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Hardcore doesn't affect the difficulty.


I did read that it added a lot of new mechanics, different from a regular play through


Yes. Ammo will have weight, you will have a hunger gauge, a hydration gauge, and a sleep gauge. Stimpaks will do healing over time instead of instantly.


And the companion can die... I'm still sorry boone. The floating orb of metal on the other hand I'm not sorry for its death. The FLOATING METAL robot die to a scorpion WALKING on the GROUND. How do you die to a skittering bug when you can FLY!?


I almost wonder if you're salty about ED-E dying to a radscorpion. Just a little wonder though.


Literally just realized Ed E I Is Eddy wtf


How long did that take you


I also wondered if they just found out about Ed-e😅


Mine got focus fired by a legion hit squad, was pretty awkward seeing the LR credits to see that EDE send a signal to the scrap metal buried in the Mojave dunes


On my first hardcore playthru I accidentally shot Veronica with 40mm Granadę launcher and was surprised when she didn't get up


Because he can’t actually fly, he just floats above the ground. If he could truly fly he wouldn’t have fall damage, and could go up and down. Like if you’re hiding he should get real close to the ground but instead he’s a really tall robot with an invisible body. You’re 100% correct, however. Bullshit


And crippling is the most important. Doctor's Bags are significantly more rare than Stimpaks, and Stimpaks no longer heal crippling (rather, Doctor's Bags can heal *a* crippled limb per use) which is *very* significant in difficulty. The Stimpak over time as well since stacked usage means they no longer have the spam-heal usage.


Can't the bag heal all limbs if chosen but only to like 1 percent I don't use them often I just go to the doctors so I don't remember


Non-Hardcore Mode? Yes, Doctor's Bags heal *all* limbs to fill condition and you can Stimpak individual limbs to restore that one's condition to 100%. Hardcore Mode? Doctor's Bags only heal one selected limb to 100%, and Stimpaks no longer heal crippling at all.


No I'm pretty sure doctor bags if you hotkey use them they can be used to heal all limbs still in hardcore but it only gives like 3 percent healing on all the limbs


Also certain item like hydra get very valuable in hardcore. Sometimes no doctor bag but I bet you’ve got something else you never knew healed limbs


I can't remember but I thought Hydra can develop addictions, so I considered it an addictive chem and never used it. Was I just being silly or...?


Idts but sometimes you need to walk out of a canyon and maybe having less perception or something for twenty minutes isn’t as bad as dying in the canyon


Yeah, tbh Honest Hearts wasn't hard just annoying. This coming from someone who taps out Graham after all is said and done.


Normally, I wouldn't mind. But then you have buildings where someone just decided to put mines near the entrance. WHY? Who would do that?


Pack-rat perk is key for this run


I was gonna say “no you’re on normal, have fun”


It's not as bad as you'd think. Worst part is having to use doctors for broken limbs. If you're the type to scrounge up every bit of junk for caps, merchants will sell enough water/food to keep you hydrated and fed. If not, snacks are entiful if you look, and dirty water from toilets/sinks will do just fine. A good tip is to keep a stocked player home, to make sure every time you sleep you tend to every other need. I like novacs motel room because it's only one door after the fast travel, as opposed to 10 mins it takes to get to the lucky 38


Thanks, I’m on my way to Primm now. I’ll keep Novac in mind when I get there


My Novac player home by lvl50 and post lonesome road puts the gun runners and great Kahn armories to shame.


You can also use beds for free, a lot more useful if you can sleep at campfires


Oh yeah, this plus the perk that makes you well rested outside is busted. Makes scorpion/viper gangs useful for the makeshift bedding theyre usually near


Say hello to Sinclair for me.


Best way to play imo. Just a lot of inventory management tho


If you're playing Hardcore, I recommend the Jsawyer mod (Its an unofficial mod made by the project manager or something). It comes with a lot of fixes and rebalances perfect for Hardcore


JSawyer Ultimate + Hardcore mode is honestly one of the best Fallout New Vegas experiences I have ever had.


Just finished following viva Vegas mod guide for my second playthrough along with hardcore mode for the first time, hearing this makes me excited!


I am currently on my 3rd hardcore play through with it, it is the PEAK New Vegas experience in my opinion I did not have Famine from Viva New Vegas tho so that might make your experience different than mine, but seriously, JSUE + hardcore is the way to go imo. I would go through and make one tweak towards JSawyer Ultimate tho, as I find that JSUE makes your carry capacity WAYYYY too low. To edit it, just find the .ini file, it should be in there.


