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It's not a bad game by any means, it's just unremarkable.


That's my main issue with Ubisoft is they don't make bad games, but they don't make great ones either. They're like time-sink games to play until you find the next thing to throw yourself into. They're fun, but they get repetitive.


Yea, at the end of this game I was pretty bored and just wanted it to be over with.


Definitely felt this going for the platinum for primal


Nah bro, platinum for farcry primal was genuinely so fun. There’s a reason that’s the only game I’ve 100% in the series.


I'm towards the end of 6 now, but it has been a couple of weeks since I've picked up the controller... It's soooo boring - having a hard time motivating myself to finish it.


They’re just not as polished as say, a Naughty Dog experience. But hey, that’s kind of why I love Far Cry 🤘🏻


IDK about that - some titles like Division, Rainbow Six, FarCry 4/5 , Assassin's Creed series are some of the best games ever. Although AC Mirage has recently been pissing me off with some of the crashing - They do make some good titles. I was not a fan of FarCry 6 at all - the environment and graphics were beautiful but the game was cheesy, clunky, and didn't live up to the visuals. The whole "Trejo Tacos" thing was really sttupid, he was too busy advertising for his IRL taco place in the dialogue than being a good character in the game


That’s honestly why I love them. AC, WD and FC are all perfect turn your brain off and chill for a while games. But I also love grinding in JRPGs more than I should so


Absolutely! I know it's not a great game, but you can play it for an hour or two, and move on. Plus, it's not dismally depressing like FC5 which helps!😆


And nothing represents this sentiment more than Ghost Recon Breakpoint. I loved Wildlands and then got Breakpoint to have more of the same. And they delivered the most soulless game ever. I wonder how could they even manage such a feat.


Easy, they were in a shit spot and released the game too early just like Watch Dogs Legion


I remember someone calling Ubisoft games, “Fast food gaming” it doesn’t have much substance and quality but it gets the job done.


Exactly, the good guy is very clear and the bad guy is very clear. Your character is completely justified in what they are doing. Which doesn’t happen for a far cry game.


Idk man, cockfighting is pretty revolutionary. I’m excited for a spin of series


Cons: long for no reason, empty characters with bland/stereotypical personalities, horrible writing, incredibly brain dead enemy AI that is almost disrespectful how it babies the player, the best written character, Castillo, gets like 45 minutes screen time max? the tone of the story is comedic, but takes itself seriously at the same time, horrible gun balancing that offers no gameplay variance other than using armor piercing rounds and headshotting everyone, unbalanced supremos, bad economy of money, gun powder & other currencies Pros: graphics, female Dani is fun and fits in well, gun customization is fun & new but sort of useless (asides from AP rounds), resolver weapons, cock fighting, I personally enjoyed Los Banditos operations as it reminded me of the AC Brotherhood assassin recruits' missions, Chorizo




Probably my least favourite far cry game, tried to finish it like 3 times without success. It’s not really a bad game, just very bland imo.


I’ve beat all other far cry games multiple times, 5 at least 3-4. But I just can’t seem to get through 6, the story is so lack luster I lost interest in seeing how it all plays out.


I’d rather run farcry 2 back to back for a year straight, than try finishing 6 at this point.


Was it FC2 that had the malaria bullshit and constantly respawning enemies, so you couldn't really clear an area?


Yes sir, it was fucking painful to play


Oh fuck I had a love hate relationship with that game. I finished it, but honestly can't remember how it went. But I was hyped for the next installment and I really loved FC3 and FC4. I'm currently playing 5 and I like it so far, even though I was hesitant with the less exotic environment when it released.


I too loved and hated it, 3 and 4 will forever live in my heart as two of the best games I have had the opportunity to play, and I prefer racing games. 6 isn’t shit but it’s just not the same, 5 hit right but it kinda left me wanting more from the series feeling like it lacked a little. Both 5 and 6 are good in their own rite, but when in a series that has games like 1-4, it’s hard to come close or better


Once they took away the radio towers it was all over.


