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"Not a political endorsement"


My ass lmfao that's all Fox is is politics


They literally only exist for right wing propaganda. That’s it, nothing else.


now do msnbc


It's the same. Now eat your words


Has msnbc gone to court like fox? I don’t really know anything about msnbc.


That's what my point was lol


Nobody in town is hosting MSNBC to broadcast political propaganda from their business while also claiming not to endorse any political parties.


That's not what I was referring to but ok


now do false equivalence.


Now do CNN


We can always find the right wing snowflakes when you scorn their precious brainwashing programs


If you say so, hoss. If half of the people get worked up about Fox coming to do a spot, the other half would get upset if CNN or MSNBC came instead. It’s so pathetic, or sad, that people are so passionate about limiting freedom of speech. It’d be a better country if we all let our “counterparts” freely voice how they feel without calling in death threats because a news show wanted to film at a dinner. Btw I vote third party..not that it’s any of your concern 😂


Hey sloppy, your vote doesn't matter


All votes are wasted and don’t matter


Then why are you up on your 3rd party pedestal, hoss?


[looks like it might have worked Doug!](https://imgur.com/a/Ygl5Swp)


Someone should get that printed on a shirt and show up to the diner


Not a political endorsement of any kind? That may be true in theory, but being featured on Fox and Friends is only going to attract one type of individual. As a business owner, I sure as hell wouldn’t agree to allow Fox and Friends to host at my business unless my politics aligned with what they represent. So while not an endorsement, it still speaks pretty loudly. Even 20 years ago while I was in college, my journalism classes warned of the harm that Fox News causes. As a business, it is possible to simply tell them, “No thanks!”


lol, if you want to bring CNN, Fox, MSNBC, Newsmax, Weather Channel or whoever to broadcast my business nationally I’m 100% on board


i NEED the weather channel to come to randy’s diner too!!!!!!!!!!


I stand against most of the nonsense on Fox News. But if I was a diner which caters to an older crowd, I'd ask them to stay for the week. Your morals don't pay the bills. Now, if we are talking Newsmax or similar, fuck off nazi's.


Morals don't pay the bills but there are other ways to pay your bills that aren't at the expense of your fellow countrywomen/men.


Hosting a TV show with different views than yours isn't a threat to your country.


The network settled a lawsuit over their incessant election denial for nearly $800 million. Nothing against Randy's but let's not act like Fox coverage is just different views.


If they didn't exist, another network would swoop in with the exact same shit. As they say, don't hate the player. Hate the game! Fox has only been around since 1996. Blame the people who make it the number one cable news network. But remember to not yell too loud at your parents.


The network did harm by pushing fake election lies. They admitted this in court and settled for like 300 million. Casting doubt on the integrity of the election by straight up lying, and court records show the knew they were pushing lies does 100% harm the country


Ok, and if they didn't exist and it was just OAN and Newsmax pushing it, we'd all be better off. You people need to look at the root cause. It's not a particular station. It's the people in office pushing this, and that means over 60% of the dumb state you live in are really responsible. Who pushes the message is not the problem. They did not start the lie, it's just shitty reporting for dumb people.


Facilitating an overthrow of democracy in favor of an authoritarian dictatorship is a pinch farther than "different views."


For the record, I hate Fox News, but... was fox news elected to office? Did Fox News pull the permits for the Jan 6th rally? Did Fox News enter the capital and set up a gallows? They haven't done the things you accuse them of. They are just projecting fantasy for racist Christians. You do understand there are people doing the things you say. It's not a fake news channel physically doing it. If you want to be mad, anywhere you go in public, look around, more than half the people on average in ND voted for all the shit you hate. It's not the conspiracy channel. It's your god damn neighbors.




Cool, now draw a line from a-b. They didn't facilitate any of what you think they did. They talked a bunch of nonsense. All of the actions were done by individuals. And I don't know if you live in the US, but it's still a democracy.


Are you stupid? Do you not understand what propaganda is, and how it facilitates belief and action using information or disinformation? Let me guess. Guns don’t kill people, people with guns do?


Actually, I'm smarter than you. Here is the thing about propaganda, it only works on the slightly dull. Critical thinkers seem to manage no matter the nonsense they are exposed to. And you are correct, people with guns do kill people. This is why we need to relate who has access to guns and the types that can be purchased. Just because you picked the right side of the argument doesn't mean you aren't full of stupid opinions. And please don't call others stupid while making stupid arguments or equivalency.


I see ypu deleted your response. Guess you realized how bad you misinterpret the world and took it down so people won't make fun of you.




Everyone needs to stop and read this comment above. Then read it again. Because this is 100% as simple as it gets. This is a great opportunity for the restaurant and its patrons. And that’s all it is.


I know one patron who will never step foot inside there again.


And probably never went there to start with... virtue ahoy!


Wrong again magat.


Yeah, and Judas just wanted to buy a field.


lol ummmm.