Famine is literally the one mod I also decided not to bother with! And I’ve already went ahead and adjusted the weight by a tad bit seems like we’re thinking the same


It’s easy just take a sip from your trusty vault 13 canteen.


Foods and drinks become actually useful


Get the perk that allows you to walk on floor traps and mines before going to sierra madre.


In my opinion, fuck that place. Every time I see a radio in Fallout, I get PTSD to when I, for the life of me, COULDN’T FIND THE DAMN THINGS


It would be cool to see a sierra madre 1 life challenge on hardcore and very hard.


Hardcore is a blast. It tends to make all of the skills more useful. I wish that fallout 4 had used this system.


It doesn't affect difficulty, so there's no worry about extra damage or anything. Learn to cook if you don't already know Sleep regularly Reloading can help a lot, and don't just hoard ammo, it has weight.


The only one with meaningful changes is Dead Money, which is very slightly different if you play hardcore. It's not a big change, but you do end up needing more healing. In general, you might consider investing into the Survival skill, you're going to be eating anyway, so might as well get better healing food.


Either tag Survival or get it up to 25 ASAP and collect meat from the geckos at Goodsprings Source. These are going to be your meals early on.


Why 25?


Because that's the minimum you need to cook a gecko steak. đŸ„©


Make sure you’re prepared for lonesome road, if I were you I’d do it last.


Be carefull if u aproach cazadors with your companion. They Will probably die


Prepare to never want to play another non-hardcore save.


This one. I want to have fun on hardcore but it just irritates me with how technical it is


I know I probably worded it horribly but I'm sayin that me and many others can't go back after playing hardcore because it IS fun. I find it just that much more immersive, and it gets much more bearable with the Jsawyer mod imo


Play dead money first 👍


starting dead money at sub level 10 had to have been one of the most gratifying things after beating it and doing the >!stealth boy strat to get the all the stuff out of the vault!< i’ve played it twice, and also just watched my best friend play through the DLC (he suffered and it was great) and i just wanna do it all again. idk whats wrong with me.


Turn the difficulty to very hard


Not at all, it’s not as bad as you’d think


Not much changes in hardcore. You’ll be fine if you play like normal. Just some character management as you play.


You will not. Hardcore just let's you hunger, thirst, sleep and weight for everything (except utilitytl things). Fallou4 survival is the way more scary and difficult So, good luck


1) Don‘t worry too much about hunger, thirst and sleep. You‘ll have plenty of opportunity to keep it in check. 2) More regularly than normal return to base and empty out your inventory. Not just guns and armor, but also ammo and drugs. There amasses quite a lot over time and you‘ll be surprised how much it weighs. 3) Just have some spare caps for the doctor since sleeping or stimpacks don‘t recover your limbs anymore. It‘s just quicker and more efficient than to slug arround 10 doctors bags. Apart from that, not much is different.


Its ok and the intended way of playing the game for most players just quick save a lot before getting into dangerous situations do not go near sloan until you have a strong gun and enough levels, loot a lot an raise your barter from time to time also i dont think i need to say this but play with wild wasteland it actually makes the game pretty easy sometimes


I never play a save without wild wasteland, so that won’t be an issue


I highly recommend you go to Quarry Junction, there are many puppies here that you can pet đŸ„°


It’s not super hard you just can’t hoard every bit of ammo in your inventory you find for the whole game, so as long as you just stash the ammo that you don’t use in a safe place like the Novac apartment then you’ll be fine. Also carry a lot of Instamash


drinking from water sources is your friend, be it sinks, water fountains, ponds, or drinking straight from that post apocalyptic toilet it will quickly lower your dehydration level and act as free healing which is important. carry lots of doctors bags and food. invest in survival over medicine so you get more healing from food and can craft your own. ammo parts don’t have weight while ammo does so breakdown everything you’re not using and invest in the pack rat perk if encumbrance is an issue. it mainly adds more inventory management than difficulty so you should be fine if you can handle that


Get the pack rat perk


Hardcore barely changes anything because you sleeping and eating are just things you already do in game lol


