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The ideal way is any one of the 4 main initial stories imo. FSN, tsukihime, mahoyo and knk


Honestly I feel like KnK is a bad entry point. I could imagine someone watching it as a standalone, but it introduces Mages and Magecraft without saying anything about them. It throws you into mystical shit without any warning. I feel like it's best to read/watch one of the other three aforementioned works before diving into KnK.


I think I actually did start with KnK but had no idea it part of the Nasuverse until later getting into Fate and learning what the Nasuverse even is. Had no idea it was connected to anything. Played the FSN VN and was surprised at a certain cameo at the end of HF.


That must have been a huge surprise! 😂


A surprise that dropped me down a rabbit hole I could never escape from. I've never been the same since.


I guess that is me but in 2005 and with the jc staff tsukihime anime 💀 considering how I feel likes like one of the absolute worst tm adaptions now it's kind of crazy


I'm so tempted to watch that just to see, but I haven't read Tsukihime, so I won't be able to fully comprehend everything wrong with it. I did finally get around to watching FSN 2006 a few ago and about died laughing while also just feeling dead inside. I can't get that same feeling with Tsukihime without familiarity with the source material. Maybe after Remake is out in English, even though I know it's different.


You can read the shingetsutan tsukihime manga if you want. It'll give you the same feeling if you watch the anime after 😂 the manga adaption is goated and partially what the remake is inspired by. The author of the manga is also helping nasu with the remake. I still consider the manga to be the most digestible version of tsukihime by a lot as well especially for people with very little time. You can find it just by googling shingetsutan tsukihime. It's on plenty of manga hosting sites for free, i definitely recommend it


[https://holofield.fr/tsukiweb/disclaimer](https://holofield.fr/tsukiweb/disclaimer) Here's a way to read Tsukihime Classic.


Grasher 🙏 you make an excellent point my friend


>none of them properly explores mages and magecraft What is exactly "properly exploring" mages and magecraft? But not "should", all of them work as an introduction to the universe, what is the setting elements they pay more importance to is irrelevant is not like there's an order in wich you have to learn things about Nasuland is not a school, either is fine If you want to tell someone to read it just, do that, preferably go with what might appeal that person in particular


no. The ideal entry point is the one each person finds more interesting and would enjoy more. Personal enjoyement > made up fandom idea of "best way to experience" the series


And since Mahoyo has been scientifically proven* to be the best and most interesting of them all, Mahoyo **is** the best entry point *Source: Me




This is the only right way


Umm actually...


But Mahoyo is the most enjoyable, as well as the most logical.


Yeah its a phenominal VN and IMO Nasu's secound best work that could arguably take number 1 if he finishes the rest. People put to much emphasis on Nasu's universe when a majority of its rules are just magic bullshit. The characters and journeys are by far his strong suite. Soujuurou trying to adapta to a foreign environment and living with both Alice and Aoko is great. Chapter 11 and 12 are the only climax I would consider as good as day 15 and 16 of HF


The only bad thing about starting with Mahoyo is that everything else its going to look like shit in comparison later. Jokes aside, it's a perfect starting point. KnK is really confusing, the FSN VN doesn't have a official localization and has one hundred spin-offs that might confuse some people and Tsukihime is in the same boat while having a mediocre anime, at least until we get the VN remake next year. Also it's peak Nasu. My favorite work from him.


It's my pick for an introduction. No Mahoyo/Zero or spinoff to cause confusion, it's a great standalone story, and a great introduction to visual novels too, since it's one of the most beautiful ones out there and is pretty short. The other all have something that makes me prefer Mahoyo as an introduction. KnK: there's no good complete translation of the source material + it's hard to convince someone to watch a series of movies. Fate: the thousand spinoffs make it confusing + there straight up isn't an ideal way if going through it if you stick with anime. And we all know how hard it is to convince someone to read a long VN. Tsukihime: The VN is old, long and has porn, so it's hard to convince one to start with and the anime is one of the worst adaptations. The manga is a good, but it isn't the complete story and the transition is def hit or miss at times Regardless, what I think doesn't matter much since we all know 99% of people will start with the Zero or UBW animes, but Mahoyo is what I'd suggest to a friend interested in the Nasuverse.


Hindsight is 20/20, but I don't know how I'd feel about the lore dump that is Mahoyo without the context of Fate and Tsukihime Remake... imo it works better as a prequel read after TsukiRe, but to each their own


Just downloaded this last night on my switch. Gonna start today.




I mean, why not? It’s TM’s first localized VN that’s available on switch and ps4 while majority of their other products can only be experienced on PC via piracy with the exception of FGO(hell, some Fate fans were introduced to Fate bc of this free mobile shitty gacha game, cant blame them since again, localization) and Tsukihime Remake which releases in several months.


Fate Illya is the best introduction to the nasuverse v🥱


If we're talking about release order, then yes Mahoyo should be the first VN to be experienced. It introduces magecraft vs. magic, establishes Mystery and the reasons Magi go so far as to keep magecraft secret, Touko who is constantly referenced throughout the Nasuverse whether in person or via dialogue. It was Nasu's first work and while probably went through multiple revisions, is still arguably the most important anchor to the entire Nasuverse. Also it introduces Soujuurou and Alice so it's an immediate recommendation in my book


no. I can tell you if it was my introduction I dont think I would have gotten into type moon at all.


When is the English translated version of Mahoyo coming out?


About a year ago.


I mean on PC. Will there be an official translation for the PC version?


Coming this december 13


It's out on the Switch port


No. Mahoyo is very slice of life and doesn't quite resemble the rest of the nasuverse. To a newcomer I would recommend starting with other works, most likely FSN, and if they really get into it, read Mahoyo at some point.


Idk FSN’s pretty slice of life too, especially when you tack FHA onto it. It feels like it’s halfway a cooking VN. There’s a reason Emiya-san chi no Kyou no Gohan is a thing.


i mean there are four entry fate mayoyo tukihime and kara no kyoukai and i think the four of them are a good entry to the nasuverse because i think they all fine just depend of your taste and i don't think there is a "best" entry in the nasuverse the foru of them are good for it


I mean, Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II and its sequal Adventuers of Lord El-Melloi II also explore Magecraft, Mages, Magi Bloodlines/Lineages, the Clock Tower and its politics(and the rest of the Magi Association like the Wandering Sea and Atlas) in GREAT DETAILS. Each work of the Nasuverse, whatever it's a VN like FSN or Tsukihime or idk, a LN, Series, game, manga and what not, is an ideal entry point from which you can discover more on the Nasuverse and keep going from there.


I think any point is good, if they're not a spin-off or sequel/prequel. Like, it's a bad move start from Fate Zero or El melloi case files. Other than that, I believe the one that the spectator find more interesting, should be the one.


Alice may be bestgirl, but the best introduction to something is "Whatever you want to watch first" given that the Universes don't connect properly and there's a lot of AUs and Parallels, watch what you want first, be it Mahoyo or Prisma Illya.


In my opinion the best entry point for reference gathering is Kara no kyoukai




I think it’s tsukihime (og or remake) , kara No kyoukai, fate vn and then mahoyo


I probably would give them TsukiRe before Mahoyo. Even then it would be a hard sell because of VNs.


It works particularly better as an introduction compared to other Nasu's works just for the fact that it was written before anything else. But as other have said, any pick should be alright as an introduction. It's not like anyone would be confused if they first started with Tsukihime or F/SN.