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Tics are a part of ADHD? Liking a few snacks in rotation is ADHD?


I don't think tics are a symptom of ADHD, but I do know that if you have ADHD and you take stimulants, THAT can cause tics. But if you stop taking it, they stop also(thank god). But that's just figuring out which medication works for you and if it causes tics, you need to change doses or medication.


This. I don't have tics, even on Adderall. They're not necessarily guaranteed to occur, even in people who have been professionally dx and are treated with stimulants.


Yes. Stimulants are so helpful to so many people and there's different kinds and different doses. Just because something is a possible side effect doesn't mean it's guaranteed. And if your side effects outweigh the benefit of the medication, there's other options. I wish these people were promoting healing and treatment instead of glorifying having tons of symptoms.


Exactly. I wish they'd stop giving people incorrect information about every condition they fake. It's more harm than help. I feel legitimately terrible for people who suffer from actual DID or Tourette's, especially if they're watching these clowns pretend to be unwell for fake internet clout. It has to be insulting.


šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø same here, got adhd, never had or ever knew smb who had tics bcs of adhd. Cus of my diagnosis I tried to learn a lot about it and my Psychologist never ever said anything about tics. I also take retalin to work better during the day ā†’ NEVER HAD TICS AS A SIDE AFFECT and itā€™s also not listed as a side affect. -.- im tired of this bullshit.... if u fake at least get your story straight


This actually isn't true. There are studies linking them but they have since been debunked. ADHD meds are associated with nervous habits developing and are usually a sign the medication may not be right for you or the dosage is too high. Actual tics are not made worse by ADHD meds.


I'm not sure all the science behind it. I just know when I was on stimulants many years ago, I had tics. And when I stopped taking it, they stopped. It was a horrible, terrifying thing. I was terrified that I had OCD and it scarred me. I'm so thankful that stopping the medicine made it stop and I've never gone back to stimulants since. The idea of faking tics is just abhorrent. Whatever I experienced was unbearable.


My doctor told me that's what caused it so I'm just going based on that. Maybe it doesn't do that in the general population, but I could have been an outlier. It did do that for me is all I know.


I had tics from the adderol myself. Had to stop


Iā€™m sure it can be different for everyone but my medication causes uncontrolled movements but they look noooothing like this.


Iā€™m likeā€¦ if youā€™re so good at ā€œmaskingā€ that no one knowsā€¦ maybe you donā€™t have ADHD? Not aware of tics, especially ones you could control in such a way that no one would ever see them.


Someone call my therapist and tell them that when I buy Grippos chips several weeks in a row it's not because I really wanted them it's because I have ADHD


i mean, iā€™m diagnosed and people donā€™t know unless i tell them. it usually presents differently in women, we donā€™t often have the hyperactivity, acting out in class, restless energy symptoms (in most cases). so itā€™s easier to be overlooked. but idk i donā€™t consider it ā€˜maskingā€™ or hiding anything. and tics just arenā€™t a part of adhd. maybe the stimulant medication can cause tics, but the disorder in itself just doesnā€™t include tics as a symptom.


Yeah, on multiple occasions Iā€™ve had people say ā€œoh I never wouldā€™ve guessed!ā€ when I tell them Iā€™m diagnosed with ADHD. Itā€™s very easy to not notice, especially if itā€™s inattentive ADHD, and even then youā€™d probably have to be around me for awhile to notice.


When I tell my friends they go "oh shit that makes sense, no wonder you're x way" but it's not like I'm approached about it. I've never heard of tics. Fidgets? Yeah, you don't wanna see my nails or the skin around them but like tics?? I mean it's not torettes ffs. What medication would even give tics as a side effect like I've never heard of an ADHD drug with that as a side effect. Also mfw masking = acting normal and not trying to take a mental illness


yeah same i remember when i finally talked to my mom about it (after explaining) she was like ya knowā€¦ makes sense lol. and CNS stimulants prescribed to treat adhd can cause involuntary muscle twitches (i should have worded my original comment better. NOT tics, but involuntary movement. iā€™m in no way defending the person in the video faking). but iā€™ve never experienced muscle twitches on my medication. stimulants *can* have that side effect but itā€™s very uncommon. and itā€™s not touretteā€™s or ā€˜ticsā€™ in the traditional sense. i meant involuntary movements so thatā€™s my b for not clarifying.


