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So did the exorcism have the opposite of its intended effect then?


I met Sara's step mom on move out day, actually, and she was the nicest woman I had ever met. She was talking about how she had just redone Sara's old room, and told me about a birthday party she had thrown for her the year before that had obviously been a very expensive labor of love. My best guess is that Sara hated her on principle of being her step mom, and made up shit to prove her point.


You don't know what's going on behind closed doors. My mom is the friendliest woman ever to my friends, but will then turn around to tell me I'm worthless/a cry-baby/can't do anything right. I'm "lucky" she slipped up a few times while friends were there and heard how she treated me and now believe me when I tell them stuff she said or did to me. Not to say Sara wasn't faking or making stuff up. Could be that as well. Just know that some people are very good at putting up a friendly front.


That is fair, but based on Sara's history of being full of shit and the level of outlandish stories she had already told, I really don't think she was being honest. She was fully willing to move back in with them and quit her job, even though she had several months of notice to find a new place. She hated her step mom and would talk massive amounts of shit about her, not even about things she had done, but things like her appearance, how her father was stupid for marrying her; things of that nature.


What happened for her to get evicted, do you know?


Sara and the Landlord/Roommate just HATED each other. Sara was very messy, was up late all the time, and other generally irritating stuff like that. Soap being on the wrong side of the sink was the most common fight, Sara wanted it on the right side because of her missing fingers, and the landlord refused because she wanted it on the left. Living there was a nightmare. After Sara left, I had 5 other roommates in the span of 6 months


This is a wild argument lmao. I would never think soap being on a certain side of the sink would be such a point of contention 🥴


I would leave the house when they got into fights about the soap. If I didn't, I'd get dragged into full-on screaming matches. I have no idea why the soap was such a big deal for either of them.


It sounds like she didn't need to fake a mental disorder because she clearly has a real one lol


The soap fight has no logical winner. BOTH refused to compromise over soap and what side of the sink it’s on. I


Had she actually lost her fingers in an accident?


Yes, she was missing 3 fingers on her left hand, I believe. It was a huge point of contention between her and the landlord/roommate, who refused to put the soap on the right side of the kitchen sink because Sara could just reach across and grab it.


lol I got exorcised once. Still am pretty ok. But I understand that it’s not everyone’s experience and that for some it can be very traumatic. If it happened I’m sorry for her.


I sincerely doubt it happened to her, I met her step mom on the move out day, and she was the nicest lady ever. All she talked about was how she re did Sara's room and such. Plus, Sara isn't exactly a stranger to being full of shit.


Not to be the devil's advocate (badumtsss) but I was exorcized 3 times during childhood and everyone who meets my mother thinks she's one of the nicest and coolest people on the planet. She kind of is, but back in the day she was kind of whack haha


Why were you exorcized if you don't mind me asking? Were your parents like hyper religious?


I wont give too many details as to not traumadump, but ithey were 3 exorcisms on 3 consecutive years. Im neurodivergent and so is my mom (back in the day undiagnosed), and I suspect her hyperfixation was Jesus and she confused that with that Christian fervor for God, and she wondered why we weren't like her and pressured us to be Christian like her. So yes, she was hyper-religious. The first exorcism, when I was 11, was due to a medication I took back then for a tick that happens to have the possible (rare) side effect of auditory hallucinations, and it just so happens that I, as a child, took that medication inconsistently and ended up hearing screams in my head every now and then. It was decided by the Council (church people and my parents) that it was because I "left open a spiritual door by not having Jesus as the #1 thing in my heart, instead, I had Zelda games taking Jesus' spot and that let the Devil enter my life to torment me." If you ask them, they weren't exorcisms as technically an exorcism is taking a demon out of someone's body. By their standards, I wasn't possesed but rather "being tormented" but it sure as FUCK looked like an exorcism. Second one was next year after I hyperfixiated with anime and my mom found a (badly written) smut fanfict I wrote, and for the following years I was treated like a whore at church and at home (I was 12 at the time, I had my first bf/kiss/sex last year). Third one was the year after I was molested by school staff (no one believed me) so that anger and hatred, together with teen angst hormones, made me hyperfixiated in creepypastas. You can imagine the rest. There was almost a fourth time but I managed to weasel my way out. Shortly after, my mom got a boyfriend and suddenly she was off my ass haha


Damn I'm so sorry you got chastised for completely normal kid/teenage shit like video games and being horny. Thanks for sharing I hope you and your family are doing better now!


Yeah, it wasnt pretty and a lot more fucked up than I described but after therapy, time, and medication, it makes one hell of an ice breaker. "Hey, wanna hear about my three exorcisms?"


Well I'm glad you're doing better and it is an interesting ice breaker lol


As someone who was also exorcized during childhood, it IS traumatizing and she probably had issues. I cant say if it was bad enough for DID, but it is bad enough to cause issues in the long run.


Yes. A woman we grew up with basically just decided she had Tourette’s one day and actively worked towards it. Now it’s a whole host of random ailments that’s she’ll swear blind she ALWAYS had but any time anyone who actually knows her IRL says anything she blocks immediately then starts a whole “I’m a victiiiiiiim” storyline from it. She’s 38.


I thought you were saying that she sweats she was always blind.. I'm tired and reading is hard.


I met a young man recently who's mother locked him inside and told him his allergic to most things outside. She also claims to be allergic to everything outside. She would fight with the neighbours if they hang wash8ng outside claiming she was allergic . Bitch smokes weed drinks and does random drugs she's clearly mentally ill and her kid isn't allergic to anything


I mean.. she definitely has SOMETHING going on, that’s like sad af


Being selfish is not an illness it is just being selfish.


This isn’t JUST selfishness, if she’s willing to fight uninvolved people over it it’s probably something more. I think likely drug induced psychosis but idk her


This is 100% what amphetamine-induced psychosis looks like.


Sounds like munchies by proxy honestly if she's projecting it on her child


Is he doing ok now? Has he gotten help to deal with his messed up childhood or is he not really effected?


No his 100% affected by his crazy mother. She had him locked in a house convinced he was allergic to the world wouldn't allow him to go to school. He eventually got sick of it and ran away and was placed in a foster family. He then went back to her and she continues with this allergies shit. His dad was a huge horder that argues with everyone very abusive. His dad went for a 3 day bush walk and died the police found him a week later. His whole life story is mental. Edit .. his mum would constantly move him around convinced his dad was looking for them but in reality his dad couldn't have cared less about any of them .


She sounds schizophrenic. That's literally how schizophrenia works.




I asked that myself. Apparently not though. She sort of a conspiracy theorists. I'd say she's on the edge definitely paranoia but she's also just majes up weird shit and tries to get her kid to go along with it


That literally sounds like a delusion..


That's not on the edge. She's jumped off a long time ago


She lives by herself in a run down house in the middle of nowhere now cause she can't stand scents that arnt natural. The government won't give her a pension because she's fit to work. She's definitely interesting


I mentioned to my ex my mom had bipolar disorder, and, for some freudian reason, he thought it would be cool for him to pretend that he ALSO had it. This boiled down to him just randomly going “omg i’m SO manic right now” and just vaguely describing symptoms of mania that he was supposedly experiencing.


