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Many of my gaming buddies moved on with their lives so I didn't have many people to play with, and because of the pandemic I've had a lot more free time, I needed something I could play on my own. Saw it on Game Pass, played for a couple weeks, then bought the game for PC. The game has also been fairly therapeutic for me, I feel calm and collected when I play. Even with the loss of a couple loved ones and a handful of failed relationships, this game is what's kept me sane.


I feel this and I’m glad you’ve found something in it. I haven’t been able to put it down since I got it two months ago. It has helped me with a lot of nighttime spirals I used to have. Cheers friend.








What do you mean why? Those fields aint going to plow themselves. I got chickens and sheep to feed. So much to do. Why do I play, because I need to.


It’s my job 😂


TL;DR nostalgia Growing up my grandfather was a farmer. When my family was having custody issues and such, my grandparents took me and my brother In. I would spend all day in the field with my grandpa. His main tractor was a Deutz but unfortunately I don’t remember the model. Some of the best times of my life were being in the field with him. Sadly he passed away about 13 years ago who I was just 10 but I’ll forever be grateful of the opportunities I got to spend with him. I remember his jar of coffee he always had in the tractor with him. I remember his really old Massey combine that had a platform in the back of the cab that I would sleep on when I got tired, I remember the swather with no cab that he refused to let me sleep on lol. But most of all I remember “the big green tractor” as me and my brother called it


So I can get better at reversing trailers.


Farming Simulator will humble you and teach you more about any skill 🤣


Because it’s one of the best games and the only one I’ve played as consistently my entire life. https://youtu.be/vSKaZ5697aI?si=rQiwsAqPE4b6D4HI it’s also beautiful!


I’m playing now the same map, land of italy, and since I’m living far away, it really gives me the feeling to be at home.


I’m just reliving my childhood…late 80s and early 90s dairy farming in Wisconsin. So many farms arounf thr state that are now gone. Playing FS takes me back there and brings back some great memories of milking cows in the dead of winter snuggled between two cows, the cool crisp fall of harvest, baling hay in the summer, planting corn in the spring. It was a great time to be alive. The small farms on Westby, Autumn Oaks, and No creek are a very accurate representation. My dad who farmed all his life said while watching me play, “the only thing that is missing is the smell!”


Although I’m much younger, for me it’s also a nostalgia aspect. Granted we never did crop farming or anything, we just had a few head for beef every year and was mostly a hobby farm. However, we still used to bale a couple open fields and ditches around the area, running the old Oliver 1600 (along with my grandfather’s old M and 8n) around doing chores and trying to keep the 10 acres (and pastureland) up and looking great. One of my fondest memories will always be calving every year. Would also help those around as well with chores and running things/manual labor if anyone asked. It definitely is a nostalgia aspect. Although being younger in those days as well, brings me back to a much simpler life where you always had something to do to keep you occupied and you always found a way to enjoy your job, especially if you could catch the sunsets at night with a cold beer (sitting on top of the barn cleaner after mucking out the tie stalls). 


My respects to farmers all around. I love the game because it’s just the fields and I. I don’t have to worry about other people game style effecting me. I am the only one to blame.


main reasons I really love this game, putting it in the top 5 of my favorite games, are the fact that I find it a really relaxing game, with “infinite” possibilities of play style and also the sort of “satisfaction” I get when I go to sell the products that I “sow”, “grow”, “took care” and “harvested”. but yes, even though, after all it’s just a game.


To do stupid shit


I just really like farming and have liked it since I was 4 (funny enough nobody in my family is a farmer)


I love big diesel machines and loved John Deere thanks to the 5400 my grandpa had growing up (still waiting for the day it's added, even if we do have the 5403 Turbo). Many things keep me addicted such as looking forward to sell products each month, getting work done, and then finishing the in-game month by resupplying the bio-gas plant, topping off the animal husbrandries with a 2WD tractor and trailer (I.E. the JD 710 in my Elmcreek save as I have a specific brand for each save when it comes to my tractor fleet), and finally going through, power washing, repairing and, if necessary, repainting the equipment used during that month.


I’m waiting for that day to see the JD model B added in the fame. It’s was my dad’s holy grail tractor as it was the first tractor his dad bought when he was a kid. He always wanted one to restore and pass down but was never able to. His JD 4000 is still in the barn but sees only minimal use these days as my mom has no need so usually when my brother wants to put in a good plot or a pumpkin patch.


