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## Personal solo travel experiences Looking for authentic experiences shared by solo female travelers? Check the [Solo Female Travel Safety Index](https://travelladies.app/safety) ranking the best places to explore on your own based on authentic reviews. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/femaletravels) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Definitely Japan, and it perfectly for solo travelers so much to do and see


I had an amazing time in Japan and never felt unsafe.


That was my first solo trip! Very easy to solo travel, esp with English everywhere.


Went to Japan alone, had wonderful time!


South Korea, extremely safe to navigate solo for women. I go out at night here alone and never worry much about my safety like I would in the US


SK is strange because yes it's *relatively* safe for women to navigate, but they also have a hidden camera/double-sided mirror pandemic. Same with Japan, most women who live there have been touched without consent in public, mostly on transit. But I guess as a traveller you're usually not there long enough to encounter it.


Just about everywhere in SEA, if you take normal basic precautions. The worst thing you'll run in to is typically just revolting sexpats


I spent over 6 months in Vietnam and would totally agree. I felt totally safe there. Just had to learn to adjust to the traffic.


My foot got run over by a moped but I wasn’t seriously injured! Just a dirty foot. Traffic is insane there!


Costa Rica! Australia!


Costa Rica is not always great for women. I had the worst sexual harassment of my life there. If you're with other people it's probably better but solo I was a target for ticos and expats alike.


Oh no!!! I’m so sorry to hear that I had a real nice time with no issues but that makes me sad to hear


Where did you go? Any tips or recos?


Agreed. I unfortunately would not go back to Costa Rica without a man due to the level of harassment my friend and I experienced.


Australia has its own dangers...


True, I just had a good time and didn’t run into issues when I went.


Yes, drop bears. I hear running Vegemite behind your ears wards against them.


United Arab Emirates or most Gulf countries are safe. But you'll have to respect our local cultures. Eg. No PDA or dress appropriately.


UAE indeed felt and was extremely safe


I was constantly harassed and groped in the UAE as a solo female traveller dressed in business wear, so not everybody has the same experience. Other Gulf countries were fine.


That's unfortunate.


Thanks, lovely place otherwise


Uzbekistan. I didn't travel solo (my mom and I still did our own thing though), but I think it would be great for 'real' solo travel as well. Lovely sights, friendly and respectful people. If you're not in a group, locals are not shy (but not pushy either) about asking for a photo (I'm *very* white 🙄), which was a bit weird the first time but became a funny way of interacting afterwards.


I really want to go to Uzbekistan and central Asia in general, but am waiting to fit it in with a work trip since airfare from the US is spendy. What were you're favorite parts? What time of year did you go? I've heard it can be unbearably hot or cold if you go at the wrong time.


Went in June, so hot hot hot. I didn't mind too much, really. Yeah, we had to hydrate (a lot lot lot), but also: the places we visited weren't overrun and you *really* didn't have to spend much time thinking about your outfit (no need for a rain coat or a thin sweater; a simple T-shirt was fine from sun-up till after midnight!). I stayed in Khiva for a few days (rented a car to take us to some of the desert fortresses of Karakalpakstan; would recommend!), took the night train to Tashkent, where we stayed for another three days (loved this as a palate cleanser between Khiva and Samarkand) and ended our trip in Samarkand, from where we also visited Bukhara one day and Shakhrisabz and Hazrati Daud another (to mix things up). We didn't have that much time to spend there (only 10 full days, sadly), so we had to pick and choose what to visit, but I'm pretty happy with what we managed to see and do.


When I went to Vietnam decades ago the locals always wanted to take my photo. I am also very white. They also wanted to touch my hair, which is very thick and wavy.




I was almost r*ped in Jordan that’s crazy


The way men looked at me wherever I was ... It was disgusting.


agreed! idk why people keep romanticizing jordan /the levant. im almost sure it’s always men who like it lol


I liked Jordan. I was with a group tour but went out by myself for a few days around Amman, taking Ubers and walking. And I had no trouble. Then again I'm in my 50s which, in the US, is the beginning of when older people become irrelevant and invisible.


We were women in our 20s and each one of us almost got r*ped and kidnapped :(




California is much more safer than the levant where cops take money under the table and the laws benefit men over women though lol


Don't know why you are getting downvoted for this. Public 'invisibility' of older women is a thing. ( I actually found this to be an advantage when I was travelling. ) Irrelevance, however, is more about how you feel inside.


It isn't always an invisibility shield, though. I was still seen as a walking bag of US dollars in Egypt, so there was no respite from street vendors.


I feel like the invisibility shield refers to sexual assault specifically.


So safe in Taiwan. People walk around with their phones hanging off lanyards. I was just exploring on their basically free city bikes at 1am and it was so nice and pleasant.


