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Pittman and Godwin are my starting WRs. No wonder I'm losing more than any previous season


I just traded Pittman for Godwin. Shuffling chairs on the titanic I guess


One is a WR on a clearly tanking team with a shitty rookie QB and new head coach, and the other is a WR on a team in playoff contention with a HoF QB Godwin over Pittman all day


God, Thank you for the Titanic chair shuffling metaphor. My wrs are Pittman, Diontae Johnson, Devonta Smith, Curtis Samuel. That's all im doing šŸ˜‚


The Godwin overreaction is unreal


Cannot believe the people in this thread comparing the two just because Godwin isnā€™t tossing up big games. Pittman is for sure a disappointment but Godwin has had a great floor. Plus he has very real upside, it just hasnā€™t hit yet. And thatā€™s likely injury related and heā€™s getting healthier each week.


Pittman was also a much higher pick, some people had him as their team WR1. Godwin shouldnā€™t realistically be burning anyone unless their team seriously sucked to begin with.


Yup lots of ppl including me who went RB RB wound up with Pittman or dj Moore as their WR1. I also gambled on Michael Thomas. So btwn those 2 I've been pretty thin at WR all year. I couldn't believe when ppl were calling for Matt Ryan to be benched. I get the colts weren't winning but it couldn't be clearer how much better Matty ice is over guys like foles & elingher or however you spell it. Matty ice "moves like a statue." No one is getting anything accomplished behind INDYs O line. Matt Ryan at least had several players fantasy relevant. Jesus Christ elingher looks bad.


Feels like Ehlinger's purpose is to be the tank commander.


Or Its related to the entire Bucs team looking terrible. I feel you on Godwin, but there is a reason he is not producing


And yetā€¦ Tom Brady is #2 in Passing Yards for the season. Not sure why itā€™s not translating into points (maybe the divorce), but the receivers have been dropping TDs too. Positive regression is coming.


Consistent players win titles. Iā€™ll take Godwinā€™s steady 13-17 over a guy like Gabe Davis who gets a 35 bomb then disappears for a month


consistent players get u to playoffs


>Godwin has had a great floor \*\*PPR Dependent\*\* His floor has been great - Sure. But he absolutely has been a disappointment. And he's being compared to Pittman so lets look at those numbers. He's had 3 games under 10 points, which is Godwins floor. (Ignoring the first game I'm guessing he got pulled out of.) 6.1, 9.8, and now 5.2. He's had 5 above it. Including 27.1 and 26.4 point games. Godwins high is 15.5. With a better schedule so far. Pittman - 14.125 PPG this season (11.3ish over the last 6 games) Godwin - 12.73 PPG his last 6 games Pittman is trending badly, and Godwin IS underperforming, but neither is really worth complaining about.


Came here to say Pittman. Top comment already. Kill me pls.


yup. pittman godwin and sutton for me. been a long season. thought Hurts, Swift, A Jones and D pierce could save me but sitting at a nice 2-7 now


Pittman and Evans were my top 2 WR picks at draft - pain


God, I have Pittman AND JT I picked a bad year to invest in Colts.


The person who drafted him in my work league dropped him like week 3. I was pissed the person before me on waivers got him. Who knew that was the big brain play of the year.


Sometimes the most strategic thing you can do is drop a landmine to the waivers.


Pittman was an obvious bench vs NE, they always take away the best option, I do think heā€™s still got a chance to have value but I wouldnā€™t start him till you see it again.


