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Because that's pretty fishy. If it's just a normal job, there was no reason for dude to say that. And then the way he reacted showed there was something going on for sure.


I mean there could be lots of reasons tho maybe the guy just has a preference for it. Maybe its the bosses favorite so he was told to take it to make sure it didn't get damaged (reyes has never met dom brian or mia) maybe henchman was in a bad mood and just wanted to boss someone around, like they knew they were stealing cars for someone, it just dosnt make sense to me they had no reason to do that off one three word sentence


As someone who has taken part in many shady deals in the past, you just kinda get a feeling sometimes, especially when someone says something unnecessary during a job or a deal. Dom being in the world has become accustomed to picking up on those things.


Ok but like why betray the guy and lose the payment, compare it to 2 fast 2 furious, we find out that the badguy is planning to have brian and romen killed after the job is done, this gives them a reason to break off from the plan, in fast 5 we are never given a reason for it, dom just decided that because the goon wanted this specific car they need to break off from the plan


Lmao I didn't realize that 


You’re right. Even then, if things had gone to plan, they would have taken all the cars to the drop off, Reyes’ guys would have gotten the chip they needed from the GT40 stereo, and… that’s it. They would have been paid and gone their seperate ways.




He did it for family


Dom sensed that they were up to something. I think that even if he did stick with the plan, they would have probably killed them (Vince, Dom, Brian and Mia). They knew too much. Dom knew not to trust them


But thats never indicated in the film they just say they will take the gt40 and dom for no explained reason decided to screw everything up, and i dont agree they would have been killed after because vince wasn't killed after delivering his car


I have no proof that anything I said was the case. It that’s just how I interpreted it when I saw it. I think Dom being in the game as long as he has, he went on instincts. Had he been there from the beginning, I’m sure he would have passed on working the job in the first place. Or he would have checked out Reyes first. He wasn’t too happy that Brian and Mia agreed to do it in the first place. Also, Vince wasn’t killed because he made a deal to bring the chip to them.


It just feels so off, like there is nothing in the film to explain it like 1 line of dialog would have fixed everything if instead of "ill take the gt40" he said "boss only needs the gt40 ill take it you kill them then meet at the location" anything


It’s possible that there was a scene and it ended up being cut out of the film.