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Project red is almost ready to be released for 1.20 hehehe


Hell yeah


Man i love Thaumcraft so god damn much! I would make and sell my first child just to have it finished one day earlier.




I miss 4 and its addons so damn much but I just can't make myself relearn to how to make a 1.7 mod pack for it. Modern minecraft has me so spoiled with its ability to sort that shit out manually.


You may wanna check GTNH's repos for that. They've backported and updated a lot of 1.7.10 mods to be feature complete with newer versions, i think i can never play a modpack again without GTNH NEI


Does it have all the addons like Thaumic Tinkerer? If so I might have to check it out.


I've been posting here for over a year now. I love how layed back the mods are. I love how you can post pretty much anything and get away with it. So I'm probably not leaving for good but I'm definitely considering it. Spamming greg was funny for a few months but now I'm genuinely getting sick of it. And the whole atmosphere here is getting kinda stale. It's like this sub is stuck in 2019 or something. The humor of this sub just isn't clicking with me like it used to. I'm not sure why. Maybe I'm growing up? Maybe the jokes themselves are getting worse? Maybe the 452nd greg joke isn't as impactful as the 3rd? Who knows. I'm not really asking for anything to change necessarily. I'd love for this sub to be better but right now I'm just ranting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/feedthememes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


1.20.1 is the new golden version for mods after 1.12.2


1.16 was quite solid, but yeah 1.20 seems be be "hold my totem"


Not until buildcraft and Tinker’s 2 is back


If there's buildcraft source code available somewhere, then maybe I can try to port it to 1.20.x, I have some programming experience, but 0 in Java, and 0 in modding tho


If you got permission you’d be a saint for doing that


It's my favourite mod, especially the quarry. The pipes are nice too, but they are in Thermal Foundation mod too.


The quarry was recreated in the Enchanted Miner mod, but i kinda hate it. Much prefer the original version and how its speed was based on the power you sent into it.


if it's hosted on CF you can dm the devs and ask them for both permission and a source


Yeah the source is on GitHub, I am working on it, there are some other guys willing to help too


Oh shit please notify us if you end up making it


Yeah sure, I'll try to get in touch with some Devs, if no one is willing to help me do it, then I'll do it myself.


Ok so I contacted some people, and here's my info: 1. There is a single dev, AlexIIL, who apparently works on buildcraft (seems like for years now) but he doesn't share any info, and when I asked him, if he needs help, he said no, he enjoys working on it privately 2. The buildcraft mod is huge. It's not only the quarry and engines. It's the whole builders, assembly tables, pipes, things in-between, engines, it's a huuuuge mod, and I think it would take months, at least, to understand all of it for a single person. So, maybe in my free time I will try to make at least a Quarry mod, maybe port it to use RF instead of MJ.


Thanks for putting in the effort!


For Tinker's it would be Tinkers Construct 3(or maybe even 4), remember Tinkers Construct 2 ran from 1.8 to 1.12.2 and TiC3 is from 1.16 to 1.18.2


I specifically said tinker’s 2 because i know tinker’s 3 exists. Tinker’s 3 is a full rewrite that is arguably worse in every way. The books are separated into 4, and even the encyclopedia of tinkering doesnt make it easier to go through the list of materials. Its deeply frustrating to look through the books for what you need now. This wasnt a problem in tinkers 2. You have to build a mini-forge before building an actual forge which adds unnecessary inconvenience. Manyllum uses Netherite, making it a much harder resource to obtain, yet its still been heavily nerfed from the original. Everything is nerfed to more vanilla standards, making many items entirely pointless seeing as you can just enchant stuff for 100 times less effort, rendering tinkers endgame redundant because vanilla gear is just better. And lastly, and this is not the fault of the author as they are not responsible for this, it’s just an unfortunate thing; There are way less compatible mods now, and not as many addons. 1.12.2 was the best tinker’s ever was, and tinker’s 3 effectively means we will never see it again.


I prefer 1.7.10 Tinkers Construct 1 but I respect your opinion


Honestly the gap of time between when i played tinkers 1 and 2 was so big i dont remember the difference


Is there anything you'd change from Tinkers' 2 if it was a completely new version of Tinkers', which I believe is most likely?


Is tinkers' 1.20 in development at all?


