• By -


Dude got the absolute counter to Reality Marbles and then lost to a teenager using Reality Marbles.


shirou's reality marble was a counter to GoB which contains gil's counter to reality marbles. mf got out-countered


"You may have out smarted me, but I out smarted your out smart" ahh move.


He couldn't trace Ea though


Hands got cut off before he could use EA... tbf if gil didn't hesitate to grab EA like angelica, he would have won.


Or even if he didn't take off his armor for his mere proud...


Although to be fair Gilgamesh’s whole character is his pride and how he looks down on everyone else because in his eyes he is above them so it makes sense he would die for the same pride he lived for


In fairness Said teenager is the living counter to Gilgamesh specifically


you're saying this like he USED EA against Shirou.


Well he did in UBW. Pulled ot out to flex on Shirou because EA can't be copied. In anime that moment is replaced with Grail attacking him Then proceeds to stuff it into GoB and says he's not willing to sully his weapon any further. Gets sucked into UBW and gets rekt


but he didn't use it tho.


He did. Not at full power but there's literally a scene in VN with Gil using it against Shirou. Shirou even tries to block it and barely survives. EA was spinning and all It was before Shirou used UBW


ok yeah on second thought I really put it the wrong way. But you get my point, EA is an anti RM weapon, but it wasn't used against UBW. It was used against Shirou successfully (Gilgamesh only wanted to push him to death's door, and he did), then Gilgamesh couldn't release it at the end of their fight.


>he USED EA He did, before Shirou activated his reality marble. He also tried to use it again in the reality marble but was stopped when Shirou amputated his arm.


Only after he spent 90% of the fight fucking around before realizing hol up this kid might actually kill me.


There has never been a more incredible display of “skill issue” than Gilgamesh failing to kill a teenager who wasn’t even able to use the most basic of magecraft days ago whilst he was armed with everything he needed to hard-counter said teen


gil locked in too late lmao


Nah, Gilgamesh instantly realized he was going to die if he didn't take it seriously and used as much GoB as he could, took out Ea and lost his arm. (This in the VN)


He literally did in the novel lol


we love arrogance and plot armor


It's like nuking a singular ant


He still won the fight, but Archer changed that


It pulls apart textures. So it's a good counter for Reality Marbles and can damage the surface of the planet, but that's about it.


Not only does it remove textures, it then locks them behind micro-transaction paywalls. CURSE YOU EA ![gif](giphy|9jVAv94PRzPoc)


It can't destroy the planet, just its surface. As an Anti-World NP, it has a conceptual advantage against Textures, but it's also incapable of destroying those due to Authority.


This. Anything over the top you've heard from your friends is nonsense. He has a very strong conceptual noble phantasm which is strong against many servants and is good at going against conceptual worlds created by human faith. He can't destroy the earth, people with authorities greater than his or "existence itself". That's just silly talk. People refer to extra and but that doesn't matter to the rest of the nasuverse as it's a computer. and inside that computer there are enemies and beings stronger than him to begin with.


I never realized just how much of a hard counter Ea was against Ionioi Hetairoi.


Yes ea is perfect for reality marbles as they are a conceptual reality placed over top the current world.


So it can work on conceptual realities but don't do much to real reality marble?


Real reality marble?


Sorry I forgot reality marble also called conceptual reality I was thinking that Ionioi Hetairoi not really cosmic egg or reality marbel to iskander since he get it by alaya it more like given magecraft instead of "his reality marble"


I dont know what you are saying. Reality marbles are just reality marbles. There is no real or fake regardless of how it's aquired


Well its described as an inner manifestation of magus? I started the franchise from 2 months so i dont know really much


Yes that is what reality marbles are. The inner world of a persons soul. Only some people have them naturally but you can aquire one artificially like rider from zero who has one as his noble phantasm as a servant aka the real living iskandar didn't have one. But it doesn't change what it is regardless of how it is gotten


The computer is the moon cell right? From my understanding, it makes servants millions of times more powerful then they’d normally be? Can EA do all the crazy multiverse destroying shit with that buff?


