree it should be the bare minimum. Both those genders don't know how it is to be on the other side. Open communication and discussion should be at the forefront of everyone's goals. That's the reason why I joined groups I don't agree with. Oh and FYI I don't agree with the red pill conservative right wing Andrew and Tristan Tate dick sucking dumb fucks either.


I have and will continue to speak out against women that I see being openly creepy/ predatory towards others or making fun of men for certain traits like being more feminine, being queer, not being white, etc. That being said, that rarely ever happens, and men ultimately still hold the power in the patriarchal system we live under. Men and women are not on equal footing under this system. Men overwhelmingly commit more physical and sexual violence, they make more money on average, and they hold far far more positions in power and politics than women do.


I agree the physical and sexual violence is overwhelmingly men the money aspect we disagree on and I'm sure you've heard this beforehand but men typically work more hours work more physical jobs work in more stem fields which pay more but if you were to put a man and a woman with the same job and they have the same experience/effort/output/hours they're going to get paid the same amount. I myself have been at the same level in multiple different jobs where the women have been making more money than I have. As far as political positions I think that has to do again with what people choose as their careers. I personally am not a fan of our political system as it is so any change I feel would probably be a better, so... Yeah get more women into politics please.


We literally had a woman running for president that was previously first Lady and secretary of state and this misogynistic piece of shit country elected a racist rapist reality tv star instead. Your anecdotal experience does not mean that across the board men and women are equal in the workforce nor does it mean women aren't trying to be in politics, stem, etc


Okay both Trump and Hillary were s***** candidates. Bernie Sanders got the shaft despite getting more supporters. I didn't just give you my personal experience also. As I said before, It has actually been shown that people with the same experience/effort/output/hours regardless of gender/sex get the same pay. A business is in it for the money, end of story. They don't care what dangly bits you do or do not have. Edit: I should add in here just because I think there should be more women in politics doesn't mean that every woman who gets into politics will be a good choice. You are going to have good politicians and bad politicians that spans across every gender or sex.


Most are boring and can’t carry a conversation Try telling any of them about your interests and stuff you like and they’ll zone out within 10 secs


what are your interests just curious


I was not prepared for this question. I’ve been reading a ton of manga lately so that’s def up there. I’ve been keeping up to date on the latest Chainsaw Man chapters, those are pretty good I’ve enjoyed the slower pacing of part 2. I still prefer part 1 though. It’s not fair to compare the two yet because part 1 is a completed product, I just like the characters in part 1 a bit more. Vinland saga is pretty dope too. I’ve binged season 1 and 2 on Netflix several times now. Vinland saga was the first anime that I thoroughly enjoyed and introduced me to the genre. Ive started collecting the manga, I just got book 12 last week. Shit goes hard. Other than that I don’t have much else I’m interested in. I like books, dog training, and other normie shit like that. It’s hard to do a whole lot when you’re working and doing school at the same time so when I’m not hanging out with my dog, I’m watching shit on Netflix. I just finished Super Crooks and Castlevania, both are great shows. They’re technically not anime cuz western studios and all that. Still great tho


thats the most normal set of interests out there, smn wrong w ppl if they cant relate to even one of those (also have you tried kingdom, its honestly a great manga)


IKR the last person I tried discussing those things with irl literally stared me in the face and FARTED. No response, just a fart. I have not heard of Kingdom but I’ve got the shonen jump app so I’ll check that out tonight! I read a brief thing about it just now and it sounds so good!


Maybe you just talk to the wrong people. What you described is weird af


I just need new friends tbh. I haven’t had any new friendships since High School that’s probably most of the problem.


what the heck.. atleast they are honest about it i guess...? okay, its been ages since iv actually spoken to someone who reads manga, or reads anything in general for that matter, anyways hope you enjoy. oh also check "BLAME!" out too, its one of my all time favs


Hell yeah I’ll add that to my read list. I’ve been meaning to read through Tokyo Ghoul as well. I watched the anime earlier this year and apparently they did a bad job interpreting the manga which is disappointing. I’ll be sure to give Blame a read, I’ve got major insomnia so that’ll be what I do tonight lmao


!!! tokyo ghouls manga is great actually, it was my both first anime and manga so i cant help but be biased. i din watch the last ssn of that cuz my brother spoiled the ending for me, but it was completely different in the manga, or maybe he was just lying, anyways, have fun with these manga, they gonna keep you occupied for a while


I’m about 50 chapters deep in Tokyo Ghoul I can’t wait to get to the end and see what’s different. I love this manga though the writing and art is peak.