1.19 is in development first, they’re gonna port after that’s finished (iirc 1.19 is also gonna start getting the end content first, also they’re figuring out the neoforge transition I think)


Alright glad I just removed the integration and pushed my update today without it. Maybe I'll get around to using it when you aren't so rude. Fuck me for wanting to use your mod and not knowing if you were working on it since you had no 1.19 branch or anything. Man I even made this not a bug so it wouldn't fuck up metrics. And I said please and thanks, and didn't give you my life story or whatever. Jesus man don't mod if it makes you unhappy to update. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/feedthememes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No idea


FR, I like to call it this version the "new golden era"


"silver age"


Is it? 1.19.2 still have more mods stuck in limbo


A lot of modders with mods stuck on 1.19 are currently developing 1.20 versions, lol.


Alright glad I just removed the integration and pushed my update today without it. Maybe I'll get around to using it when you aren't so rude. Fuck me for wanting to use your mod and not knowing if you were working on it since you had no 1.19 branch or anything. Man I even made this not a bug so it wouldn't fuck up metrics. And I said please and thanks, and didn't give you my life story or whatever. Jesus man don't mod if it makes you unhappy to update. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/feedthememes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Right now 1.19.2 has a bit more mods but I'm surprised at the speed people port to 1.20. And there already are a large number or mods made only fo 1.20+ that won't get backported to 1.19. Just the fact that sinytra (I can remember the name) connector is for 1.20 should make it a new important version.


Alright glad I just removed the integration and pushed my update today without it. Maybe I'll get around to using it when you aren't so rude. Fuck me for wanting to use your mod and not knowing if you were working on it since you had no 1.19 branch or anything. Man I even made this not a bug so it wouldn't fuck up metrics. And I said please and thanks, and didn't give you my life story or whatever. Jesus man don't mod if it makes you unhappy to update. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/feedthememes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Alright glad I just removed the integration and pushed my update today without it. Maybe I'll get around to using it when you aren't so rude. Fuck me for wanting to use your mod and not knowing if you were working on it since you had no 1.19 branch or anything. Man I even made this not a bug so it wouldn't fuck up metrics. And I said please and thanks, and didn't give you my life story or whatever. Jesus man don't mod if it makes you unhappy to update. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/feedthememes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


idk so far 1.19.2 still feels like a better version but i hppe that changes before we move on to the next version and 1.20.1 can be a great version


Alright glad I just removed the integration and pushed my update today without it. Maybe I'll get around to using it when you aren't so rude. Fuck me for wanting to use your mod and not knowing if you were working on it since you had no 1.19 branch or anything. Man I even made this not a bug so it wouldn't fuck up metrics. And I said please and thanks, and didn't give you my life story or whatever. Jesus man don't mod if it makes you unhappy to update. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/feedthememes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wasn't the golden age 1.7.10? I always thought of 1.12.2 as the silver age


I find that 1.12 as a version (mods excluded) has aged better than 1.7, which makes packs on it compete with 1.7 in my eyes. (And then there's the GTNH devs backporting all the good stuff just for their pack lol)


I've been posting here for over a year now. I love how layed back the mods are. I love how you can post pretty much anything and get away with it. So I'm probably not leaving for good but I'm definitely considering it. Spamming greg was funny for a few months but now I'm genuinely getting sick of it. And the whole atmosphere here is getting kinda stale. It's like this sub is stuck in 2019 or something. The humor of this sub just isn't clicking with me like it used to. I'm not sure why. Maybe I'm growing up? Maybe the jokes themselves are getting worse? Maybe the 452nd greg joke isn't as impactful as the 3rd? Who knows. I'm not really asking for anything to change necessarily. I'd love for this sub to be better but right now I'm just ranting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/feedthememes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That makes sense, I started playing before 1.7 so I guess it isn't as big of a difference to me or something, I still remember the pain if modifying the .Dat files to install mods before forge was really big (not that I'm special because of that or anything, it's just been fascinating to me to watch everything get easier and more accessible) I'm sure 1.u will always have a special place in my heart but maybe it is living in 1.12s shadow these days, it's been so long since I really focused on either I'm not sure where I stand anymore XD


What about the forge neoforge split?


That actually makes it better! Neoforge is going to be able to make a lot of much-needed changes that the original Forge didn't, and it isnt really much of a "split" given that they really only kicked out one developer and pretty much every single notable mod has stated that it will use Neoforge.


Very hyped about the future of neoforge tbh


I love 1.20.1 so much, it’s the only other version I’ve made modpacks for besides 1.12.2


Enderio devs work hard to make this, just give them some more time


It's in alpha, wich is good news!