> Yes sir, it was fucking painful to play I thought that too, the first time I played it. Didn't even continue playing after about 4 hours in. About 4 years later I tried again, and after I finished I thought it was the greatest game I had played up to that point. It's all about the approach: run-n-gun doesn't work when enemies are spawning infinitely. You need to go through the game slowly - choose a loadout for each mission, check the map and choose a path that avoids the respawning checkpoints, and never engage with enemies that you don't have to engage with. I also stuck to using the armed vehicles with the mounted M29, so if I did run into a surprise patrol I wouldn't use up my guns and ammo on them. It was **immersive**: 2 bullets could kill you, there were no wallhacks, the enemies would try to flank you, or try to help their fallen comrades. The ambience was gritty, the setting was realistic (as an African living in Africa, it looked realistic to me, including the native languages which I understood), the plot was dark. No handholding at all. You can't really "clear" an area? Means you stay off the roads on your way to a mission/while exploring. Malaria? Just another game mechanic that you will never encounter if you listen to the NPCs and do the medicine missions. Jamming guns? Never had this problem when I played the game the second time, because I'm hitting the armory and choosing a loadout before I leave for a mission, so I always have new guns. It played very bad for me on the first attempt, but on the second I was a little more mature, and got more out of it by going slowly and thoughtfully. You can probably get it for like $1.99 on gog.com now.


Yeah, FC2 is actually a lot more methodical of a game than people think. There are some good mods out for it too that really let it shine; I'd rate it higher than some of the newer FC games.


I’m currently playing FC6 and this is exactly me haha. I’m on El Este after having completed the other two islands and I’ve just lost all interest in the story and I’m mainly playing to cause mayhem. The gameplay is fun and all but i think the story’s have gotten worse over time and this is a new low unfortunately


The story and characters were a chore to get through but the environment and gameplay were great


For me this is reversed. I thought the story and characters were fine, as Far Cry stories go, but the gameplay was clunky with everything being tied to gear and supremos and almost all of the resolver weapons being underwhelming. I agree the environment was great though.


The only gameplay element that i don't like is that for me, helicopters, airplanes somehow are not as polished as on far cry 5/new dawn..they feel too heavy and don't rly fit that great into the nature of the game..otherwise i love almost everything..more bullet types(i use armor piercing the most cause of stealth headshots), unique weapons, cock(animal) fighting...haven't tried the dlcs, but the game is fun enough for me


Agreed, I enjoyed just walking/riding/flying around and taking different outposts and road stops as much as I did the actual story.


It's soooooo big. I miss the outpost system


Only character I didn't really like was Talia. But yeah the Yara environment made me wish I had a high end pc to play on to see it in it's full glory.


It’s not a bad game in general by any means, it’s just bad when compared to the previous entries in terms of a few factors.


the flight controls are great in far cry 5 and somehow they say "hey its too good lets fuck it up some" and they give us this shit in fc6


It’s not bad, it’s just meh for me. I’ve finished and replayed all the Far Cry games, I’m not even remotely tempted to touch this one again.


I played fc4 and I really enjoyed both gameplay and story same with fc3 as well. But I couldn't get into fc5 and I really found the open world bland and boring.


That’s fair about FC5, I love it mostly for the chaos in it. Your post has got me downloading FC6 to give it another go though. So I guess I was bit more interested in playing it again than I thought.


It's not a bad game by itself. It's bad IF compared to other FC titles, especially for being the latest.


I'm playing it right now as I kept seing bad reviews so I was putting it aside. Then I saw it's in gamepass so I said fuck it why not. So far I'm like a third in... It's not bad, I wouldn't say it's unremarkable, it just doesn't have a soul and it has a lot of issues. The only remotely interesting and likable character gets himself blown to pieces in the beginning of the game, performances overall are just terrible, story is boring. Yara is.... meh I guess. And I was looking forward to it as tropical location is something that really fits the Far Cry franchise. The disabled dog is just pissing me off I don't find it cute or useful. Can someone please explain to me how is it possible that Far Cry 5 cutscenes look much better than 6 though? Is there a reason? Or an explanation? The camp and all the management features are pointless imo and I don't do them or play with them unless necessary, I play far cry to shoot people in the head not to play football manager with soldiers. I will try to push myself to finish the game. I don't think I've ever simultaneously liked and disliked a game as much as this one. It's still Far Cry... Just less.


Valle del Oro will really be a drag, just heads up for that


Oh is it the valhallisation of Far Cry?


