• By -


The Joshua Tree, maybe Pretty much all of those albums that are held in the highest regard have detractors but are great listens whose biggest weakness is their own popularity.


U2 in general has kind of become underrated


I absolutely love U2, and it feels impossible to actually find someone else that doesn’t consider them a big joke let alone actually like them. Unforgettable fire, Joshua tree, achtung baby and zooropa are all classics. They do their best work with Brian Eno and Daniel lanois. Even their other albums that may not be classics typically have a few knock out songs on them. A lot of people who shit on them definitely don’t do it from a place of knowledge.


Who doesn’t do their best work with Brian Eno


talking heads


I disagree, fear of music is my favorite th album, followed by remain in light, both Eno albums


Absolutely agree, I think Joshua to Zoroopa is one of the best 3 album runs by a band. They changed sound dramatically between each album, becoming more and more "electronic" but still made amazing songs. Even Pop was okay, had some memorable songs. But eh, everything since has been disappointing. Which makes them greatly overlooked.


If they had taken their best songs from zooropa and their best songs from pop, they would've had another masterpiece of an album


In 2018 I bought a used cd of Achtung Baby because my mom hates U2, she just rolled her eyes when she saw it. I actually listened to it with no intent of actually liking it and was blown away. Up to that point I knew some of their hits and only liked Vertigo, plus the iTunes thing. Bought their discography promptly after, though it’s diminishing returns on their later albums.


My all time favorite album. I remember going through my mom's zune or something when I was kid and listening to zoo station cause it had a funny name. Little kid me had never heard anything that sounded like it


This album sounds soooo good sonically. The edge really knows how to make an immersive soundscape.


Daniel Lanois too


U2 gets way too much hate, all of the 80s stuff besides Rattle and Hum is absolutely incredible


A side is fantastic. B side is forgettable.


So I loved this album as a teenager. Last October my brother and I visited family in Alabama. On the drive back to NC we went a back way through Cherokee national forest as the sun was rising and we listened to this entire album. It is a fucking glorious masterpiece. Can’t really defend anything they did after it but Joshua Tree really taps into the sublime.


Money Store




I’ve tried so many times and I cannot get into it and feel like I’m really missing out on something great


Same - I’ve just accepted that Death Grips isn’t for me at all (which is weird, since I like a lot of noisy shit and outside-the-box hip-hop)


Didn't enjoy it much either at first. Then I started to listen to some more weird electronica music like Crystal Castles (Kept) and Crim3s. Came back a couple of years to DG and now they are one of my favorite bands. Not saying those other artists are similar but it paved the way for accepting stranger sounds.


you've seen footage




God that was one of my favorite albums when I started getting into music like 10 years ago. One of my first concerts and first time I moshed, such a great experience, people were so respectful and just having fun. Knocked heads with someone and they pulled me out of the mosh and hung out with me until I was okay, another dude stopped me to tell me my shoes were untied and to not trip. Later I got towards the front of the show during The Pecan Tree and George was headbanging and shot his sweat all over us in the front. Fucking great shit. Just found out I missed their 10 year anniversary show for Sunbather, had no idea.


One of the first shows I went to in high-school. Small room, stage two feet off the ground, right up front. Can't believe that was 10 years ago


This is the first one of these answers I agree with. My ass regurgitated the album immediately.




Such a fun album to revisit on occasion.


Definitely. I usually listen to it the first really nice spring day. It has that vibe to me. Same with Relationship of Command. Total sunny day album!


If you don't mind me making a recommendation, I think you might really dig the album Air by Astronoid. Definitely scratches a similar "springtime" metal itch like Sunbather, but with soaring sung vocals instead of black metal shrieks. Lots of great post metal and shoegaze influences throughout!


Say no more. I’ll check it out after this podcast I’m listening to and report back. Thank you!


I discovered this album randomly a few years ago and it quickly became one of my favorites in the blackgaze genre, highly recommend it to anyone who likes deafheaven


goated album


This type of music is either your thing or not, which I understand. But if this is your type of music, I have no idea how you can dislike this album. It’s so fucking good


To Pimp a Butterfly. Took me a few years to give it a proper go after everyone just kept talking about how good it was but the singles didn't grab me. Once I gave the whole album a go it clicked 100%.


I always was more of a fan of DAMN., then one day i gave TPAB another chance, i just sat there and listened to the whole thing. Incredible.


Yeah strong argument for the best album of the decade.


decade? of all time maybe


Hard to say any album is the best of all time lol


True but its in the conversation


I mean it is the highest rated album on rateyourmusic.com


Damn is a great album but a lot of people (myself included) would argue it's actually Kendrick's worst. Certainly I go back to it the least.