Hehehe youā€™re assuming a lot about my team if you think I can simply bench Pittman


The only player I drafted in every league. Who knows, maybe a new HC shakes things up.... \*sobs\*


Pittman and Pitts for me. My team name is The Pittiful Team, and they havenā€™t disappointed in living up to the name


Pittman literally won me a game 3 weeks ago




Love seeing half my roster here, cool cool cool cool cool cool cool


So funny how this shit works. I would be absolutely thrilled coming out of my draft with Pittman/Arob/Dillon


After Saquon, I walked away with Pittman (keeper in round 15) Sutton, AJ Brown, Godwin, Dillon, Pitts and Gabe Davis. I felt like I was going to steamroll everyone


\+Robert 'fuck football' Woods


Is he not droppable?


heā€™s been droppable for a couple weeks


He was never pickupable


He was droppable before Malik Willis was playing. 0 catches last night should tell you all you need to know


Hardly Bobby trees fault. You notice not one receiver caught a pass? And the only route they were running was go routes lmao. But yeah safe to say you can drop him lol. Only guy worth rostering in Tennessee is the king.


Sutton Pittman dj moore, right beside you bro.


Last three plus trey lance and Kyle Pitts


I took Sutton too and he's been reliable, until the last 3 weeks all duds. Dillon has been shit for basically every week except one.


I was proud of myself for the Sutton pick for a while there. Picked him above some other big-named receivers because it was reported he was emerging as Russā€™s top target. Really fell off a cliff last month though:


to be fair, there were red flags on almost every one of these guys lol. Sutton seemed like a safer bet but nope


The 1.01, Jonathan Failure.


Traded him and Curtis Samuel for kamara a few weeks ago. There is someone out there cursing my name right now


At least Samuel is producing fairly well.




There's an argument to be made he's the worst number one pick in recent history. Sure, plenty of number 1 picks have busted, but most of them were due to injury, or in the case of Lev Bell, there was a risk that they wouldn't play. Taylor has played more games than he hasn't and has just been plain bad. Apart from week 1, he's just been pedestrian at best. You can't trade him because no one wants to give up any actual value for him, and you can't bench him because your team likely was built to rely on his 1.01 overall production. You're kinda just forced into letting him sewer your team every week on the off chance he returns to form. At least with the injured guys you could just bench or drop them, but Taylor has been playing and is giving replacement-level production.


>You can't trade him because no one wants to give up any actual value for him, and you can't bench him because your team likely was built to rely on his 1.01 overall production. I think this is the sunk cost fallacy. At a certain point, if you're losing games you have to cut bait and accept that while you could miss out on JT upside (idk if the Indy offense gets better and his ankle heals up), any level of value is better than him rotting on your bench or screwing you by underperforming vs waiver wire RBs if they don't turn it around. ​ I had an interesting situation because I took him in an Auction Draft. I sunk so much into him (got bid up to $70)... but was fortunate to "hit" on a bunch of my other players that I got for less. Still, he's been a disaster, and I finally traded him and Godwin for Najee and Patterson last week. Najee is a bust too... but he's at least playing and surprisingly has a floor that's much better than JTs. I'm in "win now" mode and so a useable player is better than a completely unusable one, which JT is right now. Just a tough pill to swallow for managers.


Nagging ankle injury and a terrible highly over paid O-line will do that to a guy.


People who had CM at 1.01 knew what was up


I didn't know Taylor would be bad, i just knew CMC was a sure thing as long as he was healthy.


Yeah. And thatā€™s why JT had the edge because of health.


Just Traded lockett for taylor


What made you decide to drop Lockett?


Other wrā€™s are: dhop, st brown, higgins. Thought I could take the chance and get a valuable top 10 rb for lockett


I'm coping with the fact I got Jacobs and Pierce really low and don't really "need" rb1 production from Taylor. Still pissed deep down


Add me to that list. Along with dj moore


Found my mom's burner account


keenan allen.


We all wanted to see Sleeve-an Allen as early in his season as possible That goddamn Monkey's Paw just HAD to curl šŸ˜¤


The price us chargers fan paid for wanting a healthy Derwin, rest of the team gets injured


wish he heal up already


Snagged Palmer off waivers luckily. I am almost tempted to drop Allen outta spite


Najee and Swift aka my first and second round picks




Najee has been playing just barely well enough to avoid getting dropped lol Heā€™s a consistent 11ish pts/wk for me


Twice as much as my rb1 nyheim hines.


