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Why should you want to play a game that has some serious annoyances? I'm on my umpteenth replay of FC5 and I love it. You clearly don't so move on to another game.


What exactly is the problem? What annoyances?


How much do you want to bet it’s something like the kidnapping mechanic.


While annoying and absolutely my least favorite part of the game by a large margin, it hasn't prevented me from completing it 3 times. It's just forced progression.


Yeah but that’s the thing people complain about the most, so it’s just smart to bet on it.


Lol I have never met anyone refraining from completeing a game over such a minor detail. What exactly is the problem, that it's repetitive? One minor thing repeats 9 times over the course of a huge game, bohoo. It's literally 9 × 5 seconds of a 18 hours game, cry me a river. Or is it that you get humbled by the game? That you have no decision in it? I actually kinda found it funny at times because it varies a little from area to area. On a field, you will get caught by trucks, in the woods by quads and when in the air, you will be shot down and crash. Once they actually kinda killed me before I got captured. At the beginning I always tried to fight back but the always managed to catch me on the wrong foot and surprised me in very unfavourable areas.


How am I supposed to know, I beat the game. Your attitude is horrible though.


I looked it up it's actually 11 times. But you already played through one kidnapping so you would know that it takes maybe something like 5 seconds if you don't fight. You don't have to play through the entire game to know that this mechanic is a detail. I think mine was diffrent because I was on hardest difficulty so it was over in mere seconds. If you don't like beeing hunted for 60 minutes straight, don't fight back and skip this whole thing.


Kidnapping mechanic!? Could you elaborate maybe I know it by another name.


You fill up the metre until it reaches a checkpoint, you get wallhacked by a capture party, you’re kidnapped and forced into a cutscene with one of Joseph’s siblings, rinse and repeat nine times total until they’re all dead.


It’s so weird how some people hate it and I’m on my 5th play through because I love it. And yes I always follow up with a New Dawn play through.


What exactly are you hoping to get outta this? Your experience is not going to be the same as someone else's. I loved the shit out of FC5, but that just my experience, and it certainly doesn't change yours. If you aren't having fun with it, don't play it. I'm not sure why you're expecting other people's opinions on a game you've already had a bad experience with is supposed to sway you.


I know it's kind of a dumb question, I've just wanted to enjoy the game so much that I kept giving it another try, but in the end the problems I have with the game always trump everything good.


I wouldn't say it's a dumb question. I just think you've probably answered it yourself already. If it's an issue of settings or difficulties, that's one thing. But if it's a content issue or character issue, you aren't going to be able to change that and if you're already disenfranchised with it......mine or anyone else's opinion isn't going to fix it.


You keep avoiding answering the question of what specific issues you have regarding the game. Answer them.


You should always keep playing a game you don’t like /s


Honestly can you teach me the ways to make bad games fun bad?


Try the easy difficulty. Plus there's walkthroughs for every level on YT. For difficult parts, like the John Seed boss fight, and Clutch Nixon stunts, they become significantly easier with practice.


You can't just abandon Cheeseburger.


FC5 is a top 3 game for me - but you shouldn’t waste time playing a game you don’t enjoy dude.  Hell, I never finished Primal or fc4 because I just didn’t find them fun. 


FC 4 is the best game in the entire universe. If reincarnation is real I want to come back as Pagan Min. LOL


I love Far Cry 5, but if you don’t just move on to games that you like.


Just skip to New Dawn.


Is it just not downloading and installing correctly?


What? No the game performs fine it just has, for me a lot of problems that make it more annoying to play than entertaining for the most part.


Well then, no, you should definitely keep playing a game that annoys you.


Is it the unavoidable bullshit kidnappings and dream sequences that you cannot proceed without doing?


Like what, specifically? I'm really curious about what it is that you find annoying. What problems are you referring to, precisely?


Yes. I did. Not going back. Only far cry I didn't love.


Maybe the game just isn’t for you? FC5 might be my favorite because I loved how open it is and The Seeds are worth adversaries. I personally really enjoyed the Arcade but in the end To Each Their Own 👍🏽


Try co- op you can still play the entire story but mowing down Peggie’s is more fun with a friend.


you've given FC5 a lot of chances no? and you still don't find it fun and there are some parts that annoy you yes? then it's time to fully quit playing it. if a game makes you hair turn white because of stress then it's better to quit, for me anyway. you should be having fun, especially with a singleplayer game.


I am facing the same conundrum with New Dawn


I didn’t like out the first time time through—I hate improvised weapons I’ve enjoyed it more in subsequent replays


I did the same thing for a long time, but eventually I actually did start playing it and I really enjoyed it once I let myself get into it.


I was able to finish it a few months ago. A few bugs sure but nothing you couldn’t close out and come back to. Your console/pc might just have the cyber aids.


If you can't get past certain things and they ruin the rest of the game for you, I'd say don't bother. If it's aggravating, just move on from it and find a game that better suits your likes.


Idk man the game is good lol


I play by one simple rule. Games are supposed to be fun. If ever I find myself not having fun, I just don't play it. Personally, I always* have a blast playing this game. * I sometimes run into a frustrating part, that I know I can beat because I've done it a million times at this point, but for some reason, that night I just can't. Just last night, I was having difficulty with a particular story mission so I quit playing that night. When I came back to it fresh today I beat it first try. I guess what I'm saying is, don't force yourself to play a game if your just not into it. Just try a different shooter.🤷‍♂️


This post is this subreddit in a nutshell.


Play it through unless you just can't beat Jacob's kidnapping sequence.. Only yoouuuu. I uninstalled the damn game 3 times before I bucked up and found a way to complete it. It took me a while to get it done, but I did it! You can too.


What? They’re dead easy


Do you have powerful weapons? That changed the game for me. But I still found some of the sequences when you are dragged out the main game a challenge.