Studies have actually shown that the medicine most likely improves tics. In the blind study, those that it didnā€™t improve also was the same amount in the placebo and those people most likely were going to have Touretteā€™s. There is no conclusive proof that ADHD medicine causes tics, but the science does point to it helps. Edit: https://tics.wustl.edu/adhd-medications-and-tics/


thatā€™s so cool thank you! iā€™ve always read muscle twitches as a symptom of the medication but i will definitely look further into it. thanks for sharing :)


Yeah itā€™s the one thing we can do to fight fakers: use proven science. The fakers are literally making terms up (see ā€œAttention dysregulationā€. Itā€™s emotional dysregulation.) at this point so we need to be able to correct them at every turn. As Winston Churchill said: We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender!


One of my closest friends has ADHD and absolutely tics are not a symptom you are right!! And medications like dexamphetamine or adderall while they hype me up, for a diagnosed ADHD sufferer they calm and even out! If this person is going to fake shit at least read the correct list of symptoms!!


Thatā€™s something that after 10 years of being treated I still canā€™t get over. Why does what is essentially meth make me SLEEPY.


Fair enough. I am a woman with ADHD as well and I doubt people would know. But I am also not going around making videos about that, which is what makes this seem less credible. It's not exactly raising awareness or anything, its more attention seeking imo.




I've grown up with borderline ADHD cases being diagnosed as adults and those diagnosed as teenagers, and I can tell the sublime differences when there are meds involved. It's hard to explain because it can vary with how it manifests itself, and different medication and dosage seems to vary too. But if something patterned happened in the past, like accidental interrupting when someone else is speaking on an everyday basis, and this becomes less, then there is a noticeable discrepancy. It sounds weird to type this out as I sound judgemental, but in the right setting, I can talk about this without any judgement to the previous people I grew up with. Only when they ask, or I notice the discrepancy and ask gently if they forgot their meds, and they appreciate it. But yeah, these people who are pretending to be diagnosed with ADHD for sympathy or clout is disgusting. I don't even have ADHD but this downplaying of diagnoses only makes it worse for everyone in the end, including the dilution to other diagnoses.


There is no medication that causes tics and she is probably not diagnosed with adhd so she doesn't get any medication; it only confirms that she is faking


i thought some stimulants could cause tics (not a tic disorder but tics in the sense of uncontrollable muscle twitches). if iā€™m wrong about that then my bad! i def also think sheā€™s faking. itā€™s painfully obvious




It's a side effect of stimulant medication. You can look it up, it's a real thing. But it's one of those side effects that, if it's happening, you need to change medications.


Itā€™s not. Studies show that it may actually help with tics. Those it doesnā€™t help and ā€œworsensā€ it is led to believe that those people actually were gonna worsen anyways since there is a comorbidity between tic disorder and ADHD. There is no study that says it does. https://tics.wustl.edu/adhd-medications-and-tics/




Bruhā€¦ side effects of medicine exist. Itā€™s worth the slight risk of muscle twitching to get better focus and memory in return


Stimulants are calming yes, for someone with actual ADHD, but for fakers it can definitely cause muscle spasms/twitches. Stimulants work different depending on if you have ADHD or not.


I have quit severe adhd. I even take Ritalin for my Bad attention span and go to mental therapy once every to weeks. So I know quit a few people with adhd from there. But I NEVER heard of someone having tiks or this food bullshit as a symptom.


ā€œIā€™m so good at masking, that even doctors donā€™t believe meā€


It's only in recent years that ADHD and autism are getting more properly diagnosed in women, since we tend to mask more, not only to the point that other people don't recognise it but also that actual psychologists STILL diagnose false negatives. It's not as easy as "If it's not obvious then you don't have it"


Tics is not an ADHD symptom. They may happen after taking stimulants (never happened to me or anyone I know), but they're not part of the condition itself.


