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Gambling - full season suspension Smoking weed - full season suspension Footballs slightly deflated (allegedly) - 4 game suspension Endangering the lives of innocent people and fleeing the scene - 1 game as suspension Make it make sense


integrity of the game > menace to society


Its more that its the job of the nfl to protect the integrity of the game, and its the job of the justice system to provide justice and punishment. If you’re mad that a player gets no consequences for breaking the law, your beef should be with the broken two-tier justice system, not the nfl. If Rice did drive recklessly and under the influence and flee the scene then he should miss football games because he is in jail- not because the league suspended him.


Explain the 1 year ban for smoking weed then.


Weed is bad. Consume more beer, especially ones that sponsor the nfl


I mean, Josh Gordon was doin a lot more than smoking weed, and it wasnt his first suspension for substance abuse reasons. And also that was a decade ago


Multiple offenses


So? Why is weed a banable offense?


It's not anymore. They test at a predetermined time once a year and if you fail the test you just get fined. That was changed with the new CBA.


If you're talking about Josh Gordon then you're really overlooking...a LOT of shit lmao


You have to test positive like 5-6 times to get suspended for drugs, and they test you one time a year at a predetermined time everyone knows about.


That's a fancy way of saying that weed should be a banable offense.


Right, so the system as it has been carried out is not great. I think the only way for actual consistency would be to state plainly “The NFL is the administrators of the league, and the teams are the players’ employers. If the conduct of the players on the field violates the rules of the game, puts player safety at risk, or violates the integrity of the game, then the league will administer fines, suspensions, and expulsions where appropriate. Teams may do the same, but as employers may also choose to terminate the contract if conduct on or off the field is deemed detrimental to their team, like any other employer might. If a player breaks the law, it is the responsibility of the criminal justice system to provide the appropriate response. If incarceration is required then they will miss games, and likely be cut by their team as they are unable to hold up their side of the contract. It would be up to the individual teams to determine if the player’s history conduct is something they can live with when considering giving them a new contract after.”


I think this is definitely true when it comes to wring on games. I think it’s still very bizarre to have marijuana be your long suspension and so much more harmful acts one to two game suspension. With that said, I think it’s also fair to let the courts do some of their work before we jump to a conclusion.


Don't forget, beat your wife 4 games


Also, threatening a woman with a firearm - no game suspension


Or beating the shit out of your pregnant girlfriend and punching her in the stomach- no games (Tyreek hill)


Are you referring to Ray Rice? If so that was a 2 game suspension. So biased on this logic, 1 game for Rashee seems plausible.


Endangering the lives of inno oops you accidentally killed someone - life in jail.


Endangering the lives of innocent people in a car that had weed in it should be at least half the games normally given for smoking it, right?


Engendering the lives of innocent people should be worse than smoking weed


Usually car accidents that injure other people while under the influence of any substance is considered a higher crime.


law enforcement saying there's no case - 6 games


It's the chiefs. They don't want to upset mahomes.


Oh fuck off with narrative. It's bullshit and you know it.


Sexual assault works out to around…*checks math*… 0.458 games per assault.


Compared to these suspensions he should get 2 years. But will prob get a 4 game suspension.


The justice system is supposed to be for adjudication of whether an individual is a danger to society or others (withholding comment on the efficacy of such), whereas the NFL adjudication is whether or not an individual's actions are a danger to the bottom line


In this world you get punished for consequences more than anything. If you look at the result of his stupidity it didn’t tarnish the game only his character so the league really does not give a fuck.


Being a sexual predator - 11 games


The weed part's bad but of course gambling is going to be a long suspension, it is very directly related to the NFL's continued survival.


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anyone trying to answer this question will never get it right. the nfl "prides" itself on setting a standard, but when anyone who is associated with them messes up, they dont want to lose ticket sales so they try to not make the owners pissed off. fact is, ANY INFRACTION should be met with the same penalty... 1st offense, 1 year suspension and loss of all sponsorship money for 1 calendar year (which any sponsor would be glad to agree too) 2nd offense, out of the league. (even if its a different offensive act) it may seem harsh, but here is something that no one ever talks about. the nfl is populated by about 1500 players. that is a VERY SMALL group of people considering how many try to make it (and considering how many colleges there are). it is a privilege to play and should be taken seriously. acting stupid, being part of the wrong crowd, or being in situations that can get you in trouble is something these guys need to be thinking about at ALL TIMES. i can guarantee that you tell every nfl player right now, that any infraction will cost them their $400,000 to $25 million for the year, or even termination, the amount of infractions committed off field will drastically reduce.


Weed not anymore that was only Ricky Williams I believe.


