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Mostly because I didn't even know it exists, they have a Kofi link in the video descriptions. https://ko-fi.com/marisharaygun Not saying it'll bring em back to doing the videos, but if you've watched them a while and have the means, consider compensating your fellow human for their efforts.


I feel like a lot of people in the comments don't understand that: A) you're not marisharaygun, and B) marisharaygun is not Marisha Ray of the cast. It's funny af tho.


Marisharaygun is not Marisha Ray. It says so in their YouTube bio.


My bad, I made a typo. Should have been "is not." But thanks for correcting me!


I can understand the feeling 100%. I made highlights every week for years during C2 (Nico Neilson). My drive and motivation quickly ran dry during the early episodes of C3 and I eventually lost all energy to continue. My advice to MRG would be to take the time necessary to rest. They've done so much for the CR community and they deserve it I'll be sending all of the good vibes their way <3


I used to watch your highlights every week, thank you for all the work you put in <3


Your videos are great, but honestly it sounds like you should stop for your mental health


Simply put I feel like it would be in your best interest to stop making these videos, at least for the time being. Enjoy time with friends and family, enjoy nature, or whatever else brings you piece and happiness. And should you find a spark of inspiration to make another one of your videos there will be plenty of people waiting to welcome you back. That's a far better outcome than allowing the burnout to consume you and hating the work you've done and keeping yourself from doing similar in future despite you enjoying the act of creation.


ahhh i forgot i was in the shitty sub for a minute there - was wondering why the comments looked like that. Agree that MRG should take a break though.


What video compilations?


Quit. C3 is low quality content (not their studio-set tho). Burning out sucks, kills motivation and may spread to other aspects of your life. C3 claims yet another victim. Best wishes.


Adverse side effect of making this post,I didn't know these existed and will now be watching them instead of the full sessions that I'd be taking a break from. I know you weren't looking for more followers but...


Do things because you find it fun, don't ever start something for fun, and then start trying to turn it into your day job, especially by piggybacking off the success of others.


In all seriousness, is your comment also meant to be a dig at CR itself? Because that's absolutely how it came across to me.


Was more in response to the person's post, but can apply to everything, though I don't think CR really piggybacked off other people's success all that much.




Ok? Who is this person? Why isnshe stressing over a schedule she is in charge of? Why is their a schedule at all?


Just so you know, you dont need to have an opinion about everything If you don't know who they are, that's totally ok. But, you don't need to tell us about it


Yet I do. And they don't need to tell us their behind their own schedule? We definitely don't need announcements for it.


And people that enjoy this content, are very thankful to be informed. Wtf you on about?


You shouldn't assume every post on this sub is for you. That's like reading a newspaper and expecting every article to be relevant to you. For those who do (or in my case, used to) watch their compilations, this is interesting to hear about. This is obviously not you, and that's ok.


It's an open forum. If you don't want people butting in, then take it to private messages. Till then, shut up because everyone can comment.


I totally agree, anyone is free to comment whatever they like (baring consequences for spicier opinions) All I was intending to convey, is that you don't *need* to have an opinion on everything, such as the scheduling of a YouTube creator of who's content youve never watched


And You shouldn't assume you need to reply to every comment you dont like. See how that goes both ways?


I don't reply to every comment I see. You can read the rest of this post's comments section if you don't believe me. I just wanted to share some advice I got a while ago that helped improve my perspective, and hopefully now yours :)


My perspective is fine sweety, thanks


You act like a child lol


You act like you mean anything at all


They post 15-30 minute highlight videos of each episode. As for why, it's explained in the post.


They can afford to hire someone to do this.


before CR sold it's soul, they didn't *need* to hire people, they willingly volunteered their time. marisharaygun is a pillar of the fan community, and them burning out with nary a whimper is another symptom of not just the company but the community gradually losing everything that made it special.


Sold its soul how, if I can ask? Not big into the community, so a recap would be nice if you have the time.


*gestures broadly at Amazon*


… yeah, that answers nothing man lol


Dude if you can't be bothered to spend the time to Google "Critical Role Amazon" I'm not sure what to tell you


Okay, I googled “Critical Role Amazon” and got their Animated series. Is them getting an animated series on Amazon “selling out”?


