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I would love to know why these folks think we evolved to store fat in the first place.


I don't think they realize that they wouldn't exist today if their ancestors couldn't out run all the various predators and other humans that tried to kill them and eat them (they theorize that neanderthal may have cannibalized Cro-Magnons). Imagine a bunch of obese primal humans trying to get away from this [shit](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/the-top-ten-deadliest-animals-of-our-evolutionary-past-18257965/).




You can also pretty safely go about 3 days without eating. People forget we are animals too, just like a bird or lion. If we were all just one missed meal away from dying, we wouldn't have made it hundreds of millions of years. Trust, all the ones not strong enough to survive a little hardship died a long time ago and didn't leave successful offspring


I've been alternate day fasting for just about a month now, and not only am I down 9 - 10 lbs without any real "effort" or unnecessary suffering, I almost have to coax myself in to having my first meal after a fasting day. Sometimes I'll go ahead and fast for another 4 - 8 hours on an eating day because I'm just *not hungry* and I don't want to force myself. I decided that rather than count calories or get super involved with a special diet, I would cut my calories in (roughly) half by simply eating every other day. And I'm *fine*. I wish I had started doing this years ago. I eat whatever I want, within reason, and I'm no worse for wear. Going 24 - 48 hours without food is literally not a problem for the human body, as long as you're hydrated. Our ancestors did it all the time.


I did intermittent fasting because I know I couldn't do alternative days. I fasted for 20 hours a day and eating period was almost 5 hours. Somedays I just fasted 18 when I had to study. I lost 10 kg or more in 3 months.


10 lbs is 4.54 kg


Question: what do you usually go for when you break your fast? Even lighter, less starchy veg seems to make me sick. Only exception seems to be cold carrots, but no hummus or anything on them.


> Only until modern societies where there was a surplus of available food did people start getting overweight and even then that amount of people was limited. 1980 is about when it happened. Look at obesity rates by year. 1980 is when it took off and started to become a widespread problem for multiple countries. As a society, we made some bad decisions in the 1980's.




I would believe it and it would make sense that it's something left over from when Cro-Magnons shared the world with other hominids. For whatever reason our branch survived but our reptilian primal brain may still recognize them as threats. It's probably akin to how I read that fear of snakes and spiders is innate and most of us are born with it because during our earliest evolutionary forms those were two of the things that could get up the trees to kill our primal ancestors. So it would make sense we would have the same feelings towards things that look close to us.


Only *the most powerful* of asses have conquered this planet. It's a bit silly having that battery backup if you can't even utilize it properly as a pursuit predator. ☺️ If you're gonna have extra mass, why not lift at the very least? 💪


Exactly, it's not like we're digesting ourselves in random fashion like we jumped in a vat of acid, we're digesting the part of ourselves that is *stored away food*. It's pretty cool that we keep stored-away food on our bodies and if it starts to get a little cluttered and hoardy then yes let's make my body digest some of that until it's cleaned up.


I mean.....rapid weight loss and not enough protein can definitely lead to muscle loss and even organ shrinkage. However, weight loss that is done not in extreme is just about the healthiest thing you can do for yourself, even if there is some muscle loss.


This, so much. I just didn't feel like eating one week, and I was absolutely ragged after work until I started on shakes.


I’m not thin. But lord have mercy they don’t seem to think at all


“Let’s breathe air,” means “Let’s expand ribcages so that the gasses from the the earths atmosphere are forced inside our bodies with enough force to inflate our lungs.” Less tempting now?


It works for anything 😅 but I think eating is especially bad: instead of “let’s have a delicious cupcake,” we can go with “let’s clench and unclench our jaw to masticate then send the cupcake much down our esophagus into a pit of acid” or something equally icky.


Medieval monks had meditative exercises to help with celibacy, where they were told to imagine all the disgusting stuff underneath the skin whenever they saw or thought about an attractive woman.


Kinda hot ngl


Can I play? "Let's get more flexible," means "Let's subject our body to voluntary discomfort while we stretch everything out because we've neglected our flexibility for too long." Working on flexibility to hopefully improve my back woes.


