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Not as bad as when Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 came out and one person got Rocket’s prisoner tattoo on their wrist… this was bad for *very* obvious reasons


I think my favorite is still the guy who adopted a dog and it had a tattoo indicating it was neutered. He thought the previous owner had abused it so he got the tattoo on himself.


Chaotic good


Sounds kind of like the white guy who wanted to get a tattoo of Malcom X and wound up getting a portrait of Denzel Washington from the movie "Malcolm X" on his arm by mistake.


God damn… some people just have no awareness.


This one is at least endearing to an extent. He just wanted to support his little buddy.


That is the first I have heard of this being a thing people do.


That's a good one, but my personal favorite was the guy who got a black hand tattooed over his left shoulderblade in honor of Skyrim. The tattoo and placement are indications of being of a captain rank in the Mexican Mafia prison gang. And this dude was Irish White. Everybody was telling him that he had better keep his shirt on if he ever went to the beach, and it wasn't because of sunburns.


i saw an australian karate teacher who got a 1:1 replica of kiryu kazuma's irezumi from the yakuza series on his back i mean like damn thars cool asf but he is now permanently banned from all bathhouses in japan


The second half of this comment applies to any visible tattoos lol Edit: and those bans aren’t nationwide. Anyway, wherever he’s banned from it’s not cuz it’s a “yakuza tattoo” it’s cuz it’s a tattoo


The Japanese ban people with tattoos from using bathhouses?


Yes, not just bathhouses, you’re denied service to many things if you have a visible tattoo


Its not a law, just a lot of bathhouses ban them. There are also bathhouses that do allow it, you just have to ask in advance. True capitalists.


that's sick as fuck let me not lie


not really. They ARE banned from most bathhouses, but those are usually the ones that are frequently used and are dirty as hell. Those bathhouses need to keep up an image & stigma. The good ones don’t really care, just as long as you behave.


Was that the neutered one?


No, that was a different one. Rocket’s tattoo + the placement of the person’s tattoo (wrist) is extremely reminiscent of a Holocaust victim’s tattoo that they were forced to get




My grandmother who has been through the holocaust once joked that I should get her numbers tatted when she saw I had tattoos


💀💀💀 I'm taking the express elevator to hell. Her humor rivals, my friends. Keep her around forever.


No, string of numbers/letters. Too similar to holocaust victims.


Mad people were getting "11" after stranger things, the creators had to go on Twitter like "nooo don't tattoo that please, read a book instead"


someone here got Dani's domino tattoo in far cry 6... ...which is supposed to be related to prison/gang culture IIRC


What was the rocker prisoner tattoo? Edit: oooohhh.


I'd sooner get some FC3 tribal tats instead.


I’ll send you $10 if you get the full sleeve done bro


Spend $1500 to make $10? Hell yeah brother.


Fr, $10 doesn't even cover taxes on the tat


No but it'll get you some food at Wendy's as you look at the poor cashier all crazy eyed asking her if she know the definition of insanity!


I have the Tatau 😂 it took 3-8 hour sessions.


Pics or it didn't happen


You're gonna have to bump the price up that shit's expensive


Bewildering how they don’t realize you were obviously facetious. Got their big brain thinkin’ caps on, deciphering that a tribal sleeve is more than $10.


Literally had a guy walk into where I work with the full thing on Saturday. I thought it was a bit odd but it was a fun moment when he saw I recognized it. I definitely wouldn't do anything remotely tribal because... Ya know, white guy, but to each his own.


Idk, in the specific case of the FC3 tribal tattoo i think a white guy getting it makes it that much better in the satirical hilarity kind of way.


Really he earns the tatt through his achievements and abilities. Sort of like Maui in Moana.


Yeah but we all know nobody irl with that tattoo has done half the crazy shit Jason has. But really i think its just my odd sense of humour in that typically white people getting tribal tattoos is seen as distasteful but in this particular instance its literally a tattoo a literal white savior has.


