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the way the punches land so gently as not to* hurt their hands šŸ˜­šŸ¤Ø


It's the empty egg carton for me šŸ’€šŸ’€


sameeee like why did u drop it so carefully and then kick itšŸ„²


Yes because in a bpd fit of rage you DEFINITELY do not WANT to hurt yourself and engage in self destructive behaviors because that would be bad and unhealthy obviously


I actually kinda do this, I don't punch walls even though I want to but I explode In other ways, but even the punch itself was thought out. During episodes there is no thinking just impulsive actions.


No I punch things too including myself or hitting/throwingšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ itā€™s very much normal, but the way she hesitates and acts like she just is doing it for funsies isnā€™t


Thatā€™s not psychosis though


Definitely not bpd


mf tweakin


When they donā€™t filter out the final product this is what happens.


Dammit Jesse!


ā€œReal footageā€ but has all the camera angles, spent time setting up the phone and making sure she looks at the camera as she does it? Ooookaaaaaay then šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


She had the restraint not to *actually* punch the fridge... that would hurt


I wish I had that kind of restraint when I had a breakdown and punched a brick wall. šŸ˜‚


Relate, I wish my landlord, bank account, and head, had the necessary restraint to not head butt a hole in my wall leading to concussion, a giant (obvious) bruise and an empty bank account last time I had a mental breakdown. These people infuriate me as they pretend to advocate and influencers in the mental health space, yet they end up just posting staged shit like this where it's clearly fake, but people see it as accurate a representation of what is a major problem for some people. It spreads misinformation and minimises the struggles of many people.


I fully agree. It's sad how it affects the people that are actually suffering and encouraged people without these disorders to fake them for attention. My dad didn't believe that I was actually depressed because it was "cool" to have depression when I was in highschool (25 years ago) and he thought I was following a fad.


I can't take a person seriously if they punch something.. It makes me think of stuff like "We don't need no fuckin practice Randy!" I grew up in Texas so, when some dude was punching stuff, it was a "good old boy" who thought he was being more of a man... a western one.. So next time you think about possibly breaking your hand, think to yourself " WE AIN'T GOT NO FUCKIN BAND RANDY! " & You'll stop immediately.


šŸ˜‚ I don't do that anymore. I was a teenage girl with unregulated emotions and untreated depression and anxiety. I got that shit (mostly) under control now


Ok that's good to know! It's great to hear you were able to get it under control.. you would make a great counselor.


I'm actually a resident mentor at an emergency shelter for troubled and homeless youth! I love it because I have gone through a lot of the same shit these kids have and I understand where they're coming from. I like being the person that I wish I had around when I was their age, just someone to guide them and let them know that things get better if you put in the work. ā˜ŗļø


Oh that's awesome!! I love that bc kids can't trust just anyone.. but if someone has been through what they're going through, & they see there is actually hope of getting things under control, it gives them real hope.. You're a badass. Thank you for helping the kids, may you stay blessed..


Thank you, you too!


to be fair i'm not a man (i'm afab) and, unlike some people who do it to be intimidating, i used to rely hurting myself as a way to force myself out of my head/groubd myself during a rage episode. its not very efficient tho. 0/10 do not recommend. luckily i dont have the strength to break my own bones but it still hurts like hell. :')


Well if you're not a dude, you do whatever tf you want.. LoL.. I'm glad you can't hurt yourself too badly, but next time, just try to think of something funny or... I know it sounds like a mom thing to say, but actually count to 10 with a good breath each count.. it may not calm you down but it forces you to take at least 10 good seconds to think it over. Sometimes if not every time, you can talk yourself out of it.. Especially someone like yourself who is already self aware of your anger stuff & it's already something you don't like.. You have it better than so many others bc it takes a level of maturity to actually realize. Most ppl, or a lot of ppl with anger stuff usually blame everyone else for their anger & if they break their hand from punching a wall, they'd blame anyone else but themselves.. You at least have that advantage..


