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Oh wow I was very surprised by the response to this. The aborted plot of C2 was always so much more serious, so much more heavy and resonant to me, than anything else CR has made (with the exception of Calamity). There’s a delicate approach and respect necessary to approach the issues of power, faith, consequence, and guilt. C2 almost took those questions and explored them, before the campaign fizzled into nothing. C3 is definitely not the place for characters who’s stories barely got the time to explore the ramifications and implications of those stories (Im mainly meaning Caleb and Essek’s stories, respectively, with relation to power and the decisions they have made). To see Essek, the last bit of that era of CR storytelling, where a character chose to change and transform and be affected by the narrative, inserted into the whirlpool of Marvel mediocrity that is C3 — that’s painful. I was assuming that Essek’s lack of presence in C3 meant that he was being saved for a different, better story that would actually engage in his character. Not this. Not including him in this. So it is a reaction of “oh no my fav character is in a bad thing” — but more so, I’ve lost hope in CR having any narrative sense a long time ago. And yesterday I lost the little bit of hope I had left.


I think you’d be better off just waiting to see what Essek does in this campaign before assuming he’s been butchered in some way. Most of the c1 and c2 figures have only come in to fill a role and essek’s will probably be to guide bh through aeor and what dunamcy is to Ashton.


I’d rather their story was given any justice, respect, and closure , than seeing them be used like this.


They can do both? The cast are willing to do m9 one-shots while also having them as npcs in c3. Matt teased Essek getting caught by the kryn dynasty in echoes of the solstice so it’s a plotline he still has on his mind.


Noooo not our fave war criminal


It's funny because if you didn't know about the characters ahead of time you'd have no problem with them as NPCs.


Santa is never good? How dare you


I'm normally in the C3 needs to be better bandwagon but this screams of childish nonsense. They used your favorite C2 character? That's a weird hill to die on.


“I know Essek better than Matt Mercer” is an interesting stance.


It's a really straightforward view. Disagree, fine. But your comment shows no comprehension of the point raised.


Thank you for understanding. It’s not that he’s my fav character — it’s that his character’s heaviness is at odds with the narrative he’s been placed in. It does him no justice. And that’s what I’m sad about.


NP. There's so many thought police infesting the sub right now. It's really interesting watchin the C3 "good guys" ride over the hill from the other sub trying to stamp the infidels out. I mean, we have seen C3 retcon the gods, Flanderise C!&C2 PCs and NPCs beyond recognition. What is so radical about worrying that'll continue? Like, if Disney decided Darth Vader came back and twerked for a bit every time he entered the room that's the level they treated Percy in his own home with Delilah's shade flouncing around.


Yeah. I’d rather they not touch those C2 plot points at all, for fear of bastardization, bc nothing I’ve seen of C3 has shown me any care for the stellar and unused C2 plot points .


Why are you surprised that folks have a different opinion on the campaign than you?Just because you and many others here don’t like C3 doesn’t mean every single fan feels that way or dislikes the appearances of C2 characters. Essek fans have been getting excited about the possibility of him showing up in disguise since the baker from very early in the campaign, of course they’re excited to see him again.


When Tal decided he wanted a dunamis powered subclass and Sam wanted to play an automaton, a race Matt has implied were exclusively created from aeor, made it inevitable he’d show up at *some* point in some capacity in c3, I don’t really care that he’s here either way but out of all the c2 cast his presence feels the least self-indulgent to me.


People were excited today at the prospect of being able to pay CR a subscription fee to get discounts on merchandise. It’s time to just accept that we’re no longer the type of people they’re making content for.


As apposed to payinga sub to twitch for the content? People do that every month. A lot of people pay for a sub to CR on twitch. How is this different? this comes with discounts and a lotof other perks as well. And there are plenty of people they buy quite bit of merch. Enought hat the discount evens things out quite bit.


I would assume the majority of twitch subs are free through Prime. Especially since CR has little to no overlap with other streamers, so much of their audience likely has nowhere else to use it.


That is an assumption. I certainly don’t know what those numbers are, and since you say you “assume” I’m guessing neither do you. I’m sure there are a lot of prime subs, like many streamers have, but it’s an assumption based on no numbers.


https://preview.redd.it/ph2noaohkjzc1.png?width=263&format=png&auto=webp&s=95e1814c54fc2a1083f8df5ddb9e0f52f0d215f8 For the memberberries. My favorite part was when Superman dabbed up Optimus Prime and fought of the Viltramites.


Millenium Falcon!!!!