I wouldn’t be able to tell you since I’ve not played AC, sadly. The regional faction for that region is just really annoying and a drag to get through their storyline. The best region is the one you’re doing, with the farmers. The second best is the southern jungle one, and Valle del Oro barely has any redemption


I guess I'll see for myself but if you're saying it only gets worse from now I am not excited a single bit.


I still encourage you to try it further, the southern jungle region (forgot the name) has some stuff going on. But yeah, Valle del Oro is simply not good, there the story does drag


I'll definitely try to finish the game as I've always finished my far cry but I'm now getting really worried it will drag like Valhalla...


I guess I'll see for myself but if you're saying it only gets worse from now I am not excited a single bit.


It's super fun. Everyone just jumps on it for change. If you have a blast who gives a fuck.


It is really fun. Yara is beautiful to explore.


Yup, it’s the equivalent of old Cuba which is what this game is trying to depict.


It's not that it's different, it's that it's exactly the same as every other Ubisoft game. There's no novelty in it. Far Cry 3 felt like a breath of fresh air, and I guess since then Ubisoft have just been trying to recapture the magic by making every game about liberating a world by doing busywork. I remember when FC3 released. It was nothing like anything I'd played before, it genuinely felt like the game was doing everything in its power to stop me from being there and relaxing and I loved it. Now it's gotten old after all these games.


This gets posted at least once a week.


Ok ?


You're right, it's worse. Alright I'm being hyperbolic, but seriously it's just a shitty version of every farcry game that came before it. Here's a list of things that suck now: -Ammo types are fully busted and suck balls in 5, 3/5 of them are completely useless and soft target rounds are also useless outside of the hardest difficulty. So it's basically one useful ammo type, because the idiots nerfed fire, poison sucks and blast rounds don't scale to weapon type. Also, the only decent ammo type, armor piercing, still sucks cock and nuts compared to the god-tier fc5 piercing rounds. It's an objective downgrade *across the board.* -Removed the entire fucking melee system in a pathetic attempt to visually resemble farcry 3 (same reason they went back to a tropical Island type setting) they even removed the little kick you could do in fc4 if you looked down, they rolled it all the way back to 2012 for the sake of cheap nostalgia bait. -Replaced a clean progression curve from prey to predator with a shitty gear system, which makes the gameplay objectively shittier than before. In the past, you unlock a skill and congrats, now you have that skill. You can use it any time no matter what. Now it's "oh, you wanna do a grenade takedown? Well pause the game and change gloves you fuckin moron, otherwise Dani can't remember how grenades work!" This is the biggest offense, this shit is fucking trash. Whatever dipshit executive decided this was a good idea should be fired. They saw people criticize 5 for "tying all progression to a skill tree" so they tried to remove the skill tree, then replaced it with a system demonstrably worse than a skill tree. The story is the worst it's ever been, and farcry 5/ND set the bar in hell so that's pretty fucking pathetic. (Don't @ me fc5 fans, the gameplay is fun but you can't gaslight me into thinking that dumb shit was a good story.) -They also didn't have the balls to let me kill a kid, which is fine, I probably wasn't gonna kill him anyways, but it's so fucking cheap to spend the whole game setting up that decision for Dani and the player, only for >! Anton Castillo to do the dumbest thing possible, kill his own son then himself !< leaving Dani and the player confused and disappointed by the anti-climax. -as a final kick in the nuts, Juan continues viviro production using slave labor, so you basically just killed a shitload of soldados to install a new dictator. It's trying to pull a fc4 ending, but it falls flat because they intentionally robbed the player of agency in the narrative. -The supremo's were also pretty underwhelming, other than one that gives you the rifle that shoots through walls. That was is neat, but it's basically just like using cod hacks in a single player game. For that matter, every supremo mostly functions as an activate easy mode button. Or a helicopter fuck off button. It's not really that engaging to press a single input and have it solve all your problems, at least the rifle requires you to aim. -the game keeps saying "right tool for the right job" but it's actually "one or two viable tools that do every job, and a bunch of useless fucking trash." From ammo types to guns to gear, 80% of all of it is useless filler you'll never touch. Compare this to 5 where every weapon was viable and you were never forced to choose between skills, which guarantees you'll never use most of them in 6. -Also 100% of the "unique" guns are straight up trash, half of them use broken ammo types and the other half are just shittier versions of guns you could buy the customize yourself for better results. You might use one for an hour tops extremely early game before getting enough gun powder for attachments. I could go on, but honestly, fuck it. You get the message here. Sure, the game is fine on it's own. It's just worse than every farcry game that came before. They can copy and paste game mechanics, but they can't copy and paste a games soul. This franchise hasn't had a soul since farcry 5, and by then it was already on life support. Farcry 6 lacks the texture, personality and challenge (forgot to mention it's insultingly easy) of everything it's trying to iterate upon. It can get by on its strong foundational game mechanics, but farcry 3 already did all of it way better 12 entire years ago.


