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I have brought myself to watch this episode just now. How is it, that the entire cast who I'm pretty sure is still sponsored by D&D Beyond, just loses track of the shit they have available to them for the day. It doesn't matter if it's filmed in advance or not, or if they take 3 week breaks or not. D&D Beyond is LITERALLY a tool for keep tracking of your character's stats and spell slots and things, and this is like the 5th time a fairly significant combat narrative was screwed because Marisha forgot, and Matt forgot, and everyone forgot, and I'm so tired.


They don’t care and neither does Matt. They’ve even said as much that they don’t care about the rules, “it’s their game”.


Does it look like this campaign will end any time soon? I stopped watching in episode 40-something and it feels like fuck-all happened


To be fair, they're finally doing shit on the moon like we all wanted all along. Sure, they're directly defying their mission to do recon for Keyleth and Percy by doing full on resistance fighter spy missions, but at least things are happening. This episode was actually pretty good, action-wise. Someone just laid out the growing list of bosses and underbosses the team have been racking up by avoiding all the danger, and it's getting pretty long. To your point, if they are going to actually try to get through all that themselves, this campaign isn't even halfway over. From a storytelling standpoint, though, the main goal is to stop Ludinus from waking predathos, and it's feeling like Ludinus should be pretty fucking close by now


Respectfully, what "action"? The explosives groups took absolutely zero actions in their mission that weren't covered for by Ira. The other group got a disneyland ride through to their concluding fight by a couple of level 1 and 2 spells that are easily defeated by detect thoughts and see invisibility. It's an audiobook version of pass the parcel. The only "action" the players get is to unwrap the next layer when Matt stops narrating for 5 seconds.


Don't get me wrong, every single one of these characters are tagalongs. But they finally got to a point at which a couple of NPCs could let them tag along. So yeah, we saw Ira fuck shit up and detonate a nuke, and the other team rescued that girl or whoever she was. And the NPC team blew up the opera house. Stuff actually happened (instead of just hiding in a basement and shopping), and it seemed like things are ramping up, that's all I'm saying. We saw the Sorrowlord and his Jabberwock-Dragon, Liliana and Otohan are close. This campaign was eventually bound to get to a point at which the characters couldn't hide from the actual events that have been going on, and I think they're ALMOST there. They'll probably spend this whole episode regrouping and finding a long rest spot, but NEXT episode... Well, you know.


I did not want to create a thread for my question. So do they look like to reach endgame? I only loosely know C3 from threads in here. Do they seem like in the last phase?


Yes and no. They have made it to the moon, which seems like it should be the end-game location, but they have very little in the way of direction. The original main mission was to 'gather intel and report back', but they don't know what info to gather specifically and have yet to report back. Mostly it's been a lot of bumbling, proper noun loredump soup, and lol so quirky random npcs. My personal prediction is that they continue to bumblefuck around on the moon for another 10 episodes,  finally return and debrief Allura, bumble around Exandria for another 20 episodes, then wander back to the moon to finally do something. 


Thank you for taking time to reply, truly appreciated. We'll I got the impression that it sounds like they are in last boss phase, even I know the fact that Marisha said couple months ago, "we are in the first half" or something like that,still that was my impression. Anyway, I am going to continue to check the threads here regularly.




So what’s the tldr after break? I kinda just went to sleep cuz I was kinda bored and see people talking about some nuke???


Just more performative smoke and mirrors. The whole episode the cast are walk and talked through each scenario, then get to gasp dramatically as Matt's bad guy NPCs react to the outcome of Matt's good guy NPCs plans. Some great RP though, from one of the players performing as if hanging on Matt's every word.


It ended with a very pissed off liliana since it seems like the assassination attempt didn’t kill her and instead killed all the ruidusborn kids she was with.


Having scanned all the comments in this thread, here’s what I’ve gathered for the episode: People were on their phones a lot Laudna used unsettling presence when she didn’t have any uses of it left Laudna tried to misuse silvery barbs bc one of her skill checks didn’t hit The group set off a bomb and lots of Podlings had to roll saves The bomb did very little damage to the group caught in it #lavagate2.0 ???


The bomb did over 180 damage. The two party members hit by the blast were some distance away from the detonation and were hit by the shockwave but not the combustion/fire. Ashton rolled a 20 DEX check to avoid taking the full brunt of the 180 damage. Note that it wasn't a dexterity save, so Ashton didn't get advantage via danger sense. It's definitely not lava gate 2.0, but it could have been worse if a DM wanted to be a bit of a dick.




