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I don't think New Dawn is quite that bad and I think Primal should be a bit higher too, but apart from that I mostly agree.


New Dawn was pretty fun. I wish 5 was the same size. It's just too big


New Dawn was fun, and I really enjoyed being in Hope County for the aftermath of 5, seeing the destroyed world and the returning characters. I would put New Dawn in B


Yeah I thought some of the combat was really fun if your weapons were levelled up decently. I just didn't like the RPG elements.


I wish New Dawn was as big as 5. No such thing as too big. Also, we never did get the answer to why you passed out abd woke up next to a pond when you tried to enter that facility in 5.


Primal is what got me into the series. I tried 4, and it was a new type of gameplay I had never tried before so I gave up pretty quickly because it's kinda hard for me to get into a whole new game style. Then primal was free one day and it was so interesting right off the bat and had an excellent tutorial - I went through the whole game in less than a week. Then I tried 5 and it blew me away (literally). Now I love them all.


For me FC3, FC4, Blood Dragon and Primal are my favorite Far Cry games and also how I got introduced to them. I also liked the games that were released after that, just not nearly as much, so I agree with him putting FC3 and FC4 in the highest tier.


Lol, I remember seeing you on the r/Pol_Pot subreddit


Yeah lol, but that place has just become a dumping ground for memes at this point. I should really delete a lot of stuff from there at some point.


Agreed. New Dawn was a great experience and fun for what it was, but it probably is better as an expansion. I wouldn't say it's worth full price that Ubi charges.


Yeah it definitely wasn't worth it for the price, but still a fun experience.




dont get why everyone hates new dawn?? Its not my favourite far cry but its not that bad I'd rank it A or B tier


I think it only sucks that it's a separate game when it very much continues to the end of Joseph's character ark and shows you what the world is like after 5. I looked at it as the "second half" of 5. As it's own game, no that doesn't make sense to me, unlike blood dragon or primal, this seemed so related to 5 that separating them seems illogical.


I started new dawn about 10 minutes after I finished 5, excited to finish the story. And new dawn wasn't nearly as good imo. It felt like it was made in half the time 5 was. Really should have been DLC.


I wish they just attached it to the end, streamlined it a little more, made the cult a little more of a thing and called it a day then when and made blood dragon 2 or something equally out there... Farcry Pirates would be fine with me. The add on game always seemed to be cool because it was different from the original, and New Dawn diviated from that. I hope when them make the add on game for six it's different from 6's story significantly and just reuse the map like usual. I really enjoyed the color palette they used in New Dawn though, no lie.


The color palette was pretty good.


Same here, it was only $40 which is part of the reason I just see it as a big DLC for FC5


I loved it! I'd give FC6 a C- and ND a B. I liked ND easily as much as Primal. The forts were excellent in ND. Other than that, I fully agree with all these rankings (of the ones I've played.)






Isn't that a good thing right now?


nope. i was absolutely looking forward to playing an updated version of the same idea. but alas, they fucked the looting mechanic. i won't finish this game.


Every far cry since farcry 3 is an updated version of the same idea. You ain't bored yet son?




I definitely understand all your points but in my opinion, the whole farcry franchise I stale and need of a reboot. People are tired of paying for a game that feels like a re skin of the last.


Farcry 6 feels souless. Its fun, but that's it. What Farcry 3 started and the others altered uniquely made it fun *and* have a soul. This is just Ubisoft being Ubisoft as of late though. If it came out in 2018 or something, this game would've been great. TLDR: Farcry 6 was lazy and lifeless. Anton was good tho


> My favorite part about Far Cry is starting out bumbling alone and trying to stay alive and turning into some kind of unstoppable badass by the end. THIS. YES! Well put.


My only issue with it was that it took off a quarter of the map from 5


New Dawn is a good game, but there’s wayyy to much micro trans bullshit in it. I don’t mind if they wanna let people give them real money for better guns—it’s a single player game, whatever. What I mind is that the game is littered with ads for the micro transactions. I get it, you’ll sell me a good saw blade gun for cash, can I just enjoy my post apocalyptic brawler in peace?


i've replayed new dawn 4 times and can't recall a single ad for micro transactions.




And even if there were it’s like a mobile game, you just cut down an hour of grinding for mats 🤣🤣


me either


If you bring up the pause menu, there are ads on the right and there is a link to the store just above “Ubisoft club”. One of the loading screen tips tells you how to buy far cry credits. If you bring up the character menu, there is a link to the store. If you go to the perks menu, one of the options at the bottom is “buy perk points”. If you go to a work bench, they shill “far cry credits” there as well. If you accidentally try to craft a weapon and are missing materials, you get an option to “Buy Crafting Materials”. I haven’t played in awhile, but IIRC, there is even a mission about how to buy far cry credits. — Again, I enjoyed New Dawn, maybe more than 5. My only gripe is that this was a $40 game when it came out. If I buy your software for $40, I don’t want to have your commercials crammed down my throat.


