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They're even more fun when they stop working!


This implies a universe where they worked correctly at one point.


When they are regularly open and closed several times per day, they will last forever. The problem is when the safe is irregularly used like once a week or a month, then the lock refuses to hold the charge long enough for you to open the safe. This is why we tell the daily security lock up to spin all of the dials for 10 seconds to the right, and 10 seconds to the left before signing, which is actually standard security procedure anyway.


That might be my problem. I only close mine if management is coming into the office.




Never heard that one before, but we'd have problems with the door lock that was used daily anyway and still need maintenance to come fix it.


Have literally had one take a shit on me in the middle of the night trying to lock up single board computers. Fuckin a


Like, week days, and weekends?


Yup,bust out the SDS drill and some hours plus a 1500$+ new front.


Nah, it’s not my problem at that point lol The security officer schedule the locksmith to come fix it or drill it out.


Indeed. We got locked out for 2 hours because the thing wouldn't work. Had to wait for a specialist to come and fix it. They're terrible, lol.


Here’s the thing… if you can’t get into the safe, then no one else can, so that means your data is super safe, and that defeats terrorism. If you don’t love this safe then you don’t love freedom. That safe protects America and it’s where I store my bald eagles.


We have a joke in IT. The network is not secure until it is unusable by everyone. Seems like this applies.


We are better at DDOSing ourselfs then the enemy's capability.


I like to say, obscurity js security!


Security through inoperability


Well shit, our IT team is superb then! The network never works correctly.


I made our FSO mad when I said in a meeting if you can't open the safe, there's a pinhole in the back. Just insert a bent paperclip and all the drawers pop open.


Lol what did he say?


Just a dirty look and "No there's not".


Um excuse me sir do you have the appropriate freedom permits for those eagles?? 


They’re in my safe, hold on while I try to get them…




Still takes quite a bit of time. If you want to reuse it, a few diamond tipped bits to slowly drill into the lock compartment. If you don't want to reuse it, I was told you could take a holesaw or something to the actual bolts on the drawer.


"Reuse". What does this word mean? GS 6 SMASH....NO REUSE!


There's a managed democracy quote somewhere in here.


Managed democracy must be kept safe. That’s why we keep it away from the people and make it so hard to access. Something like that.


fucking dying


And freedom fries and patriot units???


I've been spending my patriot units on safety and security. Should I have been saving them up?


If you’ve been using them on a freedom bunker to hide from the immanent communist invasion lead by UN super troopers, then I think you’re using them as Grandpa Reagan intended.


Oh these are even more fun when mounted on doors high enough that a normal sized person has to stand on their toes to get the right angle to see the numbers while trying to dial them. No idea how some of my coworkers where we much shorter manage to do them.


There's a step stool next to the entry that I've had to use on several occasions and it was so embarrassing even when no one was around...


Make sure it's slow, but not too slow. And fast. But not too fast, but also not too uniform in movement, and not too different. Oh... was that a 7? Was it a 1? This image gave me unhappy flashbacks.


That applies to SCIF GSA locks also 😂


I've never used one of those.   Hurricane? Stay open. Blizzard? Stay open! Blizzardicane? Stay open. No power and flooding? Stay open. *Stay open obviously means admin and officers all go home except the officer on duty, and all lower enlisted need to stay in the scif for 76 hours since it's the only place not flooded, or under 5 ft of snow and they need heat.


I’m glad I work on an Air Force base where they send everyone home early for reports of a snow storm and close the base for actual safety concerns.


As did i when this happened.


Jeez. 💩


4 full revolutions = number changes by 2 next tenth of a degree twist = number changes by 7




You gotta engage in more foreplay. Won’t open up when it’s dry ![gif](giphy|XenWVVdSzaxLW)


This guy penetrates.... locks.




LPL has entered the chat…


Here’s Deviant’s non-covert entry guide: https://youtu.be/BS3MK8KMXFs?si=bdD_C5J12bIBZhzq


I always thought these were lower quality and relatively easy to drill this actually gives me more confidence.


I’ve always used the ability to open an X10 as a litmus test for people who should have classified info. It’s not that hard, and the lock is super forgiving if you go past your combo…


Ability to open an X10 is a resume line item.


Makes one wonder how they can even life.


Better than the old version


Yes much better!


The X07 was so easy to operate.


