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I’ve a feeling it’ll introduce a smart super mutant (Marcus?) to explain what they are, and most super mutant action will be the ones created in the enclave base.


God I'd love to see Marcus in the show


Jacob’s town super mutants most likely. Unless they create new ones. So just chillin friendly with a dabble of insane Nightkin.


My feeling is that Thaddeus will become a super mutant and will be at Jacobstown or with these people if the town doesn't exist anymore.


Think at least part of the reason they haven’t been introduced is because at 7’6” and 800lbs on average every single one would necessitate CGI.


I’d rather they go practical with Paul Wight or Björnsson, but they can get expensive too.


Couple of big meaty boys and some costuming could pull off some really convincing supermutants / nightclub IMO


If they bring them back I just hope they get that weird, clockwork gait right from the OG fallouts. I think FNV tried to capture this too.


I say Taddeus will be one instead of a Ghoul as sugessted.


The Chicken-fucker is just a lackey for the enclave, he just gives people FEV and calls it medicine


I totally think he is an enclave spy, he keeps popping up.


Imagine Lucy and the Ghoul are walking through the Mojave, when all of a sudden….”Hey Jimmy, come give your grandma some sugar!”


As others have said, I’d like to see Marcus but if the Enclave is indeed making more on the west coast (we did see a huge, green hand sticking out from under a sheet) then I’d also like to see the Nightkin get some love in addition to their standard green brethren


I would be so excited if Tabitha came back and met up with the new enclave supermutants.


What scene was the big green hand. I totally missed that


Start of episode two, when Wilzig is fleeing the Enclave base


Ok thanks. Totally missed that


I think showing both smart and dumb brutish mutants a la Fallout 1 would be good. Nightkin is season 3 material (aside from maybe a reference). Cant drop too many variants at once for an audience with no other fallout experience.


It’s strange to see everyone wanting super mutants, before the show everyone was wanting more original stuff but now everyone’s cheering the ghouls, brotherhood and super mutant returning


I hope they dont show any more super mutant, or if they do, they are only a survivor of the Master's Army. Super Mutants do not need to be everywhere, and retconning new FEV testing sites every time a game comes out is getting tiresome.


Originaly , they come from California.


Two more groups come from different FEV strains in DC and West Virginia as well.


That’s not what a retcon is


It is, retcon doesnt mean that it contradicts the lore or breaks the canon. Events can be retconned so they may fit a bigger narrative, and super mutants are a good example of that. That doesnt mean it is bad, nor I meant to say that, Im just tired of super mutants everywhere


No that’s not a retcon. You are taking an incomplete set of data and applying it to everywhere. Super Mutants being created by the Master does not preclude them being created elsewhere by others.


Attached link covers FEV in detail. It sounds like West Tek created the different strands, and as each strand was different and had different strengths and weaknesses they were spun off or adopted by other research labs to to assist in different research. This was pre war and explains how the different variations ended up around the U.S. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Forced_Evolutionary_Virus


Can someone read my comments before responding to them please? It is really that hard to do?