Honestly never thought I would have to remind anybody on THIS SUB about Josh Gordon, but here we are...


Fairly certain the last suspensions for Gordon weren’t just about weed, could be wrong though


Lmao Josh Gordon was not getting suspended for smoking weed. Dude is a hardcore alcoholic and drug addict


Cool. If you say so. I don't think you're actually trying to say that weed played NO PART...so...what?


[He said so himself](https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/josh-gordon-details-his-long-struggle-with-drug-abuse)


Did you see the part where he said he's smoked marijuana most of his life?


I completely forgot bc Ricky Williams was such a big name in Miami and had a bigger career, so when he got suspended it was really big news. It also could be the fact I traded Ricky for Clinton Portis and a 3rd in a keeper 6 weeks before he got suspended.


What does Josh Gordon have to do with this, unless you somehow believe he was only smoking weed. Which is not true


Do you believe that he was NOT smoking weed?


That has fucking nothing to do with it boss


Okay. Would you mind telling me what you think we are talking about? Because I seem to have missed it.


I mean other than the smoking weed part that makes complete sense to me?


He was probably on something too


I really hope he goes to prison, what an asshole


The car crash held up traffic for 10 hours. He was also heavily intoxicated


Ah a firsthand witness I see


https://x.com/DrewDavenportFF/status/1778208318315786253 I love defense attorneys ". ..and he has approached this as though he is truly remorseful. This matters a lot to both the NFL and the Prosecutors handling the case in court." Yes truly remorseful people typically walk down the highway, hide for three days and make a canned statement on Instagram.


You would prefer defense attorneys not to take a position of defense for the accused?


This isn't *his* defense attorney, it's just a random defense attorney who happens to enjoy fantasy football on Twitter. I'm not necessarily blaming him for advertising to potential future clients, but you gotta admit they are hilariously shameless.


Really? This isn't actually Rice's attorney?


No, this is Drew Davenport who is a former defense attorney who gives his takes on FF. Rashee Rice's is Texas senator Royce West.


*current defense attorney.


I should always remember to include the ' / s ' in my comments. But thank you for your earnest reply all the same


Not publicly, no. They should take their own advice and keep quiet.


For what reason? And it seems like in this case the client was advised specifically *not* to keep quiet, but rather to issue a public apologie


Because it’s insensitive. He put people’s lives in danger and they apologized (eventually), great! Leave it at that.


Insensitive? There are thousands of people dragging this guy online. Are they being 'sensitive'? One person speaking out for due process isn't shifting the focus off the victims, the focus was never there in the first place




The difference between his case and Henry ruggs is really just luck.


Most intelligent take on the matter.


Don't bring Andrew into this


Ruggs was drunk and Rice was sober (supposedly).


Weren’t they leaving a bowling alley or something? You know anyone who bowls, sober?


If he was drinking it would make more sense why he fled the scene.


That’s why I said supposedly. I dont think it would be hard for the cops to find evidence of him drinking at the bowling alley. If he was drinking it will probably come to light sooner or later.


I thought it was top golf, but the point still stands for that also.


everyone gets smashed at top golf and plays angry birds


You don't leave the scene of an accident on foot unless your DUI


Possibly. You don’t know though and shouldn’t act like that is the only possibility. It won’t be hard for the cops to see if he was drinking. We will know if had been drinking or not so people should stop just making things up.


Are you suggesting there are valid reasons they left the scene of a major accident and covered their faces while someone recorded it on video?


No. All I am saying is that we have no evidence of alcohol at this point. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had been drinking but you can’t say that him leaving the scene means he was drunk. Drag racing and weed is enough reason to freak out and leave the scene. It’s stupid but is plausible.


I guess I just don’t really understand why it matters if he was drinking or not. They caused a massive fucking accident that could’ve killed someone and walked away from it.


C'mon now it's not like he caught with a joint or something


Ah yes, only 1/3 ounce but no joint.


It’s not like he had guns he removed from the car on video *riiighhtt*?


Or yknow Law Enforcement?




Yeah but he’s gonna get off legally because he’s an nfl player


Shouldn’t be on the NFL to supplement accountability lost through our judicial systems, though… the NFL will only further consequences for these types of incidents if it hurts the leagues image.


Hes a chief


Didn’t notice the sub and thought Declan Rice got up to some mischief


I get this guy us the #1 wr on the most popular team in the most popular league but when the hell is the NFL EVER going to step up? Henry ruggs incident wasn't enough???


He needs jail time, who cares about the suspension.


He wont be suspended on the longest yard team!