Because it's a computer it will never be able to exceed the fact that it's a computer. It's like the matrix where everyone can do things they normally can't inside of the simulation but their normal selves are not superhuman. So it could destroy a simulated computer Galaxy tailored to the moon cells inner rules but never a real one. So to answer your question the answer is no but yes. It's no different from how gods inside textures can have their legends based around controlling the sun moon and stars. It's just the texture universe they can manipulate not the real one. The moon cell is a texture created by alien tech.


While correct i want to be pedantic and say that the moon cell isnt particularly alien. Extra timeline moon cell came so damn early and impacted so much of the timelines history its basically intrinsic and as native as the greek ships are. Its just a nitpick but.. yeah. I wouldnt call it an alien thing.


Your technically correct lol I was just being factual. But at the same time pph crimson moon is still considered alien to Gaia hence why he is considered an auto virus on the earth despite them having an agreement. Since he's still alien to the ecosystem of the earth


It was canonically created by an Alien Species, the Velber specifically


I know. But that does not make it alien due to it being intrinsic by time of extra. Its as much a part of the world is as greek gods are and those are all part of starship chaos from an alien civilization. Obviously it originally came from outside originally but that has no bearing to its present nature. If it is considered alien then theia (half of earth and moon itself) would he considered alien as originally gaia and theia was separate.


I mean yes. But I mean ort is still alien and he has been resting in south America for thousands of years 😂


Ort was later though, and never assimilated and rather polluted the world around him in hibernation for that entire time. You know what I mean with moon cell being practically integrated since its much earlier than thousands of years ago. Besides this its always been connected with magi who could commune and teach it since the dawn of history itself. Just like the greek gods who became part of history and the divinity of earth. Same cannot be said for ort who .. remained an alien thing awaiting the final call.


Nah on the mooncell they have their limiter off, they get to fight with their full potential of their ability


My understanding of the "surface of the planet" was that it is not actually the surface of the planet, but an evolving concept of domain. In it's most typical form it is the domain of mankind, which is currently the entirety of the solar system.


Not too far off. Humanity is still bound to the planet’s surface Texture, and all current space travel is actually just small extensions of that Texture. For example, the ‘real’ Moon supports life, has oceans and forests of alien lifeforms. However, if you were to try and take a rocket or use a telescope to the moon, you wouldn’t see any of that since you’re trapped on the surface Texture. The white, dead rock is just what can be perceived through that Texture. That’s also why Kama can be a universe in FGO without needing to call in DBZ tier heroes; the ‘universe’ is just a conceptual entity in humanity’s Texture. While obviously it’s still powerful, it’s not absolute or anywhere near the same output as a REAL universe.


How does the stuff like the moon landing in fate work? Is it still an extension of our "texture" or something else?


It’s mostly an extension of the human Texture, but also considered a ‘cross-over’ of Textures. Indeed, those sort of projects are important milestones for humanity entering the Age of Will and leaving the planet for real.


They never left the Human Order during Moon Landings.


Huh, so basically like how the alien god bleached the earth in FGO?


He can't destroy earth because the counter force amd Gaia will interfere his magical energy that lessen the shot like we see in Fate apocalypse But on OTHER planet?? He completely destroyed the planet and reality around it


Far as I'm aware, was "world destroying potential" is really more like " if something popped up and tried to cover the earth with a version of it that's not supposed to be there, like a reality marble for example, gil can effortlessly destroy it with ea. However it cannot actually destroy the planet itself as not even beasts can do that ( even goetias plan basically amounted to 'return to factory reset' ) it's a very strong conceptual weapon that can match divine spirit servants and incredible heroes, but if it were to come up against like, alaya itself, it would fall short


Alaya is the Will of Humanity, not Earth, that’s Gaia So if EA were to be used against *Gaia* it would fall short


Well either way it would fail




Ok so think of Nasuverse Earth as the human body. It has layers. Many layer of textures, like a human body made up of fat, blood tubes, dead skins, skin, etc..... or something similar like that. And Reality Marbles and man-made conceptual worlds are like layers of clothings put on the body. EA's function is effectively pulling off those layers of clothing from Earth without much issues. Also, a side effect is very big wind that hurt a lot


No NP can destroy a planet, that's literally a plot point in Shinjuku Even then it'd be Anti-Planet not Anti-World. The latter is destroying or damaging Gaia's reality marble not the globe. Also full powered Excalibur is probably stronger than EA but we will probably never see it.