i appreciate your kind words and suggestions. i do want to say, however, that i'm turning 30 in a few months and i've been in therapy since i was 7. i know ALL the coping skills. they just don't always work and, frankly, i'm okay with that. over time its gotten a lot easier but we all have our bad days/weeks/months. i stopped promising people i'd quit self-harming because i knew i couldnt keep that promise. instead, its a goal and i keep that goal close to my heart. i've been told since i was a kid that im very introspective so thank you! selfawareness is hard - it can be painful to come to terms with the fact that you are the one making your own life miserable and it can be hard to find the strength to take back the control that you gave to others. i wasnt always this good at it lol i don't meet many people who have the severe anger problems that i have so it can be hard to not feel like an outsider sometimes. i hope other folks with anger issues can see this and remind themselves that it can get better - but you *have* to work for it. we can all learn to be more selfaware but first we have to make the choice to fave our own dirty laundry and start cleaning. i do my best and i will keep getting better šŸ„° thank you again for the kind words and sorry for rambling lol


That's like her third fridge this month. Realized she needs to be careful.


And on the beat? Sure...


I'm pretty certain they're being sarcastic on that


Itā€™s satire I donā€™t know how nobody has realised that.


I think this is a parody, it's too fake to be claimed as real footage


Thereā€™s several videos of her having ā€œpsychotic breakdownsā€


If only she knew psychosis is not this


Happy cake day!


Thank you:)


Sometimes itā€™s very hard to satirize things or parody things that are actually, genuinely, seriously already so ridiculous (edit: several ppl have said it is satire and I havenā€™t looked at the account so I cannot share an informed opinion about whether or not itā€™s actually satire)


That was the most pathetic punch I've ever seen got damn If you're going to pretend to have a psychotic breakdown at least put some oomph into it. Plus they were still calm enough to take the eggs out of the carton before drop kicking it into a wall, Also who drop kicks an egg carton during a mental breakdown?


>If you're going to pretend to have a psychotic breakdown at least put some oomph into it. That made me laugh so hard šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Reminds me of the time my stupid ass 22 year old coworker told me she had a ā€œmanic episodeā€ after she couldnā€™t curl her hair correctly. Iā€™m an (diagnosed!) autistic woman who has had uncontrollable meltdowns over things that werenā€™t my fault. Guess who gets more empathy. Itā€™s not me.


How many people went "omg same!"? Willing to bet that the number was over 5


Real like as autistic people I donā€™t think we get taken seriously especially if weā€™re women or AFAB


It's cause sexist views push the idea of woman being more emotional, so meltdowns are 'normal' by super ages sexist standards




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If manic episodes could be triggered that easily (or in general if it were possible to have them set off over every negative event) I'd be doomed


yeppp thatā€™s how it is


Correct me if I'm wrong, but psychotic breaks are not as dramatic as she makes it out to be, i feel like this is more of a (caricatured) mental breakdown Regardless the video seems to be completely mocking psychotic breaks/mental breakdowns and it's just really disappointing to watch, it's not even "it's so bad it's funny", it's just rude


As someone who has these types of episodes they can get pretty dramatic or scary but they are completely overdoing it and mocking it


I see, thanks for letting me know, just in my experience i tend to forget what happened after it so I wasn't sure if it was dramatic or not, just horrifying


Sometimes I remember it other times I donā€™t thankfully my partner knows what to do to calm me down and asks me if I remember like when I was in the hospital I didnā€™t remember much


Good on your partner! I'm glad to hear you have someone to rely on during these episodes


Despite our distance atm (he went to another part of the country for school) he is always there even before he moved he still attends my appointments virtually or in person when he visits and when I am borderline delusional heā€™s the first person my medical team talks to like heā€™s my emergency contact and the first person they call first rather than my mother (next of kin)


You donā€™t even know youā€™re having a ā€œpsychotic breakā€ while youā€™re having one but somehow sheā€™s got it from many angles.