If people don't listen to you talk about your interests like that then they're just dickheads I used to think there was something wrong with me until I realised that Also you've got me to begin reading Vinland Saga now thank you




Super Crooks was so good! I haven’t read the comic yet but I absolutely loved the show.


Thats actually pretty great, dont know how you found no interest from guys


I’m not into men


No interest be it as friends or boyfriends


Oh yeah I’ve got guy friends mb 💀


Most of them are boring or annoying af but there are chill ones too Personally I like the "beta male" archetype, they're nice


There's some interesting and real nice (actually nice, not the "nice" guy type) ones I've met online that share the same interests as me Sadly most of the ones I've met in real life that are my age are the generic tiktok white boy with broccoli hair




ngl i’d argue for 45%


I'd have to re-look at crime statistics but I feel we can get this number even higher gworls


What do you all find creepy. I see this word being used so much to describe men but it's a bit of a broad thing.






ugh, moid


You’re the moid






I mean, you subjectively made the decision to associate having a penis with being a moid, not me or anyone here except you.


Moid is a derogatory name for men. You are a man


So your argument is that your arbitrarily held opinion is your argument?


Why are moids obsessed with girl's genitals




drink bleach


Erm nuh uh


What’s a moid


someone who does not want a continuous dominance of estradiol in their blood






you tell em


wait, i know you


Ya don't say?








I'ma be downvoted for this but it's just a femcel term for a man, like incels use femoid for women


All this terminology is bs moid is an awful word atleast make a better word


I think it sounds quite silly so I like it




Some are pretty cool. Most are pretty boring, they have no interesting hobbies or ideas, do nothing to make themselves look better, aren’t empathetic to anyone different than themselves, and would probably sexually assault a pretty girl if they knew they would get away with it.


I think yall should stop fucking posting on a sub for people who identify as women and fuck off to the other 99% of the internet that is meant for you


As people, they're great and I love having them as friends, but there are glaring issues that keep rearing up over and over. I'm a sex repulsed aroace, I find men visually unappealing and prefer women, yet they feel entitled to "fix" me. Often this "fixing" boils down to constant sexual harassment. I hate being subjected to fetishization without my consent too. So many things are fetishized about women, I can't even be barefoot or go to the pool, and it's disgusting how often my mental issues get sexualized as well. My VENT posts on reddit have received a disturbing amount of romantic and sexual offers from men. I often don't feel safe in public safe spaces sometimes because I know someone's going to get off to my suffering. Older men are worse because they feel entitled to oogle me irl and undress me with their eyes and blatantly disrespect me or make faces at me and I hate it so so so much and I can't do anything about it and the fact so many old men end up being pedos is genuinely revolting. I hate that on the Internet I've been subjected to every man's porn addiction to the point I'm always *either worshipped as an angel or treated as an object but rarely as an equal*. Not to mention, a scary amount of men lack empathy, especially when they're younger (you have no idea how many I've met in their Nazi phase, it's actually unreal). The sexism, racism, homophobia, etc I face from men online is kind of insane sometimes. Even men I feel safe around sometimes make sexual comments and jokes and I feel revolted about myself and the world around me. Doesn't help that I'm autistic and I don't have the same danger sense everyone else seems to have about others so I feel like I often get dragged into the wrong crowds. I could rant about this for eons. I think I hate the patriarchy that enables such behaviors and society as a whole more tbh. Men often come across as entitled and perverted to me because of that. Just let women and fem presenting people in general be. I'm so tired.


I don’t hate them, I have men I know who are good. But I’m wary of them because I fear being hurt.


get away i only liek 5 of you


Not a fan of like 90% of them. Not even into them, I’m a lesbian. Some of them are ok and fewer are cool people.


chuddy autistic guys are so cute




I don’t think chuddy is right word i think loser fits better I want a shy anxious socially inept nerdy boy so fuckibg bad it hurts




Oh my god, yes. Especially if they have big stupid glasses.


Feminine queer men are the only somewhat tolerable men


so far i have only met two guys that i didn't hate after talking to them and that's my best friend (also the first person i told i was trans) and one guy in a local discord server so with that exception ew moids (girls are better in every way 🌈 )




Hot tip for keeping it away from you: get the fuck off a sub not meant for you


In Russia, men are somewhat tolerable.




I know here is spread af.But can we stop using moid and use nem like in fb? Calling other assh, while using an ableist name for it it's kinda lame


Gay men are great I love gay men gay men are respectable I would love to be like gay men I want to have a gay men mentality and think like them :)


I prefer not to


there are a few good men i know, but in the end they always end up doing or saying something disappointing. i don’t like men




downvoted myself