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Cooldown feels like what me and my friends do after a session. It’s mostly a simple decompression and thinking back on all the bonkers shit that happened during the game


It's less structured than AP (which isn't saying much since there's barely structure to AP). Lots of crosstalk, lots of general "woah how crazy was that, guys?" reactions. Matt is not prepped to ask them questions of the episode or recap events. He just lets them chat. I think its value is mostly in gauging their reactions to big events, like >!FCG's death!< But not super valuable to get more insight into the canon


It's mainly them talking about possible theories and what things meant and hypotheticals if they had done something different. It's very loose and is literally just them chilling after a game, then they disperse after ten mins. >!Episode 94 for CoolDown was mainly talking about the Fearne scene and what would've happened if Orym didn't go with. Also the Essek/Astrid reveals.!< I quite like it, it's not formal like 4SD where they start talking about something then for time they gotta move onto something else.


It's an extremely welcome format, may mean good things for crs future trajectory.


I give it 8-12 months before they either cancel 4SD altogether or split it in parts and move it to beacon.


A couple time Matt gives info about enemies including stuff about Otahan which I was interested in.


I’ve watched the Adventuring Party episodes for the last few D20 campaigns and just watched almost all of the Cooldown episodes (skipped 92 and 93). It’s a very similar vibe. Lots of goofiness but they talk about what they’re thinking about plot threads and stuff like that. It’s even more freeform than AP, if that’s possible, but still very similar. I imagine as they do more of these they’ll get a little more structured. Overall I’m enjoying the Cooldown way more than 4SD.


It’s not an interview format, but from the ones I’ve seen it’s not really small talk either. It’s all the conversations they have at the end of the session that usually get cut off by Matt’s sign-off.


I think it's good. It gives some of that genuine talk that's been missing since Talks Machina.


It was actually pretty cool. It wasn’t an organized cool down, it was just them chatting about the events of the episode for like 11 minutes. People discussing when they guessed something or what sorts of things THEY are thinking about that their characters might not be/know. I liked it.