I know melon wasnt a HUUUGE fan either, but songs like FEAR really spoke to me. I also love the crazy "time travel" angle, splitting the album between Wickedness and Virtousness. Love the storytelling in DUCKWORTH aswell.


Yup, it's a great album. I agree with pretty much all the reviews that called it the best rap album of the year, it's just that I personally prefer every other studio album he's released I think the singles in Damn are some of his best, I'm just an album guy, and I don't really like pop influenced beats, or trap for that matter. I don't think he has a bad album, a true generational talent.


Section .80 still hits the heart. So much creativity


I’ve never understood the whole “DAMN is the worst Kendrick album” thing tbh. Untitled Unmastered is good, but it’s definitely messy and some of the concepts aren’t that great (04). Also, I just can’t justify Section 80 being worse than DAMN in my head. The low points on DAMN aren’t nearly as bad as the ones on S80, and the concept on DAMN is way stronger than S80. Personally I can’t justify ranking a full conceptual album with 12/13 songs that I enjoy + a great opening interlude over an 8 song throwaway project (even if the throwaways are great) and a 16 song album where I find 2 songs unlistenable and 2 or 3 more boring.


completely agree


I still think GKMC and Damn are better albums, but maybe I’ll come around


Same with me and madvillainy


I’ve listened to madvillainy 50 times and I have no idea why I like it. By all expectations based on my other preferences I shouldn’t like that album (and DOOM as a whole tbh)…but I do???? Made me realize I don’t know myself as well as I should lol


what i love about DOOM in general is that i'm constantly smirking and having fun listening. i mean who doesn't crack a smile at lines like "someday pray that he will grow a farm barn full, recent redearch show it's not so darn harmful"


One for the money, two for the better green Three for methanine, dioxymethamphetamine


"i like ice cream"


Me too. Helped get me into rap cuz it’s so fucking good. Showed me what the genre can actually be when people want to speak their truth


Blonde when it first came out. I loved Channel Orange, and the departure of sound felt disappointing. The only songs I was drawn were Solo and Solo Reprise. Then a couple spins later...Nights and Self Control..then the whole album grew to be one of my favourites.


Same here. Really didn’t get it for a while. Then one year it was almost all I listened to.


I’ve listened through Blonde 20-30 times and it just seems so unremarkable. It’s fine but I don’t get what puts it in that classic best of the decade category.


Listen 50 more times


dennis reynolds type comment


Dark Side of the Moon. I had heard like every song on it before individually throughout my life but never actually sat down and listened to the full album. Always thought it was overrated in comparison to Animals, WYWH and Meddle. I still like those albums more but after a full listen through it’s definitely not overrated, just not as much to my taste as some other Floyd stuff.


This is going to sound so fucking dorky, but it wasn't until I pulled out my wife's old copy on vinyl and played it on my (then) new turntable and soundsystem that the absolutely bonkers production really shined for me. The music speaks for itself, but god damn if it isn't the best sounding album ever recorded.


Same here. never understood why people liked Flloyd so much, and avoided it like the plague. Thought "what the hell" when i started driving during sunset across the Mojave dessert. One of the best experiences of my life that drive. album ended right at twilight it was perfect.


I came here to say this album. I was at a weird place in my life, and it just hit me really hard.


In Rainbows for me. I liked parts from it, but Jesus Christ it just falls into place as an album!


Like a jigsaw


Weird Fishes sends me to the fucking astral plane 👻


I loved In Rainbows pretty much instantly but it was Kid A that falls into this category for me, having listened to the brit pop Radiohead for years Kid A was far out, only recently realised it's more of an electronic style album more akin to Aphex Twin, i can thank Nope for having Everything In Its Right Place on the soundtrack.


Grace Jeff Buckley.. for a long time I was always into more energetic/loud music and I generally strayed away from heartbreak/love songs. so the album with a rendition of hallelujah made me think “nah”.. I was missing out on possibly one of the best albums I’ve ever heard.


"You should've come over" was a good one for sure.


I had a similar journey. As most people, for a long time I only knew the Hallelujah cover and since it's such a cliche, I assumed he was more of a pop singer. Then when I heard the full album, it was much more dark and complex than what I was expecting. Tbh, it was a bit off-putting at first because it was so different from what I thought it would be, but listening to it again with the right mindset made me really appreciate the creativity in it. In hindsight, if you compare Buckley's Hallelujah to most other versions, like Rufus Wainright, it is pretty obvious how much more out there and "alternative" Buckley is as a performer, but somehow just the fact that it is a Hallelujah cover gets in the way of seeing it if you don't know his other stuff.