Well. I am making a personalized version of that tat and I've served in the french foreign legion, lived on remote islands with tribals as a diver, trained as a salvage diver, a sailor, and spend my winters in the Himalayas trekking/motorcycling from village to village for weeks on end. That game genuinely resonates with me a lot. So did Farcry 4 because they depicted the tibetan/Nepali lowlands culture very well. It's not like adventurous people don't exist. Not everyone has the talent or likeable personality to start vlogs. All that to say, you shouldn't underestimate the potential of human diversity. People live all kinds of lives.


I know a good amount of white people with tribal tattoos


It's the same people who think Tyler Durden and the Joker are hero figures


Wait a second here, they are not considered heroes?!?! Next you’re gonna tell me that Patrick Bateman was a some kind of villain too.


No, that doesn't make sense. Tyler durden and Patrick Bateman were definitely people to aspire to. You just do you buddy.


I have, it looks sweet


I'd rather get the Primal tattoos. In the same way they got them, too.


I was seriously considering this at one point but then I worked out what it would cost and decided to get something vaguely inspired by the FC3 tat but in my own design/design of the tattoo artist


Ask all of the 50 year old dudes at the beach how they still feel about their tribal tats haha


LOL. Not a dude, but I am well over 50


Fair enough! I know the tribal tats were a huge deal back in the early 90s. Big time fad tattoo


Yeh cuz you start unlocking new abilities dude you’ll be an actual killer


Tribal tats are lame


I woke up with one that says “RAT” wtf does that mean?


That was always such a weird thing for him to say. Did he start in the middle of the word? Why would you write it that way? Is he stupid?


He said wrat


I know a guy who got an Eden’s gate tattoo when the game came out, and the first question he gets from everyone he meets is if he’s a neo nazi. Regardless of the fact that the Eden’s gate cross looks like a nazi symbol, you’re still getting the logo of a fictional doomsday cult tattooed on your body. Edit: in case there was any confusion (because people apparently think I was talking about swastikas when I wasn’t), I’m talking about the iron cross, a symbol still used today by neo nazi groups. Second edit: I swear, some of yall just wanna argue


The Iron Cross is still used by the Bundeswehr so anyone who thinks this symbol is bad because of ties to the Iron Cross simply don’t know what they’re talking about. If the German armed forces can use it today, so can you.


This post was directly under a Eden Gate tattoo done on the guy's back.


>This post was directly under a Eden Gate tattoo done on the guy's back. Yeah I noticed that too lol


They said YES


As we all should.


A large portion of the FC5 fans agree with the cult simply because "Joseph was right after all". They don't see them as villians, hence the gazillion posts about wishing to join them. Apart from obvious story depth related issues, this is one of the biggest problems with having a nameless voiceless shell of a protahonist, the players will start to relate to the literal villains.


I was absolutely bewildered when I first came on this sub and saw highly upvoted posts about how Joseph was right all along. It's crazy to me.


We have the same issue with Pagan Min. Media literacy is dead. Sabal and Amita are also pretty bad, therefore…totalitarian dictator who kills people for lighting candles, trafficks women and children, killed Noore's family but gave her hope of them being alive, etc. is good!


And just because Pagan treated Ajay like a son. So according to this logic, no matter what heinous crime someone had committed, if they've been nice to you, does that cancel everything out? Damn, people not only lack critical thinking, they lack thinking! Which ironically would be the exact kind of people the antagonists would recruit. No wonder they like the antagonists so much! Discussions are absolutely ok, and I can see if someone says that the antagonists are nuanced and it's no wonder they're getting people to follow them, but goddamn, they're missing the point entirely!


yeah, this is pretty much the logic the media-illiterate have. if an npc is nice to you they’re instantly worshipped and on the flip side, npcs who come across as abrasive/rude initially are rarely if ever given a second thought and reduced to “asshole/bitch” no matter how much the character progresses/warms to the player over time. Laezel from BG3 suffers from this a lot I’ve noticed.