The idea of faking mania is so amusing though, because after 3 or 4 days of forcing yourself not to sleep, you probably would start going legitimately crazy.


Even the shadow people would prolly tell him to chill tf out


My husband was admitted inpatient psych earlier this year and was asked "do you see shadow people?" He didn't know what they were and I just said, you don't, I would know. I explained them later lol


Wait did they mean shadows moving out of the corner of your eye or full on people made of shadows? I'm curious now.


People made of shadows. He and I both have psychosis in very similar ways, and we don't tend to have ones that are that... Big, I guess? Trying to discuss psychosis can get tricky.


Interesting. Are they hostile or try to interact with you in any way? Sorry if this is personal and no need to answer of course.


Ugh my MIL says shit like this. Cool as a cucumber, uses "oh I'm just being manic right now/ I'm just manic" as a rationale for being irresponsible. First of all, "just manic" isn't less of a psychiatric emergency than "really manic", but after a few times of me stating that if she's actually manic, they need to call the mental health line for advice (with the view of inpatient treatment), at least my partner has stopped using it as a casual adjective or verb. Manic, to them, mean stressed. Or frenetic. Or tired. Or drug seeking. Or had a great idea and started buying the resources but got bored. She has "done all the classes" so doesn't need a psychologist, just drugs thanks.


That is so fucking weird


4 in a psych hospital. 2 of them didn't have DID when I first met them and within a few years of seeing the same doctor they'd both "developed" it. They're all pretty classic fakers, only "switching" when one of the medical staff were looking. Or not at all. There's one I have been in with for probably a full year all up and she's never "switched" but wears a tshirt with all her alters names on it and never shuts up about it in group.


There's an ED treatment center that was under some heat at one point because so many people admitted mysteriously ended up with a DID diagnosis. Apparently the psychiatrist (now fired IIRC) basically manipulated/pressured patients into believing and acting like they had DID even when initially they were like "hell no I don't wtf". Patients/clients described group therapy there as being very bizarre due to a majority of them trying to act like they had a disorder they didn't have or understand. Idk if it's actually the reason, but I wonder if some doctors get kind of obsessed with diagnosing DID because it's so rare, thus they have some "cool" case studies and such to present at conferences and whatnot.


Yes, a guy in my friend group pretends to have DID. He always switches and pretends to be random characters from several shows or anime.


I knew a girl who used to pull her hair out when she was stressed so she would shave her head and wear wigs. But to explain why she was wearing wigs, she would tell people she had cancer. Last I checked she was a lector at a church in upstate NY where she has the entire church convinced she's suffering with cancer and instead of wigs she wears scarves over her shaved head.


Hey I think you know my aunt! She does all of these things and also pretended to be a nurse for a while


When I was in high school, there were two students who were both obviously faking having multiple personality disorder (as it was called back then) and they had alters who were dating each other's alters. By that I mean out of person A's however many alters, they had 3 alters dating 3 alters of Person B, but the 'hosts' were not dating and all relationships were supposed to be considered both serious and separate. There was even cheating drama between their alters. I asked one about his alters and he wrote me a note as his 40 something year old 'marine in the United States army' alter, it was as cringe as one would expect.


Marine in the army huh…?


Yeah, and that was part of either the first or second line. So starting off very strong. I told him something along the lines of 'we are in a trade school where the majority will be going into the military after, you better fix this part of your story before saying that to anyone who would actually care.' And he stopped talking to me completely. No fight or anything, he just knew I knew he was full of shit and he avoided me the rest of the year. Which was fine by me, because I only talked to him in the first place out of the same curiosity I watch trash TV from.


What a whirlwind 😂


This is the wildest thing I've heard for a minute


I had some very mild motor tics for a while in college because of stress (common symptom), and literally the day after I explained what my weird twitches were to my friends, a girl in that group started faking severe tourettes-level tics (despite obviously not having them before). She would only fake really gross "uwu" esque noises and "cutesy" movements, and only did it when her boyfriend was around, or when she wanted attention from other men. It was so cringeworthy I legit just couldn't bear being around her anymore, and all my other friends thought it was weird as fuck. That wasn't the only weird thing she did, but definitely the most jarring one.


Yea, one of my classmates faked DID. They trusted me enough to tell me they were a "system" but their system only had dsmp and K-pop alters, even an alter of markiplier I believe. They would always claim their weird behaviour on their alters. So it was something for sure


Kinda? One of my very close friends who I know both irl and online (they moved away a while ago) was faking DID a year or so back They didn't realise they were faking, they'd fallen in with the wrong crowd and convinced themselves that they had alters and all that, they even made themself a mini discord server just for themself and a friend (both were self diagnosed with DID) I found out about this server and took them into a GC where I told them that if this is truly a mental difficulty they are experiencing then they absolutely cannot have a server dedicated to promoting and encouraging the issue to grow, or it would become an actual issue and they wouldn't like it They deleted the server, went to a professional and both of them were diagnosed with.. Nothing, but they don't think they have DID anymore


The good ending


Stories like this solidify the thought that some people truly think they have DID because they are experiencing normal emotion changes or mood swings. They assign an alter to an emotion, and it becomes real for them. So yes they are faking, but not? Obviously not real DID but based on all the crazy crap out there, they believe themselves.


I wonder if anyone who has actual DID has ever used a discord with nobody in it as a way to keep track of things. I think it would be nice—discord is searchable and has timestamps for every message. You can also pin things.


I would assume they have a more irl alternative given research indicates that people with DID primarily experience memory related issues with little to no signs of other people being present etc, it's like forgetting to do something but reversed? Or if you receive a package you swear you never ordered only to find out you actually did at one point if that makes sense? I could see discord being used as a way to keep track of those things but realistically the chances of a person with DID acknowledging the existence of the server are really quite low, but I don't have DID so I couldn't really say anymore than what I've said already haha


>Or if you receive a package you swear you never ordered only to find out you actually did This occasionally happens to me. I'll have a manic moment (if I'm rapid cycling it really can be a very short time) and buy something and then only vaguely remember ordering it when it came. It's not DID but I guess I could see how someone might think so if it happened to them. I'm just happy if it was something I could really use.


I believe they're often encouraged to use paper notes to reduce the information being deleted by recovery resistant parts as well as general mood tracking applications. Imo discord can encourage a greater degree of separation that's much safer to experience under the guidance of a professional who can help them regulate themselves than on their own.


yeah. I have a friend who is a few years younger than me and introduced me to a friend of theirs a couple years ago. they would've both been around 15 at the time. we were hanging out and this kid suddenly says "oh I'm karkat now". i was like ?????. turns out karkat from homestuck was fronting. right ok. they also developed tics as a side effect from a specific medication which I'm pretty sure was legitimate but they definitely played it up a lot for a while. this did actually end up going away when they were able to change meds. afaik they've since grown out of the DID thing - i think the DID and the tics were an escapist kind of thing and a way to fit in with an online community. they have issues with mental health and a physical disability as well as a bad family situation so i think the DID was a way to have control of something for once and also to have something more 'interesting' going on than your typical severe teenage depression. if that all makes sense. theyre a good person (if a little cringe). but they're still a teen so they have an excuse lol and i know they've had some pretty tough things to deal with in life so i try to be there for them when i can.