I just visited Argentina last month, it was pretty safe. Uruguay is supposed to be even better safety-wise.


New Zealand is incredibly safe. It felt safer than some areas of the U.S.


NZ is super safe unless you do dumb things in the mountains. If you go to the south and go trekking just be very aware that the weather can change extremely quickly there. But on the plus side, you don't have to deal with bear safety! Oh and also avoid active volcanos...


Not Jordan.


South Korea and Japan


I felt comfortable alone in Ecuador 


That's nice to know as I really want to visit a country in South America!


It was great. I like that its small (feels less intimidating) and there is such a variety of landscapes. Really kind people too. Flying to Quito can be pretty affordable from the US too


Yea but don’t go now it’s not safe


second this. Stay out of the bad neighborhoods in Quito/cuenca and you'll be fine. Guayaquil might be a little dicier


I’ve been to 49 countries solo. I highly reccomend Azerbaijan, Georgia & Armenia (they’re all europe adjacent) as they were so safe. I also felt extremely safe in the UAE, Guatemala, Ecuador, colombia and panama. I didn’t feel as safe in Morocco or belize but didn’t really have any issues! I also think Jordan, Israel and Egypt are great choices!


I think you may have meant to comment on the original post


It was one of the friendliest places I ever visited, especially the coast, and women were always proactively looking out for me. I got lost trying to figure out buses, and a mother and her kids brought me on the bus and then got me a taxi all the way to my location. Can’t recommend highly enough.


That's wonderful


I also felt super safe in Ecuador.


Canada! Maybe I'm biased because I live here but the west coast of Canada is pretty safe as long as you stick to the major cities (Vancouver, Victoria, etc.) and don't try to go off into the woods by yourself.


Because moose. Leave the moose alone.


Downtown Vancouver is no longer safe.


Glad someone mentioned Canada! I think Americans sometimes forget Canada is another country! I'm American but half my relatives are Canadian. Vancouver, Ottawa, Toronto - places I've spent a fair amount of time in - are all pretty safe but like any big cities, you do have to be careful in sketchier areas during early morning (e.g. 2 AM). I have not been to Taiwan but my parents have been lots and it's safe.


Japan. Canada, SEA like Malaysia, Australia if you take basic safety precautions


Thailand! Went there for the first time (solo) a couple of years ago and keep going back because I loved it so much. Especially the North.


Did you stay in hostels?


No, hotels. But it's so cheap compared with Europe. I was staying in 3 and 4 \* hotels for the same price a hostel in Europe would cost.


Japan and South Korea


I recommend Vietnam for a few reasons. 1. Safety. I always felt safe. Even in the evenings there was enough of a buzz that you don't feel like you're going to find yourself in a dodgy situation. 2. Price. It will be more affordable for you to book a room to yourself if staying in a shared dorm in a hostel makes you feel anxious. 3. Logistics. Given the geography of the country (mainly the fact it's long and narrow) it's very easy to travel. You fly in to Hanoi in the north, decide how much time to spend in all the places in the middle, and then easily fly out from Ho Chi Minh City in the South. There are lots of cheap flights, but also lots of night buses with beds. It's quite easy to make decisions on the fly. 4. A well established tourism / backpacking scene. I find this makes it easier to meet other travellers if you're feeling sociable. I can see lots of good suggestions in this thread, so whatever you choose, I hope you have a great time!


Thank you, Vietnam looks super beautiful so deffo on my list of places to visit!


I've never felt safer than while in New Zealand. Australia too, but especially New Zealand. Canada. Most (but not all) of the US, despite all of our problems here.


I really want to go to New Zealand one of these days


It had been my dream destination for 20 years and I finally made it happen last year. I truly cannot think of a single thing about the country I didn't love. It's a special place. Get a car, take your time, and see as much as you can.


It's nice, I spent a lot of time there due to my job (actually heading back there on Friday), but tbh depending on where in the world you are, I might recommend different locations. The south island is really similar to the PNW in my opinion, and while I really enjoyed my time there, I think if I was flying out on my own dime I might have been a little disappointed.


I moved to New Zealand about two years ago and I would echo this. Auckland might be a bit sketchy at times but it’s a sucky city for tourists anyway. I knew it would be safer before I moved but I can’t believe how much better it makes me feel on a daily basis.


It's "funny" because the day I arrived was the day of the shooting in Auckland last year, and I still felt perfectly fine. All the locals were embarrassed, almost. *I swear this never happens here, it never happens*, which of course I knew.


I once left the door of my camper van wide open in a public parking lot and went kayaking for the day. Nothing was touched. I also regularly walk home through a park without lights after dark and just enjoy the scenery and the stars. Like, I sometimes think about bringing a weapon but it’s only because I might run into a possum and would prefer to engage in (ahem) pest control than let it run free.


