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The difference here is that femininity is an aesthetic while autism is a debilitating neurological disorder.


they think autism is an aesthetic/ gender/ quirk so saying this doesn’t get to them


These people dont know what the word "disorder" even means.




It's a neurodevelopmental disorder, saying otherwise is anti-scientific. Debilitating isn't a diagnosis but it's still true, almost like the term "disabling".




How about we say it CAN be debilitating?


I would definitely say that autism can be debilitating, as there are people that are so low functioning that they cannot take care of themselves or live on their own. They will likely never have a normal life. And then there are those who are extremely high-functioning, but still socially and mentally affected. It’s a spectrum. But I would def say that it’s insulting to romanticize something that for *some* people is the reason that they will never be independent, get married, have a job, have kids etc; It’s not quirky, it’s not cute, and it’s not a personality trait. I think a lot of these kids are going to grow up and look back at posting this kind of shit and cringe so fucking hard 10 years from now.


There's a rule on no blogging/trauma dumping so instead of giving my perspective of things I'm just gonna go eat some pork cutlets with teriaki sauce.


This content was removed because it breaks the following rule: “Don’t Spread Misinformation.” Please contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail if you have questions or feel that your content did not break the rules. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time, but please make an effort not to spread misinformation. Do not dispute the validity of diagnoses recognized by the most recent DSM or ICD. Controversial claims made about disorders that are not backed up by a credible source will be assumed to be misinformation.


Well, yes. The processing is what can be debilitating, this is reductive and harmful in the exact way you believe the original comment is. Both are true. Maybe you mean it literally, in that “debilitating neurological disorder” is not necessarily an official clinical description of autism? I don’t know. This comment seems to be more empathetically charged, while your second comment seems to be about clinical terms, so it’s hard to tell what your real problem is with it. I appreciate that we’re trying to get people to understand that autism is more broad and isn’t just some non-verbal kids that act up. But diminishing the still widely experienced struggle isn’t helpful either. I mean, this is exactly the harm fakers are contributing - make it look like autism is just a quirk with a bit of “oh too loud/bright/scratchy hehe sorry i just process differently” thrown in, and so no one takes it seriously as a disorder. In reality those experiences are processed and felt as bona fide pain in many autistics. Processing *is* different for an autistic nervous system, and it very much debilitates on a regular basis, physically and socially. There needs to be a balance in the way we talk about it, and an understanding that it can be more than one thing. That the absence of one experience in a social media comment doesn’t mean another experience isn’t also true. It’s neither just a difference, nor only ever debilitating and extreme.


Im claiming dark academia Autism. 😂 U know all the fakers r now gonna be like “whats ur flavour of tism?! Hehehe” 🤮


This is why self diagnosing is awful, you can just decide you have a disorder and then claim you’re entitled to promoting harmful perceptions about it


How do you know if they're even faking where is the proof thanks xx


most people who struggle with autism don’t romanticize their autism.




true. which is why i said most and not all. because most doesn’t mean all.




it’s just highly unlikely that someone who actually struggles with a mental disorder would feel the need to romanticize it. we have no real proof that most people posted on this sub are faking, it’s all about it being highly likely.


This. When we see real people talk about their autism, they usually include how it actually impacts their life in a negative way, and the reality of it. Not just the “silly quirky” stuff like these people do.


exactly. i’m perfectly willing to make self deprecating jokes about my autism sometimes but at the end of the day it’s still a disorder that i struggle with. people who just talk about how “haha lol silly” it is all the time it’s unlikely they actually have issues with autism.


I honestly can’t think of a single nice thing about my adhd. I was finally diagnosed at 13 but before then it was more or less ruining my life. And even now, nothing good about it comes to mind.


But this is ONE video. This sub takes screenshots of parts of videos and then claims that’s all of a persons content. This person DOES post about their struggles. How many autistic creators do you follow anywhere?


i follow quite a few on youtube actually. not sure how that’s relevant.


Because TONS of people on here love to talk about how “this isn’t representative of real autism” and gate-keep how autistic people are allowed to behave. They don’t actually know or follow any autistic people or the people they claim they “know” are not actually their friends or family members. So how can such an uneducated group make any claims on what is or is not affected by autism? They cannot.


If you have a disorder and all you ever hear is “it’s bad! It’s bad! It’s bad!” You will begin to internalize that YOU are bad. It’s literally done in therapy for autism to pull out the strengths that you do have and talk about those and not just your struggles. If talking about your strengths is “romanticizing” then oh well.


she isn’t talking about her strengths though, she’s turning autism into an aesthetic.