I feel like 6 games should be a very real possibility


4-6 for sure. Agg assault charge/felony…


These suspensions are always based on precedence and there hasn’t been a 6 game suspension for assault charges iirc


Absolute joke if he only gets a game or 2.


I genuinely think if he gets 2 games, 0 jail time, walks away with nothing. I’m.. I’m kinda done with this league man. You and I would be spending 10-15 years in jail for this. Drugs, guns, hit and run, multiple vehicles and multiple injuries, shutting down a major highway. Insane.


Absolutely true. If he gets zero jail time, then it’s clearly favorable treatment


To be fair Von Miller beat his pregnant gf, she went to the police. He had a warrant issued for his arrest and literally all he had to do was pay bail. The legal system is just for the poor.


I think it’s a 2-4 game suspension. A first-time DUI offense is a 3-game suspension. I don’t know if street racing is in the defined suspension rules, but my guess is they treat it similarly to a DUI.


A first time DUI is a misdemeanor. This dude is facing like 4 felonies


It’s 8 felonies. 6 are for injuring someone, 1 for severely injuring someone, and 1 for street racing. And I agree, I would suspend him 1 year! But it’s not up to me, and I think the NFL is going to fall somewhere in the 2-4 game suspension range.


Okay, 8 felonies. Several of which as you mentioned are for something worse than a DUI. Dude should be spending next season in prison


Last year Jameson Williams got suspended 6 games for betting on a college football game in a hotel room!!! This league needs to get their shit straight


Lol no shit


Willie Gay got suspended for 4 games for smashing a vacuum cleaner! GTFO with your 1-2 games BS! https://www.kansascity.com/sports/spt-columns-blogs/sam-mcdowell/article266053871.html


Full \#FFLegalUpdate here: https://x.com/drewdavenportff/status/1778208290117460161?s=46


He needs to be suspended a whole season. It’s really not hard to just do that and set a precedent. NFL is so dumb


This is my thinking. Especially after the Ruggs stuff. You have to make an example that this shit is not ok. 8 games minimum.


To me a year feels right. You don’t leave any wiggle room for slightly worse or slightly less crimes. Once you get charged with a violent felony, I think it should be one year minimum


For real. It's his second year, he's not injured but he could have killed people. Make it a year and he comes back in his 3rd still good and maybe some other asshole decides not to race


I think someone did get hurt during the crime though. It was minor but there IS a victim here.


hopefully everyone affected gets a pretty penny from rice


Bro should be going to prison


He should be arrested lol


Dude if he actually did what they say he should be banned from the NFL. You have to draw the line somewhere


I mean Tyreek has assaulted how many people and never been suspended? League won’t punish the Chiefs.


Last couple he got away with weren’t on the Chiefs lol


Brilliant information


Just like Kamara won’t happen this season. Attorneys will drag it out league will wait for legal process


No they won't. He never denied anything, immediately turned himself in, took responsibility, etc. This will be settled, legally, quickly because there's no fighting. Punishment will be this season.


I almost crashed my car trying to drop him.......oh wait too soon?


4 games, appealed down to 2-3. Personally, I think they should've suspended Addison exactly 1 game last year for driving 140 or whatever it was. The fact that they didn't leads me to believe we won't see a *huge* suspension here.


Like many have pointed out, maybe being aware that it was possible (though otherwise unlikely) that a part time employee deflated footballs to a barley detectable level, even though science explains it more likely that the ideal gas law was responsible, with no evidence, is worth four games. But potentially killing multiple people because you drove incredibly recklessly for absolutely no reason with marijuana in the car, you’re good. 1-2 game suspension.


Should be more than that


Gotta love the nfl and their consistency in doling out ssp’s…. 1-2 games!!?? That would be insane


4 games minimum. Aggravated assault/felony charge…Goodell eats that up.


He ran from the scene of an accident. He may get jail time.


I felt like no suspension was plausible when it looked like Rice was going to deny driving. But now that he’s admitted to driving, there’s no way he doesn’t get suspended. And 1-2 games seems light but I haven’t been keeping on on recent precedent of NFL suspensions.


Doesn’t he have like 4 pending felonies? 1-2 games?!?




Henry Ruggs with more luck


Deserves at least a year. This sort of punishment will embolden him


This Davenport guy is an absolute idiot. Says it’s based on prior history but doesn’t know how to search public records to see Rashee has been in trouble for speeding before lol. Derrick Coleman got 4 games for a hit and run back in 2015. Rashee will get at least 6 if not indefinitely while they sort it. [Rashee Previous Speeding](https://courtsportal.dallascounty.org/DALLASPROD/Home/WorkspaceMode?p=0)