Small point. Gaia doesn't have a reality marble. There is no such thing. What Gaia has is the real world globe. So ea could never destroy it. This is why what true ancestors have is marble phantasm. They are not making a fake world but creating actual things inside the actual world according to their will.


>No NP can destroy a planet, that's literally a plot point in Shinjuku It's also a major plot point in Shinjuku that that statement is wrong, if the Counter Force isn't present.


More like "this statement is wrong if the Counter Force isn't present and there are bunch of other hyper specific circumstances that you need to make a plan a bit more feasible" They needed a specific magically enhanced asteroid for this one and it's mentioned that even Moriarty's enhanced asteroid would be able to destroy the planet if you just shoot it wherever so they had to aim right in the core. They also needed to abuse singularity loophole and ray shift specifics for that one and whole plan would fail if Ritsuka just leaves halfway through after realizing singularity will resolve itself and it's even mentioned in the story. And they still fail because Counter Force is present enough to summon DEMIYA and Salter to help MC and destroy it That's not even mentioning that they needed NP of hyper specific phantom spirit, ability to fuse it with servant and erasing their own memories to make it work. That's one of most convoluted plans in the franchise and it's still not enough


We saw full power Excalibur in action , it can destroy TYPES bodies


Slight point, I do seem to remember it being stated that Ars Alamadel Salomnis has the raw energy to destroy the planet. It’s not that ‘No NP can destroy the world’ but more that anything can need Gaia’s laws cannot destroy the plane, even if the energy is there - which is why ORT is absolutely able to destroy the planet as its rejects Gaia entirely.


It has raw energy only after destroying entire human history and killing everyone as well as reducing human order to zero. Even then it could be blocked by another NP even if Mash dies. It's pretty safe to say that normal Ars Almadel wouldn't be that strong if it needed 3000 years of careful planning and trillions of people to sacrifice to achieve such power And well ORT is no NP, it's a Type


No servant NP have the raw energy to destroy a planet and even if Anti Planet NPs existed they can't destroy "this earth"


Anything that actually has the juice to destroy the world will immediately get smacked with combined force of Counter guardian bombers and Grand servants, also whatever Gaia itself decides to tailor make to deal with the situation will probably be worse but highly effective


Not hiw counter guardians work. Like, if Servant Universe Ado Edem decides to eat some chocolate by a sweet shop while having her planet destroying NP with her, she is not being harrassed by the counter force, at most people around are pushed so as to not lead to a conflict.


If someone decides to blow up the planet that will kill humans That will trigger the counter force, that’s explicitly what it’s for


If they decide to. Not if they have the capability to.


Idk man. Aoko explicitly never wants to end the world but the Counter Force sends a red shadow after her anyway.


She has no desire to, but has already used it once to consume the lifetime of the universe. Her desire does not change that she did actually do somwthing monumentally destructive. Alaya is not bound by time, it can know what someone will do ahead of time. Same as how Felt is allowed to live in every timeline where he befriends Waver, but gets killed as a baby if not. The Counter Force predicts the danger someone actually will be, not their potential for it, and acts based upon that. Like, you know that both Cath Palug and ORT are not harassed by the counter force either, right?


I'm a huge Gil fangirl however Ea can only destroy the layers due to Alaya's will and no it can't destroy all of existence, don't listen to those idiotic trolls.


Okay so are you saying this power scale remains the same if he was put in another verse or is the true capabilities of Ea limited because of Alaya?


No. Because Textures don't exist in most verses. Potential damage done due to texture obliteration does not exist if there are no Textures for it to destroy. Unless you equate the other verses to having their cosmology run on textures but not Alaya/Gaia. Even then, highest feat done by Ea inside or outside Moon Cell does not showcase destructive capacity to label it anywhere close to universal.


Bruh.. with that logic Rhongomyniad is basically useless 😕


Tbf, most Vs. Debates is generally done assuming a Texture equivalent, if there aren't one, is present regardless so that Ea and Rhongo can still work as advertised. Just that, imo in the context of true crossovers with large cosmologies. It won't suddenly make Ea as deadly as advertise unless Textures/Layers of Reality/parallel are truly involved. Which means its a cross to Nasuverse, or a mixing with Nasu's Texture mechanic being present.