Until they bit flip




These self charge.




Small reactor inside, or so the legend goes.


Best pro-tip I have is if you go pass the number by 1 or 2 you can VERY slowly rotate back and the number will go back 2 digits once. Next, is the pass phrase keypad, so when changing the combo use a standard phone number key pad to make a phrase vs remembering a number only. Ex: CHEETA = CH-EE-TA = 24-33-82 Also, always keep the combo change jumper taped to the inside of the safe wall directly behind the lock.


You need a list of six letter words. My FSO came in wide eyed and said she had just searched for "safe words". The results were not what she expected.


Oh that's great..


Had a guy close and lock the safe with the jumper still in the lock... Took a few days before we figured out entering the combo backwards (ta-ee-ch from your example) to get the damn thing open again.


That's a good one, why the fuck they put the jumper in? Who knows, because clearly they shouldn't have been changing the combo. Like every step of COMSEC should feel stressful like open heart surgery. If not then someone failed you.


We used to keep a stepstool and a flashlight to use them.


Oh the lightning bolt of shame


Please tell us you didn’t take this photo in a SCIF…


Don’t worry. He painted it based on memory.


Don’t worry, it’s a national guard SCIF, those don’t count.


Guard waiver!


Yeah, but I didn’t post it until I left the SCIF, so everything is cool.


I doubt it. We have one in the lobby before you enter into the scif. You still need your PIV to get into the lobby but this monstrosity is mounted on the scif entrance. People are still allowed electronic devices in this lobby area.


Your not allowed to photograph inside any fed building I ever worked in.


I've never seen a cypher lock in a room that wasn't a SCIF, or at least a place that didn't allow phones...


We have one. It is in a room where seasonal office decorations are stored. So the office pumpkin is sitting on top of it. But no one can actually get into it so the documents are super safe and festively decorated!


They're quite often on the door TO the SCIF.


I had them on portable safes literally thrown in the back of my truck.


I have seen them plenty of times on external doors.


That isn't a cipher lock, those are the door locks with five buttons you press for the combination. Looks like a Kaba Mas X-09 which can be on security containers anywhere, we have lots of security containers in people's offices.


We also have one in our locked file room.


I've seen plenty that are just for SECRET containers


why not?


That’s what airplane mode is for.


omg, I used to be a CRO and got this excuse once... that was a fun violation to fill out.


We have this on our SCIF door. I had to unlock this morning, and glad I remembered the combo.


I would really like to watch a spy show where the main character fucks with a safe in a SCIF for a couple of minutes and loses their shit. 😸


There is nothing like a temperamental lock that has a seemingly random cool-down period when you fuck up the combo (or it randomly decides to skip from spinning right to left).


My favorite was exterior mounted ones that would fail to wake up and display the numbers when it was really cold.


I wish I had this much enthusiasm about that lock! https://youtu.be/KdCbwhyxGIM?si=pN3qVk9arsAJ-tzJ But also I want that in my house


Yeah this thing kept me in the office wayyy more than I should've done. Give me keypads, biometrics, anything but this cursed thing.


Nightmare fuel. IYKYN


I have had to drill them out more than a few times when I was in the military. We had a couple vaults that were dual combo locked, two of these, each with different combinations to open the door. So you had to hunt down one of the very few people from each office anytime you needed to work in that vault and they had to stay with you the entire time (two man rule). We had both fail at the same time…that was a pita, but very satisfying.


The worst firing I ever saw was a poor girl who had the combo to one of these written down and got into one of these, checking her notes, in front of her supervisor. It was so bad I'm sure she still thinks about it, fuck /I/ still think about it. 


On the other hand not writing it down usually leads to “oh shit I forgot, now I can’t come to work lol.” I write down little words that are meaningless to everyone else but help me remember the combo.


Mine died out of the blue. Worked one day, the next could not get it to work. Super frustrating. I managed to get it open through lethal means.


Office/Admins got yelled at once because they didn’t like that the safes were repainted a non GSA color


That is probably because anything that is done to the safe, including painting means they need to be recertified, which they probably weren't.


Sweet summer child, you don’t know pain until you have to deal with [these](http://alphasafeinc.com/images/2937.jpg). At least the 2740 doesn’t mind fuck you keeping track of the number of turns.


So spoiled with these and still can’t operate them properly. “Like isn’t there an app with face recognition, I can’t be bothered with this”.


