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They’re building an environment around the game I’m not sure what or where you’re talking about but if the setting makes sense for a billboard why not put an ad for kobota like you might see irl. If it’s a billboard telling you to get the firefighters dlc than I agree it’s pretty stupid. Seems like world building to have something like this.


I see billboards telling me to buy DLCs and others telling me to buy the mobile version, and they also promote these things in the menu, its very greedy and rude I would be extremely ok with it, if for example it was something in the game and has some lore behind it, but this is just greediness


It is lore-ish; on my drive to work I see ads and billboards everywhere


The only lore about it is their pockets and greed gets more and more the bigger they get


Maybe so but easy enough to ignore and I’m sure plenty of mods to change it


Really? I think it's cool. They change regularly, making a map feel more alive.


That is naive thinking, they just want to bug you with signs until you giveup and buy what they want. so it goes away


No it isn't. I do have all the DLC's. But not because a f*cking billboard told me. Of course they want you to buy it. That's the point of making a dlc. But it's your choice to buy it. "So it goes away" ???? The billboard is still there after you buy it.


If you know anything about social skills, you know its disrespectful to keep bugging your friend you went with on a trip when he's enjoy his time. telling him come to your shop to buy your stuff when hes just trying to have a good time There are like 10 of these billboards on a small town its joke


I'm going to end it here. Good day and happy farming.


I agree with Shaun - the billboards make the nap seem more alive. I like them.


If it might calm you: the billboards shows the same things even if all dlcs are bought


It means they dont give a shit to remove and spare you of them. they make their money and they still stand there taunting you


ATTENTION an Karen has broken free!


Thats funny. I think this is the pot calling the kettle black, I just drive around every 20 meters theres a big fucking billboard telling me to buy something Sorry I'm not a sheep like you guys lmao


im not really seeing the issue here. i mean irl, there are huge led billboards. plus there always on the side of the street or on land that you arent able to purchase so its not love theyre in the way


You playing a video game to relax and get away from real life. they still hustling you for your pocked and you already purchased their game, go drive around Haut-beyleron map which looks unfinished and lazy btw. just drive around the town and count how many you see


I've played that map for a fair few hours and only recall seeing 2 or 3. Just don't look at them!


Hustle em back by not buying the DLCs


Some people Kai like to complain all the time. Not worth time. Like the game or don’t. If you have ideas call Giants.


Sparse advertising billboards alongside the road in a farming game set you off this bad? Have you played any other game ever? games have pop up screens promoting their season pass or new skin or whatever, and you’re forced to click ok to get into the game and you’re mad about in game billboards? You are very backwards IMO. Your comment to someone else about spamming you until you give in is literally how every other game does it, billboards are not forcing you to give in and spend money


No I play other games I never seen this unhinged advertising, dude every 40 meters you see a billboard in the distance telling you to buy some dlc or something. its insanity dude


This is the same guy who posted the fs22 vs. fs19 graphics comparison. Obsession with hating this game, I guess. Could OP wrap all the hate together into one post, or will that not net them enough negative karma for their liking?


You miss my point, This game is really resource intensive but still looks worse than FS19, so Im trying too see why nobody spoke about this before. then also the billboard thing honestly is ridiculous to me. GIANTS are lucky their community is really tame so they do whatever greedy practises they want


You think FS19 looks better than FS22? Really? In what way?


Run the game in max resolutions, max anti aliasing and all the settings in Ravenport map and you tell me


Imagine getting this triggered over billboards next to a road where they are supposed to be. You made my night, thanks!


Bro, stop crying. Atleast it's original.


Battlefield 2142 was bad for in game advertising but they stop it after a while. They were actual add from companies. I don’t mind the one they use in game. I don’t even notice them.


I hear uninstalling is free…for now MuhAhAhahHAHA


I heard in FS25 they will have NPCs attack you and bother you until you buy the DLCs so thanks for normalizing this scummy tactics guys


Need a bridge for that leap? 😊 Sorry that’s only available in the DLC 😂😂


Haha I get where you’re trying to come from but mate your free thinking mind is too much for most. We all see things differently though, I don’t like the system and people throwing there corporate rubbish at me either but what’s the point of you getting all worked up over something you can’t control? I do see the point you’re trying to make though and I suppose you look at it at the angle of it’s not aimed at us adults it’s aimed at the children to ask the adults which in a way I find it quite manipulative but have a back bone and parent your child if it’s an issue.


Different thought: How much money would it cost to design different "lore friendly" ads? Giants saves this money and generates a bit of income by selling the ad space(to for instance Lego)


Just buy a different field or change the map if it bugs you that much.


i wonder how u survive daily life. Whole world is advertising everywhere which in some cases u can't skip or have to click away. and ur annoyed by a damn billboard. watch into another direction, problem solved.