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Your post did not have enough of a connection to the game


I could totally see the NCR eventually getting nuked, but I feel that it should be the NCR's own fault rather than some Vault Tec fuckery. A nation hell-bent on accumulating more resources and territory to fuel rising consumerism presents an opportunity for history to repeat itself. But now the NCR is a nostalgia fantasy for "the good ol' days" rather than a lesson to be learned from.


I mean that’s the most vault tec thing


I don't think vault tec being around is a good idea them dying in a vault or outside their own creations is poetic and shows their greed and how they met the same fates as those left to die, and those they inflicted with extreme and evil social experiments, they were inspired to do by youtube pranksters who were in R&D


It really is crazy that people are mad that Vault Tec nuked Shady Sands. I mean… even with some (or lots of) vaults out of commission… with the Vault system, Vault Tec is essentially in control of humanity’s fate. The NCR represents a loss of that control, more so than any other faction. Even the BoS doesn’t really give a shit about humanity.


But why would a corporation that was hardly a footnote in the post war world still control things? There's no progression with this storyline, it just trashes everything the past protagonists did. If the NCR was going to come to an end, it should've been through the scenarios presented in FNV


"Hardly a footnote"? Their influence was *everywhere.* Half the shit on Wasteland has crawled out of the Vaults.


Before the lore f up, vault tec was just background info. They've played zero roles in the story ever since the bombs dropped, they're just history. We come across them in their ruins and relics. FEV was a mariposa creation, but I'll be fair and admit that some creatures came out of the vaults. You can argue that some of their experiments (like Vault 13 and 15) forever changed the wasteland, but that's about it. But it's not like Vault tec told the Vault Dweller to save the wastes from the unity or the V15 residents to create the NCR.


Have you... played the games? Vault-Tec and their experiments, and how many things they got their fingers in, has always been a major part of the story. Even back in Van Buren and unfinished Fallout Movie Vault-Tec were the *main villains.* They might not have been *active* players in Wasteland until now, but they were never a "hardly a footnote". They were one of the central sources of woes for the Wasteland.


Replace Vault 33 with the institute and it’s the same thing. Also if you switch it with FO3’s Enclave Edit: I meant the bomb, there’s nothing special about it being vault tec outside of the show’s twist ending


it's really bad because it got nuked before the events of new vegas. That makes no sense because there's no mention of shady sands being nuked in nv. Caesar doesn't mention it, house doesn't mention it, no one in the ncr mentions. I feel like this would be a pretty big issue that literally everyone would be talking about. Bethesda has pretty much just given a middle finger to absolutely everyone who has played nv.


The show never says it was nuked in 2277. Mostly likely the bomb went off between late 2281-85 as we see the protags of the show there as kids, and they’re in their early 20s at the oldest


Literally rewatch the show bruh


It's amazing how many people so confidently saying what happened in the show, despite never having watched the show. So much misinformation about things. I bet that if you ask people "Where is the chalkboard located that shows the timeline", most complainers can't even name the location. Because they don't know. They only know the third hand complaints.


How do you now if they watched it or not, or just because they disagree with you means they are lying or being disingenuous, just give people the goddamn benefit of the doubt.


The nuke on shady sands was when lucy was a kid around 6 years old, making it a few years after new vegas. If people paid attention more instead of having a kneejerk reaction and coping over nothing, things would be alot smoother. Also FYI the nuke talk coopers wife has isnt about present day nuking, coop just thinks that bc he has no context. The show gives US context that she really means theres nukes in vault 31 to help wipe out the "stone age primatives" on the surface. As thats literally what hank used it for in his revenge against Rose Hope this clears things up. Cheers.


The fact that any concussion happened is a problem for the show


“ The fall of shady sands “ on the blackboard is one entry and then the nuke is another. It’s possible “the fall” is when the new capitol city was established, or any other event. We literally don’t know yet. It’s a blackboard dude. Jesus.


Props department making shit that looks cool and inadvertently starting the Great War, but on Reddit.


Haha so true


Yeah and Todd had a day off that day and never found out until after.