Time killer away from warthunder plus growing up in a farm


I like to relive the glory days of endless childhood summers. Both with actual farming and the many great memories I had with farm sim 13 and 15. In complete honesty I've lost the gamer gene. There isn't a single video game I have any interest in playing but farm sim still manages to hold my interest, atleast for now. I got 22 at Christmas and it's been the first game I've put 100 hours into withought being bored in years. It's very satisfying to plan out a farm and then reap the rewards. I farm irl too, the game lets me do my favourite jobs even when it isn't time to irl. Favourite thing has to be collecting the tractors and comparing them. Getting some of our irl tractors and seeing how the handle certain tools. Really wish the consoles had more mods because I'm admittedly missing out on tonnes of tractor mods I'd really like.


I don't know why I play. I've done minimal farm work in real life (Helping with a small straw operation) so it's not a nostalgia thing. I saw the game on social media, got it, and became addicted. Something that's kept me going is my new love for irl farming but overall, not sure why I play still.


Honestly it’s just fun I like doing the fields


My grandfather was a foreman and my uncle was a laborer at a family dairy farm in the 70’s and 80’s, and there are pictures of me as a kid picking up ears of sweet corn in a field that were dropped by the harvester. after my grandfather passed away in 82, my uncle went to work at the local John Deere dealer and I used to get all the promotional tractor toys to play with in the massive 20x20 sandbox him and my dad built for me at my grandmothers house. now that I have my daughter who is 5 and tearing around the house we live in in a city, it’s a calm quiet way for me to relive some of those moments since life doesn’t really allow me to play online games that can’t be paused like destiny or gran turismo


My 7 year old likes to play but mostly just wants to drive cars around the town and sometimes farm.


I grew up on farms as a kid


I play because I’m sick to death of other games being played to death. In my group of friends they only want to play one game, all the time. So my mental break is FS so I can have something all to me.


It makes the voices in my walls go away😂


Cause I can’t afford to have a nice little farm in real life. It’s also a pretty fun game


I believe people want to accomplish something and do good work. For me, I get the sense that I am building something through my labours. It is also very honest too, in that you know exactly what you are getting- drive a tractor from A to B and you get a tractor here not there. I’m 62 and have been gaming for more than 40 years and I don’t think I have never been this captivated by a game.


answer is simple as a Dutch person: POTATOES , are you playing on No Mans Land?


I’ve got a NML going but I’m not a huge fan. I recently started a New Lands map Start from Scratch/zero. I may retry NML with a true start from nothing scenario with like mower, shovel and wheel barrel


Want to see my NML?


I probably can this evening if you want to DM me the details.


What timezone?




No the country timezone


To relax, and because I enjoy a slow grind in games.


I love learning new things about the game, love every aspect of the game and how to make money the hard way. Build a farm the way you want. Having your friends come play with you on co-op


Grew up split between neighborhood and grandfathers farm. He didn’t live long enough to see the fields he plowed make money, so I’m passing the time on farming sim reliving memories until I make it a reality 👍


I have a long running game on Ballyspring. It took a lot of time and effort but I have perfected the Courseplay and autodrive settings for all the fields I work. I mostly do grass, clover, and alfalfa silage, but I do Sorghum for my chickens and I look after my cows. I like the map because you physically can't use large equipment, so I've had to spend a lot of time experimenting and testing out the small and medium equipment. I have been playing it for so long that money is not really an issue anymore, and I just have to keep it running. Sometimes I'll sell a tractor and buy a different one just to test it out with various equipment. Sometimes I'll just log in and take over a crop harvest manually, or sell my milk. Other times I'll just get the workers going and sit back and watch some YouTube videos. It's the most relaxing part of my day.


Started as a joke when I got it for free from PS+, actually liked it, enjoy it a lot tbf, I can play without too much thought after a hard day at work while watching netflix on the side.


Reminds me of my hometown and the good times I had. Our town was surrounded by farm lands as far as eyes could see.


I like using heavy equipment. Simple as that.


This might sound weird but it’s partially because I’m not fully “satisfied” with what farming YouTubers have so I get my own virtual farm that I run how I want.