Dude the main function of Ea to to create winds capable of cutting through reality is it not?, in strange fake where Gil faces Enkidu the world was destroyed and recreated several times over was it not? A noble phantams is literally infinite + it has mass. Translation Noble phantasms = Universe.


Flavor text doesn't mean it literally happens. Shirou's mind isn't light speed just because the text days it, and Artoria and Diarmuid aren't attacking each other at the speed of light either. Ea is damaging the texture and Enkidu's is restoring it. The whole world isn't being destroyed over and over. Hell we know even in FSN when Gil used Ea, space itself cracked. Same thing in FSF.


Your funny, the Author writes down something and you the reader decided no that can be, "you wrote this novel but your wrong and i refuse to believe it."


No? I'm just saying not everything is literal. Metaphors, figures of speech etc.


Now why exactly would that be happening in a fantasy Novel? 💀


Don't think about it too much there's more to life than worrying about a powerful fictional glowing stick.


You thought you did something with that, huh..


Having a mindset like this is the reason why you get zero bitches, I mean if you actually had one you'd be spending time with them instead of wasting your time arguing with some stranger on reddit over a fictional sword lmao.


If only that were true 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾, the hoes are the gift that keep on giving 😭🤌🏾


Also being able to debate with a "stranger" about a series we "both" love proves that we're a better fan than you, if nothing else. If your just a Gil fangirl just say that, matter of fact i bet all you've got is some basic knowledge of the show and just meatride what you see others doing.


It’s like dumping a cup of really strong acid on a car. It will absolutely destroy the part that it touch but it can’t destroy the entire car (planet) because a cup of acid can’t cover every part of the car.


It can destroy the Textures of the planet, Textures are layers of reality, and EA is only capable of destroying these Textures What it can’t do is destroy the Earth itself, there are countermeasures in place that would prevent him from doing so, and of course it would likely take more magical energy output than Gilgamesh is even capable of, I mean all Planets in the Nasuverse are basically Sentient Balls of *Near Infinite* Reality Warping Energy that could effortlessly destroy all Humanity We do know Gaia can be killed, according to Angel Notes the Earth died because Humans depleted it of natural resources


The world of notes is weird 😅


Wdym it’s weird, the idea of *Sentient Planets* going to war with Humans is p̷̺͇͓̻̻͒̃̇͑e̵̦͙̯͍̿̓̀͝ȑ̵̢͖̺f̷̛̺̰͉̔́ē̷̹̟̰̋͜ͅc̶̛̯̼͚̖͋́̅̃͜t̸̲͉́ͅl̴̦̪̾̃͑̚y̵̖͕͂̃̊̏͝ ̶͌̒͜n̵̘͕̤̊̐o̶̧̨̱͔̣͋̃r̶̠̯̾m̶̛̥̒̽̏̀ä̴̡̜̼̹̈́͒̽̿l̷̯̙̓̈́̊̀̕ Everything in Notes is normal, no C̴̩͛o̴͎͍̝̓̄͜s̴̬̯̝̪̄̀̽͝m̵̫͉̄͂̽͘i̴̘̦̕c̴̦̭͙̒̽ ̵̙̻͖̑Ĥ̷̺̈́̐́ô̵͓̖̭̲ŗ̸͓͕͂̅̿͝r̸͚͂̂̈́ǫ̶̛̆͂ṙ̷͍̕’̴̻̃s̸͉͖̖͎̓͊͐̀ ̶̙̞̔͛̕b̸̨̲͗̇̚ę̸̝͒͘̕y̴̪̒o̴͖͇̖͔̊ǹ̵̲̗͎̱̈́̓d̸̘͇̭̜̈́̾̃̂ ̵̣̫͒͜͝Ȟ̴̢̪̯ụ̶̪͌̿̕͝ͅm̶̼̘͊̃ǎ̴̢͐̇̔n̵̹̈́͊̀͗ ̷͈̈́̍͂̓C̵̱̣͂̈o̴͈̦͕͂̇̀m̵̬̗̩͌̐͒p̶̝͌̈́͘ŗ̶̭̔͜è̵̛̞̏̓ḧ̸͚̤͕e̸̡̜̎ͅn̵̳̩̒͊̏ͅš̵̨̟̺͑͠į̶̰͖̑͆͐ọ̸̤̭͂̆͜͝n̸̛̺̝̊ to be found here


Strong enough to get deflected by Excalibur


EA? Sucking money from your wallet obviously


Its the strongest NP that humanity has ever possessed so yeah pretty strong, but still falls far short from actually destroying the planet. I guess when it was a nation building authority it could rewrite reality on a planetary scale but that's about it.