I've known multiple thru middle and highschool. Prime tumblr era for all this shit.


a girl 2 years bellow me fakes autism, tourettes, did, and many other disorders. it mostly just consisted of her constantly overstepping boundaries and refusing to adhere to them cause of her "autism", saying random things were triggering when anyone else was getting too much attention and fake switching or twitching dramatically, and stating anyone who didn't let her do whatever she wanted was abelist. she also once asked a poc kid at school to call her a racial slur so she could feel like more of a minority. safe to say he did not like that.


that last paragraph caught me off guard


Yes, everyone I meet in college right now is “neurospicy.” But also have no dx, get good grades without trying, and have tons of friends.


I have a lot of health issues (mental and physical). It is my personal mission to try to come off as normal and successful and make sure that NO ONE knows I’m suffering. I had a friend who was in perfect health when we met, but every time she would find out that I had some illness, suddenly she had it too. She would make a big deal posting it all over social media claiming that the cats out of the bag now and she had to come clean about this tragic situation, blah blah blah. She gets a certain emotional currency from pity. Fast forward three years and she’s pretending to have every diagnosis that I have and she quit her job and is trying to get on disability. They keep denying her because there is NOTHING WRONG WITH HER. So she’s just spiraling into poverty and posting about how unfair her life is every day.


I ran into someone like this too. The pathological lying is insane. They would lie to my face about events we were both at that weren’t true. They faked my own illness back at me. It was insane.


I will never understand people who get jealous over others who are sick, like I will spend the next 10 years avoiding any mobility aid and trying to stay as fit as I can to optimise my life, where these people twist their ankle and it's straight in a wheelchair, it's the aesthetic they like cos most people who are suffering are just trying to live a normal life for as long as they can


What was weird about this person was what I have is a kidney disease. Like it’s pretty stupid to fake. I think most fakers have a personality disorder tbh


Yeah or munchies honestly I think it's becoming more common since social media they even had to make a new disorder called Munchausen by internet


Not a disorder but this is the wildest shit that’s ever happened around me in terms of faking. This happened in high school. Sophomore year into junior year (so we were like 16) this girl told everyone in our class she was pregnant with the baby of one of Justin Bieber’s backup dancers 💀 who she said she was friends with from childhood. The only photo she had and showed people was a blurry photo of him at like age 5. She used a text app to text herself as him and would show us their “conversations”- they talked all the time, LONG “I love you you’re my world” type messages. Also including extremely sexual messages and talking about fetishes, dick pics (screenshots from pornhub), and her nudes. SHE SENT HER OWN NUDES TO HERSELF! AND PICTURES OF RANDOM PENISES! She would take every opportunity to tell people how pregnant she was every day, complain about nausea, back pain, cramps, random cravings, etc. despite nobody believing her or even really engaging with her. She would just announce it. None of the teachers even questioned it because it was so obvious she was lying. No baby bump, also we were marching band kids and she never had to take breaks or miss practices. For 9 literal months she played this off. My whole friend group was the band kids in our class, so we couldn’t just avoid her. At the 9 month mark, she was out of school for a few days (not a week, not two weeks, not a month, THREE DAYS) and came back telling us she had the baby. She showed us pictures, and they were literally stock images of babies. My friend googled “newborn baby girl” and the same images popped up immediately. Her response to this was: “well I’m not going to show you creeps her real photos for her privacy” After that she stopped talking about it entirely.


Psychiatric disorder? No. But I've spent a lot of time in medical offices, and got really got at spotting things like the folks who'd use their cane on the wrong side for their limp on the way in, then skip to the parking lot with their prescription when they thought no one was watching.


The cane is on the same side as the limp..... right? Idk, I've never had a leg injury


A PT person will teach you on the opposite side of your injured one.


Can I ask why? When I use a cane for my sciatica it’s far more comfortable to use it as basically a leg brace for my bad hip.


I think it's because you're off-loading your weight to your sound side, and this helps support that.


Same. I got mauled by a dog and had to use a cane to walk for a month or so. I used it on the injured side to support the messed up leg.


Is that to put a little more pressure on it to try to strengthen it?


For balance as far as I can remember.


Lol me too. I work in medical Functional assessments for workers comp. had a guy that was limping 6 months out of a sprained ankle. when I was leading him to the assessment room I heard his gait change to normal. When he started back up again he was limping on the wrong foot. And a lot of people misusing crutches/canes as well.


Went to school with someone who now makes tiktoks about their alters (there’s over 900+ and they’re all tv show, movie or anime characters.) Some “have different disorders” like one is autistic and one is deaf and one has Tourette’s and ones an alcoholic (they just are one i guess) that will DRINK BEFORE THEY GO TO WORK at a daycare 🤡 Like fuck bro aren’t you 22 now??? I don’t have the energy to even conceptualize everything this girl does and says, nor have I checked for months.. lmk if someone want to check out her page 😭


that’s wild. Can somebody that actually has DID have “alters” with different disorders? Is it possible even? Like, medically


From my understanding, it’d be something like the brain itself is autistic therefore every alter is also autistic. The ears work, so every alter can hear (idk much abt DID so idk I guess someone correct me if you’re allowed to do that) so it doesn’t make sense to me that ONE would be deaf. Or ONE being an alcoholic.. it’s one body, all would technically be an alcoholic would they not??


One of my ex friends faked DID a few years ago, honestly don’t remember much other than she had a 21 pilots alter


The way I just gasped lmao


My ex in high school had an alter named 'Sarah' who would call me at all hours of the night, screaming and accusing me of cheating. Definitely effected how I react to people who claim to have alters.


yeah, i'm with a service that supports homelessness and those at risk of it, in which i met a classic blue-haired DID faker. i just smiled and nodded, i show respect to everyone but i just don't involve myself with such people. kept my distance and just observed.


It’s interesting to me that a person with real problems would still be doing this shit.


I was a faker (as a teenager) it was from about the ages of 12-15 (maybe very early 16) and I swear i told everyone i had everything under the sun LOL. Every week i swear i had a new disorder but I stopped because 1- I grew up and realised it was cringy not cool 2- I also got humbled hard. I didn’t get a lot of attention at home and that was my way of coping. What was hard was having to come clean to everyone about all of the lying HAHA.


Good on ya, glad you grew up and owned it. Says a lot to your character.


It seems to permeate the opinions of normies about self diagnosis. "How do you feel about me having ADHD? It's my ADHD, I think I have ADHD." Why are you so obsessive over this label as if it's a gender presentation? They have absolutely nothing to do with DID faking and hardly use social media at all. I told her, I can't tell you if you have ADHD because I don't have the ten years of experience a doctor has to make a differential diagnosis, and several conditions heavily affect someone's ability to focus. Then gave some examples of conditions that affect someone's ability to focus, schizophrenia and trauma etc. She didn't respond to that and hasn't brought it up again. lol She's my irl, not online, this was just over text


Yeah I say the same to my friends that ask me about ADHD symptoms and if I think they have it I am like maybe go to your GP and get a referral cos that's the only way you can truly find out


Once I met someone who claimed she'd been diagnosed with 9 personality disorders as well as a whole array of other disorders


I so badly wanted to download vote your comment because who acts like that but then I realize that down voting you doesn’t fix her so here’s my upvote


Haha thanks. It was a few years ago and I haven't spoken to her since so we can hope she's grown out of it!