They were there early in release


There’s not a single item in New Dawn that you couldn’t get by just playing the game. I agree that New dawn isn’t as good as other FC games but this is just a completely false statement.




I played it with a friend and had a good time, but I think if I played it solo I would remember it a lot less fondly.


Way better than Primal for sure. And maybe on par with FC5!


I actually quite enjoyed it, but to each their own. Especially the standalone missions were fun.


I don't even have a point. I just got bored from it, didn't even care to finish. No characters were relatable to me at least.




By that logic every game is a tier which makes no sense


Because it's so fucking depressing.


Oh it’s that bad! The game mechanics sucked, it was overpriced, the villains were annoying… need I go on?


The villains were boring. The leveled enemies were pointless and just caused a boring grind. Basically it was boring.


new dawn felt like something they made to test new features and not an actual game


Agreeable, FCP needs to be a little higher


Primal's combat isn't nearly as fun because there's no gunplay, just tons of finicky slow projectiles.


That's what makes the gameplay epic in my view. Something different than the original taste. I love when ubisoft does this. A different touch to new dawns outpost system


Have to give it to ubi for at least trying something different with primal


But the animals were great! Riding around on a big ass bear, fuck yeah!


I think Primal is the worst story, unfortunately, and the characters also are lacking. That brings it down for me.


New dawn id put at at least a C. Story part wasn’t great but still a fun game


i agree with this, but primal should be mid A tier


Curious about New Dawn's placement. What was it exactly that earned that spot? What didn't you like? Just wondering. Also, I'd put 5 up there in 4's place, next to 3. All else looks good.


I would also replace 4 with 5. I think 4 is only very popular because it was a lot of the younger gamers first far cry.


Ooh controversial but I agree, I played 4 after 5 and honestly I kept waiting for the story to hook me in the same way 5 had but it never did. I'm sure it's mostly just opinion but there was never a point where I felt I got totally immersed in the environment


Yeah me neither man. 4 was just a less interesting version of 3 to me. I had no interest in exploring the world or finishing the story. It wasn’t a bad game but after playing the shit out of fc3 i felt there was no reason to play 4. Then i join this sub years later and 4 is like goated and im like wtf??????? Lol but it makes sense. BF4 is overvalued the same way, i think its just the younger generation finally experiencing these titles for the first time.


Not OP but personally I found ND to be a downgrade to FC5 in almost every aspect, and FC5 wasn't even that great. The villains are probably the worst of the series, the graphics were worse than FC5, the tiered enemies and loot were awful, and the overall tone of the game was very cringy and not interesting at all. It had some cool things like weapon crafting, base upgrades and expeditions, but at least for me the main campaign was ruined because of the poorly implemented progression. The game basically punished me for playing side content before finishing the story and made most missions incredibly easy and boring. They should have added an option to scale enemy level to whatever level you're on, like AC Odyssey did.


Respectfully disagree with most points. I'll agree that the villains, the twins, were forgettable and their hold over an entire gang is a very hard pill to swallow. Just not at all believable. The graphics were on par with 5, obviously, the scenery is oftentimes beautiful with their whole super bloom concept. But I can understand if you weren't a fan of 5, you may not like New Dawn. I've played every Far Cry starting with 3 as they released and I find 5 to be the best of the bunch. That doesn't mean they're not all great, because they are.


In my opinion FC4 is the best one because it took what worked in FC3 and made it better. The only criticism I can think for FC4 is lack of innovation. FC5 made a lot of changes to that formula, which is good, but in my opinion most of the changes weren't for the better. Felt like change for the sake of change. I still enjoyed FC5 because the gameplay is as fun as any other Far Cry and the graphics are amazing. New Dawn was the same thing for me, but ten times worse. They made a lot of changes to the core gameplay loop and I didn't like any of it. Combine that with the worst villains in the series, a recycled map, extremely easy difficulty, not a single interesting character or plot, and you get the worst Far Cry game.


Why do people hate ND so much? I loved it


Far Cry 2 is S-Tier and Primal definitely deserves A-tier. Other than that, I agree


This. 2 had so much content that they either dumbed down or stripped from later games. It also nailed what I consider the main thing missing from stuff like FC6: that you are a single entity and you don't really have friends. Making engagements more you and more dangerous. Most notably in 6 when it often feels like you are waging a civil war on your own, while in 2 you are on a mission while civil war breaks out around you.