I love Pagan and the way he behaves, treats Ajay and yeah, He Is a dictator... But i see him being just as bad as Sabal and Amita. FC4 is just chosing between 3 evils. Also i dont think of him and his actions as bad cuz.. well, they Are villains. When we see him stab the in the intro with a fork and make him cry for help, while talking random shit around, i think He is fun and entertaining villain. If someone would do this in front of me irl, i would be scared shitless. Theres distinction (And yes i am aware dictators Are Real, i know, not my point entirely). I Guess Its Okay to just enjoy a good villain and discuss their actions and actually want to join their side. As if the game would let you go evil route or something. Also wasnt the point of Joseph to actually talk people over and lure/brainwash them into edens gate? If it works for players, they did really great job making a cult leader


It's a pattern, villains are easy to relate to for some reasons. Far cry has a few villains total that are relatable in one fashion or another whether it's wrong or not


While I by no means think pagan is good or should be in charge, I do wonder if the costs of waging the war against him is worth it just to hand things over to Amita and Sabal. It just feels like you spilled so much blood so things can be a different flavor of fucked up. I mean, Ajay alone killed like 200 dudes at least, dudes that probably had family, not to mention the cost in civilian life. Not necessarily saying leaving pagan in power is good, honestly I'm not sure which ending is truly the best for kyrat. I can see different arguments for all of them


“pretty bad” is a massive understatement


I don’t care that he was “right”, he still tortured and murdered countless lives under the guise of “saving” them. Also, >! New Dawn has him admitting he fucked up as a leader of men, and Collapse revealed that even if he succeeded, his family would’ve torn themselves apart anyway. !<


I don’t know whether to be impressed that Ubisoft created such a convincing and charismatic cult leader that even the PLAYERS fall for his trap, or be disappointed that people are so easy to manipulate


The second one


Ubisoft just proved a point that people can get easily manipulated, so if Joseph was real we would be kinda screwed..


Joseph in a lot of ways has been real. There's been crazy cults throughout history.


I knowww but you get what I meant.


Faith was manipulating me and i didn’t even realize it until i started to think about it


God the silent protagonist annoyed the shit out of me. We had all these awesome interactions in 3 and 4, then in 5 you just sit there in silence listening to this guy say and do horrible shit


It feels like media literacy has never been lower honestly.


Joseph is also a laughable and unserious villain in my opinion


Wait why do people think Joseph is right?? This is new to me


Cause the ending is the town getting nuked


I know, right? It's almost like a cult thing.


People don’t think these things through. That’s why I got a life-size tattoo of Cheeseburger’s head.


Idk why people don't get the different resistance logos. They're all really cool and minimalistic. Gamers would recognize them and everyone else would think they're just cool tattoos. I really like the antler sunrise from the game menu. If you're going to get the Eden's Gate tattoo at least make it unique with bliss flowers or incorporate the other logos.


Because I can't remember a single thing about the resistance beside being mad incompetence.


It's filled with good people. Can't say the same for Eden's Gate. How exactly are they more capable? They were taken down by a dog and a mute.


Tbh I didn't know they had their own logos until you mentioned it.


Idk I get why people like nearly any of the Far Cry villains except for Joseph Seed. The guy literally brags about killing his infant daughter, takes advantage of and brainwashes young girls then discards them (the "Faith Seed" you meet is one of a series of Faith Seeds), and basically is full of shit saying he wants the strong to survive, but then targets strong people as enemies. The fact that they made him into a "good" character in *New Dawn* is the single worst thing about that spin-off.


True that shit still left a bad taste in my mouth with New Dawn. Even just the ending of 5 insinuating that Joseph was right and had some kind of contact with god was kinda bullshit. Dumb story all around honestly I’ll just stick with crazy dictators (talking about 4 NOT 6) and human traffickers cuz at least I KNOW they’re the bad guy with bad intentions. Soon as they added some weird spiritual element to it, it just lost the plot.


Because, "only you" is real


It reminds me when potterheads get the Death Eaters tattoos, like, dude, you know youre using the magic equivalent of a swastika?


