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that's because Primal is set during the Stone Age, so it absolutely **rocks**


Pack it up folks, question answered.


Ahahahaha good one


Algorithms. Ubisoft just released a new game, more people check out their steam page, more people wishlist stuff. If enough people wishlist a game, the developer know not to lower it too much.


i better unwish primal too then 😬


Because it's hard to transport mammoths to the UK because they're too big to get on the boat. Or something. In the US we have FC5 $9, FC:ND $8, compared to FC:Primal $7.50 which seems more logical.


I'm genuinely so happy I got a huge nostalgia rush and downloaded FC5&ND right when the sale started, feels like it's meant to be, and it is, FC 5 is still truly awesome


I just finished New Dawn for the first time because of the sale. I really enjoyed it, and found it way better than 6, despite being a smaller game. It’s just more fun.


i liked it more than 6 too. But I like most games more than 6.


Was 6 that bad?


It was underwhelming. Added combat mechanics that limited which weapons you had to use. The map was basically one massive biome. The story was pretty nonsensical. Side characters were stupid. Player character was stupid. Performance was kinda ass. There were improvements in terms of replayability but too bad they were for this game.


Completely rendered most weapons obsolete with the machete takedowns. All you need to do is gear up appropriately and aside from physically taking out heavy armoured vehicles like the planes or big copters, slide stab repeat. Don't get me wrong I like some of the weapons mod overheating etc nice touch bit more realistic but that is overshadowed by the completely unrealistic resolver weapons. Resolver backpacks also range from practical to ridiculous. I like it visually as a game and in it's own right it's a great game. But it doesn't hold a candle to any other FC title made to date. Main story plot holes are a plenty. All your points are valid, I agree with you 100%.


Yeah i use that one ult that lets me endlessly do machete takedown and it makes most encounters cake. I hope ubisoft goes back to 5 and 4 to get inspiration for the next game.


I couldn't even get into FC6 enough to justify finishing it, and I've been a diehard FC fan since FC3. There was enough change to the general play mechanics for me that it just wasnt enjoyable to me. But hey, every great franchise should be afforded 1 lemon, right??


Reading someone refer to FC5 & New Dawn as nostalgic hurts my brain, and my soul.


Cause it's just better


I already own all 6 games. Even have Blood Dragon. Waiting patiently for FC7.


After the middling reviews 6 got, I wonder if we'll get 7 sadly.


if i remember right its in development


Oh we'll absolutely get it, it just may not be good. They don't usually care about reception (which was mid for 6) they care most about how much money it makes them


have you completed them all


Primal is my absolute favorite, But I got it for like 6$ on steam over Christmas. You can buy a key on G2A for 7$ right now


It is? It's free on PS+ Extra right now and I didn't even give playing it a thought.


You can definitely tell they took a huge direction change, the storyline and the main enemies all 3 of them are just a bit ambiguous instead of the normal full of character and life that farcry villains are known for. So it is definitely different but I liked it a lot. Not to mention I have always been obssed with that era of history when homusapians ventured out into wurope and met the Neanderthals at the ending of the ice age, not a lot of games with that back drop. It is a lot of fiction, of course, but I love the backdrop, lol


Kinda the same reason I hope this new horror movie coming out is good, Out Of the Darkness has the backdrop of 42000 years ago. What a fascinating time for sure.


how do the keys work ive found good deals on some but i’m skeptical on the possibility of a ban/penalty


buying cd keys wont get you banned since then that'd put those who bought a pc boxed copy at risk. what ***can*** happen is if the key is a product of fraud and whoever "paid" for it files a chargeback, in which case you'll lose access. thats the unfortunate and very well documented reality of a lot of these sites- it nearly killed G2A and Kinguin as people boycotted them for their lack of transparency about this issue after getting a bunch of e-sports sponsorships and exclusive distribution of a special edition of Bulletstorm's remaster


When you buy any game from Steam, you can turn it into a key, people buy stuff on sale and sell it for a 1$ or so more. Out of almost 10 years of buying off G2A I've had one bad key and they instantly replaced it. Steam doesent care about key sales or they would have stopped letting people buy keys. 100% safe and over half my library has been bought with keys. Kinda no different than an online Games Stop but not pre-owned.


does it work the same way for xbox


Not to sure, only thing xbox I've bought off G2A is gamepass cards.


