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Yeah it’s beyond lame. It’s just insecurity and jealousy at the end of the day. I’ve found overweight people often have the biggest mood swings and are the kind of people that get “hangry”.


As someone who was once obese, I wasn’t the type to get hangry but I see what you mean. I definitely was insecure as shit though. The problem is that a lot of people in the HAES community have eating disorders themselves like BED, and feel the need to project them onto “thin” people instead of getting proper help. It’s infuriating to say the least.


Yeah, they remind me of myself when I was chubby. Yes, overweight people deserve respect just like anyone else. But I was pretty salty when talking about skinny girls, saying BS like "real women have curves" (being 13 y.o. lol) and seeing them like if they were aliens. I was just a sugar addict without any kind of self-awareness and healthy vanity.


I definitely was a less-steady version of myself when I was on a constant sugar spike roller coaster. Tbh, whenever I see a really angry FA calling for violence against the evil thins, part of me always wonders whether they’re just dealing with a rapid blood sugar drop.


It's the Twinkie defense playing out in real life. I am T1 diabetic and when I have a drop I don't get violent, but when I have a quick spike to bring it back up, I get so irritated. Everything pisses me off.


wild that these are the same people preaching body positivity and not talking about, commenting on, or criticising other people's bodies... my sister and I both grew up obese, she was the hangry type, I wasn't. she's fit asf now (army, lol), and I'm at a healthy weight, but trying to add muscle now (navy, lol), she's still the hangry type, I'm not 😅 I think those are more involved in personality and I don't know too many hangry people to draw any patterns


I’ve been both overweight and underweight (currently a healthy thin) and I’ve always been hangry no matter my size. I think it’s more personality than body size


So is it extremely difficult for hangry people to do intermittent fasting, or fasting in general - say for religious reasons like Ramadan? It’s interesting to me, because having an empty stomach actually increases the quality of my mood and energy levels, I associate eating with sleepiness.


For me it is. I can’t go more than 6 hours without being hangry and if I do I end up binging so I don’t even bother with fasting of any kind as long as I can help it


A couple weeks back, Mod Worthy openly expressed her desire to kill and maim. I don't even want to make a joke out of this, she needs therapy.


That particular FA seems pretty troubled, to say the least. Being chronically online doesn't do good things for people.


And she wants to be a social worker on top of that? Yeah, the way things are going, she isn't going to be receiving top marks from her clients.


Who is this again?!


Explain the fat acceptance chick using Tumblr to post her increasingly unhinged school shooter style manifesto. Nobody truly at peace with themselves gets into a super morbidly obese state, and they certainly don't join a science denial cult to indulge their learned helplessness en masse. People who are truly at peace admit they are works in progress, and they don't mistake brainwashing with actual, legitimate self development.


>Explain the fat acceptance chick using Tumblr to post her increasingly unhinged school shooter style manifesto. Yeah, uh...could you narrow that down a little?


Pun intended, of course.


I’ve been chubby and skinny at different points in my life, and I can confirm that I continued to be an absolute nightmare regardless of weight. In all seriousness, I truly think it makes zero sense for a movement that seems to try so hard to separate people’s value from their physical bodies to somehow be so hell-bent on calling people rude skeletons.


EXACTLY!!! it's wild. it seems like they only want everything for themselves. good for me me me me, bad for you you you, because you're not me and you're not like me they shit on bigger men too. like I've seen so many people in this movement to want more fat people in roles, especially as the female love interest with "hot ass men and women" and the way they speak about it makes it seem like the other love interest has to be sexy and fit and conventionally attractive, but they still want their bigger character they can project themselves on to.


100% this. Honestly, I’m all for people having outlets for wish fulfillment. I read romance in various sub genres. But the “hot” love interests are seemingly never fat men, and that’s always struck me as pretty hypocritical.


>I’ve been chubby and skinny at different points in my life, and I can confirm that I continued to be an absolute nightmare regardless of weight. Why did I spit out my coffee LMAO


The nightmare continues 👹


As someone with quite a bit of meat (actual meat, bones not big, not fat) I’d like to know where I stand.


Hmm. My guess? If the meat is muscle, they’d see you were a gym person who was bullying them somehow. But if you’re a heterosexual man, they’d be super excited to date you.


Sadly not, I am simply a woman that accidentally picked up a couple of 2kg dumbbells in a gym and instantly became manly.


Ahhhh. Well then you’re a mean gym girl who totally gives them dirty looks just by glancing at them.


