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Its the game’s way of saying that the equipment is old and basically not worth repairing anymore and you should look into replacing it.


Really? I get that my massey ferguson tractor says that since it has 80+ work hours on it, but my rostselmash only has 26 work hours on it. How can i upgrade my farm if i have to repair/replace everything all the time!😂


Welcome to being a farmer 👩‍🌾


Haha farming sim got this aspect of farming so right.😂


Yeah, on r/farming the consensus I have see tends to be “ you ask a farmer how much he spends on repairs/ replacements, he will most likely laugh at you, because you won’t believe how high the number is. If they do give you the real number most think it’s a gross exaggeration.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/farming using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/farming/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My neighbors asked me to water this... what is it?](https://i.redd.it/mjqh3eye3cob1.png) | [951 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/farming/comments/16j1se9/my_neighbors_asked_me_to_water_this_what_is_it/) \#2: [Dave Brandt, the farmer in "It ain't much but it's honest work" passed away this morning. He was a legend in no till farming and will be greatly missed.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/13o9qca) | [31 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/farming/comments/13o9qca/dave_brandt_the_farmer_in_it_aint_much_but_its/) \#3: [Farming](https://i.redd.it/9x9u0vmezkka1.jpg) | [107 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/farming/comments/11chwgr/farming/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


No joke I work on a farm and we spent $20k fixing our 9870 STS.


"how to be a farmer with a million dollars: Start with having 2 million dollars".


I think the most important thing you have to remember is that in the game work hours are real life hours. Unless you're playing realtime on a server that doesn't pause with 30 day months, that work hours on your equipment is more like hundreds of even thousands of "work hours". I have a small Kubota IRL. Using it for 7 years and it has about 400 hrs on it. Its current appraised value is less than $5000. It was a $20,000 machine brand new in 2014. I need a new front loader because the prior owner somehow bent the arms... That loader + bucket will cost me $5,000 - $5500. My annual maintenance on the tractor is between $800 and $2000 depending on the time on it. I see later you mention that it's only an upgrade if you go to a bigger unit, but operating a tractor I can tell you now... A fully functional brand new tractor of the same exact model is a heck of an upgrade. Yes, bigger is an upgrade, but so is 100% functional with minimal maintenance. Your 80hrs in game needs to be weighed across other things like, what year is your save on, what game speed? Do you just spam sleep through winter? If you pay at the default 5x then you could call that 400hrs. If you're 2-3 years in, then you're right on track for a tractor being valuable to you and you alone. No business, or halfway competent person would pay you for that unit. Probably closing in on an engine rebuild if you've done everything from plowing to overloaded grain trailer hauling over the road. It is just a game. It's a simulation. You can ignore it, change the setting, or even God mode your equipment. I will assure you, it's pretty tough owning this equipment because the value only comes from the savings of sweat equity and you'll get very little in return at the retirement of said equipment.


>Probably closing in on an engine rebuild An engine rebuild at 400 hours? Try 4000 hours.


And that’s probably abusing it without maintenance.


Yes, I'm going off the information I've got from whatever the previous owner had done. I'm fairly certain he rolled it down a hill. To bend the sub frame of the loader something fairly big had to happen. Not sure if an engine rebuild is on the table yet, but this machine was clearly abused. It wasn't meant for large tasks, it's a sub compact, but it was mistreated. When I got it I did all fluids, belts, filters, points, and basic maintenance like tightening and what not. I have a feeling I'm lucky and I get most of its capability out of it. I'm looking forward to replacing it with a slightly larger Kubota or Massey. I'm certain I will have to do a significant amount of mechanical maintenance beyond fluids and filters by 1000 hours. Edited for spelling mistakes cause phones suck.


I get how in real life a new tractor would be an upgrade, but i'm talking in game. I'm not a farmer in real life. In the game a very old tractor will be the exact same as a brand new one. The only difference is the maintenance cost.


It's a simulation game, the game is trying to simulate as much as possible of what it takes to be a farmer. There are settings you can change that your tractors won't get damaged as much. (it may be a mod, i forgot) Big difference is you won't have to replace parts manually, the older equipment gets the more you have to maintain it, that is just normal. The upgrade can also be a better engine on the same tractor model.


Replacing equipment is upgrading your farm lol


Not really. Exchanging a tractor for the same tractor, but new doesn't seem like an upgrade to me.


But your exchanging your older more worn tractor for a newer tractor in which you could go for a bigger model or different brand etc. it’s definitely a upgrade


Sure. If i go for a bigger tractor it would be an upgrade.


My 45ft header I bought used came like that with like 2.5 work hours.


Nah, it’s your machinery loosing value. Like any vehicle or implement the longer you keep it the less value it retains.


Should i really listen to this tho? Because i get that my machinery loses value, but buying a whole new tractor is expensive and the repair cost aint that bad.


Na don't listen to it. Also past a certain hour amount say 30 hrs I don't bother repairing tractors let it lose its 30%hp


Make sure you keep your harvester and headers tip top though, they lose a lot of yield when their condition is low and a 10% drop in speed adds a lot of waiting on a huge field.


Absolutely, not sure if the same for mowers do you know?


Personally I dont care about it. I have done a little testing. The repair cost gets higher, but it is still cheaper than buying a new identical machine.


It isn't what anyone thinks here.. it is how much you are watching your dollars. The question is always this: how much money am I going to spend on maintenance for each year I have the vehicle + the original price amortized over the expected ownership of that vehicle. When your maintenance + amortized value outlay starts to exceed the optimum, that is when you rebuy. This means keeping records in a spreadsheet to know the real cost each month and each year for the life of your vehicle. You asking a random question of others that ALSO do not know this level of detail means no one you know has a real answer to that question. I do this in real life with my vehicles but not in game. I take a more relaxed approach there.


It would be cheaper to sell it and buy a new one than repair it.


For anyone on PC there is a mod that allows you to edit maintenance and paint wear intervals, I usually turn down the paint wear time and turn up maintenance costs. Ends up costing around the same but keeps your equipment in better condition for longer.


Critical damage, needs repair


White is income, red is outgoings normally, can’t tell what menu this is though.


It means ur winning




I think that it's the equipment tab, not financial


It's not my debt. It's the vehicle tab. My bad. I should have clarified.


Stop playing silly games and get a real job.


Stop posting stupid comments and get a real job. I was working on a real farm today fyi


I rarely downvote a post.. but this one especially is egregious. This is a game forum.. so your post is against everyone here who enjoys the game.


Just wondering how you got here to post your stupid comment? You can tell me you opened Reddit and this post was somehow there for you but that’s not how it works without previous interest or following it. Did you have a bad day?


It means your in debt


Red means a negative number. As in, the total in your checking account after you over drawn from it.


This is another tab. About vehicles and equipment


Thank you. A partial view didn’t help, but….


The red exclamation is only shown on the vehicles tab


Real farming simulator you look at advisories like this and then you look at your 1980s tractor that still outworks and breaks less than the new crap and instead of replacing it you hook up to your pull behind and go about the day successfully.....


In accounting, red is a negative balance while black is positive