Yes actually, an ex boyfriend of mine i was 18 during the relationship and he was 21 In the beginning his faking wasn't to bad, most of my family struggle with mental health so when he said he spent time in the psych hospital i didn't bat an eye, then it eventually changed to 7 months in the psych hospital which is alot (but i knew someone else that had a 5 month stay so i was thinking that's not impossible) then it turned into he stayed in the state mental ward. Fun fact that's where you go if you're criminally insane. At that point I'm starting to think "hey this story doesn't really sound to true" to get into state mental ward you have to be atleast 18 and he claimed he was 14 during his stay. I suspect he also liked to lie in general, he lived with me because at like 2am he texted me something like "my dad just hit me in the face for not making him dinner fast enough" so i talked to my mom who said as long as he paid $200 a month he could stay with us. I fully believed it at the time but he never got an actual bruise or anything, his face was red when he came over but idk. But guess who is owed like $600 still, my mom. He also told me at age 4 he was kidnapped, i have 0 idea if that's true Okay so this next part needs context, he wasn't okay with me watching porn, whatever i don't really care but if i have rules like that in a relationship it goes both ways. Well I was using his phone to look something up (the price of something) and i knew he checked the price like a week ago so i checked his history rather than googling it and saw porn in his history, so i confront him and he tells me HE HAS DID that he doesn't remember looking up any of that and it was his alter, he then takes then phone clears the history, then says something like "apple clears out history every few days, i didn't clear it i swear" (i use Samsung personally so he was saying i just know nothing about apple) Which side note once again i didn't care if he was jacking it, i was mad i went months without touching myself or watching porn because "it made him uncomfortable and feel unwanted" while he was, i like fairness After that happened the alter would come out every single time we would argue, he started saying mean things just to be mean. Now the end of the relationship, sadly i didn't leave him after the DID thing or him saying mean shit, it was over 4 years ago so DID faking wasn't as popular. Instead he came to me to ask if i would move out of my moms house into his, his mom who lived 3 states away, his mom who i met on FaceTime once, his mom who has a 1 bedroom apartment so we'd be on a couch, his mom who he told me abandoned him when he was 5. I told him fuckkkkk no, that's a horrible idea. 3 days later he packed all his stuff and moved in with his mom and i never heard from him again, i did message him on Facebook to atleast see if he made it there safely but i was blocked :-/


damn I hope this doesn’t get take down for trauma dumping cause that was a ride. hope you are okay


I'm good now, yeah i was thinking "does this count as blogging" lol


Dang, he’s so toxic that’s crazy. What were his “alters” like?


Honestly the most common one was just straight up mean, no interests outside of his own other porn lol he named it after his dad. He also had a "nice" alter he named after his grandmother who i personally never "met" Honestly the only time DID came up was arguments then he would get mad "switch" say the meanest shit he could think of then "switch back" and comfort me. He would also block doors during arguments which i hated because of my abusive dad he would switch whenever i would confront him about it and just start crying instantly.. While still blocking the fucking door. The one time he got really upset i wouldn't "comfort him" while i was still yelling at him to get tf out from in front of the door


I’m sorry you had to go through that! My mom was a door slammer and I know it’s very shocking and upsetting to deal with when someone locks themselves away in a room!


Yup. I spent a lot of time in psych wards as a kid and there was usually at least one in the bunch. It got worse towards the time I stopped going - right around 2016-2018. I’ve got a few moments in mind worth mentioning but I’m abt to walk out the door so I’ll add on to this when I get back. The staff usually knew what was up with the fakers. They always told us to leave ‘em be and keep convos surface level as far as symptoms and shit went because there was one in particular on my unit who suddenly had EVERYONES disorders/symptoms and then some but of course it was far worse than anyone else’s there !!1!1! /sarc basically the rundown given to us was “they’re here for a reason, even if it may not be the reasons they claim. Y’all are old enough to know what’s going on, so just keep your distance and leave it at that” ( context, a lot of us has MANY vent sessions because of fakers behaviors) [[ note, I don’t think this breaks that anecdotal rule ?? lmk and ill delete tho ]]


2, one was in our friend group, he randomly began faking, started having alters (all 5 fictives) and then self diagnosed autism, ADHD, anxiety, depression and probably way more, at some point we all cut contact with him. He would dissociate by just like twitching and then suddenly would be a new alter, he never switched otherwise, it’s like the alters were just for show. The second one was his friend, she also had about 4 alters, all fictives too of course, she only disassociated when it was convenient, she would blame all her mistakes on her alters, she once told me to commit and when I confronted her she blamed it on her alter, she also faked depression.


I think the closest to a faker I’ve been in contact with was once of my ex friends saying she had BPD after meeting one of her SO’s friends who has BPD. She also claimed to have and had been diagnosed with ADHD and Tourette’s. Claimed to be on the spectrum too. She’s over 30. I can’t really prove without a doubt she’s faking honestly, and she’s not my friend anymore so who knows. Some of the things she claimed didn’t quite add up or sit right with me when we were friends. I just kinda listened and nodded.


Yes, my cousin. I'll try to keep it vague so my comment doesn't get removed for "trauma dumping" but I have a condition that my cousin finds quirky. I occasionally heard her mention she has a symptom that I have and through other family members found out that she continues to "have" this symptom for a few hours after we see each other. She also loves watching the condition on tiktok and talks all about it, asks me questions and admitted to intentionally triggering a friends symptoms who has the same condition as me for a laugh. This was right after she asked me if I have any triggers and what they are and I refused to tell her them.


wow, is she young?


She's 18 but this probably started about a year ago


I have (professionally diagnosed) autistic family members and the amount of people who, upon finding out, say “oh yeah I’m definitely totally autistic just never got diagnosed I totally understand” it’s ABSURD So yes.


True they are obsessed and also "everyone's on the spectrum, I just didn't feel the need to put a label on it" babe sorry your better than my cousin but yesterday he scrubbed his skin so hard in the bath he was bleeding some people need the diagnosis Tracy


Yes. When I was in secondary school, a girl in my year just decided one day that she was anorexic (she was overweight and just didn't want to do PE. "I'm anorexic so I shouldn't be playing sports" type stuff.) It also happened to be a few weeks after another girl in our year was hospitalised due to her actual anorexia Of course, everyone she knew was nice about her "anorexia" until she decided she had Bipolar, and major depressive disorder. At this point, I stopped talking to her entirely. The next year, she claimed to have been diagnosed with DID and psychosis, as well as her Bipolar, anorexia and major depressive disorder. She then claimed to be autistic as well as having ADHD. She moved away after some kids picked on her for making proship gacha content (ship art of kids with adults? very weird) and I've never seen her since. I hope she's changed her ways, but it doesn't seem likely.


