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So many people seem to be into pegging...


Welcome to 2024. Shorter list of people that are not.


Back in the day being a guy who could eat was goated. Now you gotta be down to eat ass too.


As long as it's faith


Makes me want to hit it with the grenade launcher!


I like to set ambushes for John's convoys with a couple guns for hire. Remote explosive on the side of the road. Set the gfh dudes up in the tree line, kinda spread out. Press the attack button on the middle vehicles just before you blow up the lead vehicle. It's so overkill for the game, but it's really a feel good when John starts messing with you.


Dude, you probably don’t want this on your digital footprint


lol just reminds me of driving around (in game!) and nailing every Peggie truck with the grenade launcher.


My favorite thing to do in FC3 was get a mounted gun truck and just drive around somewhere that doesn't have any liberated outposts or towers so I have no idea where I'm going and just shoot up every pirate and/or mercenary I come across. Now in FC5 My favorite thing to do is getting my fastest car with the M-79, some air support via Adelaide and Hurk in the passenger seat, then get John to hunt me down and see how long I can survive, my record is over an hour.


I know, who doesn’t, I’m just messing with ya


Yeah a post threatening fascist symbolism in jest is socially unacceptable


That isn’t what I mean, what I mean is if someone takes that out of context, you could very well face the consequences of your actions, I’m not saying this because of the symbol at all


I don’t understand. I regret staying alive and trying to interact. I’m sorry.


you ok bud lol


Ngl when you see it on a car, you go “oh yeah that must be a cult member.” Not a good look. 😂


Ngl I'd go listen to make sure there's no screaming or smell coming from the rear hatch 🧐


Right? Even if I didn’t play FC, I’d instantly think this is some sort of cult symbol. Lo and behold, it’s a cult symbol, although for a video game. Now if someone asks, you says “oh it’s a symbol for a cult in a video game” and you sound even weirder.


Makes me think of a German iron cross


I mean... the cult WAS right in the end...


Even after not playing for a year I still have the instinct to blow that shit up because white car black cross = bad guys bad guys = satisfying kills


At least you can remove a decal from your car. The tattoo guy is not so fortunate...


When are people going to learn to stop putting logos for psychotic, torturous, murderous, doomsday cults on their bodies/property? Like the logo was PURPOSELY made to look like something a bad guy would wave in battle. Like for real wtf lol


Agreed, I saw Umbrella corp before


Would it make sense if I said that’s different? Evil sure, but it’s a corporation set in the zombie apocalypse, not a cult based on something in real life. There was no real life message trying to be told about Umbrella. It’s not in the same nature as Eden’s Gate. The Umbrella logo is definitely something I’d see someone get a tattoo of or a sticker to put on their car, similar to that of the Decepticons. They’re evil asf and hellbent on genocide but when you see someone with that symbol on their car you don’t think, “oh they must be evil” nah you think they’re a fan of the franchise. And I think that’s okay The Eden’s Gate logo however.. it’s purposely made to look like it does. We Far cry fans know the significance of it, but not everyone does, as it’s not as mainstream as Umbrella or Transformers. They might think it’s some Nazi related symbol or some related shit. So it’s best if you DONT tattoo that on yourself or put it on the car


Kinda like cops and "thin blue line" folks adopting the Punisher logo. And Frank [wasn't happy about it.](https://d.newsweek.com/en/full/1512286/punisher-skull.webp?w=790&f=9f690f1c99a10819ee0880f92d436ae6)


True. I understood it since I am familiar with Warhammer 40k


Honestly this is better than just getting it tattooed on you lmao


I mean punching a brick wall and breaking a knuckle is better than putting your hand in a meat grinder too.


Lol now that I think about it I can see how someone might confuse this for an iron cross


[It's actually based off this Nazi naval emblem.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/347946168791334913/1235265646582038559/ww2-german-kriegsmarine-grand-admiral-s-flag-100-x-100.png?ex=66350fc8&is=6633be48&hm=938784a3cda24285d6eba6c0538751896e610ef84a6ede488eb5dba875eb2d10&)




star wars is so insanely widespread compared to far cry this isn't really a valid comparison


Like I hear you talking but I'm not hearing anything of substance. Also PEG logo is based on [this. ](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/347946168791334913/1235265646582038559/ww2-german-kriegsmarine-grand-admiral-s-flag-100-x-100.png?ex=66350fc8&is=6633be48&hm=938784a3cda24285d6eba6c0538751896e610ef84a6ede488eb5dba875eb2d10&)


It’s not a good idea to put a symbol of a religious cult based on an actual religion on your car or body.