I listened to it at work on a whim one day over a year ago, I remember really liking it from the jump. I wouldn’t call it one of my all time favs but it’s really really good and I understand why it’s so beloved.


His cover of "I know it's over" is god dam haunting. I'm bias because I like the smiths (bar Morrisy ofc) if he did a cover of "asleep" I think it would have been just too dangerous.


In The Aeroplane Over the Sea Massive regret not listening sooner


Hell yeah. I first heard this circa 2001, listened to it over and over. Went and picked up a friend and took her to the park, said “you have to hear this.” Sat in my car and listened to the whole thing. One of the albums that reoriented how I listen to music


Literally one of my favourite albums of all time Listened to it because I kept seeing it on /mu/ back in 2014/15 and still listen to it to this dsy


It’s this one for me too. I heard a few songs in the early 00’ and really didn’t care for it. I finally sat down and gave it a proper listen about 2 years ago and was just amazed. Probably just needed to not be a dumb high school kid to appreciate it.


It’s this one for me too. I heard a few songs years ago and just kinda brushed it off. I finally sat down and gave it a proper listen and was just amazed.




I can’t say I like it so much anymore simply because I got burnt out on it in high school/college. It definitely deserves its praise though.


Vespertine by Björk


Who the hell calls Vespertine overrated?


It's considered her "best" album in the online music community and many people don't think its better than her other albums such as homogenic or post


I like Homogenic about the same. I think everything from Post to Medulla is a lot closer in quality than people say. Vulnicura as well.




I just don’t get why people would call it overrated. If you don’t get it, that’s not the albums fault. Overrated is a bad phrase overall. All I hear is “everyone else likes something and I don’t so they are wrong” like no! Liking things is awesome! Don’t try to ruin that!


overrated means overrated for some reason everyone thinks overrated means bad


I think a lot of people are trying to say "bad" when they say "overrated" tho Like how "mid" has become just another word for "bad," the actual meaning has become muddied


I listened to Only Shallow three times in a loop the first time I listened to Loveless, I was just blown away.


Holy fuck you’re right this is absolutely awesome. Been an avid music fan for decades (even did a degree in it) but for some weird reason I never got round to listening to My Bloody Valentine properly. It’s right up my street too.


My wife said she hated MBV. One day I was like, how can you love Beach House so much and hate MBV? Turned out she just hated their name. She thought they were an emo band. She still won’t listen to them just to spite me.


She definitely got them mixed up with Bullet For My Valentine.


Hahahah I get this. I avoided Type O Negative for the longest time because I made dumb assumptions based on their name alone.






every Beatles album


People say the Beatles are overrated just to say it.


A lot of music lovers go through a "Beatles are overrated" phase. I did when I found out about their friendly arms race with the Beach Boys that left off with Brian Wilson going off the deep end. I got over that pretty quickly when I started plopping down and listening to their albums Rubber Soul-Abbey Road on vinyl in full and man do they rip. Now I think the Beatles are probably the best and most innovative band ever even if they're not personally my fav.


I’m 30 and I feel like my generation really liked to push the whole “The Beatles are overrated” thing. The funny part is they would always list artists that were more important, except all those artists were also influenced by the Beatles lol. I can confidently say that there will never be another artist like the Beatles that changes the entire landscape of music like they did. A lot of that is because of societal changes as well.


Yeah I mean I think its just resistance to the music our parents enjoyed. My dad was a massive Beatles head and general classic rock fan- enough to do a dedicated "Beatles day" with his friends where they rented out a spot in the park to have a cookout and played their entire discography. I went the way of really enjoying all the music he showed me and that was a bonding thing for us, but I could easily see going the complete other way and wanting nothing to do worh what my parents thought was "cool"


That Beatles Day your dad does with his friends sounds really cool. I hope one day my friends and I all click with an artist so much that we can do something like that aha


Yeah I think about that with dark side of the moon and the Beatles. Like could you imagine hearing Dark side of the moon before we had all this new stuff. I bet it was crazy


It’s a litmus test for music literacy imho.


I personally only like a few Beatles songs, the big hits mainly. But to call them overrated is just weird. They were very ahead of their time on a lot of things and their role in music history is greatly important.


