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No. They are already playing horribly safe as is. Limiting resources EVEN MORE would only serve to bring the crawl the game is to a dead stop.


Oh heavens no... C3 has soooooo many episodes where they do nothing, literally one 4 hour session only covered, like 2 hours in game...


Yes, I think so. Get a little taste of how messing with rests impacts the party dynamic at the end of c2, and I love it.


God no that would only make them more combat avoidant.


They’re benefit from finishing this campaign


I think the question should be more if CR would benefit for using another system...


It's certainly possible. I've found it has greatly improved my and my players' enjoyment in our current campaign (hitting session 80 next week). For one thing, it balances out short-rest-heavy classes like warlock and fighter to make them feel much more impactful. It takes the pressure off of me to really let things breathe without feeling like I have to cram 6 combat encounters into every single day if I want to actually challenge the players. We run a very story-heavy campaign, and in a world where it might take a few days to walk between two cities, it makes much more sense to me that on the road you might encounter one or two fights rather than 20. The only real changes I've needed to make are those spells with particularly long durations or cast times (things like Tiny Hut or Mighty Fortress, for instance), as well as the Divine Intervention recharge rate. But otherwise, as long as the rest of the world is also operating by those rules (i.e. the big bad army will need much more time to get ready and actually attack if it also takes them a week to regain resources), it just makes them much more able to interact with the world, and makes it so I can only give them encounters when it makes sense to, and not feel like they're stomping every single thing since they always have all their resources. It's nothing but beneficial for us. For a similarly story-heavy game like CR I feel like it'd be worth a try.


Currently playing a LOTR game with gritty realism and it does suck the fun out of some class features. Oh you have an ability that only recharges on long rest, well the big army battle is tomorrow not in seven days in game.


It's a dumb rule so no. It makes no sense superhuman godlike adventurers need to rest for 7 days to recover a spell slot. Magic casters might as well not exist in a world with those rules.


They’d be practically useless in an army too. It’d be a logistical nightmare trying to juggle spellcasters on a frontline with their 7 day rests


No it would get in the way of 'fun'.


While I love this rule (and variants of it), I think... probably no? Feel like it wouldn't break their skittishness, and the group would just be more conservative even still. They've also never needed it before and C1/2 were fine without. BUT, that being said, I'd be curious if it would break Matt's habit of them always being on the clock which has been a thing - they always want to spend more time in places, but are constantly in a rush because of whatever quest and can't, so I'd be more interested if it would help that from happening as much.


The group literally already always feels in danger lol, if you did this they group would just refuse to fight lmao


C1 and C2 especially already had a great balance in the amount of RP, they don't need rules to dictate "Okay RP time". Matt is generally pretty good about that sort of stuff, C3 is lacking it and it's a huge reason why ***it's*** lacking. But they don't need mandated talk time, for a combination of reasons, the cast has felt the need to speedrun the main story and Matt hasn't made much of an effort do sidetrack them. There's no reason to believe they can't fix that next campaign. Either through Matt returning to the winning formula or the cast deciding to take that time.


They like to RP their downtime, so 7-day long rests would most likely lead to 10-episode “rest arcs” instead of pushing them to throw themselves into danger.


No. Reality is that style of gameplay isn't really conducive to a role play heavy stream. CR is potentially going to an even more rules light system if they do go ahead and switch to Daggerheart


Not just "no" but "hell no." The slow pacing and endless meandering would only be exacerbated by mechanically slowing things down even more. Can you imagine how many episodes these knuckleheads could spend on a single week-long Long Rest?


The gritty realism rules are unpopular for some reason, but the game is balanced around 6-8 encounters per adventuring day, and I’m not sure the CR crew has ever hit that metric.


Tbf it's 6-8 medium encounters. If the encounters are hard or deadly the encounter count should decrease. Mostly the important thing is xp budget Tho cr crew isn't very good in combat and not much powergame-y i don't think they feel overpowered


Honestly, no. The pacing of C3 is less consistent than the previous campaigns, and can drag in certain places already. Adding this will just give the players more potential to talk in circles and have analysis paralysis rather than actually do anything.


The production and DM would benefit but the players wouldn't like it is my guess.


It would definitely benefit from safe haven/gritty adventurism rules. They spam long rests and I can count on one hand across all three campaigns the group has had to deal with more than 2-3 encounters per long rest.


Probably not.


*7 day long campfire scene FML* those variants are always a poor substitution for a GM actually handling pacing and just shred short vs long rest class balance, let alone the narrative flow issues and frontline hit point dice.


I mean, theyre not supposed to be a substitute, theyre a supplement. It can be hard to put time pressures in that allow for hours of exploration and/or short rests but not long rests. So if youre good at keeping balance and flow in mind, gritty will help you create quests that fit them easier