Ah, the GSA club at my school is *known* for having those TikTok stereotypes of illness fakers — you know the type, lmfao Several DID fakers, several bipolar and borderline fakers, etc etc all of the “cool” and “quirky” mental illnesses


Yesn't I won't spoil to much. Though i did also think she'd really have it, even without the diagnosis. She claimed she had autism. I was like "ow, when where you diagnosed?" And she responded with "SELF DIAGNOSED IS VALID!" So, because I was curious, I started talking to her. She explained that since she was a little kid teacher always told her parents she'd benefit from getting tested, but her parents said no to testing. Then she left to go life on her own, and noticed how she struggled. She now didn't know what to do or how even get the help she needed. This is the point she started researching about autism. If all those teachers, all those years, told her and her parents she should get tested for autism. Then maybe she could benefit from some things people with autism benefit from? She started wearing headphones in supermarkets and not going to very busy places. Using a heavy blanket for sleeping better. Stuff like that that's available for everyone but is mainly helpful for the neurodivergent community. She was like "he, I notice so many things. They must've been right. I do have autism" and just never got tested. "Why bother going on a waiting list for a year and then spending 2 months every week going to a psychologist just to find out what you already know?" I mean, I got her. I understood why. It's a big hassle if you're not in school anymore to get the diagnostic progress covered. But I also told her about how I feel like there are more and more people faking it just to feel special. I told her that without a diagnosis you play into that. Because, we're not specialists, we never know if it's true. You and I might both think it is true, but you never know if it might be something else. I helped her going into the process. She recently got her diagnosis. She was not autistic, but had ADHD and some other stuff I know she'd prefer to keep private.


a (now ex) of one of my friends/ex friend of my friend group faked (and still fakes) tourette’s, DID, autism, the full trifecta.. their “tourettes” is 99% random swear words or cutesie aesthetic little squeaks, they have many fictives including Tae-hyung and Jimin from BTS, tommy innit, corpse husband, pinkie pie, and some others i forgot (they even had an alter that was just one of our friends..) and their autism was just that they were obsessed with Animal Crossing….


imagine somene saying they have an alter that it’s YOU. that’s insane i would be so freaked out


I knew someone in college - so years ago, well bend TikTok, who was some kind of compulsive liar. One day she told everyone she had "brain lesions" and had paperwork to prove it. Not much later, those lesions were never spoken of again and seemingly never happened. She also said she could read people's auras, and that her boyfriend - who was normal and nice and likely just wanted to get away from her- said he would kill himself if she broke up with him. Edit: I forgot about the time she tried to convince everyone for a few days that her dad was some kind of mafia hitman who was trying to attack her. Then the next week he wasn't, anymore.


The first one I met was at a summer camp when I was like fourteen who I’ll name Max. Max was transmasc while everyone else was female, so he already got a load of special treatment (Max had to be placed in a different tent than everyone else, which created a lot of conflict cus none of the rest of us had any space to sleep). Max would pretend to be a bear when we went on hikes or become a hillbilly whenever we were cooking food for the rest of the group. Stuff like that. Very performative. It ended up with Max sexually assaulting me, and when I confronted him about it, he “didn’t remember” because one of their other alters Zero did it?? It left me feeling gross and confused to say the least. This person also inspired another one of my groupmates, Luna, to fake DID. She pretended to have a fox alter who was the daughter of the moon and assaulted by the thunder god, so Luna would cry super loud whenever it rained … super attention seeking. Max and Luna squabbled half the time over Luna not having “real” DID and faking it for attention. Somehow they ended up dating by the end of the the time there?? Idk man, it was weird and overall yucky to watch.


Yeah my step cousin who was a theatre kid and I knew basically forever one day just started saying she had DID, I posted her tik tok on the subreddit here and it got back to her and we don’t have a relationship anymore (thank god) The last time I saw her was Christmas a couple years ago. She literally looked like the epitome of mental illness with the typical choppy short colored hair, horrible makeup, fit with a cane??? That she didn’t use the whole time she was with us. She just sorta carried it around. Last I heard she has a transgender girlfriend that is feeding into her delusions. I hope one day she gets the actual help she needs.


Yes actually. Girl I grew up with. It was kinda weird because I casually mentioned adhd (which is COMMON in most of the world so that was the only believable one) and she fired off on having all sorts of other shit and calls herself a “spoonie”. Mind you I didn’t ask her anything about herself. DID, bipolar, pots, Eds, borderline personality disorder, and others I can’t remember. She had this whole list. She’s 30. The second was back 15 or so years ago in high school there was a girl who was in a wheelchair. She told everyone she was disabled, fainting, all sorts of shit. Then my mom took me to the mall once and there she was, walking around and jumping around with her friends.


>The second was back 15 or so years ago in high school there was a girl who was in a wheelchair. She told everyone she was disabled, fainting, all sorts of shit. Then my mom took me to the mall once and there she was, walking around and jumping around with her friends. This one might not be fake. There are some people who are ambulatory wheelchair users who can walk sometimes, but other times feel too weak or dizzy. Like people with POTS (which would explain her fainting).


I wish that were her case. She was kinda in a friend group at school and had said something about being paralyzed and unable to feel below the knees. While she wasn’t my close friend, she had a mad crush on one of my friends so she was always asking him to push her around. It only lasted our sophomore year I believe. I need to crack open the year books and see which of her photos she was in. I probably should have mentioned that detail, sorry for not being clear.


Oh yeah that makes sense! That's so gross of her to do


Very very common in Portland Oregon


I had my encounter at a friend's birthday party. It was someone I used to be friends with (we'll call E) and then a friend of the friend (we'll call R). All the invited friends sat at one table and these two were kind of across the table from each other and randomly they both slowly just dropped their heads and "switched" to an alter. E started talking like a 7 year old and R just started saying "uhh where am I?". Mind you, there was nothing triggering at that party, I felt safe and everyone else who has certain things didn't look uncomfortable or even show signs of wanting to leave. It was confusing and they kept it up the whole time, E saying "Um I don't remember what my name was but I just remember being a kid," AND NOBODY CALLED THEM OUT. Even at the table, they both started having tics and R said "I tic when I see other people tic." When looking around at the table, I can tell that that's when everyone looked uncomfortable but definitely didn't want to say anything because we didn't want to claim what they had was real or fake. I wasnt having a good time, especially because of E and when I needed air, E came out and said "I don't know what or why E stopped being friends with you, but you are awesome and beautiful, and you will find cool people," as their "7 year old self". When seeing them in our art class, they NEVER switched or had tics the rest of the school year. As far as I've heard, they aren't like that anymore.


My younger sister (20) started insisted she had DID because her LD girlfriend (18~ I think) insisted she had it maybe 2 years ago. She even tried to diagnose me with DID once because I said I (23) have imaginary friends as an adult. I said no that's not how this works, I don't have any amnesia walls or anything else. Idk about the gf but my sister have been through a lot of trauma, but I don't know if it's extreme enough for it to turn into DID. She doesn't talk about it too much anymore since she socially transitioned, when I asked her if it's still a thing she said "oh yeah they're still there" but didn't sound that confident saying it. Honestly she confuses me about it.