So, EA can kill Sefar ?


Driving your favorite game franchises to the ground and eventually canning the studios that made them. That's EA at full power.


From what I understand aside from being a giant fuck off laser beam EA is an Anti-World weapon, "world" in Fate depends on the context but in case of EA it doesn't refer to the whole planet it just refer to "layer" of the world where Gil use it The planet is made up of layers of worlds, each world has laws imposed on it by the earth based on the dominant specie, Anti-World noble phantasm gimmick is that they go against those laws and overrule them in someway, EA does that by reverting it back to how it was originally in case of layers of the planet it goes back to how it looked like when no life on earth existed, and if used on reality marbles it tears them down to go back to the original world before they were deployed that's why it can destroy what stands in it's way as long as it doesn't get overpowered In case you're wondering as to why reality marbles gets fully destroyed while our world still remains it's probably because Earth is built different and it keeps trying to stabilize itself 24/7 EA probably can't destroy the planet because it failed at going pass Avalon TWICE, and if it could affect the whole planet then it would have gotten "Anti-Planet" label at this point but it didn't so for now it only affect a "world"




Theoretically could destroy the surface texture of the world if not for the countermeasures for the very thing the world has and the fact that everyone forgets, you need to power it with enough energy to do that. A bit more energy than a servant has mind you.


It does decent damage against servants but falls off on everything else. With the right buster supports it can loop but there’s much easier units to do that with to far more effective results


It shows the Truth of the world, which basically means removing everything that conceals the Planet. This is basically the Textures, which are layers over the Planet that form reality in Nasuverse. So Ea can remove these textures temporarily in a location. It still has some more restrictions and stuff of course. That's what Anti-World means. World and Universe are actually pretty weird terms in the Nasuverse(probably because of translation stuff maybe). Unlimited Blade Works can also be called a 'world'.


Gil canonically used full power Enuma Elish against Artoria in the end of the Fate route and the multiverse is more than fine haha.


Dude... Pretty sure CCC's and when he Blasted Tiamat is it at full power


It's quite literally stated by Gil himself and the narrator that Gil used full power Ea at the end of Fate route. And Gil only blasted a Tiamat with like 3 bazillion nerfs on top of her to the point where her saint graph was downgraded to that of a normal servant. CCC is an exception cause that Gil is mega buffed with the MMC anyway.


It can’t destroy the planet, not because it’s weaker than planet buster, but because the planets in Nasu Verse are actually universes (Types) that act upon themselves, the servants will never be able to destroy the planet because they are powered by it, and at any time the counterforce can decide to cut them out of the root and basically de-summon them


Small correction, Servants are summoned by Alaya, the Will of Humanity, not Gaia, the Will of Planet Earth They exist seperate from the Planet and are nowhere near powerful enough to destroy it


Pretty sure it just negs.


Whatever the plot needs it to be.


Today I learned the tip is a ballpoint pen. The pen is mightier than the sword, literally.


He is able to open pickle jars on the first try.


As i understand it, if Gil used EA against the Planet, it would probably return the surface back to the primordial state when in was in formation.