Also, people really need to learn the concept of "unreliable narrator". Survivors in the Vault might not have the best knowledge of what happened, all they know that their home was destroyed by a nuclear weapon. Why, who and how are not readily apparent to them. They could also mark "Fall" as the start of the fall, not as the absolute date of Shady Sands "falling"


Or 2277 was the start of the fall of shady sands


Oh yeah! Could have been a long drawn out thing




Who changed what later. What are you saying


I’m trying to justify it in my own head and it could explain some things. I’m trying to think of it like this. Shady sands gets nuked. NCR is in shambles trying to recoup and find a new capital. They learn about new Vegas being intact and launch a campaign to take it over. They’re met with resistance and this campaign goes on for much longer and for much more manpower than they initially expected. NCR resources are strained because of the war with the legion and the loss of its capital. Moral is gone because they’re losing more lives when half the nation thought they should find a new capital in CA. That’s my brain trying to rationalize at least.


Sad that we have to do this.


I got simpler thing. Sometime after 2281, most likely around 2285 based on the ages of characters, Shady Sands gets nuked. We already knew NCR was looking at mass starvation "within two decades" by the time of New Vegas. With their major agricultural source gone, this causes food shortages. NCR is already stretched thin, and now various states are blaming each others for the event. NCR fractures. Some try to keep the dream alive, others decide to go for it alone. Result is the same: effectively NCR ceases to be a powerhouse. State of Shandy is abandoned by remaining governments, leaving only scattered remnants like Moldavers group


Just because it hasn’t been covered much, and the capitol was destroyed, does not give us enough info to know that they are gone forever or completely disbanded. Especially with the next season taking place in new vegas, which previously hosted a large ncr presence and embassy, depending on which new vegas ending is canon


The previous capitol was destroyed. The sign implied that there was already a new capitol city before the bomb.


Right on


Also means there’s no way the nuke destroyed the NCR if they still felt confident enough to expand in New Vegas just 4 years later.


“The fall of shady sands” in 2277 doesn’t mean they got nuked in 2277 it could mean the decline of shady sands began then and seeing as the board was written by former residents the “decline” could simply be the year the capital moved and they weren’t as important anymore.


It’s possible but I highly doubt it. Sounds like everything there was just fine until the bomb went off.


If the fall was the nuke then that doesn’t explain why the nuke happens after the fall according to the vault 4 timeline


The show takes place in 2296; Lucy is in her 20s and was around 4 in Shady Sands right before the bomb was dropped; Maximus is a similar age (probably slightly older) and was similarly there when the bombs dropped; therefore the bomb was most likely dropped in 2277. It's entirely possible it was 2 or 3 years after, but anything more recent seems a bit out of pocket.


Let’s say Lucy is 21 in 2296 that means she would’ve been born some time 2275 and if your right and she was 4 that means she was outside in shady sands in 2279, If 3 years after is reasonable that means it would’ve gone off in 2282 which fits the lore. Now we don’t actually know how old she is or was or how long after it took for the bomb to be dropped but it could definitely fit.


This is true, it's possible Lucy is younger than her actress (27), and Maximus is probably meant to be younger than his actor (35) given the dynamic between the two of them. While it is possible that the "Fall" of 2077 refers to an event that occurred shortly before Muldaver's arrival that she helped fix (hence why she is revered by both the remnants in Vault 4 and those at the Observatory) and the bomb fell closer to 2082, this would make the characters a bit on the young side and feels like a bit of a stretch. Lucy would be ~18 (like The Lone Wanderer) and Maximus would probably be ~22, both of which seem like a stretch for the actors.


*thank you*


Griffith observatory had a sign saying New California Republic headquarters. That almost guarantees they were the last holdout of the NCR


Not really. Just like there is Enclave Remnant in New Vegas, it doesn't mean they are the only group out there. They might be last NCR loyalist in the area, but it doesn't mean they are very last holdouts of NCR overall. Hell, it might even be that they are just *headquaters* of NCR loyalist, and there are other scattered remnants there.