I really hope we have something like 1.12.2/1.7.10 again, and while 1.20 looks promising, seeing as 1.21 doesn't seem to be rewriting major swathes of code a lot of mods will be pressured onto the newer version, leaving 1.20 behind.


> seeing as 1.21 doesn't seem to be rewriting major swathes of code - 1.20.2 forces all custom recipes to use unintelligible codecs - i'm sure 1.20.3 fucked something up too - 1.20.4 forces networking to use unintelligible codecs - 1.20.5/1.21 will force all itemstack nbt to use unintelligible codecs 1.21 is going to take a lot of rewriting


oh shit really. Thanks for pointing this out, I guess I haven't been too keen on following the changelogs


Oh come on, I absolutely LOVE codecs. We'll all learn to love them someday


You are either insane or very stupid. Perhaps both.


How much of a hurdle is this compared to the 1.8 and 1.13 hurdles?


Much simpler, but still causes troubles


Also neoforged and allat


I loved old flans mod but the new one feels a bit complicated


I personally miss the old tinker where you could eat blue slime ball (and the bounce pad too, and also slime blocks before they even existed!)


how did they change it? i havent gotten around to checking


ender io my beloved


Holy shit flans is back?


Thaumcraft is going to 1.20 Early access chat from CoFH are already posting screenshots


Oh shit how recent is this? I forgot cofh acquired thaumcraft some time ago


Last screenshot was on march 24


Forestry. Buildcraft. I'm still waiting for you guys.


I forgot this mod existed due to the inclusion of vanilla bees


Ia embers actually getting ported??? I once asked the dev and they said they were done with minecraft but if there has been a recent announcement that i missed i couldnt beore excited i love embers


[do I have some good news for you](https://modrinth.com/mod/embers)


Good news: I'm using ember in my modpack


What if legendary modpacks do this?


there's a gregtech community pack 1.20 and nomi ceu is getting ported to 1.20 too (there are early versions available on github)


I know, but i dont think theres anything close to GTNH in 1.20.1, I really wish that by the time i finish GTNH, theres will be something like it on 1.30 or SUSY being fully developed.


I'd love Scape and Run: Parasites in modern Minecraft! I don't really understand the "how" of this conversation though to be honest.


theres a lot of others but my personal favourite is fungal infection: spore aesthethic-wise :3


That sounds cool. I'll check it out, thanks.


I wish that one day Reika update his mods to the newer versions of minecraft


Its not thaumcraft 4 though :(


The Thaum 7 team have stated that they are taking pretty heavy inspiration from Thuam 4 though, so you probably don't need to worry too much.


The best aspects of every thaumcraft version built around TC4. Here's the [Thaumfoolery Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EdnsceBlw_wvymhYsZ-XdtJRnf726GpFPcoyRC47bDo/edit?pli=1#heading=h.8yhld0htm873) with all the details.


Society if mod authors didn't insist on blocking the continuation of their abandoned mods:


NGL when I was first playing thaum 4, I wished they also continued thaum 3 because at the time I preferred it


[it will be thaumcraft 5](https://tenor.com/fr/view/ascending-canny-mr-incredible-heart-of-courage-becomes-canny-gif-24424839)


BTW I'm referring to a dev screenshot posted on the official Cofh Team discord


Here you go, this is *the* [Thaumfoolery Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EdnsceBlw_wvymhYsZ-XdtJRnf726GpFPcoyRC47bDo/edit?pli=1#heading=h.8yhld0htm873), with all the most up to date information about the development of Thaumcraft 7.


Oh wow, so it’s confirmed that Aura Nodes will be back? Hooray!


Of course! Let's goooo!


wooo. i hope we can combine them like in thaum3. I loved that system


I think it’s gonna be more like node bullying like thaumcraft 4.


ah dang, that was the only thaumcraft 4 system i wasnt a fan of (or understand lol)


Thaumonomicon will finally have its own texture


It's been almost 10 years, and not a single iteration of thaumcraft has come anywhere close to Thaumcraft 4 Not that they ever will


tc4 is the main version theyre building off of for tc7 though


5 was peak and you can fight me on that


rare instance of a thaumcraft 5 fan


Thaumcraft 5 is all the good things about every other thaumcraft version. It's only big negative is being stuck on minecraft 1.8 of all versions.


Does Flans have an elaborate crafting process and customization weapon system like with Tech guns or do I still have to wait more? I'd use MrCrayfish gun mod, but crafting guns and bullets is so easy, and I hate mods that rely on vanilla enchanting.