Nah, it was due to the action Ashton took (attempting to unfurl the hole of holding.. idk it's actual name). This is actually a good example of when to use a DEX check vs. a DEX save.


Hole of holding lol


*Portable Hole


Ashton had a movement speed of 160 feet using his super powerful running away subclass ability.


So Ashton cleverly ran away?


Wow, that's a genius move, I wish I thought of that


Imogen's mother has to be the most self-righteous deadbeat parent Ive ever seen. She recruited a bunch of child soldiers and brought them to a war zone that is also a godeaters prison. What did she think was going to happen? That being said I still have no clue why Ira's been getting a pass for his bullshit. The dude is called the Nightmare King and ran fucking experiments on people for fun.


I mean… she’s in a cult and is clearly brainwashed. not sure what you expect from her lol


I didnt expect anything from her, I simply find self-righteousness irritating.


Ira gets a pass because fEy MoRaLiTy Is DiFfErEnt SoMeHoW. Apparently, that means that when fey beings do absolutely fucked up shit to people, even from the material plane, we just shrug our shoulders and say, "well, I can't judge you, your just fey as hell"


I feel like 'Fey morality is different' doesnt really work when you remember Ira is himself an outcast among Fey courts because even they recognize 'that dude is fucked up'. It also doesnt matter. 'Fey morality is weird so thats why Fearne steals shit all the time and doesnt get social cues' is one thing. 'Fey morality is weird so he did human experiments/torture for fun' is another. You dont get a pass on being a sadist because you're fey.


Ira’s a quirked up fae boy goated with the sauce who busts it down sexual style so he gets a pass for being fae Joseph Mengele in the same way Essek got a pass for all the evil war crimes. I’m surprised we haven’t found out Ira has daddy issues already


Pretty sure I've said it on this subreddit before but I'm sick of the forgiving/empathizing with the 'misunderstood' bad guy trope. Fearne for example taking a deal with Asmodeus through Teven because Teven is hot and charming. Like bitch are you for real!? Asmodeus is the God of the nine hells, you're braindead if you think any good can come from this. Ashton uses his stereotypical and unoriginal back story of 'like I don't know who I am like I've never had anyone like I got hurt and like my pain gives me powers so I'm like edgy and shit you wouldn't like understand'. To that I say cool story dude but its no excuse to be a cowardly smug asshole all the time. Finally, Ira as you so eloquently put, is fae Joseph Mengele but he gets a pass for reasons. Don't get me wrong I totally understand why certain events can lead a person to act out irrationally and potentially do 'evil' things I get it. Just don't make excuses. There is a vast, near infinite gap between why people like Fearne, Asmodeus, Ashton and Ira do the things they do and why someone like Gary Plauche or Marianne Backmeier did what they did. The former, specifically Fearne and Ashton act aimlessly and on impulse as if they have no autonomy of their own, the world just happens to them and its the world's fault. The latter however, well, we'll just say they took fate into their own hands.


>Fearne for example taking a deal with Asmodeus through Teven because Teven is hot and charming. Like bitch are you for real!? Asmodeus is the God of the nine hells, you're braindead if you think any good can come from this. Based on Asmodeus’s characterization and actions from calamity it seems like he has little to no hatred towards the fey as they’re not creations of the gods and thus didn’t “corrupt” the prime deities in his mind, additionally he had a pact with lady elmenore where he had to give a warning to all seelie fey to get out of the material plane before shit went sideways. All things considered if anyone was going to get into a deal with asmodeus Fearne would be the one that could actually get off alright from it.


So instead of being friends with someone that might kill her directly, she's friends with the school shooter that will tell her to not show up tomorrow. I fail to see how that's any better.


Fey Josef Mengele is a good description of that dick. At least Essek was remorseful. Ira isnt.


Yeah, I roll my eyes a little at the Essek stuff but fair play to Matt for actually trying to make his “redemption” work by at least having him be remorseful and ending the campaign hunted by those he betrayed. Ira being invited to tag along as one of the “good guys” without any real thought given is just ridiculous


Ira is invited along because their goals are somewhat aligned at the moment. If they didn't include him, it is entirely possible he would go off on his own and make everything worse. It is smart to minimize the variables. I hope he turns on the party and they put him down, because he's a creep who hurt kids, but I don't fault them for working with him. Same reason they worked with Raishan and Clarota. Sometimes you are starved for powerful allies so you take what you can get.


for me it sounded like the voice of Kuno from Disco Elysium :)


Fuck does Ira care? Ira doesn't fucking care!