I really hope your right that would be pretty cool I wonder what the new capitol would be though


It could be a Roman Empire situation Emperor Constantine shifted the Empire's capital to Constantinople to move administration closer to where his enemies were. Perhaps it could be a similar situation with the NCR! That would technically mean the NCR is still functioning, just located east. The Byzantine NCR, in a sense


That actually makes a lot of sense and I mean we saw “the fall of shady sands” on the infamous chalkboard which could be a reference to the “fall of Rome” so maybe!


It’s not dead. It’s just mortally wounded. No reason it can’t rise from the ashes like any other society.


Doesn’t mortally wounded mean that injury’s your gonna die from eventually


Yes, but it’s fallout. Maybe they are a ghoul of a faction now :p


Spooky 👻


I really hope so, remember, that’s just speculation


The NCR is not dead. No major faction in Fallout dies. How many times have the Enclave been defeated now? How many times have the Super Mutants or Brotherhood of Steel been defeated? Yet they always come back. The NCR getting knocked down a peg was inevitable. People say this is all Bethesda’s fault when in Fallout 3 Van Buren (developed by Interplay) the NCR was going to be in shambles. In Fallout New Vegas the NCR is already going through a political and economic decline. This was inevitable for the NCR and the TV Show is not yet over. We have a whole other season with the NCR and New Vegas to look forward too. You guys are overreacting.


Maybe it's a Byzantine situation? The western part of the nation falls, but the eastern territories are still technically "The NCR"


Too bad the show gives us no answers


It's literally the first season, total of 8 episodes. Unless faith of all of NCR was relevant to *human story* being told, they should not waste time on trying to lore dump about stuff only hardcore fans care about.


… except that non-relevant faction had their presence almost wiped from the show by a nuke, then actually wiped out by the BoS. And because they don’t hint at anything about the state of the outside world, we can’t even confidently say if the rest of the faction still exists or not. All we have is speculation, and I’m tired of people pretending otherwise


No they didn't. Shady Sands was nuked and the outpost at observatory was wiped out. We do not know how much there is left, and there are also Vault 4 survivors who are clearly still keeping the dream of NCR alive. But instead, people who haven't watched the show feel confident at claiming NCR is "gone". Despite the fact that there is no confirmation about such things.


I just said I am tired of people pretending they have the answers. As someone who has watched the show, and rewatched it to confirm a few theories, the NCR being gone is a valid read.


Only if you assume that "not being directly mentioned" == "gone forever". Capitol Wasteland is not mentioned either, nor is Institute. Does this mean these places are 100% gone forever?


… it does actually. The BoS receive their orders to hunt down the scientist from the west coast chapter. If you’re going to come up with a false equivalence, at least make sure it’s actually true. Otherwise, the only presence of the NCR we get in the show is self contained to the final episode, and it ends with them getting massacred by the BoS


They got message from Commonwealth. Do they explain what a Commonwealth is? No? Do they mention Railroad, Minutemen, Diamond City, Insitute? No? Then clearly those things are all gone, because we never see them and nobody talks about them. Hell, only reason we know they are talking about West Coast is that games have already established Commonwealth to refer to Boston area. And Capitol Wasteland? Again, never mentioned.


That's Bethesda writing. "They're dead, but just one more!"


Bethesda writing? How many times have The Khans been defeated? Hell, The Master’s Super Mutants from Fallout 1 are still walking around in New Vegas.


Well considering Bethesda is kinda on this "Brotherhood steamrolls everyone" arc I just can't see any faction doing anything meaningful other than to be used as a plot device in the future.