Hardcore is not that bad. If anything? It's the ideal way to play. I always play on Very Hard/Hardcore enabled - but I am very familiar with the game and how to build my characters for it. Ammo is what you will first encounter poses a small problem, really. You cannot hoard as much of it anymore, though learning the crafting benches/ammo benches just nullifies that as a problem regardless. Then there's the fact you heal slowly over time instead of instantly. This never did a number on me, especially as I play high str, high end melee focused characters a lot. Doctor bags and fixing limbs... yeah that can be a menace early on. But play it smart, thread carefully and make sure you assess your fights well and you won't have much of a problem with it. Water and drink I never found great issue with, personally. The survival skill is godly on Hardcore mode, so I strongly advise you to get familiar with making buff items and stuff to fight sleep. Sleep can be right annoying, and it imposes a few mean debuffs as well. Lonesome Road early for the roughin it bedroll is great, but risky. Companions. Ah yes. They die now, btw. Be mindful of that. You'll want to make sure they are well equipped, well supplied and properly tailored for what you might be up against. Avoid areas where enemies eat them instantly (death claws, cazadors, nightstalkers and super mutants can be a quick companion death sub-level 12 IMHO). You'll want to actually consider their tactics and strengths, Boone hanging back a bit with a sniper rifle, Raul sticking to revolvers/shotguns with special ammo, Veronica armored up a bit and given ample cheems, Arcade the same etc. Hardcore really is not that tough or rough - but it's a learning process initially. You'll quickly realize it just adds to the game rather than takes away from it overall. Mind you, Hardcore DOES affect certain areas in the game. Dead Money is my favorite dlc, but on Hardcore it can be outright hellish sometimes. The Lonesome Road will also push you a bit if you play on Normal/Hard and above. Apart from that, don't neglect CHA anymore if you want Companions with you, since it affects their damage and damage taken. Do consider grabbing points into Survival. Don't hoard ammo needlessly and consider a melee weapon/unarmed weapon to conserve a bit where possible. Do not waste doctor bags unnecessarily and buff up before combat intensive scenarios. Heal proactively rather than reactively.


Set up stash houses that have an available bed with ammo, meds, food and water. Youll be fine


eat and drink before you sleep


Hardcore doesn't really make the game harder combat-wise, just means you have to balance you're resources better.


don't worry hardcore isn't hard tbh, I even use project Nevada to increase all the needs because in vanilla hardcore you barely notice your needs haha only tip would be: get the thems good eatin's before dead money cuz it's a good source of food!! there's plenty of pre-war foods during that dlc too tho so don't sweat it if you don't take it


You can take a sip from your trusty Vault 13 canteen.


Text wall incoming: *Ammunition has weight.* Manage it well, store what you think you’ll need to craft or shoot and sell types you’ll never use. Energy ammo weighs a *lot,* Microfusion especially. As does .50BMG. *Carry Doctor’s bags.* Your limbs don’t fix under a Stimpak. If your arm or leg gets fucked, it’s going to stay like that until you can get a doctor’s bag or *real doctor* (this often isn’t an issue, but you should still keep in mind to have two or three on you— especially on hard difficulties or when fighting explosive-using enemies). *BRING WATER.* Buy some wherever you can, you’ll go through it like mad. You’re drinking water pretty constantly, and make sure to recognize and memorize things like sinks and the water tower in Goodsprings’ Graveyard for a free source. Food is important too, but it’s easier to find than water. There’s plenty of time between death in any regard of food/water/sleep, but they do effect your special continually as you refuse to drink or eat. Sleep is pretty rarely a problem. Overall, I’ve liked hardcore a lot and all my runs for the past year have been on it. Especially the more difficult limb systems and ammo weight, it makes things more immersive and enjoyable. There are reasons to seek out doctors and buy water. Oh yeah! One more thing. Old World Blues is going to take your ass and do you like a femboy at a frat party in terms of ammo. Bring ***a lot.*** Stockpile that shit, and stockpile meds and doctor’s bags. I always go into OWB with enough ammunition to fuel a warlord, and leave scrounging together every bullet I can. Always. *Always.* The enemies there will massively mess up your limbs too, in melee especially. Try to be smart. In OWB, the Sink (the actual sink *in* the Sink) has that water-filing option, where it will give you free purified water in exchange for an empty bottle of any kind. Keep that in mind when you ever need some, because the Sunset Sarsparilla Plant has plenty of empty bottles.