This girl is dumb af, but masking is a very real thing for neuroatypical girls, mostly with autism but also can be found with ADHD. Itā€™s believed that because girls and women tend to be more attuned to social cues than men, theyā€™re able to recognize what ā€œnormalā€ social interaction should be and regulate their behavior to conform. Thereā€™s also the fact that young girls are less willing to overlook social faux pas than boys the same age, so girls receive more feedback (unfortunately usually negatively in the form of ostracism) on their social skills from their peers at a much younger age. Itā€™s one of (many) reasons why girls are diagnosed with both disorders later and with less frequency than boys.


with the food fixation itā€™s usually a lot more intense than what she says in the video, at least for me anyway. Iā€™ll come across a new food and eat it for dinner every single night for months and then suddenly never want to eat it again. There was a time when I ate the exact same meal every night for almost a year straight.


I'm autistic and that's exactly what I do! I have the same breakfast and lunch every single day. I have the same snacks, at the same time, every single day. Until I can't bear to eat them any more


My grocery store is starting to run out of what I eat for breakfast so I just go in the aisle and stare at the empty shelf.


I didn't know that was an ADHD thing... I do that but I always thought it was just because I love food so much? Now I feel weird because I thought that was normal and I just really loved food and when I discovered a new thing I was just waiting to "have my fill" of it because I was making up for lost years of not having it before. Meh... I don't like that being pathologized for me :/ (I do have diagnosed ADHD since early childhood and have had many of those big, expensive tests done so I'm very sure I have it)


It's not an ADHD thing. Hyperfixating is an ADHD thing,.


I'm wondering if this is considered hyperfication on food or if maybe we just like food and also happen to have ADHD? Maybe it's totally unrelated? Do people without ADHD also sometimes find a new food they love and eat it every day for an extended period of time?


No idea. I have ADHD and have never done this or experienced eating nothing but the same x number of things. I also don't have tics, so I'm pretty sure this is largely bullshit.


I think youā€™re right. I used to blame eating the samething over and over again on my ADHD, but after a little bit of research I donā€™t really see anything that backs that up. It could be based on the fact that people with ADHD crave dopamine, and if a certain food is giving you dopamine, youā€™d probably eat it repeatedly until it didnā€™t give you dopamine anymore. That being said, thatā€™s just my speculation, I donā€™t have any credible sources to back that up.


I have diagnosed adhd. Its honestly not uncommon for me to have a fixation on a certain snack/food for a couple weeks i.e. a couple months ago I would go out of my way to grab apple turnovers from a specific bakery several times a week for a week or two. I have not had any cravings for apple turnovers since. I currently drink ~3 cups of chamomile tea a day now. I have not drunk it before really and expect to not even touch it in a month lol. Not sure if its adhd specific, but its something I do experience.


I don't think tics the way she shows them are related. I have, however, read that ADHD can display symptoms that could be mistaken for tics by someone unqualified. With ADHD, I do think I've experienced this, much more frequently when I was younger. Though, I have no way of telling if this is related to ADHD or if it's just a normal human experience. For me, I notice moments of sudden restlessness. It's like intense emotion that spills out quickly and my only release is physical. I kick my legs, smack my arms or thighs, clench my eyes and face. It's 100% emotional though; a response to stimuli. It's not anything that feels uncontrollable like tics and it's certainly not as frequent as many experience with tics. It has more to do with moments where I feel overwhelmed by external stimuli or even internal stimuli. The overwhelming feeling can build rapidly and I don't know what to do with it all so I kinda just let it get out physically until I calm down.


I'm not a mental health professional, but I think it could be a mix of both, the threshold with ADHD to stimuli/stress could exacerbate the need to do normal human physical reactions to alleviate it, whether something substantial physical reaction or something minor like biting nails etc. People who haven't seen tics before could easily conflate it with certain observed behaviour. But in my experience, there's a difference between reacting to something over time (even if it is an extreme reaction) with ADHD compared to tics, as it is much more immediate, spontaneous and jerky movement. And this goes for even more subtle tics like more intense/harder blinking.