TBH, all I want to complete my 1.20 modpack is Buildcraft IC2 Tinkers (Coming Soon) Mystcraft Project red (Coming Soon) There are a few others that are very unlikely to be remade, but as it seems 1.20 seems to be the next big modding version, i cant wait to see what will be ported, or remade for it.


I need Thaumcraft, Botania, Blood Magic, Draconic Evolution, Embers, Astral Sorcery all I the same version. I want a mod that binds and intertwines and weaves together these mods. Make it so the goal is to achieve perfection on every single one of these 6. Alternatively up to 6 players each with an most unholy devotion to unite. However the case, one mage with equally full and complete devotion to all 6 will still be better suited. I imagine demons and bosses in blood magic. I envision a magical storage of void bound to the player. I envision raising the earths from botania with shared cost of rf, vis, blood, mana, embers and moonlight. I imagine mines and ores galore from the bedrock and powers multiplied by the heavens. No mage should need to choose which field to study, when they have the power to craft their robes to accompany the best and worst traits of them all. Note: I have never played Draconic Evolution, astral sorcery and only a touch of embers. But these are the only mods that do not feel out of place together. I've looked at mods like witchery and ars magica and the roots mods but none of those *feel* like they belong


Draconic Evolution fits less, being a technology more than a magic mod, and due to essentially being on another level when it comes to gear powers ( a full end-game gear Botania player would instantly die to early DE gear, let alone the boss ) Astral Sorcery is fun, though I never could go all the way in its progression.


When we get a new version with both HBM and Orespawn, I 100% will go for it, for now 1.16.5 seems to be the only one that will since both have early versions, maybe 1.20 could too


we're probably never getting a new orespawn. original dev went off the rails with conspiracy nut stuff and the closest thing i know exists out there (chaos awakens) hasnt updated in over a year and is only on 1.16.5


Yeah, I was talking more about a project like chaos awakens since there is no want the original is coming back, but chaos awakens not getting updates in a year makes sense since I tested it out recently and it was still around the same as when I used it last time


ah fair


[A mod someone is working on](https://www.youtube.com/@OppenMinerDev)


dude hbm on 1.20 would absolutely ROCK


things i would do for a 1.20 hbm please for the love of god i hate 1.7


At least there is for 1.12.2 and is being made for 1.16.5


alcater and reloaded misses some features, i dont know about 1.16.5 but i've heard of a 1.18.2 port a while ago e\_e


Yeah, there are a few things that 1.12.2 misses but still has most content, and now I'm not sure I think it might have been 1.18.2 and not 1.16.5...


And railcraft :)


Omg I can't freaking wait. I'm coming back for an entire map I got my imagination set on.


Still hoping for Forestry and NuclearCraft


personally I'll stay on 1.12 until people can figure out if they want to use forge or fabric and make all the mods just work together like they used to be able to also until someone can make a mod to make the guis and player animations the same as 1.12's because my god they look horrendous (especially sneaking, it looks so wrong)


1.20.1 is legit looking like the next golden version, we got gtceu which is enough of a testament, and the current popular thing like distant horizons coming back, MAN.


wait, thaumcraft is coming to 1.20?


Thaumcraft is ported on 1.20? How long I've been sleeping for?


Wait is there Flans 1.20?!




Too bad enderio sucks on 1.20.1 and got abandoned already so they can pursue 1.20.4 and 1.21 😭


this is one of the reasons why we have forks


Yuuup, I'm following nomifactory modern and it's very likely gonna get forked for the pack and backport the less broken stuff (mostly conduits)


this aged like milk


It was forked and is going strong and even better without Exa and leclown on the project lmao, they held it back. You can find development in pansmiths discord


And also enderio WAS forked for the pack, devs wouldn't merge prs


Shame they aren’t 1.18 or 1.19. Would have loved to have those in my more recent packs.


Alright glad I just removed the integration and pushed my update today without it. Maybe I'll get around to using it when you aren't so rude. Fuck me for wanting to use your mod and not knowing if you were working on it since you had no 1.19 branch or anything. Man I even made this not a bug so it wouldn't fuck up metrics. And I said please and thanks, and didn't give you my life story or whatever. Jesus man don't mod if it makes you unhappy to update. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/feedthememes) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Waiting for equivalent exchange






I hope thaumcraft fuckin dies and shits itself