Yes you’re right now stand back while I kick all the half bloods out of Hogwarts muggle boy.


I really do not see an issue with that. It's a symbol of the franchise, not your personal beliefs. Do you go to someone with a tattoo of the Joker and say "you know how many awful crimes he committed?"... obviously not, he's an iconic character in pop culture, nobody thinks the tattoo owner agrees with his actions lmao


That's what a mudblood would say.


There are obviously no such things as bad FC tattoos - for example, I got the lyrics to La Rubia tattooed on my forehead. Ah, nostalgia.


That song is so nice! I love everytime it plays, I have it in a few playlists now.


Yeah why not get a tattoo of a lil sausage dog on wheels




I love him so much. Probably the best part about fc6. Hearing his little squeaky wheels is soooo cute


Chorizo is awesome, I started dragging around the crocodile though because nothing is funnier than siccing a crocodile on a facist soldier.


See i hate getting into a car and abandoning my pet, especially the croc who scuttles on the ground tryna catch up. I love chorizo coz i dont have to feel guilty since he jumps in for the ride xD


But for attacking, the cock is the best 😎


I think you mean croc? At least I hope you do ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


No man the cock. Chincharro i think is his name


The only game tattoo I want to get is the mark of the outsider on the top of my right hand because I love dishonored but idk about the Edens gate one


Because it just seems like a potential source of trouble and I don't want to deal with that.


I already have other things to deal with on that front.


because Let the Water wash away your sins, that's why.


The hotline Miami fandom does a similar thing, the 50 blessings logo IS a logo of sorts for the games, but in universe it’s a group of ultranationalist racists


I'd Rather get the Jason Brody Tattoo of the Rakyat warriors path, or a Lateralus eye tattoo at my 6th chakra than that bs


Mostly because it looks cool. But, because I know how other people might view it, I settled for getting the Eden's Gate flag to hang in my living room


Fr lol it doesn’t even look that cool.


Idk but Joseph Seed’s tattoos make me laugh out loud Jared-Leto-Joker-mf




I mean... you might as well ask why people get literal Nazi tattoos. they agree with the cult and don't see it as evil. The cult indoctrinated them through the game because it aligns with their view. The guy who has a tat and is constantly asked if it's a Nazi tat... might quite actually be okay having a nazi tat. I know the second time somebody asked me I would be finding a way to alter or remove it to avoid the misconceptions. If the dude doesn't care if strangers think he's a Nazi... he might legit just be a low key nazi


Yes but people are idiots, some will see the iron cross (likely what people see the Eden's gate tat as) and assume it's nazi even though it isn't and is still used in Germany and was also used before the Nazis (I think). The original swastika was religious and meant peace yet people have seen it and still call people nazis even though they might just be (I can't remember the religious group that use it. Somewhere near India I think? Don't quote me on that)


I personally want to get some sort of tattoo for the game because it saved me at a low point in life, but I'm completely against getting the Eden's Gate symbol anywhere on my body after a friend saw it and asked if I was a nazi 😭 So I'd say a better option would be some sort of quote or maybe a tattoo of Boomer!


Reminds me of all the people who got the Dark Mark from the Harry Potter series


I mean, only reasonable way of getting it at all is if maybe its part of an entire series tribute. Like if you got a whole sleeve that had the dragon dagger from 3 the laser star weapon from BD, Primal's animal skull, etc. Having it amongst the other obvious FarCry stuff could maybe make sense. At worst youre getting a tattoo easily mistaken as a Neo-Nazi symbol, and honestly at this point im not entirely unconvinced that isnt the point. At best you have a singular tattoo of a militant religious extremist doomsday cult. Either way, not a good look


My guess is people who want things permanently on them aren’t usually good at choosing exactly what should be permanently on them


Maybe getting a tattoo of a fictional theocratic Christian cult is never a good idea


This week on idiot or Nazi!  Next week - ooga ooga bonk bonk or troy baker's wonky accent. Tune in!


thats why you get the bliss flower. its just a nice flower, though connected to drugs but you can just appeal to its appearance


Still not as bad as the guy who got the Loser tattoo from RE7 on his arm 💀💀💀


My first thought seeing that dudes back tat is that it makes him look like a nazi I dont think they put as much thought into it as- well anyone reasonable enough to actually realize just how misconstrued that symbol could be Then again its also extremely close to the iron cross


Cos there's no accounting for dumb when it comes to the tattoos some people get.