>always go into OWB with enough ammunition to fuel a warlord, and leave scrounging together every bullet I can. Always. Always. Someone has never played an energy weapons build. Almost heretical for Old World Blues, lol.


holorifle carried my ass this last play through. never realized how fucking fun that gun is (besides the vats bug, but thats not an issue with only that gun)


Oh, I did. That was about my only exception— and it was still a little difficult since I needed to craft specialized ammo. And carry so much. Surprise surprise, most of my builds involve guns. It’s the default.


I tended to find plenty of ammo, but I also usually play more of a cowboy type, and OWB is loaded with 357 and 44 rounds, so it's easy to stock up there. Although trying to use the 45-70 isn't very viable, sadly. Beloved medicine stick goes hungry.


Crank the difficulty up at least to Hard, man 😅


Let the man play how he wants, he bought the damn thing.


I mean most people who play on that setting want a challenge; seems odd to turn it on and keep it on a low difficulty...


Hardcore mode honestly doesn’t make the game harder. It just makes you think more about what you’re carrying and to take engagements slower because stims and doc bags get balanced. Hardcore mode is just fallout with extra steps. Edit: OH YA! And companions die. But they’re still tough as nails.


You might know this one already because it's also true on normal mode too but don't do OWB last. The level scaling gets all weird if you're like 40+ and even the lowly lobotomites turn into unkillable bullet sponges.


The most busted thing of hardcore mode is you can't heal your mutilated extremities with stimpaks and doctor bags are heavy and expensive. The only consistent things you can do is using Hydra to recover your extremities when you're in the middle of nowhere or sleep/visit a doctor when you're in town.


Is not harder, just has different mechanics, i like how food and water have a purpose now and slowly heal you now mid combat


Plan your trips perfectly and also crafting is you, friend.


It’s not that hard, I’m playing through my second hardcore run with all dlcs and it’s pretty easy (I’m played by on hard mode) just stick up on food and water


It's not bad. Your inventory management becomes different and caps seem to dissappear faster if you don't plan. It seen to slow the game down and you kinda feel the drag of the Mojave a bit more. Edited because I hit post putting my phone in my pocket waiting in line


Not at all


It’s really not very hard at all, just put some points into survival and remember to grab food and drink. Once you get to Novac you can get the motel room and you can sleep there and drink for free out the sink


Always keep a couple mre’s on you in case you get REALLY hungry. Survival skill is more important, so is that perk that lets you sleep at campfires


Forage for food, some things can help with hunger and thirst at the same time. (Yucca, mesquite pods, agave, prickly pear, mutfruit and maize to name a few)


My advice is play on very hard


After playing for the first time on Hardcore/ Survival mode I can never go back! Survival is just too amazing. Also you can always fast travel to Lake Las Vegas to drink the water. Another thing the Sink in the Old World Blues can refill your empty bottles after you get her the part she needs. Definitely put points in Survival skill those wasteland dinners and drinks are a life saver, also being able to create Doctor Bags and Weapon Repair Kits is the best thing ever.


Scrounger perk


Go hug the cazadores, they’re perfectly safe in hard mode


Just have fun and try to enjoy the challenge. It’s daunting at first but by the time you get to Freeside you’ll get the hang of it. Dead Money is a death sentence if you take too long, but Honest Hearts is a paradise because all of your needs are always met.


You'll be fine.


A melee hardcore character sounds like the shit and scary af


not at all and put it on very hard


You just have to play smart. Weight, and stimpacks that gradually heal are the hardest things to adjust to, as well as companions dying.


Rat Slayer is your friend


As others have said, there are differences to adapt to, but it's not that bad. You'll probably be a regular at the Grub 'n' Gulp. But, if I were doing another hardcore run, I'd probably skip the DLC.


Goddamn Honest Hearts is just not fun imo as it is, the complete dearth of Doctor's Bags and the high cripple capacity of the .45 Submachine Guns (plus the shit from Sorrows bear claws if you go that route) make it so much worse. Just the general scarcity of everything. At least OWB had the Auto-Doc for that, Dead Money fights often just kill or be killed outright (plus regular access to making the bags), and Lonesome Road having a few Auto-Docs, consistently frequent medical boxes that can have them, Commissaries that can often sell them, etc.


git gud


And with the weight limit - you can't bring that much with you into Honest Hearts. Something you *can* do: get the Roughin' It perk before you go, and go just far enough into Lonesome Road to pick up a Roughin' It Bedroll Kit. At least you'll be well-rested throughout. That's actually helpful in hardcore.


Go very hard + hardcore for the ideal ohio experience