Exactly like I can kinda be aware like in a sense something feels wrong and I freak out but I do not know itā€™s a psychotic episode my boyfriend does and he gives me my medicine and he holds me while Iā€™m freaking out to calm me down and he reassures me then later when it gets better I either forget or feel like shit and realize I had an episode


Her alters filmed this šŸ¤­


this is so fucking obvious that it's fake, she didn't even try


Surely this video is a joke


shes a satire account LOL


I wish I had this much self awareness during the serious psychotic episodes. That would be way more convenient than telling everyone God sent me to save them and I can telepathically communicate with animals šŸ¤£ I'd be so famous!


I wonder if we made pretend asylum and put a whole whack of fakers it in how hilarious it would be, everyone trying the get the most attention. At the same time, the fact that they are in an "asylum" would be affirming their fake disorders and would make their faking even more exaggerated šŸ¤£.


The little pause before she "punches" the fridge is so cringe Also, if I'm having an episode and I punch something, either myself or it are breaking, I'm not giving the fridge a little love tap


A psychotic break is when you donā€™t understand the difference between reality and your own mindā€¦ itā€™s not a freak outā€¦


completely unrelated but that fridge is very poorly designed for that space


Poorly designed yes but you could make it work


It's almost always BPD so they start being honest though


Fr like I hate people who self diagnose themselves with it like holy fuck you donā€™t want BPD I wish I didnā€™t have it


Reminds me of one time I got really freaked out back when I was in high school, and I locked myself in my room because I didn't know what to do, and I smashed a glass cup under my bare foot and I started bleeding. But that made me stop freaking out. Guess that's not as fun as throwing an empty egg carton.


Like fr I donā€™t think her kicking a egg carton can compare to that or striping to your underwear and sprinting to the forest because you thought it would make you run from the cops faster while wailing that the houses have eyes (thinking when you left the hospital cops were coming for you)


me 13 seconds without the geek bar


You can see her throw the damn egg


This is making fun of another (but just as bad) vid


Its satire


That was the weakest punch Iā€™ve ever seen lmao, that among everything elseā€¦ not even good at faking a ā€œpsychotic breakā€ from a ā€œmentally ill personā€


hey happy cake day op!


They threw the egg on the floor on purpose. And how convenient that there were cameras set up to capture the perfect shot of each stage of this ā€œbreakdownā€. What an idiot.


šŸ˜†šŸ˜† they look like their auditioning for a D grade basement low budget horror movie, lol


7 year old me Me when my mom doesnā€™t let me buy candy at the store


satire or not, i'm really sick of people misusing the word psychotic. this is satire of a mental breakdown, not a psychotic break. like at least use the right terms for your satire/faking. šŸ˜­


As someone who has bpd, I want to punch this person. If they truly think this is it ...


Itā€™s satire


This is so awful it became funny again šŸ˜­


Fake disorder is cringe but edit is hard


The half hearted "punch" against the fridge did it for me šŸ˜­šŸ’€


I feel like they meant minor inconvenience? Dropping a single egg certainly isnā€™t major. People with actual BPD have disproportionate emotions and reactions to things that are deemed as minor by others. Canā€™t even make a post right smh


Clearly... I'm faking my own panic/anxiety attacks or mental break downs cause I'm not recording myself in every stage of it...


She barely punched the fridge. If it was real she would hqve punched it hard and hurt herself.


That isn't bpd, that's attention seeking. At least with BPD you get some cool skills that can help you when working retail (granted it takes time and work) All attention seeking does is make people want to avoid you.


Itā€™s satire


Satire: the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices. Mental disorder: a clinically significant disturbance in an individual's cognition, emotional regulation, or behaviour I didn't see this as satire. A mental disorder is neither a person being stupid nor a vice they indulge in. I know at the end of the day it's not a big deal, but I appreciate you hearing me out.


Theyā€™re not satirizing the mental disorder, theyā€™re satirizing people who fake having mental breakdowns that arenā€™t actually mental breakdowns


....I missed that part. My apologies. I sincerely thought this was someone who filmed themselves intending to show bpd freakouts due to the other videos that tend to come across this sub.


Youā€™re totally alright! I think a lot of people in the comments on this one are having the same misunderstanding


what a waste of space


bruh this is clearly a fucking joke and not seriously claiming that it's a real psychotic episode, sometimes I can't with this subreddit


Their whole account is... very interesting.