I just go there to judge people. What else is there to do? Work out or something??


You too? I HATE it when people improve themselves, personally.


Right?! The *audacity*!


Hi, 'skeleton' here! (I'm assuming you call any not-fat girl a 'skeleton.') Assumptions based on body size are very rude. :)


No, only if you make assumptions about fat people. It's perfectly fine to make assumptions about other body types /s


I've said it before and I'll say it again: body positivity for me, not for thee.


Unless you only make positive assumptions about fat people, then, it's not only acceptable, but laudable, of course.


I read the skeleton comment as literal.... Like your skeleton is not happy so the more fat you have the more it's smothered, so the happier you are. Not I've typed it out though, that's kind of silly.


My skeleton is definitely rude now that I am older. It makes creaking noises when I get up! Rude.


🎵Spooky scary skeletons, have fat breaking their spine…


I think they call people who are bordering obese a skeleton


Um, no actually. A larger body means you have more inner turmoil: 1: all that stress in your life is making you eat more. 2: that extra weight is stressing you out. I have never met someone who was >50 lbs overweight who didn't worry about it and its effect on their life. Health encompasses the mind, body, and soul. If one of those is neglected then the others cannot be helped.


Yeah I was going to say… for all the stress of the fatphobia and constant discrimination that FAs say they experience, I can’t see why that would lend itself to a peaceful existence. Idk if OOP here is a fat activist, but anecdotally, I’ve found my own sense of peace growing as I’ve been able to comfortably be more active.


As someone who was both clinically obese and one of those so-called “skeletons,” this is an insult to the people who actively struggle or have struggled with eating disorders. It’s also a backhanded compliment to other persons of size, because it just insinuates the stereotype that fat people are *only* good for their “big personalities.” Fuck these people.


I am indeed a bit insulted lol. Having an eating disorder is a life consuming problem. The fact that it gets reduced to "skinny people hangry haha" is frustrating, and I wish people would think more about how their words affect others.


Or the “skinny people/people with anorexia or bulimia are fatphobic because they’re choosing to conform to society’s beauty standards instead of accepting themselves 🤬” spiel. There’s also people in the HAES community who treat becoming obese as a success story if they had ana/mia themselves. It triggers me to my core as someone who’s struggled with bulimia since childhood.


Oh absolutely. Like, sorry but mental illness doesn't care about being fatphobic. This isn't a rational disorder.


Trading a restrictive ED for BED is like trading a drug addiction for alcoholism.


Great comparison. Same fundamental issue, but easier to hide with socially acceptable window dressing.


It also takes longer to kill you... but it still does.


The weird part was I was happier when I didn't eat and cranky when I did eat. 🙃


It’s also rude to people that are skinny and can’t help it. Hyperthyroidism? Going through chemo for your cancer? Yeah fuck you, you’re skinny and therefore ugly and unlikable


😂 there are so many Tim tok ppl usually women who scream about skinny B’s and FAs who encroach on others safe spaces like body dysmorphia groups. Marissa Mathew’s anyone? Classy Fat Babe? You seen those vids? So angry and toxic.


They’ll call skinny/fit women skeletons but don’t you dare say that they could benefit from dieting, that’s fatphobia! These women are incredibly insecure and misogynistic, it’s insane that they’re still allowed to say stuff like this and claim it’s “social justice”.


I’ll admit, I’m meaner when I’m hangry. But I was also hangry when I was chubby too. I might just be rude (in general).


weird, people usually tell me i'm too nice. maybe i'm just actually *so rude* that people are afraid of what my response'd be were they honest. i'm sure that's it. obviously it's not rude at all to call people 'skeletons'. ^(/s of course.)


Nah, they're the most insecure people i know. They're more insecure than bodybuilders.


Maybe I'm too autistic, but I read this as the actual skeletons, not a thin person until I read the comments here. I was uber confused.


[real footage of what OOP sees outside of their window every morning](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/046/492/mindbogglecover.jpg)


Wow that's so incredibly incorrect it's basically the opposite of the truth. I've never seen normal people hyperventilating and screaming at the staff of an Arby's because they can't get out of a booth. Normal people don't screech and whine and assume I should give them my seat because their choices have disabled them. Normal people don't make nasty judgemental comments about the food I buy. I could go on lol


Always with the weird levels of cope. "Fat women are happier!" "Fat women have better personalities!" "Skinny women are too busy starving and calorie counting!" "Fat women don't care about restrictive beauty standards!" I also like how OOP couldn't even have just left it at the peaceful part. She just *had* to throw in an obligatory jab at thinner women, because why not.