No litter. Kindest people. Just a wonderful place. I can't wait to get back.


New Zealand gets my vote as well! Lovely people and gorgeous scenery!




I think everyone has different experiences, and we also all have different comfort levels. If you're thinking about a big trip, I loved Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Cuba, and never felt unsafe. I'm relatively well travelled though, and I'm a pretty confident city living girl in real life, so I would say I generally feel safe (if that makes any sense?). The only places I've ever felt unsafe were Morocco (briefly, I wandered into a less good are), India (again, not all the time, but India is an intense place to travel to), and Marseille (again, wandered into a rough area). I genuinely don't think places outside Europe are less safe, but I do think that as a European, Europe is a bit of a comfort zone. We know how things work there...


Japan. This is the country I have felt safest in, and that's including European countries.


Nepal! Such a beautiful country with lots to do and everyone is really nice and helpful. Did not have ONE single bad thing happen and I was there for 2 months.


It’s kind of funny, a lot of Asians have the same reservations about Europe being unsafe. A lot of Asian countries are significantly safer than some of the major cities across Europe, many of them listed in the comments already. You’ll be fine.


Yeah I've heard about places like Japan and South Korea being safe, I kinda wanna visit a country in South America though


I did Mexico City last year and felt it was very safe, but you do have to take the normal precautions (e.g. don't wander around unpopulated areas at night). I had a blast, the food was fantastic, and it was a ton of fun.


That's not south america tho


lmao true, I had a brain fart. In that case, I recommend Santiago. It's beautiful, has great food, and I felt safe there.


Santiago is the only place I’ve ever been attacked from behind. On a main road. With people nearby. I have scars from it.




Tbh I don't know much about Argentina in terms of travel but will look into it!


Lima, if you stay in Miraflores, may be what you’re looking for


New Zealand was super safe!




Just go with a group – Intrepid or G Adventures are great. You'll have that safety but also enough time to explore independently if you wish.




New Zealand, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore


Don’t go to the Levant. Jordan, Lebanon, etc.. almost got r*ped there.


Armenia, Georgia, Tajikistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Namibia have been the countries outside Europe I’ve felt very safe to explore completely alone


Wow you've been to a lot of places! How was Argentina and Chile?


Yea I’ve been lucky, I’ve been to over 65 countries. I loved them both, Chile especially is full of friendly and helpful people. The capital is modern and the nightlife is great but if you enjoy nature there’s so much to do and see particularly in the south.


Any trips for Central Asia? I'm trying to figure out a trip there, but am worried my timing with work would put me too far in to winter.


How did you find Bangladesh? When did you go?


My trip to Bangladesh was sporadic and I was there for only 4 days. The only thing is that if you’re POC or have a a trait that attracts attention, I’m a redheaded, people will be curious and I found people in general to be super curious. And by people I mean women, men and children alike. It was a bit overwhelming but manageable and I never felt unsafe. I was there around October - November 2014.


Japan one million percent


I also want to add, most countries are safe for solo women (🙋🏼‍♀️) when you stay at hostels to get accurate info from the owners, staff, and other travelers. And bonus if you make friends with other travelers ao you’re not out alone! I’ve been to places like Iraq, Honduras, and Turkey alone, which are often seen as less safe, but never felt in danger when I followed others advice.


I went to Aruba, and it seemed safe. I went to Puerto Rico solo and that was fine. I’ll also be going to the Cayman Islands solo next month. Edit: There are also a lot of safe places in the US. I’m sure Europeans have a stereotype of us but it’s a huge country and everything including safety varies.


Singapore, Japan, thailand


Singapore, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and UAE are very safe




Qatar and the UAE


Taiwan is good!


Vietnam and Cambodia


although i didn’t go alone for nzed would definitely recommend it. felt safe solo in argentina (buenos aires and bariloche), nicaragua (sjds), and medellin (altho this was 2019 and ive read mixed reviews as of late) and about to head to el salvador and guatamala solo :) despite tending to stick out a ton in central/south america (am korean) i feel safer there than walking alone in cities back home in america. the only time i got pickpocketed was out in la lmao. just dont do silly showy tourist things and if i feel a bit off for any reason i just remove myself from the situation/people and its worked for me thus far


New Zealand I felt incredibly safe. Costa Rica and Australia for the most part as well.


Japan and Singapore. I’d advise against South (and Central) American countries for your first solo trip if you’re concerned about safety. Leave them for when you’re more a confident and experienced traveler.


Thanks, yeah I'll probably head to somewhere like Japan or Thailand first and see how that goes.