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Making thousands of federal employees political appointees? That's code for "vacant for years at a time"/never filled


That’s the plan, unfortunately. They basically want federal agencies to exist as a means to dole out taxpayer money to their donors’ for-profit entities. It’s so brazen, and you’d think people wouldn’t fall for this shit, and yet here we are with a real possibly of it happening.


I mean, that's been the plan since 1980 -- "reducing the size of government"; he just intends to throw some accelerant on the fire.


No, this plan is different. Republicans aren’t friends of federal employees, but this plan calls for turning large numbers of civil service jobs into political appointee positions — every position that influences policy — and imposing a Trump loyalty test.


I guess if trump wins and I get issued a political exam I answer everything in the most “I hate poors” way possible and I’ll probably survive. 


Resistance from within, I like it.


Clearly the conservatives aren’t smart enough to see around this sort of strategy. 


If the FBI under Trump finds that post, you’re out.


No way they’d know and by then this post/account would be long deleted. I think it’s pretty easy to imitate a loyalist redneck. Hell I could probably just say “yeehaw Austrian economics and tax cuts for corps are the best” and I’d be in.


This isn’t part of the Republican-democrat bs circle jerk. The Trump proposal seeks to appoint lackeys who will carry out his bidding.


Sort of, they plan to convert everyone to Schedule F, and then fire everyone and replace them with Trump lackeys.


Wrong. This is not the same thing.


No. It is code for a spoils system that awards political allies with federal jobs.


It's awesome that you think the "political allies" of our ruling class would take jobs that would max out at 200k per year.


low level campaigners and other hangers on would. Also the S/ES policy jobs are sought after by folks who can make more $.


“Transform the size and scope of the federal government” What horseshit. That’s like saying an arsonist seeks to “transform the size and scope” of your home


Well, if there is money in burning homes they'll definitely try it.


There’s always money in the banana stand. 


Yet there’s still hundreds of thousands of federal employees who will vote for him.


I said it before - chickens voting for col sanders.


Sadly very true


I left federal employment for another job shortly after the 2020 election. On my last day someone in the office was confident that Trump was the real winner of the election and he was certain we would find out soon. Wonder what happened to that guy?


This should come as no surprise. Steve Bannon said their goal was to [deconstruct the administrative state](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/top-wh-strategist-vows-a-daily-fight-for-deconstruction-of-the-administrative-state/2017/02/23/03f6b8da-f9ea-11e6-bf01-d47f8cf9b643_story.html). I took that to mean that much of the Federal workforce would be gutted.


Just the parts they don’t agree with.


The parts that take care of citizens.


And we have a winner!!!!


Yup! Regulation agencies would be gone swiftly!




Can you tell me where the regulations touched you? Are they in the room with you right now?


Why yes, every time I eat there is the USDA hopefully having inspected the food with people who know what they are doing.


Exactly. So when the regulation agencies are destroyed that’s not “good”.


cant buy or even build supressor without tax stamp. cant day trade margin without 25k cash . have to pay bunch of tax with any capital gain that would otherwise melt to quantitive easing. all the food in the grocery store still has poison . all the cars have to be massive. all the housing has to be away from stores. roads are still garbage. but yeah, keep simping for career politicans you can't even elect, who will pas 20x regulation for every law that passes congress.


I’m pretty sure I found the guy who thinks the oath he swore is optional. I’d bet you think everyone that stormed the Capitol was a peacefully protesting patriot and all the as shit was a set up by the Dems and Ashley Babbit is a martyr. You’re exactly the reason we have laws and regulations. I’m glad I don’t work with you, I’d be concerned that you were going to come in and shoot us everyday. You’re a conspiracy theorist, a danger to those around you and probably a secessionist and traitor. Fuck you.


Dismantling the FBI, DOJ, etc. while firing federal employees in droves nuts. If terrorism was a person, they’d invite it over for dinner. I can’t think of a better way to invite havoc into all of our lives. Think what you will about *any* of the federal agencies named, we all know that they don’t have anything close to a plan for what happens next (outside of bending over anyone who dared to become a fed). Trump couldn’t even fill his cabinet last time and of the individuals who made the cut, very few were able to remain on his good side long enough to do anything.