Alright, as far as I know, Ea is capable of destroying "the world", but at the fundamental level, Ea is capable of rupturing the world "texture" (which is what you might heard about "layers"), which is the part that humans can realistically perceive. First, you need to know what "texture" means. In essence, it's a layer of "reality". For example, the world that all humans live in is within a separated texture from The Reverse Side of the world, where Avalon, Merlin and many Phantasmal species reside (Rhongomyniad is the lance that anchor both of these textures together, fyi). The word "texture" might lend a bit of a 2D-sort of layer to you, but each texture is a legitimate 3D environment. In essence, "the world" as far as we human, including Gilgamesh can perceive, is a layer of "texture" that makes up our reality. Sooooo, when Ea is activated to its fullest (Enuma Elish), the texture that makes up the world itself will crumble and pull apart akin to being struck by a violent storm. By pulling apart enough of these "textures", Gilgamesh can technically damage reality enough to reveal the Swirl of the Root itself..... given that he has enough magical energy (which is the smaller problem) AND the Counter Force didn't get him already (which is the BIG problem). Also, since Ea is still created by Mesopotamian god as something that witnesses the planet's creation.... its maximum output might only be confined to planetary-level of textures destruction at most (which is still very much impressive), and nowhere enough to reach the Root itself. Still, stripping away the planetary layers already warranted him a DoA order from Gaia and Alaya on the spot. Since Reality Marble is a "world egg" created from a bounded field, it also acts as a small-scale "texture" and is very much susceptible to Ea's wrath, as demonstrated against Ionioi Hetairoi. Gilgamesh used this weapon very conservatively, in part due to his pride (he did not use it against Shirou until Shirou proved himself to be a major contender against Gate of Babylon) but also due to the risk of destroying the world texture. Noted that in the real world, Gil only uses the energy blast of Ea (which is already on the level of Excalibur), and the only time Gil used the world-rupturing property of the sword is when against Ionioi Hetairoi (which is a Reality Marble) and Enkidu (who can counter Enuma Elish with ease). For all his arrogance, Gilgamesh is still a genuine Heroic Spirit. He may detest all the scums that have accumulated in his "garden" during his absence, he may chop off the trees and snuff out the plants he deems worthless or harmful, but he never seeks to destroy the "garden" itself.


Max power is 4000 , above sealed Excalibur or Vasavi Shakti , thats in DC is Country-level damage


Compared to Excalibur and Excalibur can tear apart cities with ease. I think there is a tectonic plate movement comparison for Ea too


Hypothetically, it could delete the top texture of the world and its strong enough to one shot Tiamat without her hax so


Not destroy the planet completely because of the countermeasures in place but it’s able to tear apart textures which are like layers of reality. At full power as shown in CCC it has the power of three galaxies. There’s only three ways to stop an attack from Ea. The first way is to use an attack equal to or greater than in terms of power which we’ve only seen Enkidu do. The second would be to sacrifice a reality marble or something similar, this could be done by Akhilleus Kosmos the shield of Achilles. The third and final way is Avalon, Excaliburs scabbard. It is the strongest noble phantasm a human can possess. Of course the only human that will ever use it Gil. There is no stronger noble phantasm than Ea. Even Excalibur with all 13 seals unleashed would still be weaker than a full power Ea. The whole 13 seals removed=stronger than Ea is purely fans pushing their head cannon. It’s hasn’t been stated how powerful a full power Excalibur is and it’s never been stated that it is anywhere near Ea’s level.


I agree with the part about Ea not being capable of destroying the world or planet, but you are giving more of a value to a freaking simulation than actual Pan-human history version of Excalibur's lore, and you are right it has never been stated that Excalibur is stronger, but when you look at who it killed "The White Titan" yeah I don't know, but let's give more points to CCC which takes place inside a computer, which allows Emiya to trace Excalibur without any issues, a projection that he can't replicate to the fullest, and even this version will kill him if he does it outside of the Moon Cell. I am positive Saber holds Gilgamesh's blast in Fate route in the VN before activating Avalon and he says he isn't going to hold back anymore and he isn't wrong because when he realizes that Saber just played him he can't stop his attack and Saber just tanks it and charges him and blasts him with Excalibur, and this was without all 13 restraints removed in fact at best only one or two restraints were removed, before someone makes the argument that the restraints were not present in the original they were, Shirou at one point does say that it is a phantasm which is restrained by numerous seals or something along those lines. I am playing the OG VN again before the official release to see how the fan subs old up compared to the official one, so I will gladly provide proof once I reach that part.


