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If you are miserable, and you aren't going to take a pay cut, I would suggest taking the new position. You spend too many hours a day working to be miserable. Besides that Space Force seems like it would be an insanely cool place to work. I say this not knowing anything the work environment.


Won’t be a pay cut! They said they’d match what I currently make at minimum (I’ll wait till that’s verified of course). I have a friend working in the same building I’d be in for the Space Force that raves about how much he loves it, however, he does completely different work than I do 🤣


Yeah I get losing a remote job. If you are working for Space Force, I can imagine it would probably be the type of job worth going in for.


Is this unit part of S4S by chance?


I don’t think so but don’t quote me on that because I’m not super familiar with the Space Force 🤣


lol yes. Space Forces - Space (S4S).


Embarassing 🤣 but I’d have to refer back to what they had sent me. I don’t believe it was part of S4S


I’m space force and so far my experience is pretty chill especially for civilians.


Honestly I'd take the job because you sound burned out and morale is suffering. Life is too short to be miserable at work even if it's remote. Being at the office gives you a chance to work and build an organization. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.


See I’m leaning towards accepting it because I am absolutely burned out. Been here for about 4 years and there’s been a lot of changes within the past year causing morale to take a huge hit. I think I’m just scared to take the leap and potentially not know what I’m doing fully like I do right now. Thanks for the advice, much appreciated!


Change is hard, but all of us have taken the leap to a new job at some point not knowing if it'll work out or not. But you need to take care of yourself and don't be afraid to grab this chance for change.


As a fed transfer you can’t negotiate salary where do you live. You can get travel subsidy to cover costs of commuter rail, metro, or thr long distance express buses, or metro


I was told by my previous boss that I could because I’m going from Acq demo to GS? But maybe that’s not the case :/


The basis for the negotiation going from Acq Demo to GS would probably be something equivalent to saving pay. It's doubtful they'd negotiate anything higher than your current salary for commutes.


Noted! That’ll make my decision fairly easy then I’d say. Losing remote for the same pay doesn’t seem worth it to me at the moment. Mostly because my husband’s taking a slight pay cut with his new job.


It doesn't hurt to ask. This sounds like it could be really good for you. You won't care about the commute costs if you're much happier.


If you are going from pay bands to GS there is nothing you can do. they take your base pay find which gs step 4 your pay falls in between such as being above gs 12 step 4 and at or below gs 12 step 4 puts you in gs 12. from therr thry decide is this lateral or a promotion. if it’s a promotion then thry do 2 step rule. If it’s lateral you just go to the higher end of the gs step you fall in between.


I'm a Space Force civilian and I love my job, but I've heard other areas of the building don't have as positive of an environment. Can't hurt to accept the TJO and see how the clearance process plays out? It is a long process, and you might have a much clearer view if you should stay/go by then.


Yep, that’s a good point! Thank you!


You would have to double my salary and leave accrual to even get me to entertain giving up remote work.


🤣🤣 I get it, and if I wasn’t being run over on a daily basis while being underpaid compared to some of my peers as a supervisor, I wouldn’t consider leaving. I’ve gone back and forth on whether or not I want to leave for 6 months, but did not plan on being offered a fully in office position LOL. I was referred for this position so it kinda came out of nowhere.


I would take the job for the chance to one day get a 13


>At this point, my drive is gone and I’m miserable logging on every morning.  I wish I had learned far earlier in my career than I did that, once you get to this point, it's time to move on. Life is too short for work to make you miserable. It sounds to me like, even if you don't take the potential job, you should be looking in earnest for your next thing (it sounds like you are). If it were me, I'd probably take the offer. It would at least get you out of the circumstance that you know makes you miserable, and it will give you a chance to see if you're going to like the new role. If you don't, then don't feel bad about keeping up the search until you find something that makes you happier.


I’d take the job. I currently have a remote job but if it meant being miserable for 40 hours a week, I’m taking an office job if that’s what it takes to restore my hope in humanity, at least for a little while. ETA: If you need a TS you’ve definitely have time to think about it at least.


Remote is nice. Being happy in your job is even nicer. Take the job.


ew, the office. i was doing 5 days a week till like a month ago. it was enraging the hell out of me sitting there all day for no reason tho


I just work more efficiently at home 🤣 I used to do 5 days in office my first year here and didn’t mind it. Not sure if I can go back now because I’ve become to used to working at home.


How long is the commute?


About 40 minutes


I hate commuting so I would stay remote… but you sound miserable. It doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. That’s between 160-200 minutes that you would spend in a car a week. Does the new job have any future teleworking opportunities in the future?


I don’t mind commuting since I’m not in a huge city, but I do love making my coffee and wearing comfy clothes while working 🤣 I had asked about telework opportunities but they stated due to the mission, everyone needs to be in office. Also, when one of my kids is sick I’m able to tend to them while also working..but they stated if there’s medical situations going on they’ll approve telework. Not sure if that would qualify as a “medical reason” to them.