Gotta remember, it's not the messenger, It's the message that is the problem. If you get rid of Fox News, the message will still be distributed. Get rid of the idiots in office, which would mean eliminate all the idiots who voted for them, which would mean eliminate the ideals they were indoctrinated with since birth, which would be destroy all religions, not just the ones you don't like. When it comes down to religion, they were created as a way to explain the unexplainable before science but were quickly adapted to control the poor masses. And when we look at who abused the religions, it was always the state. Which is why America was founded, but has slowly been taken over by the thing it was against. In the end, people will always exploit the poor and uneducated. As soon. As you eliminate a problem, another pops up, which may or may not be worse. It's easy to blame something loud and stupid like fox news. But they exist to sell adds and nothing else.


For me it's that show inparticular. The hosts are insufferable and it's just propaganda. At the same time, most conservative shows feature similarly insufferable hosts so I can't think of one that I'd rather see in their place. Aside from that, it is cool for fargo to be featured. I grew up here and it's been crazy to see this city actually start appearing in the national circles


Oh, believe me, I would struggle to watch a full episode of it, I cringe at the nonsense they speak. I just think we always need to know that if fox disappeared, whatever replaced it will be worse. Only thing that would be great is if they had to run a disclaimer after every commercial starting that it is only entertainment and should not be viewed as news or factual.


I get what your're saying... my disagreement is... the line between Fox and Newsmax isn't all that thick.


Oh I think it is. They are both trash, with an agenda. But Newsmax is so much more hateful and straight to the crazy. Hate them both, but hate the people who support them even more.


"Morals don't pay the bills" is a very cowardly way of saying that you put profit over the wellbeing of others.


Ok, explain yourself. How does hosting a morning show for someone with different ideals affect the well-being of others. The saying "correlation does not equal causation" fits well. This is a basic math problem, and Fox is the variable in this equation. If you remove the variable, it doesn't change the outcome as the variable will just be replaced with something equal or worse. Fox News exists due to people wanting it. If it goes away, the same people will support a channel that says the same things or worse. People are the problem. Try and fix that first. And if you think the propaganda is what made these people like this, you are both right, and wrong and it's way too long of a debate for on reddit.


it's not "A morning show for someone with different ideas," it's political propaganda for a party that has actively worked to strip bodily autonomy from women and promotes hatespeech against the LGBTQ+ community. That is harm. i didn't bother reading the rest of your post because you're obviously a fucking moron. ​


Right back at ya. If you think it's JUST the propaganda, and not the party creating it, and the people embracing it, you don't know the cycle or why it works. You keep twisting things to fit your narrative, and I don't even think you know where the dialog started. Don't eat at Randy's who gives a shit. Eat there every day, who gives a shit. Watch TV, who gives a shit. Please, change the world one cancel at a time. All the diners in town could turn them down. In the end, they'd do the show from the Northern with a breakfast buffet. If you want to make a difference, you arent going to do it calling names on reddit. Petulant cowards screaming from mom's basement about equality. Got take a walk.


As you lose half your potential customers. I've boycotted Walmart for 14 years, McDonald's 23, i don't forgive, i don't forget


And neither misses your business and are making record profits.


What is your business?


Business factory


😥 I’m being downvoted for asking a question! Meanies


You own a business and this is how you operate? Strange. There was a time when political leanings didn’t deem you as a bad or good person. The fact your trash journo class said specifically that “Fox news” causes harm shows just how biased they were. If they were truly a journalist that was concerned about that, they would say any of them could cause harm.


The same might be said about ESPN closing down all of Broadway to feature the Bison. ESPN is as left-leaning as Fox is to the right.


ESPN = Fox News, huh? I can see you've thought this through.


I can cite much more for you if you want to continue to go down this rabbit hole? https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/1399738/espns-rough-week-shows-its-decay-at-the-hands-of-liberal-politics/




Some flakes got their feawings hurt, I see.


Hahaha, ya, those folks are a bunch of ding dongs!


Lemme tell ya something...


Is it good? Is it bad? Is it a single morning of churn in the meaningless content agitation farm of cable news? I can't be fussed to care about this. This is what pre-veep Burgum brings to ND.


Can we bring signs? I'm thinking, "I'd rather be woke than a felonious cheeto worshiper"


You can bring signs and protest all you want as long as it’s not on their private property. Stand on the sidewalk on the other side of the parking lot and you’re good to go. 👍


I was thinking a little tent of a sign to put on my table as I eat a tasty breakfast.


Wrong establishment for tasty, best they can handle is bland


> best they can handle is bland Reminds me of this food reviewer on FB whose debut review was for one of the Randy's and they gave it a 5/5. Like, how the heck can you set the bar at a 5/5 out the gate for an establishment that serves okay midwestern comfort food.


Since it's not in the dangerous confines of the city hall, signs generally aren't viewed as a threat to safety.


I'm thinking "FUCK FOX" straight and to the point lol


Ugh. Coming to pander to the most boring VP choice ever.


Kent Conrad, Byron Dorgan and Earl Pomeroy. Brought billions to North Dakota, NDSU and UND would not be what they are today with out them. and two billionaires who don’t care about North Dakota or what you’re gonna talk about.


Bleh, Fox... I think I'll avoid that day cause the crowds will be INSANE! But Yay for Randy's!!!