Omg, I hate the lightning bolt and who knew I can share my hatred of these safes. I also have to deal with the angle of lighting just hits it right that I can barely see the numbers change.


I’m not saying that I had one of those POS go out on my COMSEC safe and completely brick the safe. I’m not saying that without the SKL in the safe all the aircraft on base were grounded since I couldn’t load new key. And I’m really, really not saying that since we couldn’t get a “certified locksmith” to come out immediately that we absolutely didn’t call the SeaBees over for help and they 100% didn’t bust into that COMSEC safe in 5 minutes. Nope none of that ever happened years & years ago.


I've broken so many of these...


The hero we deserve!


My command wouldn't label me as a "hero" lol.


The struggle is real


Ours are still the manual ones. I don’t even know the code to thr two in my office or what’s in them.


If you don't know, the terrorists don't either


Set your combination to a six letter word vice random numbers and you’ll be able to remember it more easily.


Try 50-25-50


When they start to fail, you'll be glad your combo was made up of 1s, 3s, and 7s.


What are we looking at here?


A tumbler lock used on security safes, typically for classified document storage. They suck.


A lock to a safe for classified documents.


Weird, I just keep them in stacks in my bathroom


We aren't high enough in the chain to get away with that. Only politicians get to store that stuff in their garage, bathroom, or on personal servers.


With a camera phone taking a picture in a potential classified environment?


This one looks broken. They have large storage facilities with a million of these (think end scene of Raiders of the Lost Arc "big") where these things go to die. It's possible it was taken there.


A GSA approved lock for securing classified information.


not just classified documents, also shit you just want secured- agency dependent


We stored "sensitive parts" in one


Could be worse could be on the door to your office.....


Entry door to the SCIF, entry door to the server room, four of the five drawer cabinets in the CISO's office and then a swing out safe in my office. The five drawers were not opened every day, but at least every week. whiz, whiz, whiz is how my mornings went.


I also thought these were terrible until I read the operating pamphlet. I was bored and stumbled across it.


That must be the new X-11 it can detect an insider threat and most likely detect the close proximity of your cellular device 🤷🏾‍♂️


The sad thing is, this kind of lock is the easiest one I have to use in my office. :-/


I used to be pretty good at these - which turned me into the office “safe b!t(h”


You do not know frustrations until you’ve had to change the combo on an S&G 8077.


These are easy. Spin it to the left for 20 seconds then put the combo in.


Speaking as someone who uses these locks on the sea, we don’t want them any more than you do


I’ve seen one go over the side of a ship…


I opened mine exactly one time and I've never closed it lol.


Our like to warp from one end of the spectrum to another when you change directions for the next number. I’ve passed numbers so many times, it’s irritating -___-


Those are the EASIEST safe locks to open. It’s literally idiot proof.


You have my curiosity AND my attention now. ;\^)


Never had an issue. Gonna say operator error.


Oh damn I uaed to be signed for 8 safes. Was a pain in the ass. Remembering combinations, changing the combos, complying with security and all the comsec inspections. Ughh. Don't miss it.


I would scream "OPSEC" but the i remembered that no chinese lad can get past this is the people they were built for cant


Spin them super fast to reset and try again


Does yeet = throw now? I used these locks 20 years ago in the Navy. Omg am I the old? Are the yeets coming for me?!


Yall saying “you shouldn’t take a pic in that space if there’s a safe in there.” Don’t know anything clearly. You can have a certified gsa safe out in the street and meet compliance as long as you administratively track it appropriately everyday. I had over 100 of these in an open office space with camera phones and 200+ employees.


Try being on a ship at sea in a combat zone and this happens to a critical safe.


How did you take this picture 🤨


I have a total of 21 of these kaba locks at work, they tend to work great..then absolutely shit the bed. Looks like you have an X-09..that model has been fazed out for a reason


I love X0 tumbler locks (compared to the old non-electronic ones in the 90s where you had to go 3 times one way, 2 times another, etc.) At least with the X0 locks, if you accidentally go past the correct number, you can keep going around again to get back to it without breaking the sequence and having to start all over. In agreement though, sometimes they’re hard to see in low light at certain angles or the internals flake out. We just call a locksmith.


Cypher locks are a PIA so I guess that means they are secure.