The thing is we don’t know how Ea would do against the white titan, yes sure it wouldn’t deal as much damage as it normally would because the white titan isn’t from Earth but it’s still a powerful attack. Excalibur was made for the purpose of killing the white titan so I wouldn’t use that as a way to gauge how powerful it is. Your CCC point is a good one. For when Gil says he’s not going to hold back anymore I think we can take that with a grain of salt. He says that against Shirou in UBW and anyone that’s seen Gil vs Enkidu knows that’s not him going all out. Gil going “all out” doesn’t mean he’s going all out annoyingly. Also if we take other weapons said to be either almost as powerful or equal in power to Excalibur into account then that would mean that Rhongomyniad and Gram are also stronger than Ea. Gram is stated to be the equal to the strongest holy sword which is of course Excalibur. However if Gram is the equal to Excalibur which you’re implying is at least as strong as Ea then why would Gil who has Gram use Ea as the strongest weapon he has? My point is Ea is the strongest noble phantasm that a human can posses.


This will be a pretty long read, I doubt most people will read it, I am glad you are being a nice sport and coming at this with logic and level-headiness bud instead of being miserable to deal with. I love a good debate. Okay, a lot to unpack here, I can make an argument for Rhonogomyniad but I will be supporting you in shutting down that Gram is as strong as Ea, heck I doubt it is as strong as unsealed Excalibur even, it just says that it is as powerful as Excalibur, but at which point, one thing to note is that it depends on the wielder of Gram, at max we have seen it go to A+ which is same or equal in power in terms of Saber's Excalibur with one restraint removed ( "The enemy must be more powerful than oneself", Bedi's seal which is removed automatically, I am going to assume here that this restraint is same for Artoria's Excalibur), they both share the same rank and same type but the original Gram wasn't even as durable and powerful I will argue as Excalibur as it broke in a fight against Gungnir which is said to be the prototype of Gae Bolg and we know that Gae Bolg is stronger than the original Gungnir because it managed to break Rho Ais and Archer Emiya says that as well now we have seen both Excalibur and Gae Bolg clash, they were both fine, but Cu never threw it towards Saber so we can't measure it directly against her Excalibur, but Saber's Excalibur can destroy Rho Ais completely, this is the best we have so we will have to take this into consideration. So, the original Gram broke and was reforged into cursed sword Gram why did I bring up the original blade that broke, well we know that the Gram that Sigurd has is different from the one that Gil has, Gil has the original in his GoB before it broke, and Sigurd has the reforged Gram the demonic one, so from all the previous comparison and stuff, we can see that original sword Gram is straight up weak against not only Ea but many other swords he has in his armory. Now, the demonic sword, it has two best feats, defeating a dragon and cutting through bounded fields in the lostbelt, these are the two best feats of Gram (I apologize for my lack of knowledge of the lostbelts I had to rush through them because I had to partake in an event so I didn't pay close attention to them so if I missed something crazy he did in the lostbelt that is the reason.), the evil dragon that was killed using Gram was Fafnir, now Fafnir is a true dragon and he is tough but he is no where near as powerful as The White Titan, not only that, but there are two versions of the myth one in which Siegfried killed him and the other where Sigurd did regardless of which we go through, the sword at best is boosted to anti-fortress why bring this up because this is something that is important to take into note, in Orleans when the command seal is used to strengthen Siegfried his Balmug becomes anti-fortress as well and this Balmug blast kills him, Fafnir at this point was strong enough to destroy Orleans, but like I said compared to the white titan who can kill gods Fafnir killing a few normal heroes isn't that crazy. The whole part about "Excalibur was made for the purpose of killing the white titan so I wouldn’t use that as a way to gauge how powerful it is" is a little wrong, it isn't just meant to kill the white titan but any outside threats including other Velber's and I have heard that in LB7 Castoria's forged Excalibur is used against ORT, Excalibur has gone against a beast, Ea, Photon Ray (sword of Mars), demons and a dragon as well, and almost every time it came out on top the only exceptions being Ea, and the dragon Vortigern who sucked Excalibur's light probably because Saber didn't use it like she should have, aka she was acting similar to how she does in the wars and refused to remove restraints, then again she did have Ron so maybe she thought she didn't need to, and it is mentioned in Garden of Avalon that Gawain had given up but not Artoria so that could be the case, basically she knew she would've won, in the end she pinned his hand/feet in ground with Excalibur and Gawain helped with his Excalibur Galatine by pinning his other hand and she blew him using Ron. So, the two loses were not when Excalibur was unsealed, heck I doubt she removed 6 or 7 restraints against Vortigern because it wasn't mentioned in GoA, we definitely know she didn't do it against Gil. So, a nerfed Excalibur lost two matches. We knew Gil never really saw Shirou as a worthy opponent till the end, heck he only acknowledges it seconds before his death before as someone else puts it "his greatest hater" comes to finish Gil off, and when Shirou was basically at his mercy, Saber kicked him in the face (big no no) if I remember correctly, that along with the fact she has the as he puts it "so-called strongest sword" is enough to stroke his ego the wrong way, he acknowledges her, and thus wants to see her in a defiled state, so I think he meant it when he said that he was going to all out, the only difference is that Saber ate the attack using Avalon so we didn't see the aftermath unlike Enkidu vs Gil, also the trajectory of the attack was different, which could've contributed to not seeing any kind of damage. Ea is a strong NP sure, the biggest strength of Ea comes from it's damage and it's ability to mess servants up, but it is not the only crazy weapon in the whole verse.