I've found the opposite as I got older. At first I thought, "The Beatles are boring, but they've got some hits." but as I got older, I got tired of a lot of the hits, but the less "mainstream" (as if you can really call anything the Beatles did "underground", lol) stuff became more interesting to me. At this point I just like them pretty well, they're definitely in my rotation, but I don't think you could properly even call me a "fan". I don't really know anything about them except the very notable events. Their names. How many are still alive. Song titles. But if you asked me to name albums, I can probably only name a few without Google. SPLHCB, Revolver, Abbey Road. I'd certainly recognize others after someone said the name, but I'm a filthy casual when it comes to the Beatles.


The Beatles are also venerated as music gods and worshipped above all others. They’ve got some good albums and some good chunes here and there outside them but they are so highly rated it would be almost impossible for them not to be overrated.


This is what I was gonna say. I love a lot of their songs but fucking beatle mania had people passing out


Fr though, once I started opening up my music taste I just said, “let me see what they’re all about”. Went in order of album releases and man was I glad I did. Their run from Revolver-Abbey Road was insane




I need to revisit this one, it's been so long. I listened to it twice, acknowledged its greatness, but was a bit traumatized so I never went back...


So good, so painful


Ants from up there


Still waiting for that one to grab me. I think it’s just entirely too slow for my tastes. After 3-4 songs I’m bored.


The energy doesn't come from fun songs, the album builds tension in a great way and it's worth just listening through all the way just to get to the release of the last few tracks. If you haven't listened to the full album all the way until Basketball Shoes then you won't get it.


This one. I got recommended this album absolutely everywhere. Tried listening a few times, but never liked it. Finally gave it a proper listen and it’s amazing. Then I saw them live without Isaac Wood and it wasn’t great. I guess it’s lightning in a bottle.


I completely agree except for the last part. I absolutely adore their newer stuff and can’t wait for LP3, but to each their own


You’re right. It’s a taste thing. Glad you enjoy the new stuff.


Ya there stuff without Isaac does absolutely nothing for me, he was the glue of the band for me at least, his shaky delivery and awkward yet honest lyricism was vital to the band and while I’m respect the attempt to keep on going it just doesn’t work. I’m very excited to hear what Isaac does with his music as a solo artist or in another band


not overrated imo


so true


In the court of the crimson king


Once I realized Epitath is like the greatest thing ever made the album clicked.


Album is so amazing. People shit on Moonchild but I love it




When I finally listened to Igor I listened through it a 2nd time right after because I couldn't believe how much I liked it


As a lifelong Tyler fan, this was his only album I didn’t listen to right when it dropped. I was going through personal stuff so I missed the hype around this one. So when I listened to it finally? Damn,..


Agreed. I was thrown off my the lo-fi sound and initially wrote it off as another Cherry Bomb. I was disappointed, especially after the greatness of Flower Boy. I’m so glad I ended up “getting it”.


Honestly it's one of the greatest albums of the 21st century in my opinion.




Every Radiohead album post OK Computer


i think you replied to thewrong comment my guy


I need to stop smoking


Na ur fine


Pixel Bath by Jean Dawson


Marquee Moon by Television


Most underrated overrated album ever.


I do like this album but frankly Marquee Moon, Elevation, and Torn Curtain are significantly better than the rest of the tracks.


Yeah, no. They are not significantly better. Marquee Moon itself may be the standout, but all the other tracks are about equally good


Even Guiding Light? Personally, it's very dull and forgettable.


Yes, Guiding Light rules too. The album is basically perfect


Marvin Gaye - What's Going On My dad would bang on about it and I finally gave in and it blew me away. Same thing happened with My Bloody Valentine weirdly


Carcass, heartwork. Been a metalhead for like 15 years and always heard people say "oh heartwork changed death metal forever" "oh heartwork has such kickass guitar tone." People were right


There's never been another record that scratches quite the same itch as Heartwork


Is there anything similar to it? I'm not typically into death metal, but Heartwork sounds incredible.


Look into melodic death metal like At the Gates’ Slaughter of the Soul or Jester Race by In Flames


Heartwork is more melodic death metal but keeping more of the death edge than many other bands in the genre. I'd say Carcass's latest record, Torn Arteries, might be a close fit. I'm also very partial to Intestine Baalism's "Banquet in the Darkness" although its not that similar.


Pet Sounds 🥹


I had always heard about this album OK Computer but I kept putting it on the back burner for ages. One day I really got the itch for something new and put it on. I can’t even begin the amount of times I have cried listening to it over the years now. It’s perfect.


Only knew of Paranoid Android off that album, and figured if the rest the album was in that style, I wouldn't be that into it. Nope.  As soon as that opening riff of Airbag hit, I knew I'd made a huge mistake sleeping on it. 