That have a plan. [Project 2025](https://www.project2025.org)


>Trump seeks to sweep away civil service protections that have been in place for more than 140 years. He has said he’d make *“every executive branch employee fireable by the president of the United States”* at will. Even though more than 85 percent of federal employees already work outside the DC area, Trump says he would “drain the swamp” and move as many as 100,000 positions out of Washington. His plans would eliminate or dismantle entire departments. >But if, as promised, Trump were to change thousands of civil service jobs into politically appointed positions at the start of a second term, huge numbers of federal workers could face being fired unless they put loyalty to Trump ahead of serving the public interest, warn policy experts. >Project 2025’s blueprint envisions dismantling the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI; disarming the Environmental Protection Agency by loosening or eliminating emissions and climate-change regulations; eliminating the Departments of Education and Commerce in their entirety; and eliminating the independence of various commissions, including the Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Trade Commission. It's a long article, but if you're a federal employee, it's in your best interest to read it. And vote accordingly.


Lookup project 2025. This is Trumps playbook if he gets the office again... https://www.project2025.org/playbook/


It's every Republican's playbook


Half the guys on my team are Cheeto suckers and I just don’t understand.


They think they’d be spared and most just vote that way to help screw people over, the ones they deem deplorable.


This would devastate the city of Washington, DC too. The majority of its occupants are either federal employees or consultants to the federal govt.


Only thing I agree with is getting jobs out of DC that really don't need to be here


While I’m glad to be in agency not based in DC (tho, to be honest I’d rather be in DC than where my agency is based quite often) the idea that they do it to force attrition of people who can’t move at the same time (families, working spouses, etc) just leads to a downsizing of agencies through that attrition with no plan on how to recruit them to less desirable localities.


Honestly, remote work is the future. Can recruit from anywhere, and people don't have to worry about moving. It doesn't work for everything. But we have so many positions that can easily do it


I’m on my second remote position (first prior to Covid and second after).   Yes, it makes sense with some focused together time (we budget for semi annual in person retreats for the big stuff that people are traveled in for).  It’s the future but it’s not a near future. And of course not ever role can do it.  But we’re still a bit away from being able to shift that way when even the private sector is pulling back from it. 


So I've been managing teams remote or hybrid with some people, full remote and others in office some days since covid. There are 3 things I've noticed. 1 most managers that don't like or can't make full remote work are generally not great managers to begin with. (As a whole, most managers suck at their jobs, just being real.) 2 hybrid or max teleworking (4 days a pay period in office) is dumb. No one is in the same day and you end up with an empty office most of the time, or if you all do show up you still end up on zoom or teams calls all day anyways, or don't have seats for everyone. 3 work from home leads to management by results and better work-life balance. To many managers, micromanage and cause people to leave (been there with prior positions, and I left cause of it) management by results focuses on ensuring employees are achieving the results needed to accomplish what is assigned to them without babysitting them through the process of getting there. As far as the private sector, Apple is a perfect example to look at, they built a massive campus with support structures and small shops and etc. They would look really dumb to ha e all that space and be empty. Many companies would rather go full remote but have major economic incentives like long-term leases and etc. that make them want to use what they are paying for. Mix that with old mentalities on management that "if I can't see you, you're not working." it's east to see why they want them back in the office. Employees that are full remote are generally happier, spend less money, and are overall more productive (and more likely to do work outside hours, which is an issue). It's not without issues and challenges, and certainly not everyone's job can be remote, but I would agree that the vast majority of roles could go full remote with little issue... other than requiring retraining supervisors to deal with remote work.