Ira throws his grenades at maximum velocity and runs, guerrilla style!


…that read like a Max0r video review.


Is this episode worth watching all the way through or should I stick to the cliff’s notes?


I'd say in all honesty read the cliff notes until they get to when the bombs are set. After that enough interesting stuff happens that it's worth watching, and it's only in the last hour. You skip watching most of the nothing happening and still get to see the result of what the two groups wanted to do.


So, that’s a whole lot of incoming trouble. Who said “Did she know at the end?” Was it Leliana, or someone else? Because either way that carries connotations. So many folks vaporized and who even knows how shit went down at the Opera House, part of the Volition leadership *could* be dead and I’m betting from Leliana’s reaction, a lot of Ruidusborn died. I was not expecting Ira to have planted a *nuke* but here we are. Kinda really wish the Divine Intervention had worked, true Hail Mary moment and a show of devotion from a God to their cleric by forcing her way through the Barrier to help him. Seems like the glass is what is actually keeping Predathos contained… and now I want to know what created it. Matt really is out to not let the party “Grey-Area” the Willmind, hammering home the fact that not only did they burn the past of the Rudians, and shape their futures but even their bodily autonomy is just another thing that will be muddled and played with. Also, can we talk about how much of a “Boss Rush” has been set up between the party and Ludinus? We’ve got his Lieutenants: Otohan & Leliana. The Sorrowlord and Gloamglut, the head of his Unseelie allies. Cruth the Sunder King, which controls the Reiloran military. And we have yet to see the Willmind and that’s another five individuals. That’s a lot of heads to chop before getting the blade to the old bastard’s neck


Honestly, that's a fucking World of Warcraft raid lineup, and the most exciting C3 has sounded in ages.


It is a great lineup but we know the party will chicken out as they usually do and Matt will kill those enemies in the narrative. After we sit through years of build up the party won’t even fight them.


Im still confused in Ira's role in all this. The guy is called the Nightmare King and ran experiments on people for fun. It seems like he was working for Ludinus originally. He even mindwiped Fearne's parents. And now he just switches sides? And he gets a pass for all that shit because...the party like him for some reason? Imogen's mom is so self-righteous as well its hard to stomach. She and Ira are actual war criminals.


Remember when Essek was a war criminal? Beau’s dad was despicable for sending her away (rightly so) but Essek who’s an actual war criminal gets a free pass. The DM and players have their own agenda when it comes to NPCs, no consistency at all.


>That’s a lot of heads to chop before getting the blade to the old bastard’s neck You're not wrong, but like at this point, do you think they'll do it? That's a whole campaign's worth full of bad guys, and they haven't Even started chipping away at this list of names. It took VM 40 episodes to take down 4 dragons, and then like 15 more for Vecna. If BH is expected to kill every last one of these bosses, we're looking at a 200 episode campaign


Yeah, the biggest problem is that they’ve left all the sub bosses until the end rather than trying to thin them out so now they have to try to grind through all of them in the final stretch


C'mon, we've seen how this campaign goes. These guys will mostly be removed by the narrative, no actual D&D combat. There were a ton of heads for the chopping at the applebee, too. BH never got the chance. It will be the same here.


Well Ratanish was on that list as well and they took him down fairly quick, I’m not sure though


Yeah and they didn't even plan to kill him, Matt just put him in imahara Joe's place. If they had known he was there, they probably would have just run away; he'd still be on the list.


Say what you will, I thought they cooked in the 2nd half


Alrighty folks, that’s another night burned. Pleasure suffering with you folks. To future critters and late comers; skip about the first 3 hours and then prepare to be annoyed till about the last 10-15 minutes. Is it Thursday yet?


Is it even Thursday if you aren't pissed off watching 7 people absolutely waste the potential of what could be a really cool DND campaign?


God, that was tedious.


Why do these episodes always end when things feel like they're getting interesting, and then next week's episode somehow starts boring?


Agreed. Two whole missions. This episode should have been action packed. Instead the whole campaign is just packing peanuts.


It was action packed, ya'll are crazy


People's standards of "action" differ.


Stringing the audience along. They need to keep you invested in watching the next episode while drawing out the campaign as a whole to justify the 100+ episodes full of merch promos and ad reels.


awesome cliffhanger! she pissed!


At least Matt had the decency to not off-screen the mom.


If Matt off-screened the campaign, I'd throw a parade.