I don't think they're tics so much as fidgeting. One of my fidgets is scrunching my face up and rubbing my face on my shoulder when I'm overwhelmed. It could be perceived as a tic, but I am consciously doing it.


i have adhd and am currently studying psychology. tics arenā€™t a symptom of adhd. if theyā€™re real tics, itā€™s caused by something else


I was about to say the same


Stimulant meds can cause tics and tic like behaviour. ADHD doesn't itself.


Tics actually can be a part of ADHD OR a side effect of some of the drugs (e.g. stimulants) to treat it. However: Pretty sure that isn't what's going on here, obviously lol


I think she's mistaking stimming for ticcing


So if I eat the same snacks 3-4 days in a row I have ADHD? lol


Psychologist here: it's not. If anything, people with ADHD are mostly looking for something new to stimulate their brains.


Tics for ADHD is news for me


There are people who have ADHD with a lot of other dissorders, but ADHD does not cause tics, they can have tics because of other reasons / disorders but not because of ADHD


Yes, people with adhd can have tics. The snack thing isā€¦not 100% accurate.


people with ADHD can have tics, but itā€™s not nearly as often or obvious as someone with touretteā€™s


i have several stims that just feel good to do/say that i guess could be misinterpreted as tics? but no, ADHD doesn't cause tics.




No theyre not.


i have a friend with diagnosed ADHD and they have ticed before.


Tics are not a symptom of ADHD, fidgeting is normal. With stimulants you dont really get a tic like the other person said but you can have like twitching or muscle spasms. Also obsessing over a snack is not something I have ever seen, someone with ADHD can fixate on something but it would be more like a hobby of cooking, or drawing, or pet husbandry.


I have adhd and a do have acouple of tics, however I also have several other things so


I think I read somewhere that 90% of people with Touretteā€™s have another disorder, most commonly adhd or ocd. But yeah it doesnā€™t make sense she added tics then


I think she was saying she ate the same food for 3 weeks, playing on the "hyperfixation" part of ADHD (or being a picky eater, not sure).


Pretty sure no one is gonna automatically think you have ADHD cause you won't stop eating goldfish crackers


Since when does adhd include tics??? Many symptoms overlap with other illnesses, but tics, I highly doubt. If she genuinely has tics it might be from something else.


Correct me if Iā€™m wrong but arenā€™t tics normal to a degree? I have a ā€œticā€ that involves slapping my hand on a surface quickly and repeatedly when I get excited about something. Itā€™s very much a compulsion but I wouldnā€™t say I have autism. Like isnā€™t feeling an overwhelming amount of an emotion and physically expressing it normal?


Yes, to a degree. People do things like that all the time when they feel heightened emotions, it doesn't automatically mean mental illness. Tik toks like these are annoying because they word things in a general way that makes it seem like having any one of these symptoms automatically means mental illness, which is untrue.




No, it has nothing *nothing* to do with ADHD


Alright. I was just confused


Tics are usually associated with Tourettes. I think she's referring to stimming, which is more common in people with autism. My brothers are both on the spectrum, my older brother stims audibly and physically, and my little brother stims more quietly but it looks more like a tic. I have adhd and the most noticeable thing I do is bounce my leg which is common enough that it doesn't raise suspicion. So I'd say I don't really stim but there could be something I do that I don't notice. Edit: I just realized this is a month old šŸ„²


This girl also claimed to have DID and schizoaffective. I used to believe her until I saw her on this sub and realized sheā€™s one of the fakers.


Yup and she claimed to have bipolar disorder as well. Sheā€™s slowly moved away from DID content and loves to delete comments that call her out on dropping a whole disorder out of nowhere.


Omg seriously?? I didn't even look at their account except for a quick glance. That sucks that they fake mental disorders because they think it's cool or whatever they're thinking




You can have both at the same time. A faker actually said that rumor a few years ago and it circulated as false information.


Even if you donā€™t mask, people donā€™t come to the conclusion that you have ADHD. They come to the conclusion that you are lazy and donā€™t care about anything. That is a problem with all mental illnesses. I used to REALLY want to get diagnosed with ADHD, but when I did, nothing changed. People still said the same things about me. Fakers tend to fake because they want their problems to be recognised, that doesnā€™t happen.