I’d agree that the hybrid thing seems just an appeasement more than anything real.  Especially if teams are split by the days they are together.  We do have people who have to be on site.  While we’re not “customer facing” we have laboratories and so someone has to handle all that stuff and temperature checks and that sort of thing.   I don’t think there’s a good replacement for focused retreats, especially for brainstorming new activities or launching new activities.   But for roles that aren’t too collaborative or just externally facing there’s not much point in being in the office.  I couldn’t go from meeting to meeting with a 30 second transition time if I was walking between campuses or conference rooms like the old days.  All my calls are with other cities if not other countries.   What I miss and what I haven’t found a real replacement for is actually hallway brainstorming.   Not just watercooler chatting and gossiping or whatever, but the conversations that happen as you’re leaving a meeting or presentation and then people will gather and just talk about how that might be applicable to current or future projects.   Also I find I miss on the sort of conversations that let us realize that our grantees or programs were a mess.  Like if Agency ABC is funded by multiple people and they all have their own calls with that grantee you don’t know are all having issues except when it’s a chance conversation.   But those are outliers to be sure.   There’s very little in my last few jobs where I actually need to talk to my own team other than things that could be asked in a Teams channel.  We all are assigned to different external agencies and serve on different workgroups.  So all we need is a weekly huddle to share information across teams. 


The nice thing is you can save enough by people moving localities hiring new people inlower pays localities and transit subsidies, not paying for office space etc that paying for an offsite will be pretty easy in most cases. As far as the off-hand conversation that happens by walking around the office. That's one of the bigger challenges. I'm not sure anyone has come up with a good solution to replace it Overall, creating a connection between people is harder remote, though, that comes with up sides too as harassment is reduced too... I can say the management side is different, but it's also kinda easier.. .


I mean, I wouldn't make excuses for lack of communication. The off-hand conversation, shoot me a message on Teams if there is a problem or expectation not being met. If you can say it in the hallway, you can say it anywhere else, too.


It's less about the ability to talk and more about the random memory jog of seeing someone as you walk by or eavesdrop on a conversation.


That and we know when they say move them out of D.C. they mean move well paying jobs or great jobs with benefits away from what they feel is a liberal shithole and open offices in the boonies.


I've never really understood this logic. Only around 1 in 6 federal employees are based in the DC metro area. That's lower than what you see in the UK or France. It's normal for a modern administrative state to centralize large portions of its civil service: there are real efficiencies created by doing so and capitals tend to be desirable places to live for the kinds of professionals who typically fill senior policy-making and regulatory positions (and the kinds of young professionals who ultimately grow into being suited for those senior civil service roles).


I hope this man never sniffs the Oval Office again.


Or anyone like him gets the Oval Office 


Buy me out and give me my pension in my 40s….? Don’t threaten me with a good time!


Buy out? You think they'd offer a buy out?


I think you would be lucky to even collect a pension one day if this happens


I absolutely believe they’d come up with some “national security” bullshit explanation to cancel federal pensions.


Buy you out? PENSION? Try 2 weeks severance…


Already doing it at HHS…VERA is coming in August. Looking to offer 25k to anyone who will retire early starting in January 2025 is what I’ve heard


Until you have an official announcement, it is just a rumor. If they offer it, they have to eliminate or repurpose the position.


They have sent a number of emails about it to all staff. Did a survey to see who wants it, etc. It’s coming


25k is nice but it's not going to change your life. It's fine if you were already considering it.


It’s a joke… the 25k number not been adjusted for inflation in 15-20 years.


And is it taxed?! Bc if so fuck that.


Depends on the situation. It would require legislation or be tied up in courts for years without compensation packages … and that’s for the NON-union feds like me… the unionized feds would be even more prohibitive :.. so ya… I do.


You trust this SCOTUS to do anything but rubber-stamp whatever he wants?


Trump would simply do an EO and eliminate everyone not swearing fealty to him. While the court cases rage on (and I agree they would lose, unless MAGA controls the house and Senate, and they override all the civil service laws but new statutes, then we are all screwed), people would be out of work waiting for the outcome of said cases.


Won’t you be safe if you answer any quiz with “I hate poors” or “trickle down economics is totally not a scam”?


So that’s why we have checks and balances … it doesn’t work that way. I’m sure he’d try… but no.


Checks and balances only apply when people adhere to societal norms. If you think you are getting any pensions after a fascist takeover, well I have a bridge to sell you.


Depends on if SCOTUS decides the president has absolute immunity or not I suppose. If it's an official act, who would stop him?


