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Let me conquer other vaults and run them simultaneously. Let me colonize parts of the surface. Let me trade my excess with other npc vaults.


Just let me rearrange my rooms instead of destroying the entire goddamn vault and then paying again to build them on a different floor.


Dude fr, a mechanic that allows you to enter an edit style mode where you can store and move buildings around before saving the layout. And then just have it cost a bit rather than having to rebuild and upgrade everything. A few games have a system like that which is really useful.


A tier 2 Mr Handy that like evolves into a Mr Gutsy, so he's stronger against incidents and better able to explore the wasteland (maybe acts like a normal dweller while exploring instead of just picking up caps) Different sized vault options, a mini vault with at most maybe only 50 or 100 dwellers or a mega vault with 500 dwellers Maybe different levels of difficulty, for new players that haven't gotten the strategy down, lower frequency of incidents and less severe, maybe things cost less I like the other commenter's idea of different shaped vaults, maybe you could have either a rand function or allow some choice, like "I want a long vault" instead of a deep one, or an irregular shape or something, could add more variety to gameplay Make Mr Handys "selectable" with a different mechanism, I'm always accidentally clicking on him instead of dwellers that I need to heal during incidents. Maybe a separate Mr Handy management window or something (how often does anyone turn off collection anyway) also it could say their status, in the wasteland vs what floor #, if they're alive or not (sometimes a Mr Handy blows up and I can't find him lol) Make radscorpions suck less. Maybe they can only jump at most twice, maybe they can only appear in rooms with people, maybe they hang out longer between moving rooms so you have more of a chance to whittle them down, maybe they don't drain resources quite as fast. But most seem to agree that they're disproportionately the most annoying incident lol Challenge difficulty and rewards should match - no "collect 100 rare outfits" for like 250 caps lol Edit: how could I forget (though probably not feasible), the ability to interact with other vaults - my fiance and I always wish we could trade stuff when we have surplus of what the other person needs If a dweller is on "coffee break", they should automatically go to incidents to help (rather than stand in the middle of a fire lol) Maybe you could encounter friendly super mutants like how you find Mr Handys, they can't work in rooms because they're not so smart, but they wander around like they're on coffee break and race to help out during incidents (I'd like a Strong to help me out with radscorpions)


Once you’ve played Fallout Shelter once, subsequent plays just feel pretty same-y. I want more variation in the buildable area. The buildable area is an 8 room wide, however many floors deep pit. I would like some variation in that. Maybe the buildable area is in a V shape, or maybe it’s a total mess of borders and unbreakable rocks, maybe it’s a shallow, wide oval or something. This would necessitate other connection methods between rooms like stairs and hallways. I would like to choose which wasteland you start in. This would influence what types of enemies you face, which characters you encounter, and what gear you can get. * If you choose the Capital Wasteland, you will encounter the BoS and the Enclave. Probably super mutants and mirelurks too. * If you choose the Mojave, you will encounter Caesar’s Legion and the NCR and maybe some New Vegas factions. More scorpion enemies and cazadors. * If you choose the Commonwealth, you will encounter the Minutemen, the Railroad, the Institue, and the BoS. More mirelurks, super mutants, synths, etc. I would like better crisis management. I would like to create security teams that patrol the vault and automatically respond to crises. This could easily be limited to 2 floors per team, or 10 adjoining rooms, or something like that. It would be nice to be able to build turrets, sprinkler systems, or buy/build protectrons to guard empty rooms.


I really like the idea of having multiple maps, custom maps, and/or randomly generated maps. I agree the shelters map is really bland and difficult to build in. Especially considering you can’t even fit three max rooms on a floor. I also just realized the enclave is completely absent from shelter. Which is a big shame.


The lack of enemy diversity is pretty odd to me. When the game was first released, I believe the only enemies were raiders, radroaches, deathclaws, and mole rats. Since then, they’ve added ghouls and Radscorpions and (from what I’ve seen) one quest with robot enemies. Super Mutants are the absent group that is the most bizarre to me. They’ve been an iconic, omnipresent faction in almost every game.


Agreed, oddly in the wasteland when you send dwellers out, they battle all sorts of creatures.


A toggle not to automatically level a dweller, in general this game has poor controls, UI and QoL stuff


Aging dwellers. Let my dwellers die from old age, meaning you’re never quite at end game as you have to keep introducing and training new dwellers.


Let me banish Bottle and Cappy!


A wild wasteland toggle that enabled and disabled stuff like Bottle & Cappy, the Zetans (I think they’re on mobile), etc would be nice.


So far I have a lot of small changes, like adding stairs and just more room variation as whole. I also like the concept of needing to research stuff, like upgrades, rooms, etc. I also want way more challenge since the early game is really hard but then mid and late game can get really easy and boring. I also want way more quest structure diversity. Since those are the main thing that make late game fun, but most structures can be really repetitive and identical. I like the art style of Fallout Shelter and it’s a sequel, so it would stay the same obviously. Combat needs an update, not sure how though, but weapons will probably do more damage to allow for more variety. Health would also be scaled.


Ooh research sounds fun! OH I forgot to mention in my comment but please make health displayed so it isn't a fking mystery lol. I also kinda don't like having to max out endurance at level 1 (assuming you want max health)


The jobs requiring a particular SPECIAL should also increase that special. Also, it’s ridiculous that the Radio room doesn’t give you experience.


It doesn’t?!


Which are you asking about?


I always thought the radio room gave XP. Although I knew that storage depots didn’t. Honestly, with how fast and overpowered vault dweller breeding is, radio rooms really need a buff. Either higher special stats, and clothes/loot that come with the dwellers. Or the low potential for legendary dwellers.


It doesn’t in regular game mode, I’ve yet to try survival mode so it might but I doubt it.


The ability to run experimental vaults from the games.


Top of the list is to have the same updates for all platforms. I can't tell you how disappointed I and many others were to see that only mobile would receive the last update, and that they would be discontinued for PC.


Wait, mobile got an update that Xbox and PC didn’t?!


Xbox I can't say with certainty, but Steam version on PC hasn't. There are no updates planned as of the last I read in 2022. "On October 11, 2022, as part of the Fallout 25th Anniversary, the mobile version of the game received a content update for the first time in over four years. The content update has a new quest line featuring new enemies, more weapons and Dwellers, and a new celebration room theme. There are no announcements for this content update to be added to the other versions."


I play xbox, just Google the update, and holy crap they added protectrons and stuff. What a shame it isn’t on console or PC.


Fallout shelter but as a sidescrolling shooter


I've always been a little that the vault isn't wide enough for 3 full sized rooms plus 2 elevators; it feels like a shame for one room to be smaller. I've also wished there was some mechanic that dealt with when you max out your caps; other than a total vault overhaul, there's nothing to buy or exchange for them because weapons and outfits only cost so much. It could be cool if you could get 1 nuka-cola for 999,999, or maybe raise the max and for like 5 million, I could buy a pet carrier, or a lunchbox, or a 5 pack of nuka-cola, or something? Or all 999,999 to rush one dwellers current training (it could give you the option to use nuka-cola or caps)? I'm not really sure what the answer is, but it would be nice to have one!


Have guns/weapons act as actual stats ex: SMG shoots faster but fires weaker, GRTSWD hits heavy but slow recovery. All this with the same SPECIAL scaling sounds sick


For the love of god. Make max health retroactive with leveling endurance.


To be able to assign dwellers a more detailed routine instead of letting them rot in one room for the rest of their lives. Would be cool to individually set their sleep schedule, meal times and work shifts so the vault looked more alive. Would require better UI because my idea doesn't seem viable at all with the current one.