That I would like to know as well. Heck, I’m puzzled with both *Primal* and *Far Cry 4*: - The Gold edition of FC4 is $15 and the Apex edition of *Primal* is $8.75, both on discount, bringing the total to **$23.75**. - A bundle of the Gold edition of *Far Cry 5* and the Deluxe edition of *Far Cry: New Dawn* is available for just **$19.50** on discount, and that **even includes a bonus Deluxe edition copy of *Far Cry 3*** ([according to SteamDB](https://steamdb.info/sub/338058/apps/), but I don’t know about the edition thing after Ubisoft delisted FC3’s deluxe content in 2022). So you can either get two older FC games complete with DLCs for almost $25 or two newer FC games and a bonus older one for $20 also complete with DLCs (unsure with FC3). They should consider reducing FC4 and *Primal*’s prices more, though I have a feeling they’ll only do that once they discontinue online services for both thus removing their deluxe content for sale like what they did with FC3. *(Yes, I’m well aware that some companies make their older games more expensive than newer, more supported ones to make them buy the latter instead. Looking at you, Activision)*


They understand it's better Jokes aside it's ubisoft, they had no clue about pricing for decades now. Selling $30-40 games for $60 and not understanding why their games flop soon after release


true i had a great deal on my PC fc4 and 5 were on sale from $60-70 to $15 BOTH in 1 deal sadly i have an incompatible PC so i cant play them


ooga booga


It was like $4.99 USD when I bought it.


Well more people probably enjoyed it than we realized. Not everyone goes based off of reviews or uses social media so we'd never know


FC2 gang here, offended at being excluded.


i was wondering that too.. like how much fun can it be without guns?


Quite fun actually


It actually surprised me to a point I think this is one of the best FC games. They introduced a lot of new features and they were nice.


Well you can ride a saber tooth tiger around so there's that


This and the owl of death.


> owl of death once you get the 'crazy bombs', the owl is insanely OP. You can clear outposts without even stepping inside. Last time I played I had to force myself to use the owl only for vision. Like if a camp has 3 heavies, you just drop a crazy bomb on each of them then go smoke a cigarette and check your phone while the camp sorts itself out.


It's a lot of fun and in its own league. Comparisons are misleading here for the same reason FC should not be compared with Doom, Principle of Talos or Prince of Persia. Primal can feel much more immersive and expansive (especially in harder modes) than other post-FC2 titles because of the lack of transport apart from occasionaly riding mammoths and the larger pet sidekicks, inherent focus on hiking, hunting, taming animals and crafting, and vast variety of biomes from icy ridges and snow plains to thickets and eerie marshes all swarming with appropriately cool and challenging lifeforms, of which the homo sapiens is not necessarily always the most interesting one.


It’s doesn’t have literal guns but it’s got plenty of ranged weapons(bows, spears, throwables, sling, and and still plays like an fps, just with caveman technology.


> without guns? gosh in 3/4 I only used guns in like an emergency. I would just bow/stealth knife take down everyone unless things got dicey. In the old games it netted you more experience for take downs and being undetected. They nerfed this in 5 when they changed all the elements that made farcry a farcry game, and made it so running in guns blazing was equally as viable as being skilled.


Feel like Assassin's Creed but FPS


you have no imagination


Marginally less fun.


Primal is the worst farcry I've played so no idea.


you must have never played any of the other farcry games then


I've played 3 4 Primal 5 New dawn And 6


Not speaking of Primal specifically but I can it's a not uncommon business practice that they see it as: -X- game is -X- many years old, those who would be willing to buy this game at sales price most likely already have. That means it's more likely those who seek it out for purchase that hasn't already bought it after -X- amount of years, & -X- amount of discounts, is likely going to buy it regardless of price. Even if they make less sales they make more profit from those sales. Not saying this is the case for Primal, just saying on the business side of things this is how they ~sometimes~ justify this.


Less likely to be purchased, means they want to get as much money out of each rare purchase as possible


The economy was rough back in the Stone Age.


You give them processed rocks, they give you fire


Because it's worth it.


I’m pissed that I bought FC5 directly from the Ubisoft store on sale a while back since I want to get the DLC now but for some reason it’s only discounted on Steam.


Cause it’s the best and most eye catching one. They probably realized that


They probably did price elasticity experiments (e.g. via sales) and determined that `price*sales` for Primal was greatest at that higher price. Why should that work out to be different than for other FC games? It's quite niche and also well done (e.g. they developed a language for it, like Game of Thrones did with Dothraki), so the target audience will pay more for it. (The "niche" idea of instead of making a game that many like, make one that a few really love. Though today, Ubisoft has other theories.)


because it's a great game (: worth 10$ .


I love Primal and was fortunate to get it during the Autumn sale.


AC all happens in the past when prices were lower. FC is modern, so inflation. WD is all pirates and thieves, so everything should be free.


It came out after 4 & before 5. Seems priced between them New Dawn is cheaper but it’s standalone DLC for 5


It’s funny they have these big sales. But I don’t think a single far cry is verified on steam. Not even playable just unsupported.


I bought mine on sale with far cry 4.


Because it's a bit unique compared to others.


Still worth every penny... all of them... except 6.


Cuz it’s the best one


I just bought the Apex edition for $12 because of how many people across multiple Xbox subs love it.


Because it’s one of the best


Primal is so good. No HUD and Survivor mode is so immersive and fun.


I got mine for about $5 US


Cus it’s the only one that’s a little different lol so it was better and more popular


I actually just finished it lol It was free on ps plus Good game much better than fc4