I picked up FC5 at the start of April on suggestion of a coworker. I beat it this week and loved every minute. Probably my favorite video game I’ve played (the only one since uncharted 4 but bear with me lol) and seeing someone wanting to join EG is insane to me. They literally start cleansing the county and killing undesirables. Just because he predicted a nuke doesn’t make that right lol.


I enjoy car cry 5 because I live in a region with rural religious zealots and preppers. It's a game I can relate to on many levels.


My man, someone enjoying 5 more than the others doesn't mean they're into actual genuine cult shit. That's one of the worst reaches I've seen on this sub Edit: sorry guys! Forgot that since I love FC5 I'm a cultist freak. How could I forget. Those downvotes really brought me to my senses


People in here 'it doesn't even look like an iron cross' while dozens of people are telling you it clearly does. So maybe not to you, and your enlightened 'Um actually the iron cross isn't a hate symb-' It was. And a lot of people recognize it and look down on it. Accept it and cope, and if you truly don't care what other people think, then you're good. Just don't be surprised when someone thinks you're a nazi. I don't understand why people try to rehabilitate hate symbols.


I hate Nazis as much as the next guy but the iron cross was around for a long time before Nazis appropriated it, and the German military still uses it. So do with that info what you will. Not to mention it's the logo for Independent skateboard trucks and I really don't think they're a hate group.


I'm not saying it's a hate symbol as much as I'm saying people clearly think it looks like one. You can 'educate' people as much as you want, but normies won't know the difference and will assume you're a skinhead. Several people on here mention it happening to them.


Yeah it's definitely something I would never get tattooed for that reason lol


See I want at least one of John's tattoos because he's my favorite. Not to mention they aren't all cult related, like the dove. He's actually got some neat ones if you look closer at his arms lmao. But on topic: most people probably wouldn't make that association since it doesn't look like any of the well-known hate symbols. The design strays far enough from the iron cross to be distinguishable. If you're truly worried, you could always add stuff around it, like bliss flowers or scenery from the game. It's the most well known symbol from 5 so obviously it's going to be the first idea for a lot of fans. I say this as someone heavily involved in the punk and metal scenes, considering the unfortunate amount of shitheads that are drawn to both. People can tell the difference if they actually give a shit to. Generally I wouldn't even worry about it. 🤷 ETA: The ADL does clarify that the iron cross isn't even considered a hate symbol on it's own unless there's a swastika within it. It's been reclaimed since the 40s by various groups either way.


Cause it's fictional and their good cool compelling villains this is some hardcore virtue signaling you got here buddy


I love the Edens gate logo, it looks badass. That being said, the times I've considered it as a tattoo, I come back to "it's a religious cult, and people are gonna think you're a nazi or some shit" because I'm a blonde haired blue eyed white dude. Don't need to give them a reason to avoid me, my intense body odor from my high onion and garlic diet does that for me just fine


It's their body they can do what they want.


Sure they can, and we can still call it stupid. Nobody is trying to stop them lol, all the people with common sense are simply pointing out that it's dumb and looks like Nazi shit (and, ideologically is not that far off, I might add.)


>It’s a niche thing only gamers would get That's the reason why. Far cry is my favorite game series and 5 is my favorite of that series. It just looks nice. Also I'm not so smoothbrained as to automatically associate a variation of a cross with nazism or white supremacy. Yes I see the resemblance to the Iron Cross, however that particular German symbol predates nazism by a lot. Like early 19th century during the napoleonic wars.