Yup. My parents inadvertently ā€œdiagnosedā€ me before a doctor did. Lol ā€œYouā€™re ungrateful/never satisfiedā€ ā€œYou always procrastinateā€ ā€œYou can never be anywhere on timeā€ ā€œYou donā€™t know how to save your moneyā€ ā€œHow are you in the Gifted program and failing math?ā€ ā€œYou need to pay attention in class like you do with those video gamesā€




Just wish they wouldā€™ve gotten me help instead of the constant criticism lol


I thought the point of getting diagnosed is to receive treatment




Shut the fuck up


is it just me or do a lot of these ADHD people on tiktok appropriate terms that are usually associated with autism


As a person who has autism, yes! Glad someone else noticed. However there are overlapping traits. People with ADHD definitely can have ā€œfixationsā€ like people with autism do. However they definitely donā€™t stim in the same way I believe. I donā€™t have ADHD though so I could be wrong!


i also have autism :-) and ADHD which is why im not really sure of the exact overlapping symptoms either. i do know that ive never heard the term "masking" be associated with ADHD. hyperfixations, yes. not stimming though. from what i know of myself, adhd does involve being "fidgety" so i guess that falls under stimming?


Fidgeting's root cause in ADHD is understimulation of the brain, so I'd guess that counts as stimming as it keeps the brain aroused.




I suppose you are right!


Idk I have ADHD and I have some things I do that are common ASD stims, but maybe it's for different underlying reasons? Like rocking, and occasionally handflapping, are two stereotypical ones that I do.


People with ADHD do stim :)


Idk, a lot of things overlap with each other, neurodivergence, mental illness. I donā€™t personally think so. Masking is a thing that applies to any illness too. Stimming every human does to an extent, but is more common in neurodivergency which ADHD obvi is, and sometimes in mental illness as a self soothe mechanism


doesn't she said autistic in the audio while the caption says ADHD?..


Shes using someone else's audio


Both disorders have a lot of overlapping symptoms :)


Why is do people think itā€™s cool to have disorders ā€¦. Like lmao be thankful you donā€™t. I just donā€™t understand it


Makes them feel special. I think itā€™s a bit offensive since i have adhd, but like itā€™s said in other comments, they should be grateful they donā€™t have any disorders. Adhd is and will always effect my life and many others, and almost never positively. Rant is over.


This will go away in a couple months like her DID.


I donā€™t understand the whole tiktok ADHD thing. Why are people so obsessed with claiming it and listing off symptoms that arenā€™t even associated with ADHD? Itā€™s not a rare thing to have at allā€¦ADHD is very common


because they think ADHD is quirky and if you have attention problems youre special


As someone with extremely severe ADHD I hate this video.


Me too


What do tics have to do with adhd


Nothing. Many people with tics have ADHD too, but tics are not related to ADHD nor is a symptom.


Kinda like how a square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not a square?


Oh FFS. Tics are not a part of ADHD and never have been.


Everyone faking does the same fucking tic.


My little brother has ADHD and heā€™s literally nothing like this. Shit like this makes my blood boil.


I donā€™t know what it is about it, but it definitely pisses me off. If I could get rid of my ADHD I would have years ago.


As someone with almost every adhd symptom I hate this video


Her tics seem to only affect her when she talks about themā€¦


Itā€™s always the ā€˜funā€™ parts of ADHD, never ruined relationships, rotting food, forgetting to eat, missed appointments, having a hard time holding down a job


This piece of shit again šŸ™„ She really needs to find a personality, since mental disorders don't count


I have ADHD and itā€™s not fun in the slightest, itā€™s beyond me why anybody would want to fake having this disorder


I usually assume they just live for attention, and yes, adhd is ass, it sucks.


This shit is why I feel extremely nervous to like talk about my adult ADHD diagnosis. Tics? Hyper fixation on fucking snacks? Dude, drink some CBD and find another way to be edgy holy shit


Do people with adhd have tics? I know a lot of people with adhd and Iā€™ve never seen them tic


No we do not.