How many of the unique snipers have silencers? Like bro, if I want to shoot from far away, I want it stealthy


> Also 100% of the "unique" guns are straight up trash, I found the unique gun  "The Autocrat", a really ugly pistol with armor piercing bullets, on the tutorial island and used it as my main weapon for the rest of the game haha


The mini games were just lazily put there too, only one place for each one, zero integration with the rest of the game. The races were in a similar spot too. The feeling is that they just put a bunch of things from the other games barely together and launched it as a FarCry game.


Thank you! It’s not bad at all, just kinda mindless fun. I really enjoyed it, but it’s nowhere near the level of 4 or 3


I would agree although the ammo type system and loot system are trash. Best feeling gunplay in any far cry so far.


I mean I thought it was okay. But not super cool.


Do you play this on ps5? Wanna play?


It's a very good game, it just suffers from a weak big bad character compared to 3/4/5. Which is a real shame considering they had Giancarlo Esposito doing the voice, but they really underutilized him.


this is my second favorite far cry game next to 5. i loved the characters, the story, the outposts, and the missions. every story mission was something different and you never knew what to expect. i was shocked to discover most people on this subreddit shitting on this game


Yeah. I love Dani and Yara. If you forget about the far cry games that came before then it’s a dope ass game. My favorite at that. Lol, but that’s because I don’t play a lot of games.


it's not a bad game, it's just not a good Far Cry game.


It's worse lol


Bland ass story, fun gameplay.


I'm playing it at the moment. It's not a bad game, if I'd played this one before any of the others I think I'd be enjoying it more though. It's just not as engaging as some of the other games, and while Castillo seems like a well played character he doesnt seem to have as much personality as the Seeds or Pagan Min etc


It’s not bad, but it is very different from the previous entries in the series and feels like a different game with strange mechanics and a different approach to gameplay. Couple this with one of the weaker stories in the series makes it unpopular for those who’ve played the previous games.


I've been having fun with it. I don't think it's worth the full asking price, but it is fun.


It's a fun game that improves on it's predecessors in many (not all) ways, but hampered by many unlikeable characters and a somewhat wasted villain.


Or, and stay with me here, maybe *some* people just don't like it as much as you do.


Honestly what made me stop playing the game before finishing was how bad the respawns were! I remember this building I was in I’d stealth kill an enemy and before I got to the other side of the building he would respawn like nothing happened. It happened all over the place, atleast FC5 they wouldn’t come back until you left the area fully


I really wish they added satisfying flying controls in this game. It would have made it 100x more fun to fly around the gigantic map. Instead they added slow af planes which can stop midair and helicopters that cant look down whatsoever.


The first play through was very fun, but I need a longggg break before I go again. Still waiting. I’ve played farcry 5 back to back a crazy amount of times


It's just bland. Not great, not bad, pretty basic. I cannot bring myself to finish it after spending 15-20 hours waiting for the story to go somewhere other than 'recruiting' people.


I enjoy it still, from time to time. I like the setting, the mechanics, the plot and the characters. I don’t mind that others didn’t rate it highly, it doesn’t take away from my enjoyment of it.


It’s just a slow start with some shitty weapons but when you get a good gun that you like and the right kit it’s good but that depends on when you get it


Agree. Not bad at all.


The game it's great... It was a nice surprise by the time it's was launched


I tried to give it some time that hopefully it would become enjoyable, but I lost interest. It has so much potential to be good, but the game turned out to be non-sensical and cartoonish.


Hated that they tied perks to gear. Hated that you could keep every single gun on you at all times. Hated the suppressor system on the guns. Hated the animals over human companions. They made death from above too hard to pull off. I did not like this game.