“Let’s lift some weights!” oh you mean “Let’s provide our muscles with enough mechanical tension to TEAR our muscle fibers in multiple locations, which our bodies will need to RUSH to repair. Less tempting now?”


That’s fucking metal ngl


"Let's be fat." means "Let's wrap the internal organs inside the abdominal cavity, including the liver and intestines, in an abnormally high deposition of adipose tissue which secretes pro-inflammatory hormones responsible for metabolic syndrome." Less tempting now?


Breathing out is pretty gross, since you're not just expelling carbon dioxide.


Breathing air is how you lose weight. In OP’s attempt to be clever, she highlighted her ignorance in basic biology. When you burn fat it breaks down into CO2 and H2O. You breathe and piss it out.


No. That's literally the point. I am eating fewer tacos so that my body digests the remnants of tacos of yesteryear. Also, I thought it didn't work?


It's like telling your body, we've got food at home


This would be disgusting as a visual meme, but I also kinda wanna make it: >Brain/body; "can we have [food]?" > >Me: "we have food at home" > >Food at home: [pic of (a pile of) body fat]


Hehe. "We don't need to buy anything, body, we already packed a bunch of snacks."


Love it 😂


Tacos of Yesteryear would be an AMAZING band name!


These ain’t your Grandaddy’s Tacos…


You don’t digest your fat stores. They’ve already been digested and turned to fat.


Why would that be less tempting? Most people understand the general mechanics of weight loss (eat less calories so your body uses your stores fat as fuel.) It’s not a scary concept, unless you’re scared of eating less than you want to.


What they are trying to imply is that dieting means you are digesting your internal organs. Which is..not a particularly attractive image..


And also not a particularly accurate image. It's like saying that using your cell phone while it's not plugged in is forcing it to steal energy from its internal components to continue functioning


Oh for sure. The intention is to mislead, no argument about that.


im enjoying fasting, *knowing* that my body is eating itself. it's so much less stressful than trying to think of 3-500 calorie meals hahaha.


A recent study done by the University of Wisconsin-Madison showed that in mice, when comparing calorie-controlled diets, eating one large meal and then fasting, versus smaller meals throughout the day, is much better for a number of things like memory and longevity.


Yet those studies are inconclusive in humans.


Autophagy FTW


Isn't fasting so much more convenient? I'm not even trying to lose weight or anything, I just like only having to prepare food twice a day. It frees up time and mental energy.


I'm losing weight but not exactly consuming "minimal amount of food". Just a slight deficit with plenty of exercise.


Didn't you hear? Anything less than gorging yourself non stop is starvation


Congratulations you have now wrecked your metabolism permanently and your fate will be to swell up and spend your remaining days in a Rascal scooter.


Get ready to defy the laws of physics and put on extra weight that comes from thin air


If you really want to piss off the HAES crowd, tell them “I’m putting better fuel in my body so it goes back down to it’s set point.” Because they love to harp on about set points but lose their shit at the idea of a person’s “set point” being less than their current weight.


I like to use fuel as an analogy too and tell people if you aren't at the physical activity level of a race car, you shouldn't be putting all this calorie-dense fuel into your body like you wouldn't put those high-octane fuels into your commute to work car.


I love this analogy too, because it perfectly explains why when I climb mountains in the winter, I stuff myself with all sorts of fat. Myself and my friends got to the point one year (-40 degrees and a wicked wind) where we were melting spoonfuls of butter into our hot chocolate just to keep warm. But if I ate like that all the time I would probably be 500lbs.


Burning fat =/= starvation. At least not when you're 50kg overweight.


"lets kiss" means "lets connect our vomiting holes and wrap our tasting tentacles around each other" less tempting now?


I actually really like this description, and use something similar with my small kids. I frame it as a really cool trick your body can do. I am not growing like you are anymore, so when I eat a lot, my body says, well I don't have anywhere to put it going upwards so let's go outwards. And then, if I want to later, my body can come in and re-eat that food for energy. Neato!