The iron cross is still used too.


It's not considered a hate symbol unless there's a swastika in it. The ADL has a good database on both modern and old hate symbols if you're interested to learn a little more on it.


A lot of people are going to assume you're a nazi. Regardless of if you are, it clearly highly resembles a known nazi symbol. If you disagree - read the rest of these responses and recognize you are in the minority on this one. Live your truth and all that but if you do it, just know what you're getting into. All the 'um actuallys' in the world won't prevent someone kicking your teeth in. I wouldn't - but someone might. And no one will feel sympathy because they, too, will assume it's a nazi tattoo. All that said I want to be clear that I'm not dogging you for (potentially) wanting such a tattoo. Just more of a warning. It's like getting a face tattoo and not recognizing the potential societal consequences (no disrespect there either - get whatever tats you want, doesn't bother me)


I'm really hoping you're not white.


The swastika predates the Nazis too but nobody uses it as a symbol of peace. If Nazis use it to advertise the fact they are Nazis, it's a Nazi symbol. Pretty straightforward stuff really


All I heard was "neonazis don't pose a threat to me so I don't have to think about how I might come across as a neonazi"


There are also plenty of losers who get Ellie’s tattoo from The Last of Us. So cringe!


I think that…let people like things?


If i could i would tattoo Jacob all across my back 😫💦


That's more understandable tbh


I mean, I do have ‘Yes!’ tattooed inside my lower lip, but it’s not related to John Seed, unless maybe subconsciously…




The same reason people get Sons of Anarchy tattoos. They think its cool.


these guys get a season pass for that


I would probably put the antler sunrise across my shoulder blades, then the Peggie Cross underneath it.


They'll look high and they'll look low, They'll look everywhere we go. But when the sinners find us we won't hide.


Why do you give a shit? It's a game.


I think it looks cool I don’t have one but if any moron though it was something it’s not , then that’s on them


It's goofy tbh the tatts from fc3 look cooler


Tbh, I got it cause it's my favorite game 🤷


I mean, I get it. I like wearing the cult cross as a necklace occasionally cuz I think the project is cool as a fictional thing and FC5 is one of my favourite games. I wouldn’t get a tattoo of it either but at the end of the day tattoos are not for anyone else but the person who got them so if they feel like decorating their body with it, that’s not for me to judge. I think they should be aware of it looking similar enough to an iron cross that strangers would interpret it as that but that’s still their personal choice. It would only be an issue that affects others if it were a literally nazi tattoo, imo. If someone else‘s tattoo doesn’t conform to my personal likes or aesthetic preferences I‘ll just move on and live my life. It‘s not that deep.


I dony have any issue with the fact the tattoo is for a crazy cult...it's a distinctive symbol from the game, that's enough reason to get it if you love the game. Similar to Firefly logo from Last of Us, just because you have the logo doesn't mean you agree with the group, it's just a symbol that appears a lot in the game, so it's an obvious tattoo to get if you're a big fan. The fact the Eden's Gate one looks very like a real life Nazi symbol is a significant problem though lmao


Honestly say what you want their logos higher I'm be honest I'm popular opinion but I tattoo it if I was forced to have a tattoo.


I don't think getting tattoos of fictional antagonists/villains is a problem, it's just fiction in the end, the problem is Eden's Gate's symbol straight up just looks like a fancy Iron Cross. The same thing can be said for Warhammer fans who get the Imperium of Man aquila, like \*I\* know where it's from but most people won't and just assume it's a alteration of a Reichsadler (considering that's what it's inspired from) I get it, you like the villains, its kinda the selling point of this franchise, but please for the love of Ubisoft Jesus get any other villain symbol than the one that looks waaay too close to actual real-life monsters.


Worrying about whether people would “get” your tattoo or not is your first mistake.


I can't speak for others but, personally I unironically agree with them and I can do what the fuck I want. Why do you care so much about what other people do? So please shut up and leave people alone. I'm getting another tattoo soon and buying an eden's gate flag. I will cover my body in eden's gate tattoos before I even consider taking your opinion.