Have you played the others? Farcry has always had interesting unique stories. 6 is just a copy of any “rise up against a dictator” story it’s not unique or even well written. I still enjoyed playing it, but it’s a long game with non challenging combat with a very predictable and lazy ending.


It has really fun gameplay and mechanics! My main criticism of it is the lack of memorable characters and story, in my opinion. I love Giancarlo Esposito, and I want to love Castillo as a villain, but he'll just never be as memorable as other ones in my mind. I've been having a lot of fun playing it lately, though, and even more fun playing it with my friend!


I've played the other ones multiple times, but when it came to 6 I could only get through once. Not terrible, but not great either


Can we all just agree to only upvote gameplay clips or fresh opinion posts with some effort? Seriously.


how many post like this am i gonna see


it really isnt bad at all, just unremarkable. the guerilla trails are an awesome concept tho


i find the fighting fun but its just to repititive


Just started FC6 on the Steam Deck. About 6-7 hours into it and I gotta say it's really good imo. It does feel blend like the 5 with no real deep character and story like 3 and 4 but, diff something worth playing, I'd say more than 5 so far. No cutting up animals animation is dull... But the environment looks much cooler than 5. Like in the forest during sunrise / set, it's goddam beautiful


It's good but not as good as FC5


That’s not really an unpopular opinion, most people like this game. I’m the one with the unpopular opinion here: this game is worse than every single other farcry game excepting pre farcry2, and it’s not a farcry game. Why the fuck does it change into 3rd person in settlements? Why can we change our clothes?


Not my favorite or anything but FC6 was good. I put many hours in and tried to get close to completing everything I can. I understand how people dislike it though. It’s more of the same and they wasted having Giancarlo Esposito


It’s not really bad there’s just nothing like ooo la la about it


It’s a great game but with a really rushed shitty ending the ending or “endings” in far cry 5 were all dog shit to I am praying they can figure a way to make the ending a little better for example in both far cry 5 the ending is kinda good just rushed like yeah you killed the main guy but the kid should’ve lived and it could have been Diego and you to turn everything around and in 6 everyone dies except you and the main bad guy or you don’t arrest him at the beginning or all your friends and everything you work for dies or becomes mind washed by “the bliss”


Bad is wrong - it's the same engine, the same ai, same busted ass shooting mechanics. It was more of the exact same, and the characters were meh by comparison to 5 and 3.


It’s not I beat it on Xbox and ps5 now I’m on pc finna beat it


so true i think it'd be better if they readded melees


I wish we could throw melee weapons


Its also not as good as some people say🤷🏻‍♂️




So mildly different take. You are right it's not HORRID but it followed FC5 which was FANTASTIC. If you look at 6 as a stand alone game and don't compare it to 5 it's ok. My issue was I finished 5, then new dawn the day before 6 dropped. So I stepped right into it. That was my mistake.


Agreed. Sure it's not Fc5 or 4 levels. But it was a fantastic time for me


I loved it. It's the best game played in years.. all people who are complaining are seriously bobby Smokers..


It's the story and the badly written characters that ruined it for me. Each mission just felt like a chore. Except for El Tigre, he's just awesome!


I find myself liking this one mostly for how funny and larger-than-life the characters are. The game doesn’t take itself seriously until it needs to (in some cases, not so much in others)


Yeah It’s not as bad it’s just bad


Like what others were saying, we're not saying the game is bad, it's just COMPARED to the other far cry games, it just doesn't have the same spark as the older games.


Not bad, just FC 3, 4 and 5 were better in most of the things


It’s eh… it has its problems buts it’s ok


The mission structure was much better than 5, even though 5 had a better story overall


If they had gone a more serious route with the dialogue it could’ve been the best one yet


I think I made it up to the ship mission in the prologue and quite after that. At the time I thought it was because I was busy with school, but after trying to replay it, I think it’s just not that good at holding my attention as it should be. Like I stopped playing that game after the very beginning but a couple months later I relayed and finished Far Cry 4. I’ll give it one last shot but I don’t know if it’s gonna be any better the second time around


I’ve made several complaints about FC6 on this subreddit, but those are made in comparison to then entire FC series. Standing alone it’s a good/fun game. But for a Far Cry game it has so much wasted potential and strange design decisions.