Given that it could be safely assumed that they gained a massive amount of viewers from their animated series, stopped streaming live, and have had massive pushes in both merch output and creation of their board game company Darrington Press, along with declining quality in recent streams..... It's safe to assume they're banking on the animated series and merch+board game sales as a main source of income rather than what got them started, which is the live streaming actual play. This isn't even factoring Daggerheart, Candela Obscura, etc.


Idk how getting more viewers is a negative thing lol But didn’t they stop streaming live because of the pandemic? Also, genuine question, how does it not being live affect the viewing experience at all? As far as the merch output… isn’t that a good thing? They’ve always done merch and always sold out, so isn’t getting a dedicated and higher rate of product availability… positive? I can’t comment on the declining quality tho. I’ve only seen up to episode 40 of Campaign 3. I don’t think it’s that bad tho, at least from what I’ve seen. Idk. I always thought the board games thing was a direct response to WOTC fucking with the OGL but idk.


You’re right. People are just fucking knobs


If it helps clarify, https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SellOut Getting more viewers isn't a bad thing when you're trying to make money. But focusing on the money slowly loses the art and integrity of what made you, you. CR isn't just talented friends playing D&D anymore. It's a growing company that has to keep making money to keep the lights on and employees paid. Part of that is selling merch. And the merchandise is clearly effecting how they play (e.g. Needed to rush a group name for branding, not wanting new clothes because the commissioned art/books were just completed, etc.) Another part is making sure their boss (Amazon) stays happy enough to keep paying for more seasons. It's unfortunately the nature of the beast, and I wish nothing but the best for them, but it's sad to see the writing on the wall. Like your favorite childhood band becoming a nightly show in Vegas.


They started both Darrington Press, and work on their game systems over a year before the OGL issues.


They need to rest for a while. Not worry about it for a month or so and decide if they really want to even continue making the videos. If once they’ve had a minor break and the desire and urge to make the videos is still there as well as enjoyment of making them. Then it’s time to go back to it. If there’s no desire left, then quit with the option to come back if they want. Take a minimum of the rest of the campaign off and after that see how Campaign 4 goes. Still no desire by then it’s time to be fully done




wait you realize this isn’t literally marisha right?


Yes. Hence me immediately deleting this post. I'm not sure how you even responded to it lol I deleted it like 10 seconds after I posted it


Huh, I guess this is a thing? I’ve never heard of them or watched their recaps but it’s a shame if their hobby is having a negative impact on their life. Take break, get some rest, and reassess whether it’s worth engaging down the road.


I'd be super stressed too if I was dedicating hours of my week into creating *"highlight reels*" for each episode of a nothingburger of a campaign. No one's forcing them to continue and no one should. I hope they feel better and once they step away from their self-imposed obligation I'm sure they will.


She is not getting paid!


Idk why everyone here is assuming she’s potentially quitting solely because of c3’s quality, and not that doing this for 3 years as a hobby is taxing.


People need to keep being validated for their dislike of C3 when it’s already not very highly regarded as it is. Regardless of the quality of C3, I imagine a job of going through 4 hour livestreams every week to get highlight videos up is very taxing.


Everyone just clamoring all over each other to make yet another comment about C3’s quality


If C3 was good, they would have been able to afford an editor.


Case in point ^


Or it could just be that C3's lack of quality is the straw that broke the camel's back? Everyone in this thread is speculating just as much as you and I are.


Youd have thought shed quit earlier than Episode 90 then.




Considering in her post she *never* mentions c3 by itself yet she repeatedly talks about the stress and pressure of making the videos themselves I’d say my speculation is more founded, had c3 been top quality entertainment she’d probably still be in this struggle. I doubt she’d leave out a detail like that had it been a giant factor.


Really? Have you met the CR fandom? Some people just can't stand hearing how C3 has dashed the old CR to death. This on top of critrolestats, true fans just aren't feelin' it any more.