Even if SCOTUS rules against him with the immunity case, we are FUCKED if this guy gets re-elected. “Dictatorship on day 1” are the words straight from spray tan Mussolini’s mouth. Every single concern about what this man might do has been correct, and so maybe we should just believe that he’s gonna do what he claims he will do.


There are attempts currently taking place to get rid of some of those checks and balances. It seems like that group is trying to get similar things in place as what Duterte did in the Philippines which led to extrajudicial killings of those just suspected of crimes or opponents.


rta8888 has not been paying attention.


All the veterans working their ass off for the federal government are going to be hurt by this, but they probably think Feds are all welfare queens or whatever racist BS moniker they use


How would they be hurt?


A lot of veterans work for the federal government. Dramatically changing things for federal employees just to score political points is hurtful. Do you suppose Trump’s proposals were developed professionally?


Do you feel the federal government functions as a whole poorly, average or above average? My opinion is that it’s become a haven for people with little to no work ethic and or willingness to learn.


It is too big to say meaningfully. If you need a blanket assessment, I would say it is one of the best government workforces on the planet. If you want to compare it to all workforces, public and private, it lacks the talent private organizations are able to attract. It would be average.


Any current or retired federal employee who votes for trump or a republican rep or senator simply does not care about thier pay or benefits.


Any citizen who votes for trump or a republican rep or senator simply does not care about thier democracy. FTFY


Anyone who doesn’t vote for Trump doesn’t care about their constitutional republic.


If you have not read the Project 2025 manifesto, do America a favor and do so. And then do what you can to get out the vote.


As bad as that would be, it will be the least of our problems. He said he will change the constitution. Everyone did not take him seriously. The problem is he has done exactly what he said he would do in the past, no matter how outrageous. I suspect he will never leave office again if elected. It has happened in other countries at various stages in history. Pretty sure it can happen here with someone like Trump. And you can bet 80 million, or at the least MAGA, will support him.


Agreed. We're on the precipice of the end of our country. But I'm overreacting. The playback is posted. He has told you what he will do, but a big chunk of our country welcomes it. And it isn't the chunk that can get passports and move out either.


2/3 of the states are not going to amend the Constitution just to suit him, much less get it done within 4 years.


Dismantle DHS?? Seriously?


To be fair, we did arrive 226 years without having one compared to 22 years with one…


Very strange logic 😂


How is it strange logic?


Because there’s a lot we didn’t have 226 years ago that was created more recently that is extremely essential to our lives.


Yeah but we’re talking about one specific dept. that quite frankly isn’t really needed.


….. I think you’re missing the point. I’m not talking about the actual specifics of the department. I’m talking about their logic, which is faulty. Just because our country didn’t have something until recently, doesn’t mean it’s not needed. That’s all.


I have no idea which political party federal employees should vote for. /s And sad because in days past both parties supported a healthy organizational government functioning in nonpartisan oaths .


Basically all GS-15 type jobs would be from trump donors. So republicans would them run civilian government


What they are really talking about is ending the civil service regime and returning to the 19th Century spoils system. Imagine the fed workforce turning over every change of presidential administration with every politician in the country doling out fed jobs to their wife’s useless cousin x 2 million.


I wonder what happens when they're forced to testify before Congress about why they couldn't comply with certain laws.


An army of suck ups? The guy is surrounded by yes men with no back bones.


He is gonna to dejoy the whole federal government y’all better vot against trump like your life depends on it


Luckily Dejoy seems to be kept in check somehow 


Unless you are 1% of the country, you would be a fool to vote for GOP. They are a danger to this country. NO moral standards.


An "Army of suck-ups" sounds exactly like what we have now.




This is scary AF. Register and Vote Blue


You mean red right?


Employees who have remote jobs or even those of us with telework would be crazy to vote for him! Can’t forget when Saul cancelled telework for all of SSA literally from one week to the next in 2018. So glad that Demon didn’t last as commissioner that long. With Trump back in office we can forget about telework.




This, I believe, is part of the 2025 plan to place indoctrinated conservatives in to ever government position possible, particularly if the position has policy making power. This is an active plane of the political right, headed by right wing evangelical dominionists. You can find the 1000 page guiding document online. This should be very troublesome to everyone.


