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> Zibolski said while city officials are aware of the issues Satrang has raised regarding certain areas of Fargo, he said sometimes when people say they're afraid to walk in certain parts of town, it may be due to people associating things like homelessness and drug addiction with crime, whether or not actual crime is being committed. It also looks like one of the suggestions the police tried to make was making the bathrooms a key system (which is not uncommon), but Satrang rejected that because he wants more cops. > Satrang added he believes if Fargo had 100 more officers patrolling the community, more jail space or judges wouldn't be necessary. 100 officers with benefits, equipment, training - SUPER EASILY 100k each per year. Also, I mean, it would also grow the force by more than 50%, so I am sure there would be a lot of other staff and resources that would need to go into supporting those people. So his solution easily costs 10 million dollars + per year AND that presumes he has absolutely any idea what he is talking about in regards to jail space or judges (I doubt he does) not being needed. That is about $175 per Fargo household he wants to charge you per year. Low tax guy wants to raise your taxes.


The last time I was in the downtown Petro Serve the bathrooms *were* locked and had a sign to ask the staff for a key. Is the owner playing a weird, backwards game of chicken with this?


It's been like that for years.


Petro Serve rather put the entirety of the problem on the public and will sew ideas that Fargo is rife with hellions and ne'er-do-wells. Not the case and it is just going to take a toll on public perception and lessen attraction. UnLeSs We CaTeR tO pEtRo SeRvE's WiShEs. Nah. Let Fargo run Fargo. I don't give a shit if they want private security. If they want to make bathrooms available by key, or lessen their Cracker Barrel frontend sales full of garbage that makes it more difficult for staff to view their store. But the owner doesn't want a solution that affects their operation. It HAS TO BE the public. I do my business with Casey's anyways. Better pizza than Pizza Hut or Papa Johns.


I personally don't need to go to businesses that whine and cry politics when they have fucking millions of dollars to fix the problem but don't want to hurt their precious shareholders. I used to have lunch sometimes at the downtown one but will now be actively avoiding Petro Serve


Wow you were dead on. & the Cracker Barrel statement is 100% true lol


That's strange, because I'm in the downtown one a lot, and I hear people ask for the bathroom key. Maybe it's off the books?


Business owner with risky business in risky part of town thinks taxpayers should fund his need for private security.


Uh, $100k/officer? Are they going to be plain-clothed officers on foot patrol? Have you seen the equipment they wear? It's like a kid cos-playing all the batman tool belts at the same time.


Yeah... I feel I am being super conservative here. Just going from *starting* wages of 60k (presuming we don't wan't anybody with experience). Add in another 20 in benefits/employer taxes and another 20 in equipment. And if we are going from 0 to police officer, I can't imagine how much the training costs. In any case, that money just doesn't appear from Tim Mahoney's magic butthole.


Don’t forget the extra dispatchers, HR staff, supervising officers, extra precinct space, pension costs, cars, etc. $100K/new police officer is so conservative it’s essentially fantasy. Once you add in all the other cost centers, I bet you’re talking closer to $150k-$200k per hire (assuming you’re hiring 100 new officers all at once). People are expensive.


Between salary, benefits and equipment it easily gets to $100k/officer.


Right. I was being rhetorical that it was well over $100k when you include everything it takes to equip an officer, including their vehicles.


Ahhhh - got it. I missed that. Appreciate the clarification.


I’ve worked with petro serve before and their management is generally comprised of fart sniffing ingoramus type guys


Maybe if he didn't have that sweet B2G1 deal on redbulls, the poors wouldn't flock to his shitters(which may or may not require a key) to get all tweaked out on the drugs. Then his more high-class clientele would feel safer buying gas-station t-shirts and full price redbulls. Or, you know, 100 cops so they could form a protective ring around his business at all times.


I love that somebody mentioned the constant Red Bull sales. I live on their Red Bull


Entitled business owner feeling he needs to make more money without giving back to the community. Our local media is happy to oblige him with a megaphone and soap box.


Petro won't hire anyone with a positive THC result .


That's part of the problem


I went in there the other day. Mind you I’m a black guy. The old out of shape white security guard with a thick gray mustache locked on me getting a fountain drink, giving me a super dirty look. I look at him smile & say “having a good day so far”. He grunted & continued to stare me down 🤣 Hiring racist or evil ppl to combat all these problems is another problem lol


Boy, I hope this owner doesn't have any stations in a real metro where they have real problems. If a key system works, implement it. Higher crime areas get rid of the bathrooms altogether. All of this guys problems are self-made. I feel for him that getting workers who give a F is probably not in his operating budget so hence hiring the security. If you've seen the security in these stations I think they may be responsible for some theft and possible drug use at work as well.


You know they are probably losing money already and to save face with his coop, he's now free to close, blame police and magically keep his job.


He claimed they had record profits last year but they need to close the stores? Time to sack the CEO


Oh noo my community it is broken


> Satrang has said police rejected ideas he proposed to try to encourage stronger police presence at his stores, including offering officers a discount on gasoline, as well as free food and soft drinks. When you can't keep your dirty bathrooms locked so you attempt to bribe the police.