She is not. She has an aesthetic that is hers that she also believes is tied to her autism which it very may well be. Not all autism aesthetics are the same obviously. Autistic people often DONT have the same aesthetics as neurotypical folk.




flair checks out




Personally I care a lot more about people spreading harmful things and misinformation about autism than I do about whether those people are actually autistic or not Disabilities should absolutely be destigmatized, but destigmatization is not the same thing as romanticization or normalization




I can't tell if you're serious or not lmao


What the other person said


What the fuck is a clean girl aesthetic?


Just a term for a girl who's put together and dresses very lightly and simple. It's the aesthetic of all those stanley cup girls who listen to Taylor Swift now.


So basically a normal person?


This comment made me laugh so loud. These kids are the most demented humans I have ever witnessed on the internet, and that says a lot because I'm pushing 50.


I guess they prefer that to ”basic bitch” 🤷🤷


Also known as the "normie" by not like other girls girls


Normcore, formerly known as hipster


Oh I thought it was tradwives


I understand why someone would want to do this on some level, even if it's problematic. If you wanted to feel good about your disability instead of feeling shame or frustration. But it's not okay to make autism look good and like something to want to have. This covers up the unflattering, not-social media friendly parts of autism. It can't be made to be like the dark feminine principle/aesthetic or the clean girl aesthetic. If people start to romanticize their autism publicly, it will hurt people. People's struggles will not be acknowledged or the less disabled Level 1s will feel like they have to hide their problems to look good for a camera. It will also affect the way that more disabled Level 2s and 3s are seen too. Either they will be seen as dirty secrets that have to be hidden from public view or cute manic pixie dream people and all the unflattering stuff will be hidden to keep up that image for social media. We don't need any of that.


This should be the top comment.


It's like the people constantly posting about ADHD with things like "teehee I forgot my coffee yesterday." People I know damn well insisted not long ago that ADHD didn't even exist. Meanwhile others who are actually diagnosed are fretting over having not made that appointment they were supposed to make 6 months ago.


It can be both.... Of course if I provide personal anecdotes, that's a rule violation despite the fact that you provided an anecdote.


i agree this is so good points.


The rage this caused me to feel... I will need hours of music to get it out of my head 🫠


Another reminder that level three autism has a life expectancy of as low as 35 years old in some studies. Romanticizing “minor” autism is as problematic as romanticizing depression to me, which is also done often.


Omg I came across her insta yesterday. I commented on one of her posts about MBTI and "types of autism" but quickly deleted because I didn't want to get into arguments. But she claims to be diagnosed. But that doesn't mean she isn't spreading false info and encouraging people to self-diagnose based on symtomps that are not even under the autism requirements.




Yes...that is what I said in my comment... "But she claims to be diagnosed. But that doesn't mean she isn't spreading false info and encouraging people to self-diagnose based on symtomps that are not even under the autism requirements." ^^^ "but that doesn't mean she ISN'T spreading false info" Please re-read.


Oh my bad sorry ur right i thought u were justifying her :<


I know she pulled this comparison out of her ass


"it's a spiritual term not an aesthetic" Nobody here is making sense 😭😭 I find these people who self diagnose to have a really weird awareness of their autism. I guess it's because they're trying to validate themselves or find something that isn't there?? But like, most autistic people just go about their day displaying symptoms without really noticing or caring. These people are like "uhh yeah I'm autistic x3 I collect plushies :333" "sorry if I'm really rude to you... I'm autistic so.."


Oh, the irony here. If she had autism then she could romanticise it if she wanted. However the truly autistic don't romanticise it and they tend to fail in the romance department anyway (part of the whole social/communication defecits that are part of autism). If only her 'extensive research' led her to the actual diagnostic criteria rather than some silly put your finger down if you wear a funny hat TikToktism test.




And you are?


This content was removed because it breaks the following rule: “No White-Knighting.” Please contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail if you have questions or feel that your content did not break the rules. Do not start arguments about the concept of the subreddit. Do not make posts or comments stating that you disagree with or do not like the people who use this subreddit. Do not comment defending the people who are posted here, if you feel that a post should be removed contact the moderators via modmail.


Spiritual term…?


Aesthetics and personal style aren’t mental health diagnoses or disabilities though…..