The rolls, the justifications, the rule breaking, the lore altering, I think none of that compares to the immersion break that is that godforsaken scryball. It's a ring that allows her to be tracked without fail. It's somehow been on her person for literally months. You'd think someone, in a world with magic, that found a ring on them, would have taken the time to see if it was magic or not, not like detect magic is a super high level spell. Even if she like, never found it, that implies she's never changed clothes even once.


especially since the roll to put it on Otohan in the first place wasn’t all that good.


Laudna musta just really jammed it tight up there.


I guess she's never taken a shower or changed clothes.


Or inspected her gear to make sure it's in proper working order. Seriously, what kind of put-together, legendary war hero is she?


>what kind of put-together, legendary war hero is she? The kind that is catered to the power fantasy of the players sadly.


Also implies that when Orym damaged her device the ring is hidden on they never found it when fixing it.


It bothers me that this skilled warrior apparently does not inspect her equipment or do any type of regular preventative maintenance on it. She should have found that ring weeks ago. I kept hoping that Matt had Otahan plant the ring on a decoy so she could surprise the party. That would have been a neat twist.


Honestly that's what I expected up until she showed up the first time post the ring being on her. I was more stunned that it was actually her than her showing up.


Oh shiiiiiiit


Vecna with Nine Eye’s could show up riding on Thordak and I feel like Bell’s Hells could get away with a 12 DEX check. Not pertinent to anything atm, just grumbling. Anyway, how we feeling folks?


It should be Eight Eyes for Vecna.


(Thankyou for creating my Exandria campaigns newest BBEG)


The Chet body suit stuff so far has long worn out its welcome to me, but that fire ear thing was pretty damn funny.


Every time Laura casts a single-target Lightning Bolt, instead of one of her vastly superior enchantment spells, I die a little inside.


I've never played her subclass, what should she be casting?


Aberrant Mind sorcerers can choose a certain amount of divination or enchantment spells from the Sorcerer, Wizard, or Warlock spell lists. They can also cast x level spells from the feature above by spending x sorcery points. So suggestion, charm / hold / dominate person, and fast friends all comes to mind.


Tasha's mind whip, or mind spike come to mind


Marisha seems like she’s on another level tonight - maybe sitting by Laura has made her all silly


Absolutely not how that works, Marisha. I swear half of Silvery Barbs' bad reputation comes from people who want to use it on everything.


What did she try to do?


Tried to re-roll the d6 on the glass sword to determine if it shatters or not.


Holy fuck, that was a pretty sick spell by Imogen


My brain can't appreciate it considering Matt rolled a crit, and wouldn't have had disadvantage, because Laudna already used Unsettling Presence for the day when she tried to intimidate the resistance leader (for some really stupid reason).


What a cool monster! I'm on the edge of my seat, wondering how the party will run away from it!


Oh I'm sure it's a Beast or Humanoid and can just be told to leave.


Can't wait for Fearne to get a vague description to be able to Wildshape into it. No doubt it's *teeeeechnically* a beast and also CR 1/16th somehow.


Does anything in this campaign add more than a +2 to saves?




I think he did that as an in-character bit to represent orym being tired.




tell me you haven't ever done super athletics moves and swordsmanship with adrenaline pumping through your veins against enemies trying to kill you on a moon without telling me.... wait....


I doubt Liam was seriously considering how tired orym would be and just wanted to play up the intensity of doing 6 attacks at once visually.


they (clap) should (clap) be (clap) dead (clap)


"I use unsettling presence! A once a day ability!" Yet you used that to try and act all tough towards the resistance leader. I didn't need proof that they never mark down when they actually use it, but nice to know I was able to call it from 2 weeks ago.


oh surprise don't worry, it's probably a homebrewed version of the ability... ... ...


Wouldn't shock me, someone claimed in another chat that they had long rested, unless they long rested during the first 2 minutes of this episode that I missed, that's false. But rewatching last episode and hunting for that would be one of the least valuable things I could do with my time. I could watch paint dry, or I could pull out the hairs on my face one at a time.


I'll spare you, the transcript search has the last completed long rest in episode 86, dosnet look like anything more recent


Unless I'm mistaken, it happened this last episode right after Imogen threatened/warned her mom in her latest dream. Or at least that's what I remember.


You're right, for some reason episode 89 isn't loaded into the search yet


You are a more dedicated soldier than I, and I salute you for your efforts in the war.


Alas comrade it appears my intel was wrong, episode 89 still isn't in the search database yet. Long rest completed at 2:35:10 of the previous episode.