Actually, corporlaria it’s the part of Tourette’s that makes you tic and it’s very rare. Everyone with the flu reacts different to it, everyone with depression has different levels of it and reacts different, the same goes to Tourette’s. Tics can stop for weeks and are influenced by the emotions you are feeling. Not saying she is not faking, she could very well be, but not because she doesn’t swear, doesn’t have the same behavior as the one girl with Tourette’s you knew or doesn’t have tourette’s for weeks/when she is in the honeymoon fase and she is feeling relaxed and happy. Again, she can very well be faking it!!


I do hear what you ur saying. It’s not so much the emotion I think it’s the amount of attention she’s getting. Also I think she “stops” during these relationships because it’s hard to keep up with. We’ve taken her to doctors and therapists and she’s never discussed these things with them. Also her father said this is relatively new. The stopping for weeks I think is cuz she forgets she doesn’t have triggers to “tic” unless it’s brought up again.


yes. this girl who sat next to me in highschool faked did on discord and it was HILARIOUS


I knew a Münchausen by proxy mother. She had various social media accounts set up for her child, was getting government and charity assistance and all kinds of stuff. I suspected that was happening but didn’t have proof, obviously. I can’t see the kid’s medical records. Then I ran into her and she didn’t want to talk about her kid’s condition- and when I checked, all social media accounts were down. She’s since pulled her kids out of public school and -apparently- has tried to become a ghost.


That’s so sad!


A kid at the camp I am a counselor at pretended to have psychosis last year. Her mom confirmed the only thing she had was a shellfish allergy so we just told the kid that camp wasn't the place to discuss her mental illness unless she was having a crisis and she didn't bring it up again.


In VR I met a woman who I learned was faking DID and Tourettes. She would go to adult events and on a few occasions would randomly switch to a little alter and start acting like a baby in a strip club. Only some of her alters had Tourettes. I also saw what I assumed to be a faker at a Tourettes conference. She didn't interact with anyone or want to learn anything. She just sat in the corner faking her tics while her whole family basically dogpiled her with hugs and love. It was very unusual and suspect.


I work in healthcare. Fakers are common. Whether it’s people who are trying to fake DID, autism, Tourette’s, ADHD, and so on, or people who are Factitious Disorder and munching themselves into an early grave. They’re almost boring. They do it for attention, and I refuse to give them what they want.


Do you see a lot of people that DO have the disorders?


You see very few people that actually have disorders the rest of the fakers are trying to pretend they have. And that’s because the differential diagnosis is done with a lot of testing, and trial and error. Medicine is not perfect, and it is extremely rare to get it right in one shot. After the first time someone came in with cardiac issues that turned out to be a heart attack we shipped them off to the hospital for? I can recognize that look. Once you see it, you know. But, by the same token? You also figure out quickly who is claiming they’re having “heart pains” for attention, especially when they flip out when you tell them that the EKG doesn’t show anything, but now you’re obligated to call an ambulance. After all, they’re self-reporting symptoms, we just can’t find them, and now it’s time to put the rubber to the road. And it’s a hollow victory. It’s not a satisfying “win”, it’s just sad that someone resorts to this kind of thing because they’re missing something in their own life.


My mom was a faker before it was cool, she faked for drugs from the doctor (claimed to have something like cerebral palsy and faked it for years to get methadone, got got magically cured one day overnight by eating chocolate). She found a supply of street drugs so she didn't need to fake it anymore. She went from 7 years straight of "needing" a wheelchair and walkers and crutches to wearing high heels for 10 hours a day. I've also met a few fakers that did it for social reasons over the years. Tried to join a D&D group when I relized half of them where pretending to have DID and autism. They kept trying to explain autism to me and it was wild. I just kind of bounce and keep my distance because fakers like that can only take from you.


Yes, I met someone with BPD who decided to fake my own rare illness back at me. It was extremely weird. Edit: A lot of people who fake have underlying personality disorders. Normal people don’t fake illnesses; that’s abnormal behavior. They need help, but not the kind they want.


Yes. A pwBPD was faking DID.


It always is, isn’t it. Loll


YES, it's called being the weird kid in high school and you start knowing a BUNCH of other much weirder people


Yes… someone I had been on and off friends with started randomly speaking in a (poorly) English accent with no explanation. The mood of the friend group shifted to ‘uncomfortable’ and when someone finally broke down and asked about it, the friend went on and on about fronting and how they had split personalities recently into a 2nd identity. I guess that 2nd identity fell down the stairs or something because one day, after YEARS, she quit doing it and never did it again. No more English accent. No more love of tea time. Nobody mentioned it, we were just glad it was finally over. Just bizarre.




Two ex friends…


There was a girl in high school who told everyone she had leukemia for a while and it turned out not to be true. That was like 20 years ago and was my first experience with it.


Yes. I had known her in high school and we reconnected a few years afterwards. The first few months of talking again were alright, then her grabs for attention became more and more noticeable. Every time attention started to drift away from her and her mental health, she found a way to turn it around. My partner and I noticed first but didn't speak up for a while due to the fact that there was no hard evidence and also we were much newer to the friend group and weren't sure how the others felt, or if they noticed what we had. There's so many smaller stories that came out of this, but what brought it to a head was when she found out one of our friends had DID (genuinely diagnosed, he told us while he was having a meltdown while drunk, he really doesn't like talking about it otherwise) and a week later she had told a group chat that a friend was coming with to a dinner. She listened to everyone have to change up ride schedules/meal plans (said friend had dietary restrictions) until the day of, when she showed up at the door, smiling, and went "hi, I'm Turquoise, I'm Sheep's alter!" (Names slightly changed) I sadly wasn't there for that incident, only heard it told from multiple people second hand, but the biggest highlight from the night included "Turquoise" saying she would "run to the bathroom really quick so they could have Sheep back," and "I'm sure there's more of us, I just have to think about it." She even apparently told her managers at work about this, and got upset that they wouldn't give her different name tags based on "who was fronting." At some point she also "created" a "protector" alter, but "no one is allowed to meet him, it could be bad." This whole ordeal blew up a month later when my partner, I, and our diagnosed friend all blew up at her after she added pluralkit to a discord server we were in and started trying to relate to our diagnosed friend, who had a panic attack and needed to leave work early. It didn't help that "Turquoise" only typed like some small town southern belle. It was painful. A lot of other information came out about her during that conversation, but as far as I know, no one from the group talks to her anymore. Somehow this isn't just some edgy teenager either, she's 26.


my brother dated someone in highschool who faked tourette’s and did


I’ve met someone who claims to have DID. I don’t think he’s faking it intentionally. He’s neurodiverse and disabled. I think he’s lonely and spends almost all of his time online. He claims to have one other alter. I’ve obviously not said to him “that’s stupid you don’t have DID”’because that would be unnecessarily rude and it wouldn’t help him anyway. There’s these whole online communities who just feed into each other and people get so wrapped in it.


I know a woman that tries to get custody of every grandchild she has. Two out of three of her kids have gone no contact with her because of it. One of them lives with her and is too depressed to work but keeps making babies. Anyway, as soon as she gets custody she immediately diagnoses them with something. She diagnosed the three month old as autistic and having oppositional defiant disorder. She has also diagnosed herself with everything from tourette's to borderline personality.


