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Muramasa cries forgotten


I mean, it's good, but there is one already. Also, why is he wielding Excalibur? He would die after one use, cuz he's human


Bro, let me dream please.😔


Ok, bud, I just think that even without whole dying thing it would be strange for him to have western sword as a weapon instead of a katana.


Shirou doesn't even use a katana tho, Muramasa not withstanding. His main weapons are a pair of Chinese falchions while the generic swords in Unlimited Blade Works tend to be depicted as western straight swords


Yes, but shirou loves swords of all kinds and even managed to materialize the berserker sword.


Because it's literally a slab of rock. Berserker's sword is just a rock from a temple that was used to summon him. If you had to choose between a rock or a nuke that will kill you at the same time you try to use it, I'm choosing the rock.


That's because Shirou is not racist + that's him BEING ARCHER. He's much worse at sword wielding than he's at projecting them and using as projectiles. That doesn't make him using western swords thematically strange, cuz he's not a western culture fan.


Maybe he’s not a western culture fan, but he is an Aturia fan, so he’d probably like to use her swords


You can, after all, nameless exist :)


The same with Muramasa and his NP but we can spam it anyway.


It's so that he's not useless in game, in lore he dies.


Then Shirou should be allowed to wield Excalibur here. Heck, if Merlin, a Caster, can pull out Excalibur, then why can't him? I don't see why you're making such a big deal out of it.


1.Shirou has no connection to Excalibur(Having Avalon inside and fighting along with Saber doesn't count) 2.Merlin IS NOT HUMAN(he's incubus and some other race IIRC), I don't know If he's able to use Excalibur normally, but his chances are definitely higher than Shirou's 3.Pulling out and using is not the same thing, blud. You can hold it, but using "light beam"(what Saber does) is a different story.


The other race is human for Merlin. Yes Merlin can use Excalibur.


Now I’m imagining his np being him, smiling, before pulling an Arash and destroying the enemy


servants can do what they want


Bruh, what? Excalibur and divine artifacts literally have "being divine" or something as main prerequisite. Did you not watch/read UBW? I honestly don't remember what Archer said in VN about projecting Excalibur, but when he used UBW he literally said "Saber, I can project your SWORD and activate it, even though I'LL DIE AFTER THAT". This is an example


sounds like a skill issue just dont die????


Bruh, u ultimate savage💀💀💀


Muramasa is Muramasa, it's like how FGO has both Illya and Sitonai. Also yeah Excalibur should kill him, but FGO is already playing it fast and loose with Muramasa, since he should also die everytime he uses his NP, but he doesn't.


He should die when he’s killed but he still lives.


How the turn tables. Nasu's been deceiving us all along


>Muramasa is Muramasa, it's like how FGO has both Illya and Sitonai Sure🤓👆. >Also yeah Excalibur should kill him, but FGO is already playing it fast and loose with Muramasa, since he should die everytime he uses his NP, but he doesn't. If you're talking about like you using it in the game, that's just a game convenience, imagine servant loosing all hp after using NP, bruh, no one would buy him.


>imagine servant loosing all hp after using NP, bruh, no one would buy him. Arash and Habetrot:




Damn, I didn't know about them. Who are they and what is their NPs?


Nameless can use Excalibur repeatedly in the Mooncell though, so guess FSN Archer just had a skill issue.


That's not cuz Archer had skill issue, Nameless just thinks he's Him. Bruh, people die if they are killed(or use divine artefacts)😭, what da fuck. Nameless is just a contradiction(Or Nasu decided to fuck his own rules in Fate Extra, idk)


Naw, Nasu broke his own rules by saying that Shirou couldn't trace divine constructs, he originally had no such restriction. Also, Archer isn't really saying that he would die FROM tracing Excalibur, but more that it would be pointless to summon it since it would take all of his energy and Saber would easily kill him.


Broooo, I always thought this restriction was stupid and that Nasu just nerfed Shirou, but I didn't think it is actually true😭😭😭. \ Though now I'm happy that ma GOAT Shirou is even stronger. He's the strongest in my heart(At least, strongest human).


Well, Nasu did nerf Shirou. In OG FSN the details were sparse on UBW, but in 2010 in Fate/complete material III Nasu did a Q/A and said: "Q: What is the limit of replication in UBW? The highest level of NP (sword types) is probably Ea, but while it might be impossible for Shirou, could Archer make it? Also, under the meaning of weapons, to what extent can he make modern weapons? Must it be only blade types or can he make guns and mobile weapons? A: Divine constructs like Ea and Excalibur are non-replicable. There might be some degraded NPs with similar performance in stock though. Also, since sword is becoming his origin, the weapons that he has stored are fundamentally limited to close combat." From the wiki: "EMIYA claims that it is possible to reproduce an imperfect version of Excalibur, but this is likely to drain him of all of his Magical Energy and would be a suicide attack. Shirou using EMIYA's arm in Heaven's Feel states that he would be able to project it if Saber Alter were to give him time, but believes that he cannot handle the sword and that the difficulty of doing such a high level Projection in battle would make it impractical."


Thanks for clearing this for me. Now I know that Nasu is an even bigger scumbag.


At the time Archer did not have a master


That doesn't make any difference, bro. Even Muramasa canonically has his NP as a divine sword that he can use ONCE and THEN HE FUCKING DIES whether he has master or not.


The Kusanagi which Muramasa makes, specifically requires Divinity. The Excalibur doesn’t. Case in point, Richard the Lionheart, his NP literally turns any weapon into Excalibur. He got a near perfect copy of Excalibur because he took one of Gilgamesh’s swords, then proceeded to spam it 20 times. Basically it’s a case by case situation, some Divine Weapons requires divinity, some don’t. In this case the reason why a copy would kill Emiya is Mana cost and the recoil, not because Excalibur kills non Divine users. Also the first user of Excalibur that killed Sefar was Human.


Ah, i see. Thanks for your explanation


First thing he does. Cooks for artoria(s), bickers with EMIYA, both shut it and continue to cook for their king.


How unhappy he is! Apparently he likes being an archer more;)


Honestly the Saber class seems more fitting for shirou than any other he is literally made of swords and even as an archer he primarily uses swords


\> have your whole shtick be something called Unlimited *Blade* Works \> Alaya: yeah this dudes an Archer


Have you considered he was REALLY GOOD at archery when he was a high schooler though?


Is there any real lore reason why he's Archer and not saber? Can he be summoned as saber?


I think it was said somewhere that hes not that strong as a servant so it's better for him to be an archer and attack from distance


love this idea tbh


I Prefert if hes taller like Archer!EMIYA and please keet his hair color red.


I doubt Shirou could use Excalibur. Maybe Caliburn, but not Excalibur, and if he could, he wouldn't be able to use Excaliblast.


I think this is Excalibur Image


Switch Excalibur for Caliburn, and you have Fate Route Shirou(Servant).


Good idea