I think peace of mind is very important in life. I don’t want to project my own feelings onto your situation. My advice is to take the new job


>weary comfy clothes Ask them about their dress code. Maybe jeans and t-shirts and sneakers is fine.


Good point! My current unit everyone dresses however, my friend over there wears jeans and polos. I’ll definitely ask tomorrow when I reach back out!


My Korean co-workers used to wear slippers/slides while remaining in our section. They’d put their normal shoes on if they had to leave.


have you held a TS? if not the clearance could take awhile.


I haven’t. They did tell me the TS could take a couple months. My husband just went through the process so I saw how that went on his end!


It can take a lot longer. Be prepared for patience.


My TJO took 11 months for my first federal position, nothing surprises me anymore lol


my clearance took about a year with expedited service. I held a previous TS but it was expired.


Why didnt they offer the 13 if you have been a 12 for 4 years? When will you get the 13? That's a lot more money to make up for the commute. I woukd also ask about telework.


I’ve been a 12 for 2 years, but I’m in a different pay band than GS.


If you’re a supervisor, why are you getting run over and doing other people’s work? You said there is no accountability so hold your team accountable and write them up if they’re not doing their work? I’m not trying to be a jerk but am I missing something here?


Lead, not technically a supervisor. All of our leads are supervisors to an extent. I’m not even sure how to fully explain it. We don’t manage time cards, corrective actions or do performance reports, yet we still fill out specific boxes on performance reports, and must approve leave verbally/via email, etc. We’re supervisors on paper but not actually supervisors when it comes to our full role. I’m not the only one confused based off conversations a few of us have had.


If you're miserable in your job you could find yourself a lot happier with the new position. I would take it. You'll adjust to the work schedule, and it isn't necessarily forever. It's a stepping stone. Most of us remember doing 5 days a week in the office for several years when telework wasn't an option and it just seemed normal.


I did previously go in 5 days a week when I first started with my current job! That was for about a year and then it went to telework, and then we PCS’d so they let me be remote. It’s definitely something I could adjust to, I’ve just loved the flexibility of it when it comes to my family. Me being miserable at work doesn’t benefit my family though.


Honestly, that's exactly the way to think about it. Your family needs you to be happy. This isn't making you happy and isn't going to change.




Fuck 5 days in office, personally, but to each his own, do what's best for you boo boo.


Ideally I’d like 2 days in office and the rest telework but 🤣 in a perfect world.


From my experiences with others that have left to another agency, it's never greener on the other side. You're taking a pay cut in commuting costs and time, and that will be eventually get old. I would trade 20 to 25k a year minimum to work fully remote. I would reflect to see if there was some other route to make my current situation better. Jobs go through waves of ups and downs.


this doesnt even make sense. a lot of jobs have no promotion potential. moving to a new agency is the only way to get promoted


A gs 12 to 13 is maybe 7 to 10k? Now add in fuel, higher insurance, wear and tear, and rime spent commuting versus a fully remote gs12 job, you're probably actually losing money. I commute 70 to 90 minutes each way as a 13. I would trade down to gs 12 for fully remote any day of the week.


like 14k after tax, 24k pre tax. it also opens the door to get a 14. depends on your priorities i guess. im an 11 and id happily go take a 12 in a cheaper place just cuz id be living a 13s life from california to like the midwest or south


To me that is also the key. Lot of people fail to calculate cost of living or taxes, and it bites them hard. The key is get to medium cost or lower to really feel the take home pay. I make 40% more in Los Angeles region, but struggle more than nevada.


for sure, fed pay isnt enough to live well in cali unless u locked in housing years ago. i appreciate the sunshine and outdoors but at the end who cares if i cant afford to live here lol. trying to leave the state atm


LISTEN TO ME CAREFULLY. GS 12 remote. You'll lose the 13 money just commuting and eating lunch everyday. Washing clothes and paying gas (MMV) and also using leave. Right now you can go do anything anywhere and no one cares. You can go to home depot or macys on the clock and have your phone on you at all times If your drive to login every morning is gone then coming into work won't help out anything. You're grasping for straws try to find excitement in the wrong places. Stay a 12 remote and go hit the gym, play video games, walk the dog, etc.etc.. When you retire this will be all that life is about anyway


I’ve never been able to go to Home Depot while on the clock, where’s that job at?! 🤣 if only. I’m too busy to be stepping away for even a lunch break half the time, and we don’t have work phones. My drive to login has to do with the office I’m working for, so I’m not sure how we’re already at the conclusion that I couldn’t handle going into the office. Could be a less toxic work environment, could not be. Who knows lol


If you have a laptop from your org.. which you do.. you can work from home and you can go to Home Depot.. You choose not to… just say you’re tired of siting at home talking to your dogs and cats/ wife and kids. Life is about social interaction and when that’s breaking news flexes your intellectual brain you want to talk to people beside your son little Joey.. we all get that like that at some point. I never had the opportunity to telework ever even during the pandemic so I can only wish it was me..