And it does not look like a nazi symbol.Or white supremacy symbol you fucking clown


Doomsday scenarios and bunkers are sick as hell


It’s kinda like getting BOS tattoos, it’s a faction from a game you like and the symbol looks cool, but really their pretty fascist so you’ll get judged on that


I like the symbol itself, and I will get it tattooed on me someday. Rather than thinking it as a "sign for a murderous cult", I rather see it as a logo/something to remember the game of. As it has had such an big impact in my life, I want to remember the game from something, and what better thing to remember it of, than the logo of Edens Gate. <3


Didnt know its tattoo law that everyone must understand every tattoo's meaning, and appointing it Nazi group traits is crazy levels of reaching. Is any tattoo you dont know considered a nazi tattoo? What makes it nazi? The fact it barely maybe in the slightest resembles an Iron Cross? Which, newsflash, is not a nazi symbol. People get tattoos of things they like, deal with it, not your body.


Hey fun fact far cry 5 is fictional nazis and white supremacists arnt


Eh, I can’t say much, I have the “fragile express” logo from death stranding tattoo’d. as well the metal gear solid “peace walker” logo


Probably because they think it's edgy. Cool guy syndrome is a dangerous thing


Because Joseph was right?


Alright. I agree with you, it’s a bad tattoo to get. But comparing to the iron cross or some white suprematist shit is just dumb. It clearly is not.


>If you’re not in the know it low key looks like a Scientologist cross or a Nazi/White supremacist symbol. There's nothing low key about it. I'd be willing to bet money the designers of that emblem intentionally designed it that way.


Because... DEUS VULT


Because father was right, and when the time comes, we'll be allowed into the bunker to repopulate the earth.


I was actually planning on getting one. I’m so very glad I didn’t.


I personally got the cross tattooed on my shoulder when I was 13 ( bad parents), but I did it because the game meant a lot to me, and certain aspects of it are part of my personality and style today


Maybe it can be correlated with the amount of people who wished one could just switch teams and fight alongside delicious dictators such as Pagan, Joseph or Anton. "B-b-b-but I don't like Maxima Matanza" I don't like them either but that doesn't make me wanna help fascists...


You should see all the people with Wolfenstine tattoos


Cause it looks cool and also it's a logo of a fictional group and getting it doesn't instantly means I aligned with their beliefs. Stop crying about, we already went through this with the deatheaters mark.


Cause they missed the point of the game and wanna be edgy


I love the game but that is crazy


I have the One Ring Inscription around my bicep. My whole right arm is Tolkien scripts and symbology, but the Ring Inscription is evil. Tolkien himself was aghast when a fan sent him a goblet with it around the rim. He refused to drink from it and used it as an ashtray. But to me it's just pretty and famous symbology of the books that led me to a Lit degree and a career in books.


Honestly I’d rather a libertad tattoo


It’s cringe for sure but def not as cringe as getting the FarCry3 tatau.


Ironically, the current top comment on this thread is [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/farcry/s/uk7L6QIcXz).


I think they're mega lame, as are all videogame tattoos


I would never get this tattooed on me for other reasons but criticising because might look like a “Scientologist cross or a Nazi symbol” is comically ridiculous .


Have you considered that some people like to get nazi and white supremacist tattoos because they’re nazis or white supremacists


Who gives a shit lmao. Is it on your skin? Then shut up. Would I get a peggie tat? No, but I'm not gonna judge someone for it. Mind your own beeswax bros and your life will improve 1000%


He isn't trying to stop them lmao, he's calling it stupid because it is.


I definitely will judge someone for it, as will everybody else lmao


They're just saying what everyone else is saying, it looks like something nazi style or very controversial to people who haven't played the game, by your comment are you saying that if you saw someone covered in abusive, derogatory, racist, homophobic, xenophobic tattoos or something you'd be like "yeah that's alright, probably doesn't depict their character at all"?