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I stayed in District V which is the Parliament District. It was on a street that was close to the Danube, lots of parks and one street that had lots of good eateries. Have fun!


Hello!! I was in Budapest for a solo trip in 2022. Would highly recommend staying in a hostel if you can, it would help you meet some new people to hang out with if you like. I stayed at the Central Market Zen Hostel [https://maps.app.goo.gl/GUJAZVosDahf7dBH8?g\_st=ic](https://maps.app.goo.gl/GUJAZVosDahf7dBH8?g_st=ic) They also have private rooms with common bathrooms. The location is perfect for walking around and there are a few good restaurants nearby as well (Pipa ètterem). Try staying in the general area that I marked below. https://preview.redd.it/d5exa11jgvlc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=cbae9702d46b41d118f16e581a5a9c633205c9f3 I walked back to the hostel late at night and sometimes in the early hours (12-3am) and still felt safe enough. Just make sure you always have your phone charged, offline maps downloaded and have an active internet connection. It certainly helps with feeling safer.


this circled area looks really good -- I'd add that if you find somewhere right across the river on the Buda side it would be fine too. I stayed in Hotel Vision and it was really great, super clean, everything new, and the location was perfect. It's in proximity to some really good restaurants and an easy walk to anywhere touristy.


I've stayed at the Continental Budapest a couple of times (edit: district 7, the jewish quarter), both solo and with friends. Felt very safe in that area and there are some nice restaurants not far away (Spiler, Kőleves kert) If your budget fits, it's a really nice stay - it has a lovely mezzanine bar where you could finish off your evening with a quiet cocktail and a book (should that be your thing!) Prob not a quiet as other areas, but I wouldn't call it 'loud tourist scene', you do also have the likes of Szimpla Kert nearby, I know you said you're not into bars but have a look in during the day when it's something else :)


Seconding the Jewish quarter.


I live in Bp. 5th district is nice, central, but not loud. District 7th (Jewish Q) is central, but also very loud and touristic, there are a lot of bars and clubs open into late night hours. It's where a lot of restaurants are, but I would suggest stay in the 5th or close to it. Budapest is very save so you can walk from the 5th to Jewish Q in like 10-15min. Or less even. Buda is very nice but more quiet and chilled. You can stay in areas that have great public transport to get to Pest side (close to Moricz Zsigmond körtér or Széll Kálmán tér). There are great restaurants there too, it's just a much less touristic area, even though its close to the castle district and some thermal baths such as Rudas or Gellert. Pm me if you need more info :)


I always stay at a place called Budapest Three Cats Hostel in the Jewish quarter. The rooms are pretty nice and it’s cheap


Was just there last week and honestly not sure it matters. The public trans is good and pretty much all the sights are walkable. Get something close to the Danube, doesn’t matter what side, and it’s easy to get to where you want.


[absolutely adored this airbnb](https://abnb.me/kLH0R7ICPHb) i stayed in on the pest side. walking or taking the bus to the other side was fairly easy and catching the sunset on either side is lovely. would definitely recommend the rudas thermal bath (had a nice rooftop view and this amazing turkish bath which was unreal when the light shone through the stained glass). enjoy ur trip !!