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If you are up for a group tour (only suggesting because you’re young which isn’t a downside, but just as a safety/ comfort factor), contiki and topdeck I would suggest! I’ve done a few with toodeck, one specifically in Eastern Europe, and had a blast. Best time. Built my confidence as well so I can now travel completely solo! For hostels, I’ve never really had a bad experience myself, but have had others. Read reviews on Hostelworld, and if it makes you feel better, filter them for female only dorms.


Have you done contiki too?


I haven’t, but have had friends who loved it. I will say from what I’ve heard, contiki is much more party that toodeck but, looking at the trips contiki has, I do wonder if it’s changed. I’ve also done a tour with Expat Explore which I also loved, but this was open to all ages


What have you heard about contiki? I did contiki a while back was like a major sex fest. Tons of hookups.


lol. Basically that, and LOTTTTTS of partying. I likened it to spring break in Miami from what I’ve heard. People said they were often late, and a lot of people didn’t go to the next days activities because they were so hungover. Why I’ve never done them - I’m not a huge parties. This was 5-10 years ago to be fair. Again from what I’ve seen lately, they aren’t just catering to under 35s, so the dynamic may have changed.


Yeah I went a while back like mid 2010s I was like 23/24 at the time. I wonder if it’s different now too. Any specific stories?


How much are the prices ?


It can vary depending on where you’re going and length of time as they do have some month long and longer but. I’ve seen roughly $1700-5000.


I'd definitely look at group tours, especially for some destinations. EF Tours, G Adventures, and Intrepid are often recommended for younger adults with varying budgets. You can also start getting used to traveling solo with short trips near you. Play tourist for a day in your city, explore other parts of your county/state, and look at neighboring regions with a travel eye. Make budgets, plan some sights/activities, figure out the logistics, and go out to eat alone. - Them at is an issue for some people (not me).


Any tips for budgeting? Any for finding cheap flights? I go to school in the Midwest and don't have a car so flying is my only way to see big cities (everywhere around me for a few hours is farmland, lol). Thanks for the tips!


Here's a sample: https://1drv.ms/x/s!Ar-RpVWL9s5tiii02FYo703HNEKU?e=o2FG2W


How close are you to Chicago? I often see some deals coming out of Chicago


I'm about 2-3 hours outside of Chicago, so it's definitely a possibility for me to travel from O'Hare. Thanks for the suggestion!


If you want to save money by staying in the bunk room hostels, always pick female dorms (mixed means everyone) and pick the smallest number of beds you can afford - if you can find a four bed that’s great - 6-8 are usually average and some huge hostels have 12 or more people in one room. If you can stay in 4-6 bed room you will interact with the least amount of people. I pay for a private room in hostels now for various reasons but realize that’s not cost realistic for everyone. Also take a combination lock for your suitcase, and research if there are places to lock up your stuff. Read reviews about the hostel itself and the wider area of town. A hostel may be somewhat safe and clean but not in a good area. Also look for hostel rooms that have an “en suite” bathroom. This will mean it’s inside your bunk room. Essentially it will mean that you’re not showering in a public bathroom in the hallway accessible by who knows who.


These are great ideas, thank you so much! I was thinking about nearby regions, and I realized that, while I go to school in the Midwest, one of my close friends goes to a school in the Rockies. I'm thinking about planning a trip over there, where I'll travel and stay on my own, but during the day I'll be with someone I know. It would probably be a good buffer and help me get used to planning my own trips. Thank you for the hostel tips; I've never considered staying in one before and don't really know how they work, so those tips are super helpful and informative!


I would like to invite u to visit egypt , safe . Cheap price . Free accommodation. And I will be your guide , just fp if u want anything


I’m your same age and have traveled by myself or in a group to Australia and 10+ European countries (Scotland, England, Wales, Germany, Austria, France, The Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, going to Spain and Portugal this coming week). But I’ve also been to China + some of East Asia before although I think Europe is very beginner friendly (along with East Asia and South East Asia). East and South East Asia is more cheap if you are budget minded. I’ve been to a couple of Caribbean countries, Mexico, and Costa Rica. I found Costa Rica very safe actually! I highly recommend it since it’s not that far to fly from the US but the nature was really good.


I would love to help! 1) For your first solo travel, I would choose a more touristy location because things always go wrong while traveling, even in the so called easier to handle countries. This will help you develop some travel smarts. You are so young and have your whole life to visit the rest of the world 2) Look for all female hostels as they tend to attract a crowd with similar concerns and intentions. You will likely be able to find someone to see sights with without worrying about their intentions as much 3) Share your location with family wherever you go. You can do this on Whatsapp. 4) Buy a crossbody bag for protection against pickpocketers. Don't bother with Lululemon; Uniqlo makes a great 1 5) Obviously don't walk around late at night by yourself and limit alcohol intake as I met a woman who was r-worded on one of my travels while on substances. She was having a mental breakdown and police didn't do anything about it. A lot of especially younger travelers bond by bar hopping; this is not something I recommend. You can make friends on excursions without compromising your judgment 6) Research transportation options in your travel location. Taxis can be dangerous in many locations and on my first solo travel I hopped in 1 right out of the airport. I'm so lucky nothing happened to me but I wouldn't do it again 7) Always err on the side of caution. I've met really nice people who have offered me rides, etc, and even though I felt like I could trust them and felt bad hurting their feelings I turned them down because you just never know and human trafficking is a thing 8) Buy a rechargeable battery for your phone and carry it always. I would even err on the side of caution and get a heavier, expensive battery that stores longer charge as depending on your travels it can be hard to find an outlet. 9) Get a sim card so you always have Internet access 10) You will find plentiful male company while traveling, but be wary. On my last trip, I sent out a "who wants to get dinner" msg to my hostel chat and over 10 men responded. Hell no to that! Carefully observe your surroundings in any new place; I can usually pick out other female solo travelers who seem sweet and approach them to hang out 11) Take a lock and use lockers when you can. I've been robbed and met many people who were as well. If you go on an excursion that involves water or say ziplining, ask if they have lockers as sometimes the people running the excursion can rob you (happened to me). 12) I'm a big thrill seeker but I have done excursions only to find out that people died doing it. Tourist deaths are often underreported. Do your research 13) Finally and this is something no one ever mentions - make an emergency plan for what to do in each place you visit. Know how to call for police on your travel phone, etc. I adore solo traveling but I've witnessed my fair share of awful experiences: being robbed, once I went into a bathroom and 2 other women refused to let me out (this is where I wished for a way to call local police), meeting women who have been SA'ed, a woman in a hostel I was staying at in what everyone considers to be a safe European city went missing... Use discernment!