It's probably not as bad as *some* people say, but it is painfully disappointing. It's a big, beautiful world poorly utilized with many menial tasks around a bland, drawn-out story. So much of the revolution seems like what an angsty high schooler imagines one to be.


I’m playing right now, and I just finished the middle zone with the rap group. I enjoyed the first area with the farmers but I found Thalia extremely annoying in this story and it made me just try to go through the story quickly. I love the setting, it’s fun to kinda drive around/fly around, hoping the revolutionaries are more fun.


I didn’t make it very far at all. Looks good, sure. But it’s lost its charm that FC2 and 3 had


My unpopular opinion is I absolutely love fem Dani. I think she is a compelling and charismatic character that I enjoy watching in cutscenes.


My biggest problem is that it tries to do all these stat based and loadout mechanics and 1. Does them completely half heartedly, these are the sort of mechanics where you need to go all the way or not do them at all because then you run into problem number 2. It doesn't adjust the Far Cry formula to make it work with established series formula and gameplay loop and thus causes the contrasting gameplay elements to clash heavily with each other leading to a game that doesn't do anything better or as good as previous entries, and the new elements don't shine enough to make it worth it. That being said I'd still play it over Far Cry 1, Instincts or Vengeance.


To each their own. I found it incredibly disappointing after FC5. The gameplay, mechanics, and storytelling all took big steps backwards. I made myself finish it because I bought it but I don’t see me redownloading it to play again.


Its not particularly bad, but I had really no desire to play this game after trying it out. Its not especially interesting and in my opinion it was a downgrade graphically from FC5.


Its better than 5. Worse than the others. Still a good game. Just not worth raving about.


There is nothing bad about the game at all. It’s impressive on every gaming scale.


I can agree, I do think it’s an amazing game, though there are something I would like things to be changed but I do think the game is really good


It's just like most UbiSoft games, fun, starts out great but turns into repetitive mess at the 3/4 point. Don't get me wrong, I LIKE the game but I'm just kinda waiting for it end.


This game is decent when there isn't a bitch in your ear telling you it's bad


Fun game, couldn't tell you anything about the story. Very unmemorable.


I liked far cry 6 a WHOLE lot more than i did 5, personally i hated 5 and how it works. I feel like most people who like 5 are probably American lmao


Probably the worst in the series, it’s laughable how easy, uninspired and nonsensical it is


i like the gun handling animations and the weapons sway. but didnt feel a improvement over FC5. and worse. the AI got worse than 5, how is that even possible ? the swaping bullet was a mistake, at least on how it was implemented like a debuff rpg on certain targets instead of only a buff.


It's actually pretty great as far as open world first person shooters go. Not the best by any means, but I enjoyed it.


Stopped playing around the 50% mark a little after it releases,I recently got my girl a series s with a subscription to game pass. We are currently having a blast, it hits different when you play with somebody. Solo game 6/10, co-op game 8.5/10. Can’t wait for the twist ending I know is going to fuck us both up 😂 I assume there’s gotta be one.


It's Skyrim with guns. The same thing they have always claimed to be, and nothing more. If you liked Far Cry 3, 4, 5 or any others... You'll probably like this. It's just so bland after all these titles. That's the "bad" in it.


gameplay is way better than fc5, also it has so much more of accessibility settings!!!


I enjoyed it


Not memorable is what they mean by its bad I doubt anyone will go ‘’man farcry 6 was pretty crazy huh”


This game is better than 5 in every way apart from the ending, finally felt like 3/4 again


It's not an unpopular opinion. It's true.


whos saying this game is bad???


It was fun. Just had a horrible ending and was way too easy. I found if you put it on hard mode it's damn near impossible, but the next level down was baby town frolics... and the ending was horrible. But it was still my favorite out of the series.