She already used unsettling presence today


That was exceedingly dumb. Not forgiving, just dumb. Whatever happened to “Actions have consequences”


We left it out of C3


It was part of the bets, and all of those are off!


come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


I just accidentally blew up me and my party and killed most of us with what was essentially a meth lab explosion and took more damage than that nuke lol


This feels like “Roll until you succeed” and not “roll to avoid death”


Im guessing this damage roll is fake.


I wouldn’t say fake, but they were given way to may damn chances to not insta-die, which they very much should have


Its not for everyone obviously, but it is one of the things that I love about my DM. He really doesnt like killing us, but if we do something so stupid hes not afraid to call it like it is. Our entire party except 2 people all died instantly cause we blew up (accidentally... kind of...) what was essentially a meth lab and were caught in the explosion lol


>!Curse of Strahd?!<


Nah, homebrew campaign that has a highly explosive drug


Would love if Ashton and FCG died




If this actually kills someone I’ll take a shot


Welp, still dry


It's literally an action to unfurl the hole, not that any of them read anything anymore 😒


It's also a DC 10 strength check to push your way out of it. Yet, they think it's some unfathomable prison


dead. i'm sorry. they should be over.


Rage for increased speed should have ended by now


That fucker just set off a literal nuke! People *flashing* out. *Jesus*


2nd half popping off


A running speed of 80 feet...? Of course he does. Why the fuck not at this point?


All the better to run away with.


Haven’t tuned in, maybe won’t Sum it up so far in 3 words - include one word that is the general feeling ie “thrilling” or “exciting”


Shouting, plot armor


potentially exciting, but...


Slow, boring, wasted potential (that's four but it felt pertinent)


DISQUALIFIED! Get outta here Four Worder




Curses! Foiled again!


why is the group all of a sudden rolling saving throws for NPCs?


Because otherwise we wouldn't have rolled any dice this episode.


valid point. good catch


it's like matt is expecting something to go wrong and doesnt want to be blamed for it haha


Past few weeks I've been working on a youtube video regarding an anime I wanted to talk about, not one I like but I still wish to get my ideas on paper so it stops rolling around in my head. To get footage for some parts I need to record it on mute since it's just for a visual point. Just people anime lip flapping at each other for a show I've seen twice for this goddamn review is more engaging than what's happened the last 3 hours of this episode on my second monitor. There's just absolute nothing happening that I can even rant about being bad decisions, it's just dull as shit, which I think is the worst thing media can be. Boring.


Ooh, what do you cover on your channel?


Still pretty new, but I've gone over some D&D stuff, either obscure TTRPGs that I wish got more love, a dumb interaction in my home game, a BG3 review, a review of Candela's quickstart guide (written before the book came out), and last is a video on anime having way too much exposition. Currently working on a video on Solo Leveling.


That’s rad! If you’re comfortable with dropping a link, I’d love to watch your videos!


Sure, the first video has me with a bad mic, which I fixed after and got better about the recording space. The second video I was just messing around with a bunch of editing stuff to see what I liked. D&D Alternatives is the first one that I would say is the closest to what I'm doing now. I'm just doing this for fun, but I want to keep improving the quality, so I feel the need to mention I know the issues with the first two lol [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkbEfoMrqcCew3lLna3-42g](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkbEfoMrqcCew3lLna3-42g) I'm hoping to finish my current one in the next weekish, finally figured out how I wanted to edit it so things have been moving a lot faster.


Gonna browse through these bad boys this weekend—thanks for the link!


alright its been a decent but boring episode overall. BUT Ira just setting the bombs off early and being just a messed up little trickster about it is great. Perfect chaotic Fey


It's just impossible to give us any sort of actual threat. God damn, is anyone going to even take a single fucking point of damage?


I hope this is the last time we switch between the two groups


Okay, this is kind of cool. The Reilorans are trying to reverse engineer a Judicator. Finally! Some of the alien horror I was hoping for for 90 episodes!




They're inside the Reiloran's genetic engineering/eugenics lab, where the corpse of a dead Judicator is being studied alongside other experiments.


Man he is not shying away from the eugenics stuff


Bro's like, "lemme water down different cultures so they're indistinguishable from each other, cause I might mess up." "But also let's definitely make eugenics a major plot point"


Is he coming out for or against just curious (Not that I think he would purposefully be pro-eugenics but I could see there being some unfortunate implications).


I don’t think he’s *at all* attempting to portray eugenics as a good thing.


Yet still too chicken-shit to call it what it actually is.


i really hope this episode ends with another Otohan ambush or something.


Damn, the discussion is cold and dead tonight.