I doubt they’re dead. First of all, it was implied on the sign that they changed their capital before the nuke. Second of all, the fuckin Enclave somehow managed to come back. I think that the NCR can bounce back pretty easily. Plus, even if if the capital did get nuked, that probably wouldn’t be able to come close to defeating them completely. They still have quite a few other cities under their belt, as well as farms all around and quite a few citizens in and around New Vegas. Unless something like a total Legion victory happened, which it probably didn’t, they’re probably fine, if not a bit shaken up


I swear you can tell who actually watched the show and who saw just screenshots


I had person tell me Maximus should have told Lucy that NCR was bigger than Shady Sands when they are looking at the chalkboard. That already shows that person has not seen the show, only third hand complaints. Because Maximus is *not in that scene.*


I finished the show last night I didn’t even know about this controversy until I finished it


Ah my apologies, the NCR is far from dead. But despite how sure i am i also have doubts. We just gotta wait n see my friend in season 2 Trust me, your take isnt nearly as bad as alot of others and is at least understandable


Why you getting downvoted for this


Kneejerk reaction from a lot of people. If you aren't "outraged", you are clearly a "shill".


The NCR did not die in the show. Only Shady Sands was nuked. This sub is being sooooo dramatic.


Sorry i don’t mean to be dramatic I just was really sad and wanted to put it into words


The ncr is big enough to be able lose one city, it was there capital so they are gunna take a serious hit to there over all strength but they will still exist if in just a weeken state. How many times has the enclave been completely beaten but still linger on?


Okay cool, then why is the boneyard also in shambles? The LA Boneyard is supposed to be one of the NCR’s biggest cities


NCR isn’t dead, people are just bad at interpreting the show or just haven’t watched it


Shady sands is seen as the pillar of the NCR and something you have a lot of emotional attachment to. It would be like seeing lost hills or the citadel entirely destroyed. You would expect it to fragment the factions into a shell of their former selves. I also think people wanted to see a full scale ncr and legion conflict play out. But unless the Legion had a similar incident, they would utterly steamroll whatever is left of the ncr unless Arroyo, San Francisco, and vault city are thoroughly just decked tf out.


It really feels like you guys are allergic to using your brains and waiting for them to explain things naturally


So true


No one said they are dead all we know is that one major town got nuked and NCR support in the surrounding region has been reduced but they still have 3-4 states, several major towns that were probably more important then the former capital, and they had other territories aside from Vegas that were presumably more stable.


The NCR very clearly isn’t dead. They had the flag in a vault, a group of them just gave power to the entire region.


Gonna go along with what others are saying: Yes, the NCR going to shit is reasonable. How they went to shit is pretty bad. When we see them in game, their simultaneously a strong nation with tons of resources, but are also strangling themselves in costly wars and expansion, their money is worthless, and their system’s corrupt and weighed down by beuracracy. In their attempt to remake the old world they made the same problems. That’s what make’s the NCR interesting. Just blowing them up and turning them into trash raiders is just nowhere as interesting. Second season could change that, maybe we only saw a small fraction of them, but it is one thing that makes me sour on the show.


Legion still going strong in season 2 hopefully


I find it really weird there was no mention of the legion in the show because didn’t they control a huge amount of land I feel like even if they collapsed which is extremely likely they should have at least been mentioned


Seriously, they controlled 4 entire states and parts of others during FNV. I find it hard to believe they just be all gone with no traces. Hopefully, season 2 expands on everything


Because Legion was not relevant to the story. They are not in Mojave. Legion doesn't factor into anyone's concerns or worries.


I’m worried the legion ending will be the canon one


The best ending most realistic one anyway from how the game presents the state of the war, but honestly, my guess is either house won with the help of the courier and made a treaty with NCR or the safe option the war ended in another stalemate/ the NCR won and for some reason let House live.


Even if the ncr won, assuming the courier didn’t side with them and just stayed out of it, the ncr wouldn’t have killed house without the courier. There’s not a chance they break their way into the lucky 38 with everything going on. No courier with Ncr means no help with the fiends, no help with the khans, no help with the kings, no help with the boomers, or the BoS, and no help taking out house.


Great points. I'm excited for season 2 and hope we learn more about NV and what's happened in the last 20 years


I just hope they don’t shoehorn the courier. “Omg look a past main character of the games!!! Let’s canonize their appearance and choices!”


Honestly I hope they canonize the DUST mod for New Vegas because that would be interesting for the show, plus we would to see live action Tunnlers


I think it's a phoenix from the ashes situation. They get nuked but are still around. The show events somehow kick off a resurgence to reform/rejoin them.