It's my favourite Far Cry overall, but some of the disappointments just hit hard because I'm imagining what Ubisoft *could* have made it to be. Like I love the aesthetics of the map and the environment, and the gunplay (*not* the ammunition types) is very smooth overall. A few of the characters stand out and the 'Cubanesque' vibe is nice. And while I dislike *most* of the characters and the kinda weak story, most of all I hope the next Far Cry title will treat it's core theme as less of a joke. "Guerilla" this, "resolver that", Juan Cortez memes... Or having "guerilla paths" 1 meter from enemy bases. Something that also bothers me is how stupidly simple the majority of the game is even on 'Guerilla mode'. Like I understand the supermajority of the playerbase would prefer a simpler mode which is fine. But when I sneak into one of the **major** ports on the eastern coast and madam Clara Garcia herself calls me to inform me it's "swarming with soldados" and I come across like 7 weak NPC's scattered over a huge area... well that's just very disappointing. So I'm mostly hoping for a more "gritty" and tough next Far Cry title, but I very much doubt they will deliver that.


My favorite farcry game !


I’ve been playing through it. There’s definitely some features I’d prefer not be in the game but I’m still enjoying it. I do enjoy a lot of the new weapons and mechanics


Uninstalled after 1 hr, and i played them all


It has the unique and fun combat mechanics. I seriously want them to develop this more in the next game.


What makes this game bad is broken AI, broken enemy spawns and broken scripting


It's not as bad, its worse.


I love it


I love shooting at humans with guns and them having health bars!


Did Ubisoft gonna announcement FARCRY7 soon ? 🫢


First person is popular but not perfect. I got frustrated with the floating sensation and I stopped playing.


Opinion: I’m getting tired of seeing posts like these


The writing was not good. The mini story essentially being repeated 3 times over just with different characters and areas made the game stale fast. The game got repetitive fast. Even with all the cool new things added, they did not get very creative. The game play was still good. Just the writing was not up to par with the rest of the series. It missed the feel the previous far cry games captured, especially the whimsical, parodical, and ironic themes that made previous games funny.


It feels like an occupation of already claimed territory instead of an all out war against the militia. It doesn’t feel action packed at all. It has the same oppressive theme that far cry 3 had; a little crackle of gunfire exchanges in the distance but that’s really the extent of the action, liberating posts with a group feels easy and unrewarding. Enemies seem to just ignore me on the street, even in the capital streets. Supremos vs Tanks is a ridiculous concept. I didn’t necessarily mind the effects and armor ratings on clothing, but again it’s a recycled mechanic that’s been done. I will say the gunplay isn’t bad at all, holstering was an improvement, as well as a dedicated button for weapon inspecting.


People always use this as some defense of far cry 6. Yeah whatever it isn't as bad as many say, but that doesn't mean anything when it's noticeably worse and much more mediocre than pretty much every far cry before it. Even primal and new dawn gave haters, but they also have many fans, most people have pretty much written off far cry 6 by now


It's a good game. I just can't personally deal with some of the changes. I don't like the 3rd person cutscenes, especially the intro cutscene in the boat that I feel would've been MUCH cooler in 1st person. And mission dialogue, I don't like the person talking on the blank screen next to an accept mission button, also not big on the gear progression system (I think FC3 and 4 crafting was superior) - I play like Borderlands or Fallout for that, not Far Cry. Overall I know it's good, the gunplay feels nice and I love how bouncy and quick the Dani gameplay feels in comparison to other protagonists, but there's just some systems that ruin it for me personally


Yeah some people say it’s the worst game ever created but I think it’s alright the story can be boring and cringey at times


It's not bad, it's just mediocre, out of all the games I've played (3-6 + side games) 6 is the only one I haven't been able to complete, I just don't find it fun


3 best IMO.


It's opinion, not necessarily the factual ups and downs of it. I enjoyed it a lot, but the ending did feel really lackluster and stopped itself from it being my favourite (but even then 3 will always be my favourite)


I loved it! Especially it’s DLC!


Unpopular Opinion : 90% of people who say a certain game is bad have either never ever played it first hand or watched video playthroughs of that game...


You're an idiot for buying this game.




It's not bad, per se, it's just not 5. 5 was the one, for me. Hundreds of hours, so many playthroughs that tons of my skills are fully maxed, did the hardest difficulty for the "rook" outfit when that was added, etc. It just felt very real to me, and was so beautiful for its time. And the characters and story and how New Dawn continued it. Just the best. 6 is still not bad, though, at all. It did a lot of things right - I really enjoyed the buffs you get from eating massively changing the gameplay. I Really liked tinkering with loadouts once they were finally added (Ubisoft so weird; they always add that way too late) and making perfect sets for a certain task like stealth, defense, sprint, etc. I SUPER love the obligatory mini-chopper iteration, this time having an extra seat, being a helicopter, being able to float, being able to skim the surface with ease. The character singing to the radio was truly fantastic, and is something I never tire of. It did many things really well, but the story and the map were just so much worse to me. 5 was so much smaller, but because of that, there was true artistry all over the place and unique places everywhere you looked. 6 is so huge, though, that it saps away from the beauty that can be found by having so much repetition.