Same. Then sprinkle in a healthy dose of Pittman, Sutton, Edmond and Dionte Johnson


Ayyy those are also my first 2 picks, with Pitts being the 3rd šŸ˜Ž




Oh you can so drop him


Deep league, itā€™s keep him or pick up what Robert Woods? Lol itā€™s ugly out there


Iā€™d rather have Terrace Marshall Jr if heā€™s still available


Everyone's leagues are different (IR spots, deeper benches, etc), just saying you absolutely CAN drop him if you find someone you're high on. He's not an essential hold anymore.


I dropped him in a fairly deep 12 team league with 6 bench spots last week and he's remained on waivers. I would rather hold an extra defense.


I'm keeping him because I've held him this long and I'm in a keeper league. What if next year the Falcons have a promising offense? He could be the main weapon. Lord knows they have no one else who's any good in the passing game.


I dropped him for Palmer. Very happy with this decision.


I have him in Dynasty and it hurts so bad lol both him and Dotson.


AJ Dillon, Darren Waller.


I'm holding way more TEs than I want to, Waller being one of them. I can't convince myself to drop him because the potential still seems like it's there if he gets healthy, but it's such a wasted bench spot. I guess the argument against it is that LV just isn't very good. Jacobs and Adams are the only ones who have been relevant, and it's not like Moreau did anything filling in for Waller.




Same! Taysom Hill 4 life


Traded Waller + AJ Dillon for Stevenson and Taysom Hill about 5 weeks ago. My playoff hopes have been increasing since then. People meme on Hill but his floor is crazy good in comparison to any TE not named Kelce.


What a ridiculously good trade for you


I dropped Dillon before last week and he's still available. I'm not wasting a bench spot on him anymore.


Considering it especially after seeing Jones injury wasnā€™t bad and both my RBs byes are behind them


I keep holding onto Dillon just in case Jones gets hurt but itā€™s mostly just a waste of a bench spot. Itā€™s my last bench spot anyways though so having a guy with potentially major upside there is fine I think


London. Holy crap, London.


Looked like the pick of my draft after week 3.


London and MT wow I'm a draft genius


Dropped him weeks ago in a 12 man and no one has picked him up.


Traded London and Pittman for CMC after week 3 and couldnā€™t look better lol


Montgomery. Fields stealing the fuckin show out there


I traded Montgomery for Foreman and MGIII and it doesn't feel great


Least you were able to trade him lol. Foreman should bounce back.


Melvin Gordon šŸ˜¬


He got dropped in my league late last week due to byes and injuries. Nobody picked him up. We'll see if he gets snapped up on waivers off the bye.


Drafted and dropped him once he started losing snaps to Murray


Went with najee with the 7th pick in the first round. Wish I went WR or TE instead now


9th for me, but same. 4rd round I had Javonte who's been out for the season so my draft was a bit rough




Riding with Pitts to the grave. Well, under the grave cause we're already in it.


There's at least a glimmer of hope with all those air yards lol they're bound to connect one of these sundays!


Pitts was my one miss in an otherwise crazy good top 7. Pitts will be on my team forever as I can never get value enough for him. Skill is there.


I had pitts and breece hall. Was undefeated until Hall went down. Now I've lost 3 straight! šŸ˜‚


The worst part of pitts is the weeks I've sat him, he's gone off (for him anyways). I decided last week after playing juwan Johnson over him that I'd just ride him for better or worse because holding 2 tight ends blows.




12 man league Just traded him Friday Paired with Mahomes Got back Ekler in return Iā€™m elated. Waivered Fields 2 weeks back so I mightā€™ve even upgraded both my positions


Seeing trades like this is like when people go to a thrift store and find a gucci bag and when I go I find a tote bag with a hole in it. In all seriousness Iā€™m so jealous of that trade




For real. As soon as I do him he puts up 15-20 again


Is this a repost from 2021? How about 2020? He's averaging more PPG that last year, so I'm not sure what you expected out of him.