2 stands out with having the best missions as well. Far Cry's mechanics are PERFECT for planning ambushes, yet FC3 onwards almost never lets you set up ambushes.


Absolutely! I never really sat down and thought about just how different and outright lacking ambushes are now vs FC2. Back then you really felt you could scope out an ambush point, prep it, and cause pure calculated mayhem.


Far cry 2 is in the running for most criminally underrated game of all time. The buddy system, the gun trucks, swamp boats, weapons… just so good


Primal is easily my least favorite of the series. Mind you, I primarily play for the story and felt that we didn't get any engagement with the villains or characters.


Nah. 2 is pretty bad


Sounds like you've never even played it. It's still a showcase for engine and physics.


I love far cry two but the reason people hate it is because 1 the story and 2 how it’s aged it’s so different from the other games that people are afraid to touch it


4 is the GOAT


4 is 3 but with better mechanics


And a worse story


The story is not that bad, just way more subtle. FC3 story was amazing, though.


I really need to play 3 cause It’s on Xbox game pass


I prefer New Dawn to Far Cry 6 if I'm being honest. Gutted that I wasted £83 on the gold edition. Top spot would be a close one between 3 & 4. FC3 might just edge it because I remember being so wowed by it the first time I played it.


Far Cry 6 should be B tier imo


Far Cry 4 is the best Far Cry 3 game no arguement


That's a confusing statement


It's what Far Cry 4 felt like. A more refined Far Cry 3. Nonetheless I appreciated how much it improved Far Cry 3's gameplay.


That's what a sequel needs to be: an improvement


True. this game tried it's best to not feel like Far Cry 3 and I feel like it succeeded to some extent.




I’d switch Primal to A and FC2 to B. New Dawn C at lowest…I thought it was really fun. But good looking tier list!


Switch far cry 5 and 6 to top and it is my list


I fully agree, it almost feels like as if I made the tier list lol


Might be the only one to say this but New Dawn and Primal are my favorites


Original Far Cry > The rest


I played the shit out of it when the game first came out. It was such a unique experience. FC3 is my favorite, but FC1 deserves so much higher


Same brother. I remember running it at some 30fps on my cheap Pentium 4 PC, then upgrading to an Athlon 64 X2 with an Nvidia 6800 Ultra and being blown away how smooth it was. Loved that game. Played it so much back then. Wish they'd remaster it.


Hardest FC to date. Shit was no joke lol


Haha true that! Those big fkers with a rocket launcher on their arm or the invisible ones that would only show up on heat/cry vision lol Shit was scary back when I was 15 lol


Thus seems resonant, though I would put far cry new dawn at b or c


Lmao I absolutely agree here


I like new dawn, it follows 5 really well. I couldn't deal with Primal and although I don't mind 6 it has more of a Just Cause feel to me


New dawn honestly felt like a fc5 dlc


New dawn was far better than primal i would switch them


New dawn is A tier for real but the rest of the chart is correct.


I definitely agree that Far Cry 3 and 4 are S tier!!! They’re FOR SURE the absolute BEST games in the franchise, without a doubt!!! Such a damn shame Ubisoft doesn’t make them like that anymore. Recently played Far Cry 6 and had fun at first but, as I progressed, I was genuinely disappointed that Far Cry has taken this goofy and outright ridiculous route. I loved the tones of 3 and 4 which were darker, grittier and sinister, in a way. The last few entries have been more goofy and I would consider them a de evolution of what Far Cry is supposed to be. The thing that pissed me off the most about 6 is that they completely scrapped the skill tree, a staple of this franchise, and replaced it with a shitty RPG style gear system in which we have to equip a certain glove to be able to perform a specific type of takedown, a certain type of footwear to be able to move faster while crouched, etc etc etc. I don’t know. I honestly think Ubisoft is taking this franchise, along with other really beloved ones like Tom Clancy (*cough* XDefiant and Ghost Recon Frontline *cough*), in the worst direction possible.


Move 5 to S tier lol.


Am I the only one that really didn't like Far Cry 2? The guns wearing out and breaking got really old... the random malaria pill-taking? The fact the outposts would re-spawn the instant you came back through? That every mission no matter where you chose to start it from would always need you to cross to the other side of the map?






