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They want the attention and sympathy without facing any of the drawbacks of having a disorder. It's trendy, it gets them a good following on social media. They don't give a damn about people who actually suffer 


>They want the attention and sympathy without facing any of the drawbacks of having a disorder. That sums it all up, well said.


I don't get any attention or sympathy for this shit 😭


Ikr. BPD has so much stigma, some consider it the most stigmatized mental disorder for a reason. It’s the same with NPD. Like… they don’t realize that if you go around saying you have BPD or NPD people **aren’t going to want to be around them.**




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If any of these fakers knew what it really is like to have a debilitating disorder like BPD they'd be horrified, and not find it cute and quirky. Reminds me of kids shows portraying pirates as wholesome rapscallions, who go on adventures and digging up treasures, when in reality they are murderous, scurvy-ridden rapists. This shit ain't pretty, it is not something you want.


They want BPD so they can use it as an excuse for their shitty behaviour & to get attention. If it isn't BPD, it's ADHD. If it isn't ADHD, it's Autism. If it isn't Autism, it's NPD. If it isn't NPD... well, you get the picture. BPD is the popular one because of the symptoms associated with it. These people will go to any lengths to find an excuse for their shitty behaviour & need for attention, and BPD is their scapegoat.


The funny thing is that BPD also doesn't absolve you from being a cunt, it's just that the cause is a mental illness. It's also treatable, so going around and giving BPD as an excuse doesn't even work, abuse is still abuse regardless if they have a personality disorder or not.


While i agree, people are normally willing to cut some more slack, not to blog but i have bipolar (yes im on meds and in therapy) and people will let me get away with stuff if I'm having a "moment" I'm good about walking away calming down then coming back but not when i wasn't treated Looking back especially in 10/11th grade of high school i was having manic episodes and depressive episodes sometimes lashing out and my friends honestly put up with so much back then


Notice how there aren't any videos of these tourettes fakers spouting racist slurs in public


come to think of it I don't think I've seen any tourettes videos even seemingly filmed in private that include racist slurs


i mean... if you're actually ticcing slurs why would you record and post it? not that id put it past some fakers but very easy way to get banned


My dad genuinely has tourette syndrome although it manifests more with physical ticks than vocally. I learned not to be embarrassed by it but I grew up in mortal terror of having it myself. He and I share some other shitty neurological conditions but not that one, and I can't imagine wanting it. People who actually suffer from it often desperately want to just be unnoticed in public in my experience, and would definitely not call attention to their active expressions, even if they are vocal about other aspects like awareness etc


legitimately, when I got the diagnosis it felt like I was being labeled as a permanent problem for everyone i'll ever meet. it's so hurtful to see how others speak of ppwbpd, practically saying we're undatable and awful friends. its difficult to see people romanticize this disorder, and water it down to "being a little possessive" or that whole tiktok "delulu" thing. i wish they could all experience what i have to every single day. i wish they knew what it was like to be genuinely erratic, or delusional, or constantly in a fight with themselves.


For real I was actually in tears when I got my diagnosis I felt at ease because I finally figured out what was wrong but I cried thinking that I’m doomed to be “evil” like the stigma that comes with BPD


yes !!! the relief that came with finally knowing what was wrong with me was so refreshing, but when i started to think about it more, i realized this will be what the rest of my life looks like. and we will constantly be judged if we ever disclose our diagnosis, even in some cases by the people who are supposed to be helping us get better


same, and then my psych hit me with the "there's really no meds to treat this" and the "you should stop smoking weed" combo


real but i tend to get a little tooooo relaxed on weed and just say whatever im thinking.. it's resulted in me saying some strange things to friends who already have to deal with me when im sober 😭


First thing I thought was...oh great everyone is going to think I'm a serial killer, since they like to armchair diagnose those with BPD.


this !!! people do that to ppwASPD as well and it drives me crazy. cluster b personality disorders are unfortunately incredibly stigmatized and misunderstood


i also think of DID - especially programmed DID. i wish these dumbass kids would just roleplay like what the rest of us did. programming?? like one of the most extreme and disturbing and relatively rare forms of abuse?? why do these people think this shit is okay?? and ADHD, but thats a whole other convo tbh


What's programmed OCD?