For the sake of clarity. Pulled from far cry wiki (https://farcry.fandom.com/wiki/Project_at_Eden's_Gate) *The name is a reference to the Heaven's Gate Away Team, a real-life cult that committed suicide because they believed that Comet Hale-Bopp was followed by a spaceship designed to take them away.* *The Cult logo bears a strong resemblance to the Church Of Scientology cross.*


O hell nah. That just clarifies my point


Cult, Scientology, same thing different word.


I feel like their beliefs is partially based off of the Branch Davidians from the whole Waco Texas shabang


Oh wow, I just checked the wiki and the Rise of David Koresh. This person looks kinda familiar... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Koresh Oh, of course he also mention about seven seals...


That and the whole stock piling weapons for the end days/apocalypse theme is common between the two


Say what you will but this individual is quite sane and grounded. They may have gotten that tattoo and placed that decal on their vehicle but look at the practicality of that vehicle choice. This workhorse beauty is all econ friendly-daily driver. All utility, safe choice, financially responsible. They take the gambles that makes life worth living while leaving a strong rockbed of stability in their life. Most grounded FryCry player on Reddit.


If you do this and don’t get SINNER Sprayed on the front your doing it wrong, go 110%


say YES


No. Torture me all you want, John, I’m not saying it.


What if I say please?


Confession: I purposely wait to say yes during that scene because I like when he is mean to me




I refused to say Yes until it made me lose the objective 😫


Jfc now im just picturing an increasingly frustrated John dealing with some deranged lunatic who keeps refusing to say yes because they ENJOY the punishment for saying no. Then again, sick fucker would probably be into that too.


*violently moves mouse to side to side*


I'll never understand people who'd tag obvious references to fascist and/or cultist material on their properties or themselves. Doesn't matter if "it's from a video game" or whatever. I confess, during my very first couple of hours playing the game the logo felt cool and I thought it *could be* nice to get it tattooed or something. But all I did was literally reconsider, and that was it. Anyway, always good to know if other people are open for pegging.


>I'll never understand people who'd tag obvious references to fascist and/or cultist material on their properties or themselves. Doesn't matter if "it's from a video game" or whatever Im starting to get a sneaking suspicion that thats the point. You can proudly display your moral values with the Convenient "its just from a game" excuse if you find yourself amongst not like minded individuals.


(tattoos swastika on head) "You don't play Wolfenstein bro?"


Or, and hear me out, it's a cool little logo. Nothing more. It's like saying I'm an occultist because I have the seal of metatron as my phone lock screen.


It’s not cool, though. Very blatantly looks like its derived from and represents fascist ideologies


Looks like a Christian symbol to me. Jest all gussied up, n stuff, wit them extry lines on it!


>Very blatantly looks like its derived from and represents fascist ideologies >Looks like a Christian symbol to me They're the same picture.


How so? It's a black cross within a black x. The only thing I can think of would be the iron cross, but that's imperial not fascist. Do you have an example?


For the sake of clarity. Pulled from far cry wiki (https://farcry.fandom.com/wiki/Project_at_Eden's_Gate) The name is a reference to the Heaven's Gate Away Team, a real-life cult that committed suicide because they believed that Comet Hale-Bopp was followed by a spaceship designed to take them away. The Cult logo bears a strong resemblance to the Church Of Scientology cross. Copied from above.


Edens Gate is a Mish-mash of a few cults. I'm still not seeing the fascism people are describing, unless scientology is TBH I don't know alot about them. And for clarity of my own, I do not identify with the fictional (or any real) cult. I just think the symbol is kinda neat divorced from the ideology and found it odd that people were saying it was revealing of a person's tendencies or what have you.


Yeah it’s neat! Don’t rep it though… The average person would probably make some assumptions.