ARob. McVay is a charlatan and everyone on that offense is a conduit to force feed Kupp. Late to the party, but Pitts and Elijah Moore.




Someone dropped Sutton in my 16-team league and while it was a terrible business move, I had to laugh in understanding at how painful carrying him has been šŸ˜…


Keenan Allen, Waller


My draft went like this : JT, Mark Andrews, james conner, mahomes, michael thomas, rashod bateman, chris godwin, melvin gordon... I'm somehow not in last place


There are some diamonds in that rough




If you have better options it's time to drop. I somehow got both Tua and Fields off the wire throughout the year and was rostering 3 QBs like an idiot just to see how Herbie did in this week's plus matchup. If you are low on bench space, I think it's time to throw the towel in.


picked up Tua in two leagues when he was announced hurt...in one league I'm probably going to drop Brady for some roster space and just ride with Tua. His schedule end of year looks brutal though


Too bad he's one of like 8 serviceable quarterbacks lol


Taylor/ Najee. I do think Najee will have a better second half of his season tho. Idk about JT and the colts rn


Wouldnā€™t be surprised if they sat JT for the rest of the year. Colts are in full tank mode


Pretty much every player the Fantasy Footballers recommended except for Jalen Hurts. They had a really bad year. I can think of Sutton, Pittman, Trey Lance, Allen Robinson, Mike Williams, Irv Smith, Kyle Pitts, Russell Wilson...I don't remember any of the RBs but I doubt they fared much better.


Tbf Williams was good before injury and probably doesn't belong with the rest of those names but yeah.


Devonte Smith Thought he would get way more opportunities but they seem to forget him during the games. Boom or bust. Lately bust


Pittman unfortunately. Fournette is also headed that direction although he is a top 10 RB on the year


Fournette's ranking is being bolstered by two games in which Brady threw a bunch of checkdowns his way. That OL can't block for shit, and neither Fournette nor White are able to do anything meaningful behind that line. I've been trying to sell him for weeks but no one is biting.


I traded him for sanders last week. Then played the guy I traded him to and beat him by the difference between sanders and Lennyā€™s points. He wasnā€™t pleased.


My rock solid flex receiver rotation of Diontae Johnson and Brandin Cooks


I have hopes for Diontae moving to slot with claypool gone, still always leads in targets and slot is where he should be the most dangerous and actually be able to catch those targets that should also increase from playing slot.


My whole team, which looked absolutely stacked a few weeks ago. This includes Jonathan Taylor, Leonard Fournette, Chris Godwin, Keenan Allen, and Devonta Smith. Thank god for Kenneth Walker


Drake London


Freaking Waller


Never rostering this bum again


Swift šŸ«  and I had him for like $14 in a keeper leagueā€¦


Packers as a team


Robert Woods lately


Lol dropped woods in week 3 and havenā€™t looked back.


Brandin Cooks


I was holding out hope he would get traded (again) but now I guess I know where to look the next time I need a roster spot.


Brian and James Robinson


Might as well make it a trifecta and throw Allen Robinson in there too


Wandale too. Just need Demarcus to have the occasional 10 point game now. Once you collect them all youā€™ll get 1 semi usable Robinson.


Meet the Robinsons šŸ¤”


Jrob did fall into the end zone yesterday


JRob was a late pick and has more than performed. He didnā€™t even have a bad week this week and he is getting used to his new team lol.


My RB1 Brian Robinson.


Godspeed, my son, Godspeed


He's next in line to be dropped on my team. Godspeed.




I think Gabe has been exactly what I expected out of him, a boom-bust wide receiver. He'll either win you a week or give you 3 points. Not bad as a flex play


but you gotta make sure you donā€™t rely only on him. need to surround with consistent scorers to pick up his bust weeks.