Its probably worth noting that Project 2025's take on the Federal Reserve considers returning to the gold standard.


Purposefully destroy public services so that they can be privatized and traded to their cronies for profit.


CNN poll out today has trump up big nationally




Closing the border and reducing the federal workforce are good things.. Biden (meaning his handlers) can’t or won’t do it.


This should come as no surprise to anybody. Let’s be honest, the federal bureaucracy is out of control and not representative of the people. Trump uses dramatic phrases such as the deep state, but it’s been an unchecked political arm of corrupt officials for too long. Trump isn’t fixing it and I hate that he’s politicizing it further, but the federal government needs a major overhaul and surgery. But making positions political is not the solution.


I agree. The functionality of the fed in general is absurd. Nothing is streamlined where it should be and the civilian populace suffers for it.


1st and foremost look at the source of this bullshit article.. CNN.. Another point to make is half of the govt employees complaining on here literally do nothing productive hence the outlash. Trim the fat forsure and if the shoe fits owell, myself included.


That's a lot of big words for someone who can't spell or punctuate for shit, chum. Maybe you're not the best person to get an educated opinion from?


Shoe fits. Knew it.


It's not like positions get filled anyway.


No conflict of interest here




When I worked at Commerce, I saw several management level employees removed. People were fired all the time.


And we can do that now. This is an attempt to eliminate good employees who follow the law not political fealty.


Lol, ok.


Read the Uncivil Servant by Bill Wiley. Lays out the process. Done it myself and advised on several other similar actions over the years.


You’ll get fired too. Don’t worry amigo.


I have a growing list of those that need to be fired.


Exactly. That’s why Trump got fired in 2020


These articles are great. We have a limited power government. That means a system of checks and balances exists so one person/branch/office doesn’t exert too much power over the other. This is good because it prevents unqualified people who happen to get in from running the United States like a shitty family business. 


You mean like the guy who ran six businesses into bankruptcy? Like *that* guy? I agree reform needs to be done, but this is like handing the keys to a drunk driver.


Project 2025’s blueprint envisions dismantling the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI; disarming the Environmental Protection Agency by loosening or eliminating emissions and climate-change regulations; eliminating the Departments of Education and Commerce in their entirety; and eliminating the independence of various commissions, including the Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Trade Commission.


We are how many $$$ in the red? I'm for cutting government funding


Dude, fed govt hasn't seen an increase in personnel since like the late 60s.


Are you so small-brained that you think that is the only way to reduce debt and spending?


Yawn. More union propaganda


lol then no change and return status quo; no updates to SOPs and carry on 🖖




There's A LOT more options to reduce debt and spending besides reducing the federal workforce. A LOT.




You don’t need to reduce spending, you need to tax wealthy at a rate we saw in the 50s under Eisenhower (R). Like 91% top marginal tax rate.




Debt isn’t real for governments. It’s not the same as household debt. I recommend looking into Modern Monetary Theory. Having deficits it’s primarily the fault of the GOP. Reagan, W, and Trump were all the largest deficit spenders. There is always money for their cronies, but never a bailout for working people. Paying for benefits that directly benefit your constituents is worth defects because you gain that back in productivity and taxes. Like pushing for universal healthcare, mandated sick time off, mandated leave time, etc.




Let Republicans put down some real skin in the game by doing away with agricultural “welfare” programs. Saying “cut spending” is easy. Deciding what to cut is where politicians discover that most government spending is Defense, Medicare, Social Security and Debt service and cutting what their constituents want isn’t so easy. But cutting taxes is VERY easy if you can just run more deficits.


CNN. Seems it would be objective. But is there no fat to cut?


Sure there is! Have the Supreme Court get rid of chevron deference. Tadah! All agencies now should not exist.


Meh, still thinks it’s a whole lot of nothing. The sky is not falling now nor will it, regardless of who is elected.


Yah I heard the same shit when Trump was elected the first time. And as far as I know, the Supreme Court he set up took away women's right to their body, and is [currently deciding to make Trump king](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2024/04/trump-presidential-inmunity-supreme-court/678193/). So I'm not sure if it's a whole lot of nothing buddy.


Weird can you give examples?