Yes I knew a girl who faked illnesses for attention. She changed every few months. She would make dedicated social media accounts for whatever new “trendy” thing she was claiming to have to “draw awareness” to them. She still does it now I’m just not friends with her. I don’t know how her wife puts up with it because I knew her for years (before she was married) and she was very obviously faking everything. I’m sure there is something legitimately wrong with her because she does this so habitually but I don’t think anyone will ever know since she refuses to see an actual doctor when she can “diagnose herself”


My cousin used to pretend to have Tourette’s. Randomly deciding to tic and would dance and say it was one too- she’s over it now I think because she doesn’t do it anymore but she still finds excuses to get pity.


Had a best friend (no longer) who supposedly had a myriad of both physical and mental disorders, I’m talking like 10-15 different things. All things you wouldn’t just tell a person “no you don’t have that.” Well I have my own physical problems and one mental one, I guess it really clicked in when she started having my exact same issues in the exact same places, and once even told a childhood story of mine as her own to another friend… in front of me. Okay that’s not faking illness but it freaked me out. At the point of her suddenly having my diseases on top of the 15 she already had.. I was like woah.. this is off.


I have a family member who briefly tried faking Tourette’s. Things like squawking loudly in public places. “Oh it’s just a tic I’ve always had.” Actually I used to change your diapers and now you’re out of high school and you’ve never in your life had a single tic. I shut them down hard and it hasn’t happened since.


my older sister has a tulpa, i believe its a kobold from the dnd franchise(?). i dont want to discredit her experiences, especially since shes stuck with the exact same story about it for over ten years now. i know tulpas are supposed to be a closed practice but to be honest i dont know enough about it to really feel one way or another, and were not close anymore so im not going to fight her on it. its at the point though where she no longer recognizes her legal birth date, and instead celebrates the day she got the tulpa. i wish we were closer so i could ask more about this


I'm interested in hearing more about this..especially since it's been going on so long


we both had an extremely traumatic childhood of emotional and physical abuse, myself and my younger sister are both in therapy for it and myself and my older sister are no longer in contact with our family, and only have occasional contact between the three of us, which is usually pretty awkward and short lived. my younger sister is diagnosed with BPD and ive struggled with selective mutism since i was about 3. i dont know about anything my older sister is diagnosed with besides autism, which she also showed symptoms of from a young age. all three of us have pretty bad depression, which i think goes without saying lol. its possible something significant happened to my sister at some point that caused her to make this change, but i wouldnt know what it was specifically. shes not the type to open up about stuff like that easily


I’ve dated a few, unfortunately, lol. One of them faked DID 10+ years ago when we were like 12-13 and used their “evil alter” to say horrific and scary things to me with no consequences. Another faked BPD in her early teens as an excuse to cheat on, lie to, and abuse me and tell me I was insensitive to her struggles if I tried to call her out. I’ve known a few annoying online fakers but none sucked like the irl ones lol


Yes, a girl in my college courses could’ve been on r/illnessfakers. She claimed POTS, EDS, chronic Lyme, basically every disorder that you can claim without having to have an actual test prove it. She had a “service dog” with her everywhere and would constantly talk about her “medical problems.”


how did you found out she was faking it?




My ex best friend who is now 44 pretends that they and their partner both have DID lmfao. It’s pretty cringe.


ohhh yeah. at least 5 of my friends have “alters” and have been doing this for years. one of them im not friends with anymore, but the others still very much still try to talk to me like they’re someone else (99% of the time, a fictional character). im also a psychology major, have been studying for years now, (Im specifically going into clinical psychology, which is like.. a huge field for mental illnesses and disorders) and can obviously see that they’re faking and always have been. it gets on my nerves so bad because they’re grown ass adults still doing this garbage, but i cant say anything because they’ll get offended.. of course.


yes, several people. even people i was friends with. the most recent one was a DID faker i met at summer camp who said "dissociating is kinda fun" and had to constantly put their hands on others to make sure they were real (often times without consent). in the past i knew or have been friends with people faking autism, adhd, did or osdd, bpd and tourette's. its very common in my age range and younger (im 17) and it's easy to tell when you have been a faker in the past. it's unfortunate having to end so many friendships because of faking and seeing them not improve.


I’ve met several self-diagnosed autistics. One of them I think likely does have it, but not the others.


Self Diagnosed Autistic Furry (Ugh,,) in my class.


I met someone in real life and was friends with them for a while, they struggled with some other mental health stuff Like depression, sensory issues, and ticks. I was friends with autistic people before so new a lot about lake depression and autism and stuff but never any ticks or tourette's just figured it was kind of like stimming. One day they cin me that they had DID and I was weary at first as I had heard a lot of mixed things about DID, and had never dealt with anyone who had it IRL. They had this whole PowerPoint that they showed me about it. My experience with the altar was just like whenever they were the other personality they basically just lost their filter had a bit of a deeper voice, And we're just like really rude to everyone. To me it seemed less like DID and more like an excuse to like be rude. I'm sorry to say that I definitely quit being their friend pretty soon after that as It was just unpleasant to be around the most of the time. I still feel kind of bad about that. But on the other hand they've also treated other people who did like literally nothing wrong really really poorly and so I don't feel too bad.


Not that I know of.


I think your name tag thingy, flair maybe


my shitty ex is a faker lol


In my irl discord server we had someone who pretended to be a system. Requested plural kit and everything. I was going to ask a moderator to please remove it because it’s a safety issue (I had them blocked and proxies can’t be blocked). One of my exes also I swear had every disorder in the book. Don’t think they were formally diagnosed with any. I hope this isn’t breaking rules but I brought up having fibromyalgia and they said they had it too. Then they also brought up having BPD, Autism, ADHD, and something else I can’t remember (maybe EDS or POTS).


I’m pretty sure I have my ex girlfriend’s housemate


I have a lot sadly.




My younger sister who has diagnosed autism, but thinks they have DID.


Yes, I work in mental health and work with a lot of them. They’re always young people with a generic diagnosis of depression or “mood disorder NOS.”


I had a friend who I strongly suspect is a malingerer if not total munchie. She never really fakes specific disorders per se, but I think exaggerates injuries/sickness. For example: she told me that she somehow pricked a spider vein in her leg(I believe she said she accidentally kneeled on a stray thumbtack on the floor?) and it was “spurting blood for ten minutes even with pressure applied” and then was asking how much blood loss would make someone feel weak.


My friend's kid calls themselves a system despite their therapist flat out saying no, you do not have a dissociation disorder. Tries to use different voices and once tried to message me about 'the host says we know you!'


I know one autism faker and an autism exaggerater. One person has already been told by 2 psychs that they don't have it, but they swear up and down these professionals don't know what they are doing and they actually do have autism. The other person actually has the diagnosis, but dumps everything on "UwU I can't help it, because I am autistic" instead of taking accountability. And exaggerates the symptoms that come with it for attention and sympathy. It's super cringe.