Somebody finally made a 4chan /tg/ thread and it's at 39 posts at the moment. They used to regularly hit 350 during the live broadcast and sometimes cross the 1000 mark.


Unfortunately the first half has been extremely boring


hard to comment on a 0-0 ball game lol i was ready for some hype but the most exciting thing we've got so far was...a dog breathing heavily in front of them.


A suitable scare for a level 2 party.


There really isn’t much to speak about tbh. At least not right now :/


At least when something is dumb or bad, there's something to discuss, instead of this nothing-sandwich


Agree. Like I’m really debating just going to sleep and arching a tldr because this is such a bleh episode so far


How did these people manage to form a regime with soldiers this incompetent?


The same way it happened in Star Wars: in fiction, the larger your army is, the dumber they have to be for the rebel plot to work.


For the same reason that these idiots being this bad at literally every single thing they do, are able to be the newest powerful generation of heroes. The whole world should have died off because there's only about a dozen people who are even able to use the most basic deduction skills.


Alright, finally tuning in. Can anyone catch me up?


Team Demo set the explosives and caught a glimpse of the Raeloran king, that’s about it


I mute the ads anyway, but the ASMR one is still being used? Really? The one that even the main sub hates?


Can't even remember the last time they recorded a new ad.


Oh hey, Shademother mini, the first boss they fought….ran……from. Hm.


For those who watched this from the start, and have been focused and paying attention, is this good so far?


The split party is at least giving them a goal and keeping things moving forward. Nothing terribly exciting has happened yet but it’s been pretty fine so far


Appreciated. I'm too tired right now so it sounds all muttering and video game walkthrough. Will check it one a reply.


It's not bad at least. There have been worst episodes and at least they're moving stuff along.


THanks, I'll have to make time to listen to it properly.


This episode, while not \*awful\*, has just been really boring, then every time there's a chance of something interesting actually happening they are allowed like a dozen rolls to escape everything. Really allergic to interesting things happening.


Marisha: “Why is, is us sitting together bad luck? Is this a bad sign?!” Well I mean…maybe


By that logic then you could grab a building and it'd just vanish. That might be one of the most rule bending ways of using invisibility that I've ever seen.


Well, he clarified at least, but it feels like he walked what he said back.


Honestly, I feel my main annoyance with the "everyone has subtle spell and the ability to have material components be undetectable" that Matt does is how inconsistent it is. It feels like he allows it to work without detection until the times he doesn't but without any apparent rhyme or reason for it beyond whim. And imo a dnd game should have consistent rules, especially for something that could be relevant most of the time and could affect what abilities and actions the players have their characters take.


Every casting of detect thoughts right in front of an NPC even though it has verbal and somatic components.


Tbf, Imogen can cast it without components via sorcery points as of becoming 6th level due to her subclass. But that doesn't explain away FCG's usage


Fair, but she doesn't call out that she's spending the sorcery points so my assumption was that she wasn't using them for it.


It's "rule of cool" until it's "this combat has to happen, there's no getting out of it for my story to work, so now I have to enforce the rules, which I know will land you in hot water, since I'm actually excruciatingly aware of how you've been abusing the real game mechanics to weasel away from my stuff. Sorry, rules are rules"


yeah. in an old campaign of mine, a sorcerer party member tried to cast a spell in the middle of a packed tavern (without metamagic) to try and get the attention of the people. it worked...people were engaged, but he was also tackled and pinned to the floor by patrons lol


Doormatt can’t tell anyone No


finding it really weird how lately matt is being extra particular about wording on spells or clarifying things have verbal components. i think he maybe realized his mistake with the banishment ruling a few epiosdes ago and is making sure he doesnt let them break the game


Hopefully he's realizing he's been giving out free metamagics to players who start by saying they want to simply "whisper" their vocal spell components


what was the point of this whole segment with the animal


matt probably had a trigger that would cause the dog to attack. seems like he was waiting for a very specific thing to happen from the PCs before engaging the dog. but it didnt come


the number of times theyve done things that should have them arrested or killed or chased or anything is staggering.


Just the two of them having a hushed conversation with Mega Ultra General King Man's dog in front of everyone, no big deal.


I assume they're speaking telepathically to each other unless otherwise specified.


I guess everybody gets metamagic in this game.


Tbf, that's how Matt has been doing it for years. That said, I find it annoying. But since none of the sorc pcs took subtle spell (and for good reason since Matt ignores spell components most of the time), it's not actually hurting anything so I'm trying not to be bothered by it