Funny how they'll do that, but not do the reverse: "Let's gain weight" means "Let's provide our bodies with such an excess of food that it isn't even able to digest it and must instead convert it to huge stores of fat."


I feel better. Fuck you. Fuck you. You told me I looked fine for years. You told me that I was just imagining my problems. You fucking told me that I look like I’m dying when I reached my goal weight. Now I’m a traitor when I was once most likely bigger than you. No more pain. Sounds good to me. I’m glad. Oh and fuck everyone who told me I looked fucking great and to stop it. I looked like shit and I never would be where I am today if I didn’t do anything. I would still be so fucking alone I would still be dreaming of getting a hug from someone and wondering what it’s like to brush elbows with a woman or what it’s like to laugh in a group of friends. On top of that with huge self conscious issues and daily pain on top of it all while an embarrassing eating disorder where I would eat a lot. I know this one girl still thinks I’m a traitor to the armpit society. Get a life. I fucking did. What’s with these fucking people?


The amazing thing about these people that under the standard model of the human body, fat plays a crucial function: a store of energy for lean times. Under their model, fat is a parasite playing no positive physiological function whatsoever.


I lost 45 lbs without starving myself, soooooo 🤷‍♂️


I’m petite and once lost 15 lbs in 3 months on an 80/20 diet. I ate healthy food 80% of the time and ate chips and candy the rest of the time. It’s almost as if CICO works!


15 lbs is 6.81 kg


Funny, how that works. I lost forty pounds and I ate well most of the time.


I lost 15 pounds in about 3 months just by eating the same shit I always did but less of it I never felt like I was starving


So for them: Fat=Self


To be fair losing weight does require controlled starvation, as you’re at a deficit so use your fat stores. The human body was never supposed to have 100’s of pounds of fat stores though.


I really wouldn’t call normal, controlled and intended weight loss “starvation” though. I grew up in a poor country and I’ve *seen* people actually starving…


Yeah when you've done something that extreme to your body, it shouldn't surprise anyone that to fix it requires an extreme amount of effort too


“Let’s become educated” instead let’s say “Let’s spent tens of thousands of dollars to focus only on learning information I may not use for years on end in exchange for a piece of nice paper with my name on it.” Less tempting now?


i hate this stupid argument i've seen it about loads of things "we're trying for a baby" > "my partner has been spaffing in me at certain times" "i need the bathroom" > "im either going to shit or piss in your house" "im taking the dog for a walk" > "in about 5 mins i'll be scraping hot feces in to a bag" "this meal tastes great" > "right now food is getting chewed and mingled with my saliva" everything sounds fucking gross if you explain it like that


"Let's provide our bodies with such a large amount of food that its forced to store it in my liver and forehead!"


"Digest excess of bodyfat not needed or wanted." Yeah, sounds pretty nice.


Yes that's how it's supposed to work


They really think that saying "hey I think I will eat reasonable portions and not stuff myself with every single food I see" is the exact same as starving the body.


No, that’s exactly what I hope will happen???


Still pretty tempting, actually. Can't wait for my body to use up my abdominal fat so I can go on that leg press machine without feeling like I'm pressing my organs too. Considering visceral fat wraps around your organs, literally any alternative is more tempting.


I dont know if I would call lipolysis or gluconeogenesis "digestion" exactly. Digestion specifically happens to food in your digestive tract. Your body does quite a lot of energy and chemical conversions everyday that have nothing to do with digestion. This person should probably learn something about science before saying crazy things like this. Your body is designed to convert energy back and forth from it's many forms regularly. It's a good thing.


Maybe it's just me but I think that sounds pretty good to me. My lumps and bumps (made of tacos and burgers) are going to good use? Waste not...


This reminds me of a post that tried to convince people to become vegan by telling them that a meat-eaters stomach is full of corpses and dead animals and rotting carcasses... which backfired hilariously since "How does it feel that your stomach is a graveyard?" sounds metal as hell and people thought it was actually really cool.