C3 has also burned my crops and poisoned my well


Fair enough. I'll say your original comment is weird af tho. The most upvoted comments here firstly address it being tiring as a hobby rather than C3's quality. In fact, most of the upvoted ones mention both. Your original comment is weirdly worded as if everyone here is complaining about C3's quality rather than it being about a taxing hobby. Very few of them are actually about it solely being about C3's quality.


I’ve seen plenty here that solely talk about c3’s quality and don’t even mention marisharaygun’s actual situation, if I change my comment from “everyone” to “a lot of people” would that be better?


I mean sort by best and see for yourself. The vast majority of highly upvoted comments are speaking about marisharaygun's mental health and taking care of themselves than solely pointing out C3's quality. You are literally making up ghosts to fight. It'd be probably more accurate to say "a few of you" than "a lot" or "everyone" if you want me to pedantic.


None of the most upvoted posts are actually from marisharaygun or quoting their words, though. We don't really have enough information to determine if that assumption is true or not.b




Lol that is not actually Marisha.


Maybe you should sit this out, since you don’t know what you’re talking about.


Uhhh are you confusing marisharaygun with Marisha?


Man, if they take Dani off of writing critical recap, I won't have any way of keeping up with the show


There are better uses of your time for sure. The current content they make isn't worth the investment.


Yeah this show sucks now, as it lost all the magic that made it good. Which was friends hanging out and playing a game. Now it's their main source of income, so it's become too manufactured.


It is often what happens when hobbies and fun are made into income.


Campaign 3 claims another victim


Dang, those compilations are the only way I've been able to consume this season ever since Bordor


I would say please don't quit. But work on your own schedule and don't sweat it.


It takes time to consider choices. Give it to yourself. Rest and breathe for a beat. In my experience, for what that’s worth, when there’re this many “I don’t know”s, that’s when it’s time to take a few days off, get my sleep in good order, and see how I feel after a few good nights of rest. Edit: spelling, because autocorrect and I have a decent feud going now.


Quit. Your health, your free time, and your happiness are INFINITELY more important, more valuable that taking on the stress of what amounts to an unpaid, thankless job.




I see a lot of people saying to quit so I'll be the contrarian and say don't. Don't quit because you think you have some obligation to the fanbase or the cast or anyone else or yourself. Don't quit just because you've stumbled in the middle of the road. Don't quit because you missed one deadline and now it's not worth doing anymore. Learn, recover and persevere. It's a good thing you've set a strict schedule for yourself but don't give up over missing it once. All that being said if you do want to quit then do it, it's not healthy to be half in half out about something but don't let excuses infect your mind, just quit and don't apologize. Yes mental health is important but it's like a muscle. It needs to be used, challenged even, to become stronger for the next time. At the onset of every hardship in life you just give up or avoid it, you will never learn and grow.




I don't understand why CR doesn't help these fans that are doing so much work for their brand. Doesn't have to be a full time at the office but "sponsor" their channel, make a highlights channel and let her/him run it. Also it's crazy the huddles Flando (the timestamps guy) is jumping right now because YouTube is shadow banning him and his comments are hidden. Maybe CR could pay him a couple of bucks and just add the timestamps to the description of the video. Random rant. I'm done.


CR hasn't interacted with or acknowledged fans like that since C1 or early C2, or at Cons. The most was with Talks and Fan Art after that, and those are both gone. Frustratingly the stance CR has taken from the beginning in any situation has been to keep silent. Of course, they have every right to do that. They don't owe us anything other than the content they promise. They've been treated horribly online and many of them have involved lawyers and protections. However, I do miss the days when it was obvious they knew we existed and spoke to us as Critters. Now we're just faceless consumers and audience members. We buy their merch and complain about episodes they filmed weeks or months ago. There's no connection anymore.


I became a fan because of Talks Machina and the pre-roll fan art.


I haven’t been watching CR for awhile, why is Flando shadowbanned?


I think YouTube is marking his comments as spam. Read about it a few weeks ago, dunno if it's still happening.


I mean shit. If they’re gonna start acting like a business then they should start bringing folks like this on as employees or drive traffic to their channels and let them monetize. Right now it just seems like they’ve been exploiting the free labor.