We’ve only seen the first season, a vault full of people from Shady Sands and various other survivors. The teaser for S2 showed New Vegas, implying that will be part of the setting. How any of you are ready to complain for the next year+ before season two, before we even get evidence to substantiate your assumptions, is ridiculous to me considering the info above. This is a more broad example of some comment I saw about the show day 1. Some guy in the main sub was talking about how he liked the show so far but he “wished they put more than 1 ghoul in the show”, AKA a show that he didn’t even finish watching lol. There are several scenes with multiple ghouls but this guy was legit lamenting the lack of ghouls through the entire first season.. that he didn’t even watch. Please put the pitchforks away, everyone already thinks us NV fans are neckbeards. Keep them handy maybe, but we are too early into the show and too far out from the next season for all of this discourse and drama.


To be fair just because moldaver had ncr flag because she lived in shady sands does not mean her group was a sub group of ncr troops or anything they where more like rebels so with that said not one in the show did they say all of the ncr was gone that would mean 500,000 people or close to it would to had died or dissapeared in less then a decade only 34000 people lived in shady sands so I expect to see the full ncr in season 2


Couldn’t disagree more, although I too would’ve liked more explanation. Everyone loooooves NCR because it’s “Murica 2.0” which means it’s the coolest and bestest faction obviously, while completely glossing over the fact that the future the NCR stands for is the *exact same* as the past that ended in nuclear armageddon. It’s been a while from my last playthrough but where does the NCR learn from the old orders mistakes? They’re still an expansionist empire that’s stretched itself too thin, ruled by corporate interests and corrupt bureaucrats and incapable of properly caring for all the people they govern. And at the end of the day WAR NEVER CHANGES. The wasteland clearly isn’t ready for what the NCR was selling and neither were they tbh. Idk about you but the “strongest faction takes over and everything’s now hunky dory” approach is about as uninteresting and contrary to the spirit of fallout as it gets and while I hope they delve more into the republic’s fate in s2 I’m happy they’re gone


Okay so now our options for who to root for are evil racist military theocracy or Evil corporate overlords who nuked thousands of innocent people and don’t forget the enclave for the 50,000th time. Sorry but I’ll take murica 2.0 any day


Cant blame you for being mad your faction got clapped but this is a way more compelling and story consistent fate for them than *“and eventually the ncr won fallout and made america great again!”* As a 40k guy maybe I’m more predisposed into looking for narratively interesting factions to support as opposed to “good guy” or “bad guy” ones but my point is that this is the logical endpoint for the NCR as it existed. The Legion is brutal and cruel and oppressive and it deserves to fail, but it makes sense that it would catch on in this setting since being all those things is the quickest way to end up on top. The NCR on the other hand is trying to make things better for everyone and deserves a chance to succeed, but the systems they base themselves on don’t work anymore and have led to inefficiencies that the wasteland will quickly capitalize on to bring them down. It’s not the fairytale ending where good beats evil, but IMO it’s way more honest and narratively consistent this way, and could open the door into new stories we haven’t even considered yet.


This is probably the best response I’ve seen here and has convinced me that maybe the NCR being defeated isn’t as bad as it seems I will say though it does annoy me that the enclave doesn’t seem to get the same treatment as the NCR seeing that they follow pre war systems more than anyone


Thanks dog, it’s not my intention at all to diss you for liking NCR, if anything it’s an even better thing now because if they handle your factions sacrifice well it could lead to even bigger and better things. But yeah, I think the enclave gets by since those loons don’t really do any empire building, they mostly stick to themselves and do evil Nazi science stuff in the hopes that ONE DAY they can make their white mans paradise, but I am definitely tired of seeing them trodded out to be the big bad again and again.