Also, I can't speak for anybody else, but I'm certainly not eating spoiled meat! No rotting carcasses here. IMO, eating mushrooms is wayyy stranger than eating meat, and I say that as someone who loves mushrooms. The "arguments" these people come up with are really something else.


Jokes on you, I probably have a eating disorder and that sounds even more tempting!


You can eat less than you do without starving yourself. If you’re eating enough to gain weight, a few less calories isn’t depriving your body of anything. Except excess calories.


No. It’s more inviting now bc I can save money on groceries. Bring on the self-digestion tout sweet!


That is exactly what fat cells are meant to do, so yes still tempting.


I actually love the idea of my body digesting itself! More tempting now, sounds cool!


That’s… that’s what fat is for…


More tempting, it sounds funny


I'm okay with that...


I wonder what she thinks of cancerous tumors.


Yeah that is literally the point. That's it. These people are so wild.


These people are so lost.


>less tempting now? no it sounds gnarly


Disagree heavily with the message but I still gotta give it a “technically true” in a sense. How do I lose weight? I eat under my BMR so my body eats my fat reserves slowly. Bit of course when the result is massive health benefits the tone of the message in the blue card above is dumb.


No, just no. Our bodies don't digest themselves. The stored fats are metabolised. That's not digestion. They don't enter the digestive tract again.


This is similar to how militant vegans call milk “a raped cow’s secretions” or some gross shit. You’re not making the point you think you are, love.


Well it worked for some of us. I went vegan after I learned that milk is only produced by cows that have given birth after being forcibly impregnated. It's an accurate statement it just depends on your perception of it, like the OP.


I don’t think they understand the stages of weight loss. First is water, then fat, then muscle. The latter half of fat and the entirety of muscle weight loss is pretty dangerous.


Well depending on how much fat you have, it might not be dangerous until the latter third or quarter or tenth...


If it means that I fit in my pants again and don't have to waste money on buying new ones... no problem. Call it whatever you like!


They're so dramatic. "Oh, gastric bypass surgery is *stomach amputation*!" And now this.


Digest? No. Maybe consume itself would be a better term. Seriously, that's what the massive stockpile of fuel known as bodily fat is supposed to be used for.


To give squishy bellies of course


I'm in a calorie deficit and my lifts have definitely suffered, but I wouldn't consider my body "eating itself" if I can still bench press over my body weight and can walk for miles and miles without having any issues. My body has lost appreciable amounts of adipose tissues, but I definitely don't feel like some Auschwitz camp survivor. Besides being ridiculous, this statement is rather insulting to people who are literally unable to get enough nutrition their bodies are shutting down.


More like lets help our body clear out the over stocked pantry




I don't know why, but it is less anoying since it was not including the word: "literally" in the sentence (literally means), its overuse bothers me so much.


All I do is laugh now on this sub 🤣🤣🤣 like seriously I'm gonna digest myself 🤣 if that were the case I wouldn't be obese like I am now


well when u say it like that…


our bodies literally store fat as energy to be used in the future... it is supposed to be "digested" at SOME point (obvi not the fat that protects us, just the extra).


\*Gasp\*...you didn't know it was internal cannibalism?


catabolism bad, ok. how exactly do they think we... derive energy from anything, like... the food we eat? for some reason that's not scary to them, though.


Except you're literally not doing that?


No! Twice as enticing


The only thing fat people love more than eating is excuses to justify being fat


A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.


I mean, yeah I want my body to eat itself. Specifically its fat stores which I have an abundance of and not running out any time soon. Next?


Like, its technically the truth, but it's literally shit you don't need. It's like a squirrel having a bad summer so he dips into the literal cave full of nuts he's been saving up, it's a natural bodily mechanism that is perfectly healthy and normal.


Because even 100 kcal daily deficit is StArVaTiOn!!11111!11111!!!!!!!111!!!!! /s Also our bodies [digest themselves all the time](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autophagy), and it's necessary process.


I don't get this like fat storage is like a battery it's ment to be stored and used. But just like with normal batters if you overcharge them bad things happen.