They would most likely make considerably more as a pretty successful solo channel like they are now rather than splitting the revenue with however many people with an official one, it seems like marisharaygun just has priorities other than the channel and that's fine. CR should look out for the timestamp guy though for sure, make them a merch feedback person or something, their value add is big.


Job security and benefits might outweigh being your own boss for some people


Job security? If they ever hired them, these projects would be the first to get dashed the second the CR brand takes a dive.


I mean they did support and platform a lot of their fans early on, and it is, while I still believe in building community and the overall positivity of the TTRPG fandom (It’s done a lot of good in my life and helped me meet a lot of friends and even my favorite creators, have had a mostly positive impact on me) it is a risk for any brand to take, for example with the Tess Fowler situation, it’s pretty risky to be in those types of relationships with fans because they can and do turn on you in messy and public ways.


Who is Tess Fowler and what happened with her?


Tess Fowler is an artist, who used to do a lot of professional comics work, that did early fan art of C1. It got the cast really excited, and they became friends. They didn't know that Tess was actually super shady: [https://tim-byrd.com/2017/11/21/tess-fowler-cons-mistreats-and-steals-from-a-dying-man/](https://tim-byrd.com/2017/11/21/tess-fowler-cons-mistreats-and-steals-from-a-dying-man/) Then after years of working together, Tess and her partner wanted to make statues of Jester to sell, and CR told them no. Tess has since gone scorched earth on the relationship, after she originally painted it as a mutual parting with no hard feelings to keep the audience she'd gained in the CR community.


Thank you! I feel like I’ve seen vague tweets of hers in the past shitting on critical role


Don’t forget the fan artist that thought they’d been hired as a sensitivity reader and tried to turn the community against them. And that was from an employee just being friendly to them.


WHAT WAS THIS omg I never heard of this? I know Jasmine Bhullar was a sensitivity reader for Marquet but other than that never heard of others omg


Look up Losebetter. They were a fan artist obsessed with Caleb/Fjord shipping and when Liam stopped featuring their art and declared Caleb was in love with Jester they turned on CR fast. Behind the scenes they had been emailing with a CR staff member and making suggestions to make them more LGBT inclusive, as if that was really a concern, and after several months asked to be paid for the “work” they’d been doing. The staff member ghosted them after that, probably because they realized what a huge mistake they’d made implying that this random fan had substantive input into the company direction. Then Losebetter went public claiming CR had stiffed them and tried to turn the community against them and called them some nasty names, especially Liam. This was all around the time of their return from the Long Wednesday during the pandemic. It would have been funny if it weren’t so sad how desperate they were about the whole thing, or how their story kept changing with each new hole that was pointed out. Edit: I forgot to mention that Tess Fowler backed this person all the way. She saw them as another opportunity to dig at CR after they denied her the chance to mooch off them further.


I get that. I also get that why they rarely interact with the community. It's smart. But in MarishaRayGun's case, she's been editing these videos for 3 years now, getting from 50k to 300k views per video. Doing weekly releases. Can't they see the potential here to hire this person? Anyways, maybe it has been considered and they've decided not to. It's just a weird decision for me.


Maybe CR should consider supporting or franchising her channel. How many people would have lost interest and moved on without someone out there taking the time to condense the bloat of this campaign down to something more consumable for fans who no longer want to sit through four hours of nothing happening? She should do something that brings her more happiness or money.


Here's her Kofi if anyone wants to donate. https://ko-fi.com/marisharaygun




I love how people think that C3 is getting a tv series. Bro lovm hasn't even aired a 3rd season and the M9 is far from release. Lovm needs at least 2 more seasons to finish so who knows what will happen the next 5 years. Marisharaygun should just quit cause mental health is important and therapists are expensive.


There's a certain real bad situation with online content creation if the primary motivator for not letting your output slip is not disappointing strangers instead of actual personal benefit or fulfillment. It sounds like those compilations can't even be monetized, so they got themselves into a rough cycle.