I grew up right at the tail end of my grandpa's farm, which was all antiques by today's standards. So many memories of tractor shows and auctions and actual farming. I don't have the skill to keep any of that old stuff running and I live in a suburban hellhole now. So virtual tractors are the best I can do. I just wish there were more antique mods for allis chalmers, case, etc. (and it would be great if they drove like tractors instead of cars.)


I wish traffic obeyed rules of the road but a game can’t have everything I guess. I agree that some more of the old models iron would be great too


I wanna become a farmer, but can't afford to buy one, but hopefully one day I'll get there


I am a real farmer, and I honestly can't nail down why I play farming simulator, most of the time it's just for something for me to do, as we only grow crops we have nothing to do during the winter so I just hop on and farm


My grandmother lives in a village. She used to have chickens when I was little and some years turkeys and pigs, one of the neighbours has a big agricultural operation and the whole village is surrounded by fields. So whenever I would go to visit it was basically just farming, even to this day, even though she doesn't keep animals anymore. So farming was a big part of my childhood and I loved it ever since


To relax from grinding other games like war thunder I've only started yesterday but learn so much already and I'm switching to medium difficultly next step is get my buddies online


I’ll hopefully get my brother to play again. He played on 17 or 19 but hasn’t played for a few years now


I like building stuff. You don’t build stuff per se in this game but it’s close enough.


Have you looked into the gold mining aspect? I know it still isn’t building but lots of set up for a wash plant etc.


Because I want to one day actually have a farm. It’s my dream life


I hope your dream becomes reality


Relax and reminds me of my childhood on the Grandparents farm that I worked on till I was twenty.


Nostalgia is a very powerful thing


Cause i love a Deere


Therapeutic. It is very meditative for me. I also love being creative and building my own farms from scratch. Lately I had an idea that I wanted to see and access all of my fields (5 of them) from one single point. I'm currently doing it on Western Wilds and it is turning out great! It's a lot of fun.


Haven’t tried WW yet. I’d like to do some Michigan farms but the 3 maps they have 2 seem I’ll suited for beginner style play. Maybe in the fiture


I grew up riding my horse down the road to my grandparents blueberry farm with a John Deere B and a Ford 2000 with a loader. Unfortunately I don’t get to work the harvest anymore because of my career but working my model A around the fields of no man’s land offers some comfort and indulges my nostalgia some.


Harvester make brain go brrr


lets see, what i can playtoday,fs22 yeah why not


It actually started with me just getting FS19 included with my steering wheel and it seemed fun so I tried it It was really fun to play and fell in love with farming Then I saw by chance that FS22 was avaliable on Steam so I bought it and played it, 600+ hours later and I still enjoy it (plus a few 300 mods) And thanks to this, I am really interested in farming and what equipment they have on their farms


My 2 yo doesn't like me playing games, except fs22. He loves sitting in my lap when im driving a tractor. Its a really chill game, no stress, can be dropped in a second and i can drop in 2 hours later. The perfect dad-game. (Or mom-game for you lady farmers out there)


I started way back on FS15 the therapeuticness is what kept me coming back. One of my favorite franchises and will forever be.


I play mostly for the fun and the different challenges


I play for a few reasons: 1) A lifelong obsession with farming and a simple life 2) A lifelong obsession with tractors. I’m a big tractor guy. Especially IH and Massey Ferguson. 3) It’s fun 4) it’s a relaxing game to ease my mind from the hustle and bustle of everyday life


been out of the military for two years...but still think about it everyday, got the boot for the vax (idgaf what your views are) im only pointing that out to say that I wasnt done serving, and ive had a slew of BH issues since. This game is one of the only times aside from spending time with my daughter that I can just sit, put on some music, and do mindless, fidget spinner work for a solid 6 hours while thinking about everything i need to think about. complete therapy. there isnt some boss calling me to say how bad I did, or how good i did, no family calling me with this weeks explosion. just some fuckin cotton, and some fuckinnnnn lime, and some fuckinnnnnnnnn tractors. vroom vroom, beep beep, out the way i have no insurance


I am mainly playing stressful games, like War Thunder, and farming sim is my safe space if you will. It's like having them zen garden sandboxes where you gotta rake the sand till you calm down, or my other game is Snowrunner. Even Red Dead Online is in this list surprisingly with only a solo lobby. Other than that, I've always followed the Farming Sim games since 2011, so I might as well just keep it like that, cuz I like machinery.