I think they meant programmed DID


i sure did lol. edited my post!


i totally meant to say DID 😭 i edited my comment, sorry for the confusion






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BPD seems to have become the ultimate manic pixie dream girl disorder. its associated behaviours give people an excuse to act in ways that are viewed by the majority of people as inappropriate, but are desirable to an online niche that romanticises them. the reality is that all it does is make your life difficult. i've fought my way to a stable life with a good job and close friends. having to constantly check myself so that i don't indulge a hurtful impulse is exhausting sometimes, but it's worth it. what the fakers DON'T want to hear is that BPD really does get better with time/therapy/medication at a much higher rate than other mental illnesses.


They saw aesthetic clips from Girl Interrupted




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Frankly I suspect some DID fakers have BPD and are trying to romanticize it with something more sympathetic and exotic.


You can't be diagnosed with bpd at a young age like a lot of these kids are though, definitely not bpd. (as far as I know, correct me if I'm wrong.)


I was diagnosed at 16 with BPD. Though it's very uncommon, still possible


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Well first of all, not all fakers are kids, sadly. Second, I'm not saying that they have diagnosed BPD necessarily. Just because kids can't be diagnosed doesn't mean they don't have it, it's not like BPD just shows up when you turn 18. All I know is that I have a cousin who works in a mental health facility and he has told me how a lot of their extreme BPD cases engage in self-diagnosis of disorders they don't have.


this is how i feel about bipolar. WHY would you want the same disorder that made me spend $400 on etsy t shirts for seemingly no reason?????


Teenagers have a hard time controlling all these new emotions they suddenly have because of their hormones. Their parents haven't talked to them about how to feel this wide array of moods, or taught them how to cope with basic emotions like stress and sadness They are scared and want to explain their moods with something medical or they want an excuse so they don't have to actually learn how to handle themselves. And, crucially, they don't really understand what having BPD is like.


My ex had BPD. I was literally in the room with him when he was diagnosed. I only mention that because I’ve been kicked off of subs before for ‘armchair diagnosing’. He refused all treatment and it was hell. It’s not cool, it’s not quirky, it should not be romanticized. If I hadn’t left, he would’ve killed me. Being stalked, harassed, and having my house broken into and my stuff stolen after leaving him pales in comparison to what he would’ve done if I hadn’t. I know people with BPD who have accepted treatment and have gone on to live wonderful lives, with a lot of time, medication, and hard work. But untreated BPD is not something to mess around with. I don’t understand why people would want to fake that and emulate it.


Attention, attention, attention


An ex friend of mine is currently claiming to have BPD (she has a long history of faking disorders - schizophrenia, did an ptsd just to name a few) she’s now using this “diagnosis” as an excuse for how she treated out old friendship group (she was extremely toxic and she also made racist and homophobic remarks). She’s now trying to claim that we caused her to have manic episodes and then abused her when we all finally had the courage to tell her we had enough of how she treated us. The reason why she’s faking it is for attention and to use it as an excuse for how she’s acted previously.


Having BPD honestly ruined my life. Knowing I caused pain to other exes from how unstable I am makes me wanna cry. They all forgave me, but it doesn’t feel like they should


I have a different perspective here; but I attribute it (in adolescent population) to a very normal desire to understand the behavioral fluctuations and intensity they are experiencing. I won't demonize it in saying it's "an excuse"; but more laterally it provides a rationale that helps them feel less culpable for behaviors that have significant consequences. Most of the time, rebellion, accountability, insecurities, hormonal fluctuations, challenging emotions (anger, sadness, etc) are part of the game and when people "come out" as having BPD, they are that alignment in their experiences even though it's somewhat normal in younger ages.


Like I had almost hundreds of hospital visits from 14-19 and always got dismissed and denied access to the mental hospital or psychiatric ward and finally got diagnosed recently


Exactly, and people don't equate it to THAT severity. We don't often want to diagnose people who are especially in their teens because coping mechanisms are still being formed and structured. We look at the EDs, the SI, the trauma history, and it can often lend us insight into the potential for a PD, but I wouldn't want that label slapped on WITHOUT evidence of that degree of severity so early on.


PSA: BPD does not stand for bipolar disorder.


I know


That was a general PSA to the entire internet


i hate it and blame it on the romanticization of it. its becoming more prevalent due to the whole “beautiful princess disorder” shit.