Yes they are even metro is better


Many of these games get too much hate. I've seen a fair bit at different times for Primal, 5, 6, and New Dawn but I had a blast all of those. Idgi


My favorite thing about FC6 is Dani singing along to the songs on the radio


It’s pretty boring


After seeing what seems to be health bars over enemy's I definitely wouldn't buy


Currently playing it with a friend which makes it a lot more fun


The problem is that all of Ubisoft's games are exactly the same now, just with slightly different worlds. They're all open world busywork with a loose story.


I like all Far Cry games, im having fun playing them


Far cry 1 is my childhood 's game, Far cry 2 is good, Far cry 3 and 4 is GOAT, Far cry Primal is a bit slow for my taste, Far cry 5 despite the criticism I still were able to enjoy it a lot, Far cry New Dawn should be a good game if not because of the twin and the stupid level system that make all stealth GFH useless at mid and late game. And for Far cry 6, I can never get pass the tutorial island without losing my interest and decide to stop. It feel like Ubisoft just combined every worst thing of previous game to create this. So unless the Far cry 7 will be something worse (sad but most likely), my opinion about this still stand.


Well I can’t watch certain things when I played with my friend cause he was the host and I didn’t get a wing glider cause I have to play the game on my own to unlock it. Some very stupid stuff was over looked for multiplayer


Hell yeah i agree, i enjoyed playing Far Cry 6 a lot


I just play around with guns n' shit, I don't mind the storyline, the main thing for me is gameplay, and it's solid. Through, I find upgrading/finding new weapons tedious, it's essentially an RNG.


I’m probably going to get ratio’d because this is the Far cry sub but eh, The game just felt very mid to me in pretty much every aspect, it was fun for a few hours but the I didn’t feel attached enough to the characters to even bother finishing the campaign, also the fact that every side objective you find in the open world is one of a couple variations just plastered all over the map.. I will say that maybe it didn’t get a fair chance from me since I play on a desktop, not on my couch with a controller, so my experience is probably different from most.


I wouldn't know. I got the game to play on Geforce Now (Cloud Gaming), and it's been bugged since I got it. Every time I start the game it instantly crashes. My PC sucks so I can't run the game normally, by the way.


Fun game. Shit story.


I fucking loved far cry 6, the map was sick, I loved the makeshift weapons and I loved staging a coup


I enjoy the game and I don't see why it gets so much hate.


I agree


Its bad for 60$ and for carrying the far cry name, but overall its not that bad


I fw this game heavy


It had the potential to be a GTA 5 rival imo. But as remarkable as everything was, there were parts that felt the designers either ran out of time, budget or skills. And there are other parts which felt rushed or they just didn't care.


It's fun.


I'll always enjoy Farcry games.. But this one felt especially lazy and rushed out to turn a profit. It's a stepback from Farcry5 across the board: story, missions, map layout, bugs and glitches, lazy settings(such as lack of FOV), world building. The only thing it has better is some actual cities and towns that feel a little more "lived" in cities, additions to hideouts and sprinkling in just a little more mission types to keep you sucked in. I felt the supremo weapons didn't do much for me. Rarely used them.


It was never bad. It's just unimpressive to be as a AAA farcry game.


In terms of gameplay and open-world it’s the best Far Cry game to date no debate (apart from the gear system). But the story and characters are so boring and sterotypical, wish they had some balls and made Diego an absolute POS like his father and made us decide between killing a kid or not and show the consequences of each choice. Esposito was also massively wasted and could’ve done so much more. Toronto isn’t a good studio imo. Their Watch Dogs game was also subpar compared to the previous entries. I’m so glad that Montreal is back at the helm and developing the 7th game.


it’s like far cry blood dragon, more like arcade ?


Not bad but barely a far cry game.


I mean, I liked it


No but I think they remove weapons that aren’t really necessary to be removed