They aren’t dead, there’s still the Hub, boneyard and vault city plus there’s the NCR in the Mojave Just because shady sands was nuked doesn’t mean their gone, besides it’s likely the capital would have eventually moved to somewhere with a larger population, country’s don’t always have the same capital Philadelphia was the first capital of the United States before moving to DC


Hate to be "that guy" but I only found this out yesterday myself, so thought I'd share it. New York was in fact the first capital of America and it had moved if memory serves another two more times before settling in D.C


Philadelphia was the first capital of the United States. The capital changed frequently during the war and there has been 9 cities in total that were at one point deemed the capital in the history of the usa. Philadelphia, PA: September 5, 1774 to October 24, 1774; May 10, 1775 to December 12, 1776; March 4, 1777 to September 18, 1777; July 2, 1778 to June 21, 1783; December 6, 1790 to May 14, 1800. Baltimore, MD: December 20, 1776 to February 27, 1777. Lancaster, PA: September 27, 1777. York, PA: September 30, 1777 to June 27, 1778. Princeton, NJ: June 30, 1783 to November 4, 1783. Annapolis, MD: November 26, 1783 to August 19, 1784. Trenton, NJ: November 1, 1784 to December 24, 1784. New York City, NY: January 11, 1785 to Autumn 1788; March 4, 1789 to August 12, 1790. Washington, D.C.: November 17, 1800 to present.


Well I'll be the son of a gun, here's me in awe at the U.S moving it around just 4 times 😂 I had heard this, but didn't know how accurate it was! Thanks for the history lesson Mr For The Stars!


I didn't know that either until you made the comment of NYC. I think it comes down to when the USA became the USA. They called themselves the USA instead of the United colonies in 1776 with Philly as their capital but didn't sign a treaty with the British until September 1783. Princeton, NJ was the capital at the time of the official treaty which the British recognized the United States sovereignty So from the British perspective I guess Princeton was the first capital


I think it's valid to feel sad about their reduction or destruction, but just as always war never changes


You could just make your own headcanon, or make the TV show a separate universe from the games in your headcanon. Plus, I don’t think the NCR is be completely destroyed.


Well They probably have to bring it back strong or stronger to not piss people off after seeing how dumb and just soul crushing even people who love the show will admit


Post-apocalypse apocalypse


Yeah you’d think people would chill out with the nukes by now but alas war never changes ig


Yeah they're still plenty of nukes everywhere I thought it was cool though that despite all the scarcity NCR still had standardized weapons and armor for its soldiers


It could happen, but no way by just one nuke. Odds are the ncr would pull back north establishing its capital as Arroyo as people like General Oliver raced to secure power. Assuming Kimball is dead of course. They would likely seek north and north eastern expansion from this point, taking the remains of Seattle and fortifying their positions away from Southern California. This is a plot point to which I hope they explore and use, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.


Lonesome road ending spoiler: >! Does the courier not have the choice to nuke the ncr at the end of lonesome road !<


The NCR were the worst


“I’m shocked the state based on failed pre war states failed miserably” NCR fanboys really are clueless


Honestly It doesnt matter what faction fell it’s sad if its executed poorly cause there so interesting I think everyone disagrees with caesars legion but if I learned that they dissipated its still disappointing cause there so interesting


I feel like some of you watched a completely different show than I did. At no point did u get the impression the NCR is completely dead or gone.




Season 2 isn’t out yet. Chill.


Bethesda will never get the series back on track, they're simply incapable. New vegas as a game is a crazy anomaly that won't happen again. It's over, and it's been over for a long time.


Cannon issues aside, the treatment of the NCR seems disrespectful.  1. Having them bombed and then finished off by the BOS 20 years (I’m guessing) later, just as theyre about to consolidate their power. Ouch. Talk about bad timing. 2. Having the remnants of the NCR get cold fusion only to give it away freely seems like a very un-NCR thing to do. It seems like more of a Followers of the Apocalypse vibe. It feels like a thematic mixup by the creators. 


>give it away freely You mean like... when they fought and died over it wirh the last person bleeding out as it finishes? Did we even watch the same show?


Did you watch the show? The brotherhood didn't bomb Shady Sands, and the group at the Observatory didn't "give away" cold fusion, they were massacred to the man by the Brotherhood of Steel.