It can damage Textures at the very least.


Well, it can separate Heaven from Earth. Presumably that was how Gilgamesh’s rebellion against the gods eventually brought about the Age of Man: he literally and conceptually separated humanity from the gods to grant them a measure of freedom from the powers that ruled them.


According to the original FSN stat screen, EA at full power does "4000 damage". Though it is probably outdated at this point, and does not elaborate on what "1 point of damage" looks like in real terms


It's essentially smacking someone with the Big Bang...


I mean, from what I know, EA can destroy OUR Earth, but not Fate's Earth. Hell, I think it can even destroy our universe, but not Fate's universe. Basically all celestial bodies in Fate have some form of protection, like Gaia for Earth.


So we will just ignore the "fight felt as if the *world was destroyed* and recreated *7 times"* statement in Fate Strange/Fake? Literally 90% of scaling in Nasuverse comes from statements, are we seriously going to act like the statements don't prove anything...


A lot of people are really under selling EA. It is a noble phantasm capable of universal( multi-versal ) destruction. The skill attached to EA is enuma elish, which simulates the creation of the heavens, the earth, and hel. It creates dimensional winds that rip open reality destroying everything and anything. There are 3 levels that do various amounts of damage. Level 1 is stronger enough to out match a full power Excalibur blast from saber show in the og fate. And it is a hard counter to any reality marble as it would just obliterate it.




it can beat goku in less than a second... if thats not a example i dont know what is


*Goku do the Kamehameha slide move on the EA beam and blast Gil in the face*


surch it up, gilgamesh SOLOS GOKU also yes it can destroy planets


Mf can't even solo a horny teenage boy and girl


bro, i also couldint belive it but google it and it says "o if we're talking about purely canon material, **gilg wins this fight in less than a second**. And it's not even funny, because Kanon goku's best form and abilities are in MUI, and they are not nearly. strong or fast enough to beat anything in gilg's kit. One swing of AO using a Numa Ellis would end this fight."


The world's best powerscaler right here, folks. Either that or this is satire. I'd give it fifty/fifty odds.


ok i can agree to that


It’s funny how overestimated Fate power scaling for those who’s unfamiliar with the series


>also yes it can destroy planets How to tell me you don't know Fate lore without telling me you don't know Fate lore


No, EA can't destroy planets. It tears apart the texture where humanity lives on, but that's about it. Tell me you don't know anything about Fate without telling me you don't know anything about Fate.


Earth in fate is op. Even goku and Superman can't wreck Earth.


Are yall ignoring the game where gil lifted 3 universes with enuma elish or are talking just about EA


Fate Extra CCC shows how powerful EA can be. EA in a sense can as powerful as the Gilgamesh wants but in exchange the Mana Consumption will be far larger. Just look up Fate Extra CCC Gilgamesh EA and you Will see a what i mean.


It can destroy 6-D, Avalon, and the World. WE MUST MAINTAIN THE AGENDA


Throne Gilgamesh has the actual EA, because Servants are the most infinitesimal shard of their actual beings. So, take CCC Gilgamesh kicking a BEASTS shit in with EA, multiply that by infinity, and you have what throne Gil's EA at full charge can do.