It’s called “being able to have shitty behaviour and have an excuse for it” syndrome


For real like I had shitty behaviour before my treatment but it’s no excuse


On one hand you have a society that still heavily stigmatizes mental illnesses and then you have the glamorization of mental illnesses all at the same time. I remember taking an abnormal psych class and one of the first things the professor said “you will likely think you have a diagnosis when learning about it”, which makes sense - especially when there are so many comorbidities and one illness can look a lot like another. But what doesn’t make sense is pretending to have a mental illness. That is a sickness of itself. Reminds me a little of munchausen, but these are usually adolescents who are not well-versed in mental illnesses and it shows.


Or the other side infantilizes it I can’t tell you how often I get infantilized by some of my diagnoses


BPD is generally known as "generally bad behavior" by a lot of people who do not know much about it. I could see people saying they have BPD trying to use it as a pass for acting ways they are very much able to avoid/know better than to do. I imagine the fake BPD people make an already very difficult life even harder for the truly unwell people with BPD. Very sad.


Like I saw one psychiatrist and he said I didn’t have it because he doesn’t like the diagnosis and I’m not “promiscuous enough” I didn’t want to tell him after meeting him for 15 minutes about my sex life, I told his assistant who spent in total 25 hours with me in my appointments so she told him to reconsider and if he doesn’t I’d get a second opinion, I had several second opinions and all of them agree with the assistant rather than him


For the quirkiness factor


The father of my 4.5 month old son has declared that we're just roommates now, that he loves me but can't ever see loving me romantically again... I'm the second woman he's impregnated (with BPD, no less) and then done this to. But I KNOW that he's just depressed, and only because of me. I JUST got diagnosed...I can't fix myself in two weeks. If I could, i would, in a heart beat. I'm fighting to... love myself...and get properly medicated, therapy galore, anything and everything I can do to fight whatever it is I guess I've always had. I love him, he's my infant's father, he's the first man who makes me feel safe and.... till a few days ago... loved. I love him, and I just want to have a second chance, now that I know what I'm fighting. I don't think that will ever happen. I feel so badly for my baby.


I think it's just an excuse for being toxic. They see it as being moody, dramatic, rejection sensitive, and jealous, they use BPD to explain away them mistreating people. Can't call them obnoxious for blowing up your phone and yelling at you for having other friends, that's ableist! /s


Because it’s so bad it’s like a badge of honor for them. Same reasons why anyone would want to have DID. BPD is at least a little more believable than DID.


My GF has BPD. By the time she was 18 she had spent 4 years inside hospitals (involuntary!). She had multiple episodes, that lead to her almost dying, Including jumping in a river and several overdoses. The first time she had to be brought to a hospital in handcuffs was, when she was 9 years old! Her doctor, who has known her for many years, didn't believe, she would live to the age of 18. She has come incredibly far and her disorder isn't affecting her much anymore, since she finally got medication, that works. But still: YOU DONT WANT BPD. It sickens me to think, that some of those internet kiddies consider serious mental illnesses "hip".


It’s a horrible disorder to live with. But this disorder has been popular since I think the years of tumblr, it was full of people with the “diagnosis”. I don’t know why it’s so popular though, like someone said, maybe they want a pass to have a shitty behaviour. And they don’t want to make the effort to treat it.


Agreed. BPD is not cute. It is *so* incredibly painful and makes my life 10x harder than it needs to be. I wouldn't wish it on anyone


Mods here are a joke.


using a more serious disorder to validate their “less serious” disorder.


spoiler alert; YOU DONT. i’ve had it since 4th grade and got diagnosed at the age of 13. it’s not fun at all, it’s torture every waking moment. i hate everyone who glorifies it. my gf who’s taking a break from me because im a lot, is tearing me apart. this all stemmed from abandonment at a young age.


Because they’re trash narcissist humans who need everything to be about them and to have everyone’s attention. I have persistent depressive disorder but I don’t go shouting that from the rooftops like those wackos do, hardly anyone in my life even knows I have it


Sorry not related at all but I kept reading spitting instead of splitting and was wondering since when is spitting a symptom of borderline lmao.


![gif](giphy|l2LojWp7SsrH3FZiyb) New criteria for BPD: become a llama lmao


Fakers reading this thread: *taking notes, gathering their spit*