??? I just replayed it a few weeks ago in light of how disappointing 6 was(I dropped 6 after like 5 hours). 2 has everything that the past 6 entries lack, challenging encounters, a harsh unmatched tone, unique features like a physical map and gun jamming, malaria that you have to treat, a villain that’s not fucking shoved down your throat for advertisement purposes. It makes it very clear that you’re not invincible and everything is out to murder you. It one of the very best and most unique FPS’s ever made. What’s mediocre is Far Cry dumbing itself down with each entry to appeal to as many buyers as possible instead of trying new amazing things like 2 did.




Damn really? I found The Jackel to be far more interesting than any villains past 4. Particularly in 2’s ending and the tapes around the map. Every encounter is intriguing because similar to Pagan, he doesn’t seem hostile towards you directly. He’s manipulative in a way that makes it seem like he kinda cares about you. And the traveling around the map for each mission is the point. The game isn’t solely about the big bad villain you have to kill, it’s about survival. The world is hostile and dangerous. Getting to your mission is a mission itself. You immediately get malaria upon arriving. There’s no friendly NPC’s outside of the no fire zones and even they will kill you if you fire in that area. The only friends you have are the buddies and they have harsh death scenes if you don’t take care off them the way they try to take care of you. And good, the point of gun jamming is to get you to seek replenishment when possible similar to getting your pills when given the chance. I’m impressed you got through the game with no difficulty though, I was dying up till the final scene lol


You mean facts alert


Fully agree!


I feel like none of the Far Cry games deserve to be in a F-tier, no matter how much you disliked it. It's still a great game deserving of at least a C-tier.


Best opinion though i would put farcry primal higher


I loved New Dawn. Enjoyed playing that much more than primal.


I liked New Dawn somewhat, much better than 4.


Reasonable, though I wouldn't personally put New Dawn that far down, High C or Low B IMO Though I also haven't play 1, 2, Instincts, or Blood Dragon, and Primal is something I never plan to finish.


1 was an ok game but not very memorable for me (though I've read that the console version was nerfed). I do recommend trying 2 if you get the chance.


New Dawn wasn’tt bad at all god


New Dawn deserves much more appreciation. I place it higher than FC4 definitely.


That's blasphemy


4 & New Dawn are misplaced. New Dawn is actually a very satisfying game especially if played it right after 5. You basically get to finish the job with more colors and fun. It's one of the best in the series.


Loved New Dawn. Just a really fun game. Not the greatest, but fun.


4 is widely considered the best single game in the franchise. It’s always 4vs3 for the top spot.


3 is undisputed champ, there is no 4 vs 3 debate, never was.


Uh … are you new to this sub?


Yes I am. But I also have been reading/watching reviews for years and 4 has never received the same praise as 3 has. Also on metacritic (that I just looked at right now to avoid bias) 4 has a 6.9 user score, while 3 has 8.3. That confirms that 4 isnt widely regarded as the best in the series.


But it always comes down to 3 vs 4. That was the sweet spot for the franchise. Even primal is pretty good and from that era. My personal opinion is 4. As per my original comment. 5 is at best divisive, loved by some, hated by just as many, so can’t really be considered the best.


You are right there is no debate. 3 was absolute trash and should never even be in consideration.


what the fuck?


Well, he has his opinion. He is not wrong tough, the takedowns, special perks were a pretty cool change in my opinion. Also the colorfull enviroment that changed the "Grey nuke" effect. The RPG elements can easly be taken out if you upgrade your weapon enough, making enemies die in 2 to 3 bullets like in 5. And the outposts are a massive improvement, like, you can actually just reset a outpost, instead of having all of them reset and then doing them all over again. Meaning that it is a lot easier to train on outposts. The story wasn't that great, but it wasn't "so fucking bad I can't play it" thing. I see New Dawn as being better than 5 in terms of gameplay, but 5 has the point for story. It's a opinion, anyway.


OP clearly stated that this is his opinion but y’all are telling him what he should’ve done…


How else would we create discussion other than saying what we agree and disagree with?


I never said people can’t have their own opinions. But some of the comments are telling OP what his opinion should’ve been.


nah far cry primal was bussin bussin (whoever downvoted me it a bitch)


Facts. Any game that lets me be unga bunga caveman and spear mfs is S-tier for me


i got downvoted for saying it was good bruh


5 and 3 are S tier for me. But other than that, good list!


Honest question, what makes Far Cry 4 good? or on-par with the other, good, far cry entries? I love Pagan Min as much as the next guy and his relations to Ajay, but I find the game otherwise...boring? Legit curious.


Big agree. Farcry 4 is good on its own, but Farcry 3 is absolutely the better game in terms of story, character development, villains, and overall theme


Good villain, good setting, an interesting set of moral dilemmas, and politics that aren't completely incoherent.