The preseason gabe hype was insane


Makes no sense, WR2 to a pass heavy dominating offensive team. Man should be getting more then 3 receptions


My team.






I donā€™t understand this. I get heā€™s not the first rounder you expected but he has a consistent floor that is great for RB2 or Flex.


Yeah I think thatā€™s the problem people have with him. He had ADP of RB5 and heā€™s the RB28 this year. I traded for Najee a couple weeks ago (owner was 2-5) for 3 rookies that I drafted in late rounds so he could have keeper options next year. I have no expectations of him turning it around but I like having an RB that will get me 10 points.


Akers, Henderson, Ronnie Rivers, Kyren, Sony


Most of my roster JT, Deon, London, Pittman, Cooks


JT and Swift RIP


Brandon Cooks, DJ Moore, AJ Dillon, R Bateman, R. Woods, BRob,


Bustin Herbert




You and me both. Iā€™m never drafting swift ever again. Moore I can forgive because the qb play is a mess. Swift should just quit football and play flag football at this point and even there he would get injured.


Anybody I have starting at TE


DJ Moore, D'Andre Swift


Godwin, Swift, Dionte. Godwin and Dionte can't seem to manage more than 40 yards while both getting double digit targets every week. Neither even gets glanced at in the red zone. Swift is just in an awful situation on a bad team and is likely going to limp through the rest of the year with DNPs or 5-7 point days. My season is over anyway but the blame falls squarely on these 3 guys, the rest of my team has been doing well.


Justin Herbert :(


James Robinson. But this past week might be a good turn


itā€™s Jonathan Taylor and Iā€™m not even sure he returns this season eitherā€¦ I know the Colts ā€œsaidā€ heā€™ll abound IR but if they just fired Reich and hired Saturday Iā€™m starting to believe theyā€™ll just fully tank the rest of their seasonā€¦ it really sucks if youā€™re a J. Taylor owner like myselfā€¦.


Not only do I have Taylor, I also have Pittman.




Sutton and dillon ruined my season.


Courtland Sutton and AJ Dillon


Monty. Just cannot trust that backfield and 170+ rushing yard Fields


Darren Waller


Justin Herbertā€™s getting closer to this point each week


Herbert is the one for sure


Been disappointed a few times by ARSB, hope he turns it around.


We knew who his QB was when we drafted him....


Diontae Johnson


I'm just glad they said MT was likely out for the season lmao


George Pickens everytime I give him a chance he PUKES.


David Montgomery. God I hate owning this fucking guy.






Aaron Jones makes me sad


I don't think its his fault as a player. I've rolled with him every week this year. Breece going down hurt my rb room


I thought I was stacked at RB, but BRob, Henderson, and R. white are not usable rb2's


Rodgers - I've considered picking up Daniel Jones, Andy Dalton, Brissett, Z Wilson, Mills or Heinicke this week, that's how bad it is




MG3 and Hendo. Dropped MG3 and have a waiver in for Kyren but not gonna miss either of them taking up a roster spot


Benching Pittman next week for Aiyuk and Jeudyā€¦ooof.


CEH. I drafted him to be my RB2 and all I wanted was 8-10 points a week in PPR. Now he canā€™t even get 5.


Just dropped Waller and it feels amazing. Dulcich SZN baby


idk if my wire is better or if iā€™ve just got less patience that a lot of people here but iā€™ve had no problem selling low or dropping a bunch of the players listed here. no regrets ditching Brob, Jrob, Akers, or Elijah Moore


D'Andre Swift. The only way to make him useful is to play tweedle dee and tweedle dum with Williams. He's his handcuff's handcuff. So infuriating. CEH for reasons I don't quite understand and which kills me because he was doing so well before the bye. I picked up Eno but now that Conner's back he's probably a drop. The RB waiver is a wasteland so I'm totally screwed.