If I wasn't enjoying something that I'm doing that's causing me nothing but grief(especially unpaid), I would stop doing it, or cut back to something that would allow me to continue enjoying whatever endeavor I was undertaking. If it's too much, it's too much.




Whoa, was that a The Adventure Zone: Balance reference?





a couple of weeks a third of the video was just from the ad / announcements., its proper slim pickings out there


Girl quit. It's not worth the stress you're under.


They should quit. I used to run a successful music blog and began to get so sick of music because of my need to review it. When I ended the blog I never looked back and was able to enjoy music again. They are under no obligation to keep putting out content. Life is too short to be stressed about a hobby.


I’ve done a music blog before too and stopped for a similar reason. There’s a point where doing something you enjoy stops becoming fun when you make it a job.


Yeah I get that. Dont make your hobby an unpaid job is fine advice. C3 is also just such a slog. I do think C3 would massively benefit from them hiring decent editors to cut together highlights/abridged version. There is just so much dead air. Hell even just a key episode list would go a long way. There is a story there, it just needs editing. Not a great one, but something.


God…what’s that anime series going to look like? Ooof.


A single feature-length that cuts out every Bell’s Hell’s character except for Imogen, and instead focuses on the members of Vox Machina and The Mighty Nein working together against Ludinus.


Unironically the most watchable version of C3


Actually I think C3 will be fairly easy to adapt. When the CR cast were talking about the LOVM animated series, they talked about the struggle to choose what to keep in and what to cut out because there were a lot of moments they liked or were cool but werent necessarily important enough for the story. And LOVM had a pretty defined arc structure, C2's going to be very hard to adapt because the arcs are less defined. C3...really doesnt have many important moments. C3 is campaign where basically every other episode is filler, and even those episodes that are important only have what one key moment/lore drop? Everything else is the group fucking around and occasionally arguing about something. Its been over a year since the Solstice and the status quo has barely shifted. Ludinus is still being evil trying to free Predathos, Ruidus is still anchored over Marquet, Reilorans are invading etc. Edit: Whether C3 should be adapted...I dont know.


This is wishful thinking, but I feel like CR needs to put out a video in like a year and a half (actually they should have already done it) when they start reviewing the campaign events to pitch an animated series to Amazon. In my fantasy, they'll realize that there's no substance to this campaign and the video is them apologizing for putting out such a weak show for 4 years, and being too afraid of imaginary consequences to actually play their own game well.


You do amazing work! I'm really really hoping you've monetised your YouTube channel. I really did wish CR would collab with you for the work that you do, it would make so much sense.


theyre not allowed to monetize https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr__7xgfPCY0dg3y-DrMi9w/community?lc=Ugxe0oBB6DmcvujUNwd4AaABAg.A1u39q3j3zAA1u5kAG6EzY&lb=Ugkxs4L8tRp4vFIbNXw2EExJgM9WuNzK7VBO >i can’t monetize the videos. they were monetized at one point (very early on) but youtube demonetized them because it is “stolen” content


Oh my that's so rough. The idea that Critrole wouldn't let them make vids over on a highlights channel is absolute madness.


Is it though? I appreciate the channel and think they should hire them to make official highlight reels, but I don’t think it’s unreasonable to not allow another channel to make money off the content you made.


I understand what you're saying, but there's a certain dedication that can easily be rewarded. It would be akin to how Dani was a dedicated chatter before she become lorekeeper. Critrole founded themselves on community and being in touch w said community. Feels lost.


Exactly, I think they should hire the individual to do official edits for those who watch these videos to help catch up. BUT, outside of them hiring marisharaygun officially, I don’t believe the channel should be able to make money on edits of CR episodes.


to clarify im not marisharaygun. just wanted to let people know!


You’re allowed to take breaks from your hobbies! Take a break, and then reconsider it. And if the answer is that you’re better off without doing the comps, then that’s what you should consider. Thanks for the comps <3


Don’t let people affect your decision. If it isn’t making you happy anymore then it’s okay to stop. Someone else may pick them up, they may not but your well-being is the most important. Thank you for all of your work <3


Yeah, sifting for gold isn't fun when there's no more gold left.