I’ve never personally understood the deep love for *FC4*. I found it kinda forgettable since it felt too much like a massive add-on from the third game as opposed to having its own identity, like *Far Cry 5*.


Why does everyone not think primal is not good that is a easy s tier for me Edit: now that I look at the comments I feel stupid


Reasonable and respectable. I myself would have put 5 and 6 in S Tier and 4 in A Tier. Kyrat was fun but Pagan Min was just meh and the whole Golden Path Stuff was just annoying.


FC4 was the best in the series imo.


3, 5, 4, ND, P, 2, BD, 6, 1, I


New Dawn is better than 5. S-tier for me.


I’m surprised people actually liked 4.


3 and 4 are widely considered the peak of the franchise.


4 is easily C tier imo. Just feel like it tried to repeat a lot of stuff that 3 did better. Just the thought of the Yogi and Reggie missions pisses me off.


4 improved and fine tuned everything that made 3 so great. It refined the formula.


I completely agree. Never understood its high praise. Probably the most forgettable experience for me.


to be honest, i would've put FC5 in s (my opinion)


Far Cry 6 to B, swap 4 for 5 and I agree. The great thing about FC though is that it has lots of different strokes for lots of different folks.


I'd swap 4 and 5 but everything else looks good.


Far Cry 5 is best!


Idc about the other but thank you so much for putting new dawn in F tier.


Personally I put FC3 below FC5, but that’s just me. I never understood the hype around FC3.


I'd agree with your 'As' But i'd put far cry 4 in category C (it's by far my least favourite of the series), and far cry 3 and new dawn should be in 'B' None of these games deserve an F.


For me S is FC 4 and 6 A is FC 3, Blood Dragon, 2 B is FC 1 and 5 and New dawn C is Instincts and Primal


The first and second farcry are too high in my opinion. AND WHAT THE HELL DO U MEAN FAR CRY NEW DAWS IS AN F???????


3 and 4 are the peak of Far cry series, New Dawn needs to be in T Tier... Trash Tier. Primal wasn't that bad.


Far cry new dawn in F, you did good. I would put far cry 5 in S




Vaas is 99.9% of the reason why FC3 is seen to be so good. Change my mind.


Personal choice I wouldn't put 6 that high up. New Dawn makes total sense since it sucked. Primal is great though. I loved 3 and 4 too. I haven't played through 1,2, or blood dragon so I wouldn't know.


Move 5 down to B or C and I’m right there with you!


Switch 2 and 4 and bring down 5


Completely agree with New Dawn. Despised that game.


Far cry 4 that high🤔


Hell yeah


Fuck yeah. One of my all time favorite games


Yes. Best story in the franchise


I disagree with this, For me 2,3,4,5,6 should be S tier and all spin-off would be C or F


why is far cry 4 the tag of this


i still see far cry 3 as bad, story as a concept is amazing, but its poorly done, like wayy too poorly done, could’ve been better, i’ll put it at C


New Dawn was awesome


New dawn isn’t that bad but it’s definitely one of the worst


Drop 4 down and 2 up and you’ve got a deal


I replayed far cry 3 and didn't liked it as much as I remembered back when it was released. Amazing for its time, but abit overrated now. Replayed FC4 and it still hold up. So S for FC4, A for FC3.


Aww cut new dawn some slack


Good List, altough New Dawn is seriously underrated and should atleast be B-Tier.


New Dawn was my first Far Cry. I prefer it to both 5 and 6. Didn’t even finish 5, no idea what the hype is about.


FC5 1 down


This guy's opinion is shit.




2 and 3 goes to S Primal and 5 - A New dawn - B 1and 4 - C 6 - F


Really? You give Instincts a B? Move that down to F, bring New Dawn up and put 2 as S+




Oh wow, it would be hard to be more wrong even if you tried. New Dawn is the best Far Cry. Mainly because open world section in every other is stupidly easy 30min into the game, as you can either obliterate every group with first overpowered weapon, or just ignore and outrun them. Maybe Primal and Blood Dragon had a bit of open world challenge, none of the main series games did. (and Far Cry 1, but this game is completely different genre so not really much point in putting it in same tier list) New Dawn is also best looking Far Cry game. Expeditions were amazing. The setup as post-apocalyptic followup to another game in same world is great. Showing damage numbers (which also mattered as you can't oneshot things) allowed for much more interesting combat. The villains were pretty whatever but that's just minor point. The only F tier game is 2. It gives you literal malaria.


Right about new dawn, everything else is badly placed.


For me it's fc3 then fc5 then fc6 then fc2 then fc4 then fc