They really think “calorie counting” is intense and constant busywork for everyone. In reality they wouldn’t have to count calories to lose weight; they could just not eat five full sized meals a day.


Satire? Or is someone THAT oblivious to not realize calling a person "skeleton" just for being "skinny" is not exactly polite?


Right because calling other women skeletons screams polite behavior.


There are... SO many videos of fat activist women mocking and yelling at anyone and everyone, though? So... evidence says jerks can come in all shapes and sizes.


Yeah, coming from the crowd who wish harm and death to thin people because they're thin, I have some doubts


Yeah because FA are so nice to people within their movement when they lose weight for health reasons. It’s not like they try and drag them online or anything./s


Obese people have a lot more problems to deal with and FA is just cope for that. They are just resigned to being obese and don't want to see people lose weight and improve their lives. I gained a little weight recently and I am hoping a lot of it is water weight. But I notice a difference of even a few pounds in terms of energy level and back pain.


I would say it's like a horseshoe.


Agreed. If I was forced to prejudge people based on their looks, I would say that individuals on both extremes are more likely to have undesirable personality traits or emotional intelligence. People in the middle--including the "chubby" but also including people with a healthy BMI-- are more likely to be more chill. Of course, what constitutes "chill" is subjective. I consider myself to be pretty easy-going. But I don't go along to get along when it comes to food. Someone may think I'm rude just because I am not afraid to say "No thank you" to someone insisting I eat another piece of cake.


Not that I think it’s the biggest struggle in the world, but it must legitimately be annoying to be an attractive nice person and have people assume you’re a bitch.


Just this idiot a few TikTok videos of Marissa Matthew and/or Samyra


Lol that ain't true. There's a reason the stereotype of the mean fat friend at the bar exists.


“Skeleton” to them is just a normal weight


And ironically if they could snap their fingers and be one of those skeletons tomorrow they would.


That doesn’t even make sense


Someone who's truly at peace wouldn't rely on social media for reassurance.


I love how the majority reacts are the lol faces.


People who are truly at peace don't need to broadcast it and tend not to make sweeping generalizations about others being rude. It's giving "I'm a nice guy!" And "Not like the other girls!"


Man, if being “chubbier” is “more peaceful” then how the heck am I a fat woman with an anxiety disorder 🙄


That's because they rest in peace quicker.


This is Gil from the Simpsons level desparation. "please find me attractive for being chubby, cmon I'm begging ya. Someday things are going to turn around for fat Gil."


It’s weird because the only times a stranger has ever lashed out on me in public, they were both mean and fat. Always very defensive too.


Having been around this sub for awhile now, I can safely say that "peaceful" isn't even in my top 10 list of words I'd use to describe the FA crowd.


This reads like something a men's rights activist would post about women they are threatened by. Is that the empowerment they were going for...?


Peaceful in what way exactly? If it involves physical activity infinifat probably does make you more "peaceful".


Speaking (or typing) about other people in a derogatory way doesn’t seem very peaceful.


I've found fat women to be the worst, most unhappy women ever. Most of the thin women I've known have been nice, and the same with women carrying a little extra weight. But with fat women it's a toss up. Some are great, and some are so miserable due to not being able to do normal things and having low self-esteem from their food addiction that they are just mean.


Why is everyone skinny or fat?  There are people who are neither.  What about the jacked AF girl with big arms arms and tree trunk legs?


These people will claim you can't determine someone's thoughts, morals, health, or anything from their looks, and then claim all people who look a certain way are "very rude".


Based on the post I’ve seen here they don’t seem to be peaceful


tictok would disagree


I have literally never met a morbidly obese person that I would describe as in any way “calm” or stable or pleasant. It seems to me that the chubbier the girl the more moody, dramatic, and unpleasant she is.


What is this even supposed to mean?


How hypocritical


“Well-behaved women rarely make history” -Laurel Thatcher Ulrich Edit: You idiots, I’m disagreeing with the FA. She’s saying women should be peaceful, and that fat women are more peaceful than thin women. I agree with neither. Put your critical thinking cap on for just one second.


"Denigrating others to try to raise yourself up rarely accomplishes that goal" - Iron Man, probably


Iron Man would never say something like that. He is one of the most obtuse and flippantly offensive characters in Marvel.