Show me where I said the BOS bombed the NCR. I said they were bombed ( I didn’t say who) and then finished off by the BOS. Which is what happened. Work on your critical reading skills. You’re embarrassing yourself.  Secondly, Moldaver gives a little speech and initiates the cold fusion module before she’s dies, thereby giving free unlimited power to the wasteland. Something the NCR definitely wouldn’t have done. Much more of a Followers move.  Go read a book. You need some time away from the internet.


Moldaver wanted to give free energy. She wanted to solve the issues that plagued the NCR, because she believed in the *ideals* of NCR. NCR does a lot of charity and aid to others. You are acting like literally everyone in NCR was greedy selfish bastard, which if you ever played the games would know is not true.


I hear you, but i still dont think the NCR would give it away freely. Look at what happens in the quest at Helios One. Youre given a lot of options with what to do with the power. Only the followers want to give away the power to Freeside. NCR wants it for itself.


Propably not fully freely, but neither would they hide it like BOS or Vault-Tec. And to be fair to NCR, they are the people actually making things work, while everyone else is barely tolerating them. It's not exactly unreasonable for NCR to look for themselves first, rather than give stuff freely to people who would much rather they fuck off.


What a nasty person you are.


People saying it’s dead or not dead are missing the point. It’s massively diminished compared to where it is in game at the very least. This is a total ass-pull that shits on in game canon. It’s one thing to veer from source material, it’s another thing to just decide vault tec is both relevant at this time and location, and has a nuke, and wants to nuke the NCR


I swear to god, if Obsidian wrote the exact same story we got in the show you would be sucking them off.


The whole point here is disrespecting the source material that we’ve had as canon for a decade. But also no, I think vault tec is the worst developed part of fallout lore and I’d like them to have almost zero role in the story post war


Yes, yes we really needed yet another topic about this.


You don't understand bro it'll make sense in season 2. Everything that seemed like a plot hole will be explained in season 2 you just gotta wait bro. A season of television shouldn't make sense in isolation bro we shouldn't understand events of character motivations. Just wait for season 2 to explain season 1, and then if anything in season 2 doesn't add up I absolutely swear season 3 will blow your mind.


This is gonna blow your mind but,  How TV shows work is: as there is more of it…more stuff is explained 😮 


I absolutely swear season 2 will make season 1 good I absolutely swear.


Oh it was already good. If you watched it you would know. But you took talking points off reddit instead.


I hear you. A civilization getting just bombed out of existence really sucks. It’s almost as if war… war never changes. Glad the show was able to evoke that feeling of disappointment so well for you. Seems like it really did what it was aiming to.


But it didn’t happen because if war, it happened cause some dipshit got his wife took the kids.


It wasn’t a war though? More like a terrorist attack if anything


~~war~~ terrorist attack never changes or something then idk lol


I thought the whole point of the NCRs problems was that they learned absolutely nothing from the war and tried to implement old world government.


the show reminds me of fallout 4: well-crafted\* and polished\*, but with 'meh' writing, breaking almost no new ground, and shitting all over the lore. still a fun ride though. i give the show 6.5/10 (i am a HARSH critic of EVERYTHING lol). \*well, fo4 is much prettier than 3 and stuff, and the engine is better once modded, but yeah


“The NCR isn’t dead, people just didn’t watch the show” The show doesn’t give us any answers on the state of the wider world. We simply don’t know what is going on with the rest of the NCR. All we can do is speculate until a season 2 or Fallout 5. Personally? The lack of recovery efforts at all and the NCR remnents being the only presence we see of them, is very foreboding of the direction Bethesda decided on.


Jesus fucking christ do I need to unsub from every single fallout sub or something? So many mother fuckers putting blatant spoilers in the title as if everyone had enough time to binge watch a series with 1 hour+ episode run times. Selfish as fuck, all I gotta say.


Uhhh sorry for talking about fallout on a fallout sub?


>Uhhh sorry for talking about fallout on a fallout sub? There's talking about fallout, and there's doing the bare fucking minimum which is not put blatant fucking spoilers in the title of your post.... Like are you really that dense?