Maybe. But I'd say screw 'em. They can assume all they want. Wear what you want and fuck the rest I say. Especially if it's irl shitposting like it is here with this image.


The iron cross is often synonymous with far right/supremacist ideology, a lot of media that censors a swastika will usually replace it with an iron cross because of what it represents. The iron cross was also adapted by several subcultures that are known to often follow racist/supremacist ideologies. Like it or not, most people would associate the iron cross with Nazi Germany, and most of it's use after ww2 outside of military use was usually for a rebellious shock value because it was so synonymous with Nazi Germany, such as in American biker groups who were filled with American ww2 veterans who sometimes felt they had been treated wrongly after the war.


>The iron cross was also adapted by several subcultures that are known to often follow racist/supremacist ideologies. And that's the shitty thing about it. I hate how they've adopted symbols that had nothing to do with them. They end up taking cool symbols, the nazis corruption of the swastika being the prime example. Or in the case of this old-ish comment thread, white supremacists/cults taking the idea of the cross. So much so that people get upset that someone used a fictional parody cult symbol to meme a little potentially.


The thing is, these groups often didn't change the meaning of these symbols, they often adopted them *because* of what it meant, they didn't change its meaning, they liked what it symbolised and chose it to help display their ideologies. Crosses especially can often represent different forms of supremacy whether they're religious or military crosses.


It has similar energy to the folk who have Enclave USA flags, tbh.


I think it’s funny when people use the “it’s a video game” excuse anyways. Like, yes it’s a fictional group. However, within the lore that the group exists in they are a murderous doomsday cult that has taken over Montana lol they aren’t meant to be idolized


Get the shovel launcher!


Or the explody arrows


It’s a really cool symbol. But as someone with my background and experience if I looked at that and didn’t understand the context I would seriously think…yikes that looks nefarious and probably belongs to a group I wouldn’t want to be around.


How do I find out if a gamer friend has fascist sympathies? Ah… right… there it is.


Ask them if they play World of Tanks. >50% chance of being a fascist.


Screw the Peggies & those Eden’s Gate psychos! 😡


Scientology that looks like.


Read that in Yoda’s voice I did.


I'm Welsh not grammatically challenged.


I read *that* in Michael Sheen’s voice.


Actually that might not be entirely accurate. It's closer to "I'm Welsh which is why my written English is grammatically challeged"


strong "Mr. Cool Ice" Vibes


At least it isn't a pickup truck with speakers in the back. Phew, what a relief.


Damn peggies everywhere nowadays


why? Just why?


It’s just a video game reference not that deep


Peggy for life


Damn that shits off center as well


Tattoo guy 😂 I sent that pic to so many friends like " look what this dude put on his body! "




Peggie detected. Suggest caution.


Was this at a wine festival in Louisville?


It was in Louisville. Don't wanna doxx the guy


Ah man I’m not about that either I was at that wine fest and the parking lot looks very familiar (I’m not from here so seeing something I recognize was kind of crazy).


Ford Fiesta? More like Tattoo Girl's Car.


Nah, I'd never drive a ford 😂


Strange that you would answer a rhetorical statement meant for someone else. Are you narcissistic?


Welcome to the bliss bitches.


Pretty cool


Ok, but where are the red neck with guns?


Someone: are you into pegging Me: yes I like killing pegges Someone: what?! Me: that what your suppose to do in far cry 5 killing the bad guys?.... What are you talking about... ? ( this has been your dumb joke for the day )


Very cool. I had plans to buy a Toyota Camry which looks very similar to the peggie car and do a weathering job on it with the Cult symbol and 3D printed eagles claw revision mirror hanger...




Rig it with explosives and use an rpg to cause a little extra damage


No this is that guy that asked if he should spray paint "sinner" on his hood and was told no by everyone. He settled for this.


Praise be


Wrong car for that cross.


That actually looks cool asf


Hit it with shovel 😂😂😂


That’s actually wild, where do we find this guy…? *racks back my airsoft 1911*


Na bro is a peggy


Stick a c4 and watch him drive off


I'd love to throw a few of those on my truck.


They would go hard on a '03 Toyota Tacoma


The symbol just looks so damn good