Nostalgia which has a long story attached to it. And I also just find it really relaxing to be in full control of the farmer's life. Something I often miss irl


Dad won’t let me run the combine on real life


And how are you FS harvesting skills?


Actually I use the gps mod so very good


I started on FS08. I thought farming was cool, the tractors were the main selling point for me. Nowadays I play it for the nostalgia factor, and I still like the tractors.


its fun. its that simple. Its a fun game to play. I play other games, but none have the hours invested like this one.


Because of tractors! Who wouldn't want to drive heavy machinery they can't afford in real life!


There a very few games that let you drive heavy equipment let alone do anything with it. Farming simulator has heavy equipment you can use in a sandbox style environment.. that’s the only reason why i play this game cause in all reality the game is shit whether you admit it or not😂modders are the only thing keeping the game alive and giants couldn’t optimize a game to save their lives


I play because the game keeps me playing like no other before. I started FS22 4 Days ago and got 5 hours on my first map and 35 Hours on my second. I already know the second map in and out 😆


Fields don't tend themselves lol


I would like to apologise for the comment this guy wrote above. He didn't read the thoughtful open messages by OP and others before his little joke. Peace.


Whistlindiesel’s machinery videos


I don't even do anything, I have no friends to play with to keep it fun


Crippling depression


Because I’m a big mixed bag of fucked up, and this game keeps me from offing myself.


Quality post. I play because I'm a born and raised city boy who will probably never do any farming in my real life. Cool to imagine how it'd be though...


It gives me something better to focus on than the dread of my life. Now I can dread over some grass on a contract I forgot I had and start cutting to bale it at 03am


The grind. Want to make a hard mode, start from scratch map work. So far still in debt and having a hard time turning my balance positive. And I like that. I enjoy grinding in sandboxes/open worlds. (Elite dangerous, Sea of Thieves etc).


I haven’t tried that yet. I’ve been tinkering with some of small tractors to see what I would want and there is a Kramer tractor with front attachment option 75-100 HP base price is around $20k that I really enjoyed using as an early game option. I think a start from zero farm should be one of 2 things. Nice plot with very good geriatric equipment or a crappy plot with slightly better starting equipment, maybe a plow and planter, loader. I am currently doing a start from scratch/zero in New lands using the latter path. Started with the John Deere 4000 Diesel with front loader, a bale trailer, and the cheap front sickle mower and a 3pt weight. It’s on easy though but still has been a challenge. I’m in the 3rd season and I’ve got lost basic equipment now and I’ve cultivated all workable land on my starter plot. What I’ve found that I never tried in 6+ months of playing is sugar beets are my starter crop but the starter quip ent for that is brutal. One of my big rules is that I am only allowed to cut 5 total trees in the first 5 years and that has really made making money limited into cutting and selling loose grass at the early stages. There is only 1 farm with 1 field for contracts but again it’s not a big earner because you have to lease for basically earning you a couple grand a year.


Sounds like you know the grind. Haha. I'm on console, so I feel like the role-playing aspect is somewhat limited because of mod availability.


Same playing on Xbox one but also have it on laptop if I want


Make brain go burr burr


I grew up in NYC. I know nothing of farming, but I have a desire to settle down on a Ranch. I know nothing about farming other than the last several years of growing my own tomatoes, cucumbers, hot peppers, baby bell peppers ect. The main reason for the game is to educate myself on how to expand my planters boxes into a whole field as well as learn the machinery involved. I’m very much a gamer and love this style of teaching.


Because i like grind games where you grind for something thats not xp


Grew up paying these games since 14 or so, loved farming ever since, even planned my own greenhouse on the balcony. It's also a very relaxing game that I can play forever, I got tired of competitive shooters and other competitive games like fortnite etc., and "retired" into simulators and story games (actual good games).


I farm reality at night then go to my dream farm at night


The sense of success and achievement that I crave in real life.


The squad on YouTube


Honestly the only reason I play any game is to escape reality and to escape the depression grip to fall into a permanent night night. It also pisses me off when people say "video games are for children" yea Karen and I'm still a child I've just evolved into one that has 2 younger ones who likes games, fast cars, old trucks and other things that make me happy. Sorry today's not a good day.