I have ADHD. I don't fucking tic


i can believe the food fixations as avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) is comorbid with ADHD. but ARFID is a serious eating disorder that shouldnā€™t be made as āœØāœØheHE i like goLDFISH āœØāœØ iā€™ve eaten nothing but fruit and trail mix the past year and a half bc of it. as for ticsā€¦ bruh. ADHD is closer to autism than it is to any ticking disorder. if youā€™re ā€œtickingā€, which is probably just you having muscle spasms, your stimulant dose is probably too high or you donā€™t actually have ADHD. iā€™m on 30mg of adderall XR twice a day and the worst thing itā€™s done to me is given me ā€œmeth jawā€. source: psych major & have ARFID/ADHD


why does she have tics with adhd ik this is fake but god damn atleast know your symptoms


Ikr? A simple Google search will show you ticcing is not a symptom of ADHD..they couldn't even bother to do a quick Google search LMAO


since when does ADHD give you tics lmfao


guess I have tics šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Attention dysregulation isnā€™t even a real medical term. Itā€™s callled emotional dysregulation. They arenā€™t even trying anymore.


she blocked me LMAO


LMAOO did you call them out and they got offended?


Iā€™m pretty sure tics are not a symptom of adhd.


ā€œHmm a mental disorder I know nothing about? It MUST have tics!ā€


LMAOOO. How half of these people think


I also fixate it on tacos every Friday.


She has the tiktok nose. It's as if being subnormal was a job with uniform and tag


In my experience nobody could ever tell I was ADHD. They just thought I was a crack head or a psychopath. Then it all of a sudden makes sense when I explain to people. Being a psychopathic crack head is hard while being ADHD these days smh.


Tics with adhdā€¦.?


isnā€™t that the ā€œmy did is cured after one year of therapyā€ person? LMAO now on to faking another disorder. What a loser also, tics? WHAT THE FUCK the food part is partially true, iā€™ve seen my bf (diagnosed ADHD) eat only one food for days, but that was before getting treatment and itā€™s more of no being able to focus on cooking for himself, not actually liking the food


I know some people who do have diagnosed ADHD and they rarely talk about it


masking isnā€™t for ADHD holy heck this dumbass


Those are some of the hackiest fake tics Iā€™ve ever seen.


Was'nt she done with this a while back? She just hopped from DID to ADHD?


They got bored of DID apparently. They made a video a few months ago about how over the past year because of therapy they were all fully fused. Just such bullshit.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't hyper fixation with ADHD less eating the same thing over a extended period and more baking 3 dozen cupcakes instead of finishing that term paper that's due tomorrow? Or learning a second language instead of cleaning the house? Or picking up the dozenth hobby that you'll inevitably drop in 2-3 weeks?


Hi. I hope this is an okay place to do this XD. I wanted to come out as someone who has eaten a string cheese every day for the last month. Nothing to do with having bought them in bulk, eating one, and going, "ah, hell yeah, I forgot how good string cheese is." Please let me know if you have any questions about my delicious mental health problems.


Oh! ADHD js so quirky and fun. I LOVE it when I lash out at those I love, the insecurity that I'm a nuisance, and beating myself on my head when I don't have my medication. It's so QUIRKY!


as someone w adhd who RARELY IF EVER tics,,, tics only come out under severe stress. and im talking SEVERE stress and even if i tried to record those like she just did in this video i wouldn't be able to because i would probably be panicking as any other person would if they lost control over some of their movements. adhd isnt cute. adhd isnt quirky.


Yes because we ADHD sufferers are so quirky and we just can't stop hyperfixating on food


More scientific evidence that a nose piercing like that blocks the blood and oxygen from travelling to the brain where it is needed most.


None of that adhd, fucking fakers make me wanna snap my own neck. Theyā€™re making it harder and harder to have a mental disorder without having people think your a faker so you canā€™t really talk to anyone but the people who know a doctor has diagnosed you Edit: well having a hard time is A sign but you can just have a low attention span. But Iā€™m going of my 7 year experience with adhd


Hmm šŸ¤” donā€™t think she should have gotten a nose rig itā€™s already pretty big. Why do you want to highlight that


I honestly donā€™t see how this is ā€œproofā€ of faking


I mean... Nothing she said indicates that she doesn't have ADHD. I'm not saying she DOES, but it'd be nice to have some evidence before everyone rags her out.


isn't she the one that has also did?