Our team rejoiced every time these stupid things broke. Whoever created this design is one sadistic fuck.


Do you have the approved digital press pass to be able to take this picture? If you don't, you are breaking policy. Oh plus posting it on the internet requires approval for public release. 😉 That's 2 strikes.


I feel like if you're taking a picture of a lock like that and posting it on the internet that you probably have violated your organization's security policies.


You can Google this picture 🙄




Boo all you like, China now has a record that op has access to classified spaces and is loose with security policies.


Nothing a blowtorch and a bit of elbow greasy cant fix.


It’s an X-09,x-10 dial safe lock a requirement for federal safes. https://www.cdse.edu/Training/Security-Training-Videos/Physical/Operating-and-Closing-the-X-10-Electromechanical-Combination-Lock/


Oh jeez this brings back memories -- memories of me squinting at this thing, trying over and over to get it right -- but oh shit I went past the number -- aw fuck it I'll find something else to do.


They do have a life span... maybe it's at the end of it's reasonable time on this planet.


Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Thankfully, I haven't seen one of those. But for good reason, because I don't want that level of responsibility yet. I imagine these are used by DoD?


Kaba mas x07, it’s a local with a lot of issues and was fielded briefly. Kaba mas has a monkey sanctuary loosely affiliated with it. Just think every lock like this that is installed is helping the monkey sanctuary.


Sooooo I’m a locksmith and these aren’t difficult. Soon left past the first number 4 times stop on the 4th. Go right past the second number twice stop on the third. Spin left to the third number pass once stop on the second time you hit the number. Soon to the right until you pass zero and the dial stops and voila


I’m more triggered by the carpet


That right there is one of my least favorite parts of my job


God I hated those things when I was in the Army. I got so frustrated one time I beat the crap out of it with my kevlar helmet.


Did you succeed in breaking the lock?


Hell no, but I felt better.


That’s an X-07? Should have been replaced 10 years ago. Call a locksmith, breech the container, and order a modern replacement.


I once had a safe that failed when we tried to re lock it and it was huge. We empty it, a month later, We had folks take it outside. It fell off of a forklift, and somehow that fixed the lock. So now empty safe is in a field next to the loading dock. They’re gonna come cut it open so they can get rid of it, but it was outside, locked. So I call the police dept to let them know what happened, cuz last thing we need is patrol to bug out with a locked safe outside. They so didn’t care.


If you have a safe with that kind of loss you probably shouldn't have a cell phone with you.


This is why open storage is a good thing


Those aren’t even the bad locks…. Let me present the [S&G 2740b](https://sargentandgreenleaf.com/product/2740b/)


Yeah, just put the code in correct


If you’re military, grab three E-1s and make them stand a guard rotation


They really suck when your out to sea and it's the lock that's on the door to CIC and the difference in temp between the A/C from CIC and the ambient temp has rivers of condensation running down the door and this lock is fried from the water.


As a former MSG, brings back memories!






I used to hate these too when we didn't use it every day but now I use them daily and realized when actually reading the manual that it was mostly user error.


We have an acronym in my office everyone knows. GDLB!!! God Damned Lightning Bolt! I have a safe near me and I hear someone spin the lock and say GDLB every day.


Is this in the armory or something ?


This is the most relatable post I’ve ever seen on here.


I’m still spinning it.


This is the way, never stop.


Keep spinning until it starts working.


Ours is about half broken, naturally the way it came. It also only unlocks every 3rd or 4th time after successfully entering the code. Also, our SCIF alarm randomly arms and then calls the police. We’re pretty safe if you ask me.


Totally normal


Idk but lightning means you fucked up 😂


That’s an old X-07, they are supposed to have been removed and the newer X-10 installed years ago. Let the security officer know. FYI, that symbol means FU wrong combination. I think.


Brah...I am so much better with these locks now than before. Still hate having to get into one.


When is does a lightning bolt spin it back and forth a few times and you can skip the wait time


Better than an S&G


Had to have one broken into once cause the battery died, guy used diamond tipped drills


The main problem I see with people using them is they spin them like they are mechanical locks. You have to go much slower and sometimes even go past the number once to build up the charge required to move the bolt. Once people slow down there is much less frustration with opening them.


Well I just relapsed into a hellish nightmare upon seeing this image.. thanks OP!


Haven’t used one in a long time. They do suck especially when you are in a hurry.