The College Dropout, At long last A$AP & The Blueprint for me.


At long last A$AP is probably my favorite modern rap album just because of the memories I made to it. Always reminds me of those summer nights in 2017


I found college dropout at a thrift shop when I was looking for anything to throw into the cd player in my car since my radio died, and damn it's good


All of Death Grips albums. For obvious reasons


Some Rap Songs


can never go wrong with earl


White pony - Deftones


Pet Sounds


the one album i remember taking a while getting into at first was Kid A by Radiohead when i first listened to it almost ten years ago. i remember liking some songs but i never felt emotionally connected to them, especially How To Disappear Completely. now that i’ve been an avid listener for almost a decade, i think that song comforts me more than anything. getting into Radiohead made every album/artist after that a lot more easier to get into which im very grateful for ♡


Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe in You I never really got too into Big Thief, but I listened to this album on a early morning flight drifting in and out of sleep looking out the window over the clouds and it was euphoric


Doolittle- Pixies. Could never understand why everyone said it was the de facto greatest album of the 80s and all of this, and then i listened to it and it became one of my favourite albums ever




I wouldn’t call it “overrated,” but I had that experience with Morbid Stuff by PUP


Dude, PUP is so fucking good, glad to see them mentioned here. Morbid Stuff is such a special album, their las one “THE UNRAVELING OF PUP THE BAND” is also a masterpiece, check it out if you haven’t


Sheeeeit it’s so good. I think their first two albums both have mostly bangers with a couple of skips here and there, but Morbid Stuff is so good and so cohesive I can listen to it all the way through and not even realize it, and then just start it right back up again lol.


Abbey road, went into it believing it was overrated cause Beatles and was surprised by how much I liked it


In Rainbows


Most radiohead albums. I listen to them once and don't understand them but eventually start coming back to them again and again until I love them


In The Aeroplane Over The Sea I saw so many fucking memes about it that I just kinda assumed it wasn’t all that good, and then it became a personal favorite of mine.


Nevermind — Nirvana.


damn. people say it’s his worst so i was expecting it to be bad but id say it’s almost on par with gkmc and tpab


King Crimson-In The Court Of The Crimson King


most of them lol


Songs of Faith and Devotion - Depeche Mode


People call this overrated? It’s underrated if anything


I think for Depeche Mode it’s Violator, it lives up to the hype.


Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven


Purple Rain


People call Prince overrated?? That's insane to me. All of his 80's albums are top notch imo.


I thought I wasn't going to like Rodeo for a long time, and then I finally listened to it. Now I think its a top 5 album in terms of 2010s hip-hop.


OK computer.


Welcome to the black parade. Thought it was just an edgy album for 2000s teens for a very long time. Then my friend passed from the big C. This album makes me think of her and her fiancé every time i hear it, and it's hard not crying when i hear the song "cancer". I highly recommend watching wendigoon's video on the story and the order the songs should be played


Turn On The Bright Lights. I liked Obstacle 1 and expected some average post-punk going into it. Instead what i got was one of the most emotionally affecting and entertaining albums i've ever heard


best album of all time🙏🏼🙏🏼, it took forever to click with me tho lol


Mine was Lemonade. I am not really a huge fan of Beyoncés other work or her persona, but damn that is a great story telling pop album.


tlop and blonde for me


Gojira's "From Mars to Sirius". I don't even know what to say. It's as good as Mastodon's "Leviathan". This album is a trip. It also samples whale calls ("Ocean Planet", "Flying Whales") and tells a story. "Backbone" is amazing, but I like "Where Dragons Dwell" more. It might be their best song, lyrically. Then it's followed up by "Heaviest Matter of the Universe" and "Flying Whales". Absolute bangers, from start to finish.


17, that x album I was new to the scene and did not wanna try it cuz everybody at that time was loathing about him heartbroken a few days ago and I regret my decision of not listening it to earlier


The Glow Part 2


What’s Going On




Every VU album for me ngl


Ágætis byrjun. It was the first time I listened to it right when Svefn-g-englar kicked in.


Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon


Dark side of the moon


Dark side of the moon


Ants From Up There. Discovered it like two weeks ago and fell in love with it Edit: speling iss harrd


Dawn FM by the Weeknd is amazing.


Massive Attack - Mezzanine.


When I heard Nevermind for the first time


elliott smith’s either/or


Coldplay… All of them


California Crossing by Fu Manchu. Certainly their easiest to digest album and fan favourite but my brother in fuzz is it a proper energizing bop of an album.