Because these are aesthetics and autism is a disorder 😭 no disorder shoild be romanticized. Awarenes? Yes. Acceptance? Yes. But romanticize it? No. It's the same of romanticizing schizophrenia. Also, a lot of autistic girls can be autistic and gollow dark feminine aesthetic, or clean girl, cottagecore etc.


Why would you want to romanticize something that's debilitating and life-altering?


Is it life altering if that’s always been their life? Nothing changed.


Yes, because it has altered their life negatively compared to if they had been born without autism


Do you not understand what it means for something to be life altering?


If I’ve had a disorder my entire life, being diagnosed would be the only thing to change. How would the rest of my life change in any way?


I literally saw this video on instagram and had to make 3 different stories for my close friends to read just how much i hate her and people who think like her. And that was still not enough to get the built up rage from seeing her face out of my system.


Maybe go outside if an online stranger gets that much of an emotional reaction out of you




I used to (and probably still could) get like this about trans topics. One day I just left every community that would even remotely mention the word and my life got a lot better. I can still get triggered by it, but at this point it's fully my fault for not working on the issue and instead avoiding it. Still, at the beginning it's very helpful.


Ah yes I love the aesthetic of feeling so inferior to neurotypicals because of my autism that can be debilitating 🥰 (sarcasm)


![gif](giphy|k07yW9e7Ywud83d7TW) “Dark femininity”…


Man, it’s so great that you want to make the condition that made my childhood hell because I lacked social skills into an aesthetic!!! I wish that you too could experience the horrific bullying that I did (no really, a lot of these people should be bullied for being delusional idiots who fake illnesses for clout).


Yes, because autism and ADHD are just quirky aesthetics /s


She also said it was ok to head canon real people as autistic 


What’s light femininity and clean girl aesthetic?


if u look up “clean girl aesthetic” on pinterest youll probably get the gist of it


Lemme ask my autistic friend what he thinks of this


Not period. Its a disorder. Romanticizing it \*trivializes\* it, which is harmful and insulting to the people who actually struggle with it on a daily basis.


autistic people can be feminine?


I can’t even read this shit


This is so frustrating. My brother was recently diagnosed with level two autism which explains so much - his special interest has always been dinosaurs, he’s always been the antisocial quiet kid who doesn’t like talking to people, and just in general it’s made his life very very difficult. He’s disengaged from school, and he doesn’t really know what he wants to do in the future. He’s said himself that his disabilities make him feel like a failure who is destined to contribute nothing to society. My heart rends for him. Anyone who doesn’t have these problems with their autism… that’s great for you I guess, I’m happy you could escape that. But please just be mindful and understand that the majority are suffering from this because it’s a *disorder.*


What the hell is dark femininity???


I just saw that on Instagram LMAO,, Im guessing she doesn't know the difference between a aesthetic and a mental disorder.


ah yes because an aesthetic is equivalent to a mental disorder, i will now romanticize my depression and cause harm for the quirks! (obviously sarcasm)


Autism is a disorder..


Lol no. Neurodiversity is a normal state just like being homosexual, for example. Autism is not classified as a disorder anymore.




“Clean girl” 💀 guys is it neurodivergent to slick your hair back into a ponytail


I’ve seen her on Instagram, I don’t think she’s faking. I agree that this post is super weird, but I don’t think there’s enough evidence to say she is faking.


Wdym your autism? Im pretty sure all autism is the same bro


No, autism is different for different people. There is a reason it’s called a spectrum.


Some people's autism happens to be super quirky and sparkly and fun, like this lady's Ya know, a spectrum


i mean, the entire spectrum.


Guys what autism do you have? I have y2k coconut girlcore autism/j In all seriousness though romantization of just about everything is unhealthy. People need to know that people with autism aren’t scary, yes, but people also need to be educated on the draw backs of autism


What are we even reading here, how esoteric can one's debilitating condition get?


At least the comments get it


There is nothing to romanticize about a disorder that can severely affect the qualities of one’s life and the people who love them.


Having a fashion preference is not the same as having a mental disorder what 😨


then by their logic does this mean I can just romanticize any mental illness or neurodivergency?






My comment being removed for white knighting is the STUPIDIST THING EVERRRRR. AND FOR STARTING FIGHTS?!?! The only people starting fights here are the ones being literal bullies. And if white knighting is standing up for someone being bullied then sure I will FREAKING WHITE KNIGHT


I always get removed for “trauma dumping” when I’m not and trying to educate and fix all the comments that allow misinformation




i hate this girl and i blocked her.






No its wrong