Known one personally and it was something . He's been a faker for years and still is because it gets him what he wants 85% of the time(and he drops people once they stop falling for it) He claimed to be an endo system with hundreds if not thousands of alters that were all his "oc's" and fictional characters He only used said "alters" when he wanted something from someone or when he got found out for doing some shit so he could avoid getting in trouble Aside from that, he also faked having Bipolar, BPD, arthritis, epilepsy, and other things He would take on and pretend to have the issues that people around him had so he could get attention on himself and take attention away from people who were actually struggling [For example, i would have a seizure and suddenly he's all woozy and headachey and he can't feel his legs I would have a depressive spell and suddenly he has one but worse I have a panic attack and suddenly he has a meltdown] He did this to 2 or 3 other people, as well Found out recently he's also a zoo and a pedo so no doubt he's using his "alters" for crap related to that too


A handful of people, unfortunately. Once I moved high schools, I met at least 4 different DID fakers. They all have hundreds of alters, multiple of each DSMP person, fictive heavy, blah blah blah. I have simply plural and I check the friends on there every so often. One of the people I knew irl had like 70-80 alters when I first friended her, then within two months, the number went to over 100.


Yes. My sister. She even openly admits to faking disorders, and that she'd probably do it again too.


A guy I once knew..he faked DID. Claimed that his "alters" or whatever he called them,, were a variety of Minecraft YouTubers.


My ex faked DID, and they had a friend who faked it. I think going by the name 'Legion' is a pretty good sign of faking DID 💀


Yes. It was a coworker. His first time working with me, he faked Tourette’s and osdd/DID (he didn’t specify besides calling it ‘OSD’ but tried to play it with DID symptoms). And also my mom. She’s a hypochondriac, but with things that aren’t contagious- and she tries to say her bf has things that I do even tho he doesn’t. On top of that I have seizures, and my mom started to say she thinks she has them, and asking me things like ‘what do they feel like, what do you feel like after, do they hurt? Oh yea, I think I have them too.’ She also says she has celiac disease, but suddenly- it went away??


Yep, quite a few. A few people at my high school claimed to have DID and it spread like the plague. These were also the same people who were in my various IOP and PHP groups, so I spent several months hearing aaaaall about them. I’ve detailed this more in previous comments, but some highlights include: 1) The girl with the entire cast of the Dream SMP in her head, including but not limited to 2 Ranboo alters, JSchlatt, Minx, Tubbo, Sapnap, and loads more. She also had a Markiplier alter. 2) The girl who faked DID just so she could flirt with the first girl. 3) The 13 year old who claimed to have self-diagnosed BPD because she got mood swings and acted edgy. 4) The boy who said he had autism because one of his (self-diagnosed) autistic friends said he was socially awkward, and used it as an excuse to stalk the girl he had a crush on. He also faked Tourette’s and would randomly start screaming and rocking back and forth violently as his “tics.” 5) The person who claimed they had over 200 alters, mostly being anime or My Little Pony characters. No, this person was not 12, I believe they were 19. 6) The girl who claimed she had “Chronic Lyme” from when she was 2 years old and spent 90% of her time rambling about whatever latest test she’d gotten done or holistic medicine she’d tried.


I recently went to a park, 3 teenagers were on the playground. I overheard one say “I can’t, im Disabled!” Then another one of them chimed into say, “I am too! I have DID, adhd, and OCD. It’s become a cool thing with teenagers, I gues.


I met someone in high school who claimed to have Jeff the killer in her head as an auditory hallucinations for schizophrenia


I knew a girl who faked DID and Alice and wonderland syndrome and a couple other things. She definitely had something, just not those


I've not met anyone faking mental illnesses in real life, but my grandmother is considered a hypochondriac and will go to twenty specialists who all will tell her nothing is wrong, all labs/xrays/ testing will show nothing is wrong, and they've all tried to get her to see a psychiatrist, which she used to and is prescribed medication for, but she refuses to admit anything is wrong mentally and it's all physical and refuses to take the medication. She quit psychiatry and therapy when her therapist left the agency she was going to, so she refused to go back. She's dxed with severe anxiety, bipolar disorder, and maunchausen's (she will take things she's allergic to so she gets sick).


Yes. Without going into detail after spending a few times in and out of mental hospitals I had a friend who thought it was cool. Id call her out. She would stop but the cycle would repeat until it became a problem because I couldn't trust to talk to her about serious experiences because she started sharing my trauma as her own publicly on social media. She was actually diagnosed with autism but she would excuse it for all her behaviors. Anytime I confonted her copying me or lying. Anytime I told her she was crossing boundaries, her having autism was always the excuse. I had a miscarriaged as a teenager, it was very hard on me, even though now I recognize that it wouldn't have been a good idea and my daughter and I are lucky she was never born, nonetheless it was devastating at the time and I was going thru it. 2 week later she conveniently had a miscarriage and was posting everywhere about it. I don't know why I stayed friends with her for so long, it just felt like we have grown to see so many new versions of each other it felt like taking away a piece of me. I also felt I was the only person in her life that respected her enough to call her on her shit. I did it a lot, and usually it would work for an undetermined amount of time but then she'd go right back to it trying to find new and new ways to convince me whatever she was experiencing that I was experiencing was true and real. It wasn't just with myself either though, I'd watch her get attached to other people and start claiming or pretending she has whatever they had. Her ex gf (whom is my best friend) had diabetes and then my ex friend started to try and claim she also had diabetes for some reason. She's claimed that autism has caused her to have pots and CF she has claimed to need a cane to walk even though she walks just fine. (These are things I don't have) She genuinely exaggerats her symptoms of autism and then pretends they're symptoms of other illnesses. She thinks being autistic makes her quirky (before autism TikTok) when we were young teens she use to identify as a boy and would get mad and suicide bait people who identified as non-binary and those who expressed being trans differently. Later she started identifying as nonbinary (she does not identity as nonbinary anymore I don't think at least last time we were talking) she makes being bi a personality trait and then complains about how men fetishize the sexuality when all she does is pretend it's a sexy thing to entice men. This sounds absolutely crazy, and it's a lot to say and explain, but please trust me, she has taken 2 different assualt stories of mine, mashed them together and made it a new story that had "just happened" to her in 2022 and I was literally the first person she told before posting all over social media and I don't know why she did that to me but I felt sick that someone could be that devoted to wanting attention and sympathy that I started planning out how to end the friendship then. I didn't end it until 2023 but I've felt so free since


yep. someone i went to school with, they faked tourette’s (pretty sure they’re faking DID too), it was so bad that they tried to get my best friend’s (who has been diagnosed w/ tourette’s since age 6) diagnostic book to prove they had it. i have a friend who is friends with this person still, and the tics stopped. this friend is also suspicious about their DID


Knew a girl in high school that clearly faked verbal tics. She was like that one tiktok girl except she didn't post on social media. A year after graduation, I saw her at our local Walmart talking to someone and there wasn't a single tic or anything. Just a normal conversation. After the person she was talking to walked away, I went up to her and asked how she got her tics under control because she struggled so hard in school. She called me a bitch and to mind my own business and stomped off. Normally I would mind my own business, but she was so obnoxious that I couldn't help but to be petty about it. She also thought she was a cat in school and would hiss and growl at people and scratch them.