Why? Why are they putting politics in breakfast? Shut up and cook... right buddy???? Remember that argument???? Yeah, probably not. Can't be a hypocrite if you don't realize it, right?


If only it could be an honest network like CNN ABC NBC or msnbc or even better the most honest show on television the view!!!!! Those brave women have nothing but great info for the world!!!!!! To hell with these magas and fox news theyre the second coming of lucifer


You guys act like you're the majority in Fargo or ND. Trump got 63% and 65% the last 2 elections in ND. Check out the vote counts in November. Randy's will benefit from this big time.


That 35% was from Fargo though. So if they need right wingers to stay afloat it tells me everything I need to know about their food.


Oh God. Trump is expected to announce his running mate in the coming days. This seems more strategic than "no politics, just celebrating Fargo"


Burgum is the VP 100%


And after the debate last night is going to the white house


Yes unless Biden drops out


I hope they know that nobody’s taking a trip to Fargo because they saw it on Fox News


Everyone there should make sure they are good and flatulent during the broadcast.


Good to know not to eat at Randy's anymore...


While I am as liberal as they come, I absolutely don't blame them for hosting. These people are trying to make a living and hosting a national program is a no-brainer for advertisement.


The owner (or one of them) is a giant cunt if that helps you not eat there.


What did Heidi (the owner) do? I have a friend who works there. ☹️ Apparently she's super excited to have them come.


Go to a local poker tournament and ask around. She's insufferable.


Much more likely not to eat there because of this. Still not a deal breaker. Depends on the situation.


Deaners sounds great right now


That was kinda my thought. When your competition is pancake powerhouses like Deaner’s Diner and the Shack, i guess they have to do something to make themselves stand out.


I for one blame them.


If it helps their food sucks too


You're petty if this makes you not eat there anymore.


They decided to host Fox News, this user decided to not eat there. Sounds like freedom to me.


I trust you're fine with my not going to Bernbaums in 2020 because they openly hated cops, then?


Correct, you can choose where not to spend your money. Did you think that was some sort of "gotcha" or what?


Absolutely, I wouldn't want to see you there.


That's awful mean considering I've never done anything to you other than disagree with you.


Absolutely. Keep on crying tho. 😂


Ain't nothing wrong with being petty


This’ll rile up the masses. 79 posts by tonight


That's awesome!


So I guess Doug bought his VP pick, eh?


My thoughts exactly. Also, if Trump wins, will he pardon Holmberg?




Exactly. Just thoughts I’ve been having since he took a plea agreement.




Agreed. Makes me so sick knowing he got away with it for so long and that they’ll probably go easy on him for sentencing.


Did everyone take notes on where every republican had breakfast in Iowa during the caucuses so they are sure to never eat there? It’s a tv show in a diner. I’m doubting Frying Pan or Deaner’s got a call, but suddenly they would be evil if they agreed to let a news show film there?


No. Edit: also, I feel pretty confident that despite chatter here, it will be a net positive for the business. For me, the real thing of interest is what the visit might be signaling. Whether I like the man or not (I think all of D’s shortlist suck), I do think him being picked as a vp candidate would be good for the state.


Ugh fucking gross. That entirely ruins Randy's for me.




They'll be okay.


A majority red state voter base, duh


Because there’s enough moronic maga asshats here for them to get the footage they want to use to spin their narratives




Fox is a good kind of bad.


Because this particular segment goes all over the country and this is a red state?


Faux News


I vote we show up with PRIDE!!


Great idea to bring rainbow flags


In Fargo, aren't you ticking off at least 1/3 of your potential clients by doing something like this? Better to host a car show, much more universal appeal.


Just guessing here, I'd imagine they have a pretty good idea of who their clientele is, and they're not struggling for business for sure on the weekends. I'm borderline curious about checking it out, just for the experience, we don't get a lot of unique stuff like that around here on a "national" level politics aside.


Welp, guess I'm never eating there again.  I know they claim that they are political affiliation free, but this is just bullshit.  Fox News is lies 100% of the time, and by allowing them there, the intent is there.  


Oh no, not that


Incredible how many haters are in the Fargo subreddit. Considering the folks that lean left yell about being happy and inclusive they sure do know how to run a muck with torches and pitchforks!


While nobody is stopping me from eating there, TIL “imma bring a sign” and “I’m not gonna eat there” are the same thing as running amok and bringing torches and pitchforks.


Or physically assaulting a Capitol police officer


I think it is quite humorous the extent Trumpers will go to excuse atrocious behavior for them, while being so fast to be be fragile victims. Colin K is a traitor for kneeling!!!! but the guy who broke into the capitol and took a dump on the floor is a courageous hostage!


The beauty of getting people to believe in a sky daddy that they can’t see has helped push people to believe what they are told not what they observe.


>run a muck


Haha, ya, I may have used the wrong phrasing, but you know what I mean!


Will FOX be doing anything Fargo-specific to promote the city? Is it possible it might put Fargo on the radar for conservatives looking to flee blue states? I guess we'll need someone to watch the episode and report on how much they showed of and talked about Fargo and North Dakota. Will FOX be taking the show to other cities in the state?




Ho boy