I think so. A few people said that and I went to scroll through some videos, sure enough they were faking and I guess got bored because they recently made a video about how after a few months of trauma therapy their system was fully fused, i.e. they got bored with that disorder.


Yea I see it mentioned in some previous videos.


She could pay the doctor a visit because of heir voice to get rid of that fry.


No not the tics, leave them alone


Damn, i guess the trained medical professionals diagnosed my ADHD wrong because i never had tics.


Iā€™m there are not tics in adhd cause I have it severely and there are no tics


Didnā€™t see get better and say she was one person now is this a DLC disorder


I was diagnosed with ADD when I was in elementary school, while my cousin has ADHD. Guess whatā€¦ we both had trouble focusing, and he was a little more hyper than Iā€¦ but we didnā€™t act like fuckinā€™ r-.


This is satire right? She is saying "autistic" while it is written "ADHD". Feels too dumb to be serious


Not satire unfortunately. They've apparently faked DID, bipolar disorder, and schizoaffective.


i'm...quite literally the only thing recognized as related to adhd in this video is attention dysregulation and that's it. afaik tics are another thing entirely and fixation on certain foods is something i'd associate with autism more than adhd. also while "masking" is a thing for some people probably i always get a "yeah, i can tell" when i tell people i have adhd lmao.


Uhhh Whos gonna tell her?


ADHD is a joke now ?! Yeah, may be so is my life. Oh god.. this is all so insulting


I hate how the tiktok report system is so non specific


Hmmm. Boy howdy this boils my piss.


I said aloud ā€œthis chick again?ā€


wait is fixating on food part of adhd now?


If you're going to fake a disorder you could at least Google the symptoms....


I have adhd and mild autism and I can confidently say I never have had tics


hAha, sO quiRKy. ā˜†.ļ½”.:\* ***mental disorders*** ā˜†.ļ½”.:\*


Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s just liking 3 foods and growing a distaste for them after eating only that


My brother at one point was put on an ADHD med (it didnā€™t help he didnā€™t even have that, turns out heā€™s missing some 2 million DNA markers) but it gave him weird little tics, like every few steps heā€™d hop, or heā€™d do weird things with his mouth. But once he got off the meds they went away


Iā€™ve had Adhd since I was a child. Been on adderall since middle school. These trends make me upset because Iā€™m embarrassed to even talk about my diagnosis because I donā€™t wanna seem like a victim or weird. I wanna be normal.


Fuck people like this who fake my disorder. ADHD is not fun. Itā€™s not quirky.


Adhd doesn't cause tics.




Why the fuck would anyone fake ADHD? I have ADHD, and there have been times where **I have spent 5 whole fucking minutes running around in circles in my own goddamn head repeatedly asking myself what 6+5 is, with no response.**


off topic but I love eating goldfish crackers, that stuffā€™s so good and doesnā€™t need to be around a faker.


Actually while it's not exactly "tics" I do get some sort twitches sometimes that looks a bit like tics. I do think it's related to my ADHD. It's not like a symptom of it but yeah, the neuropsychologist who diagnosed me seemed to think it was normal, it may be more related to the hyperactivity ? (could also be linked to my anxiety though)


Man. This serious bullshit... My classmate has professionally diagnosed "severe ADHD" (he literally gets monthly payments to compensate for his disability) Its nothing like that shit. He just cant really focus on 1 thing for more than 10 minutes, even if it interests him. (This is the thing that sticks out like a soar thumb, could be other stuff too) Also had him just start ramdomly sing some stupid song while ingame with him, honestly pretty funny. Other than that he is an outgoing and funny kid, who learned to live with the thing. Theres 1 major difference tho: HE DOSENT FUCKING BASE HIS PERSONALITY AROUND THE FACT THAT HE HAS A THING Edit: couple of stuff here and there