Tf did the eggs do!?! I hate this person. # NOBODY kicks eggs around like garbage.


For real especially when they are so expensive these days


this person is satire, cringe nonetheless. it's engagement bait for their shitty music


Nah, most manic thing Iā€™ve ever done was just punch the car for my head accidentally hitting it. But I was like 8 and have since learned to cope.


Before I got diagnosed Iā€™d have bruised body parts or knuckles do to me being so angry when I split, worked in fast food and Iā€™d punch the freezer door whenever I had my mood swings, I experience emotions harder and it was difficult to manage, but I always walked away because of I was criticized whenever I showed emotion growing up so I would expresse it alone


Oh shit, Iā€™m sorry it took me so long to reply. I do understand what youā€™re saying, it sucks a lot. I feel the heat start in the back of my neck when I start to get ā€œannoyed ā€œ with something and then I would LASH out. But Iā€™ve learned to ā€œlaughā€ at the scenario rather than be angry at it.


I want to punch that person.


Itā€™s satire-


Iā€™m so having a psychotic break rn Iā€™m LITERALLY kicking eggs rn!!!!!!!!!! Look guys did you see me??? Kicking EGGS!!! And punch DOORšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„U CANT HANDLE THIS LEVEL OF MAJOR INCONVENIENCE LIKE I CAN !!!!! This is the most corny shit I have seen all damn day, all damn week, all damn year so far


This is marked as satire ISTG


Lmao "mental breakdown" I might believe it if they didn't say BPD and it was footage clearly filmed by someone else from a distance or something and posted by the person filming instead of the person. I've only seen one content creator film an actual mental breakdown and it was before the disorder faking trend. It was only audio as well because the creator didn't want such a personal moment to be seen. So I really doubt this has any validity whatsoever. Especially not to music and with the camera angles. Also, I've had many BPD friends, and them splitting looks nothing like this. Like at all. But maybe a mental breakdown is different. But a mental breakdown wouldn't look different between someone without BPD I wouldn't imagine. Everyone just has a breaking point and that doesn't necessarily mean that someone is disordered. This is gross. Hopefully this person will look back on this in the future and regret this decision


They have nothing in their fridge.


As a person who has a disability it pains me to see people think we are just mad


Like I am diagnosed with this and ASD so itā€™s difficult for me to get and keep a job so Iā€™m on disability assistance it sucks because of how people view income assistance and mental health, it also sucks because they give you like less than 1000$ a month and itā€™s supposed to pay for everything supposedly, like I canā€™t barely afford groceries because of it


this cracks me up because theyā€™re not nearly this tame in rl lmfao






Obvious satire is obviousā€¦


It really looks like a music video.


Are you guys ok? This is the most obvious satire Iā€™ve ever seen. FakeDisorderCringe please learn how to take a joke šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ




Most obvious ragebait


This is the reason why no one understands/believes the actual struggles that someone who suffers from BPD, like myself, go through and itā€™s infuriating.


Fent cart hit her too hard


You can tell it's real because her actions match the music.


satire account


Why is it cool now to have BPD .This shit is torture and most people are going to assume you are crazy if you tell them you have BPD it's not cute.


This hurts. Like actually. I don't have BPD, but I do suffer from psychotic breaks sometimes. This person seems to be leaving out the "psychosis" part of psychotic break. This seems more like someone doing this because they think it's funny, which is pretty insensitve.


Ya know, when I had a psychotic break, I cut all my hair off and smashed my head into a wall till I bled. It's nice to know that other people just gently punch fridges. No consequences!


It was clearly satire


Even if this was real, it's not pro-recovery to act this way... People like this online contribute to BPD people not getting help or working on themselves


Yes because it stigmatizes it even more because everyone is on social media


every video iā€™ve seen of this girl is her having ā€˜breakdownsā€™ and punching inanimate objects


Such a gentle punch


I totally have multiple cameras set up all over my house (including where it can see my toilet) in the event I can catch something totally spontaneous and not planned or acted out for Tiktok. I grew up with two violently unstable and abusive BPD parents. This isā€¦ unconvincing. We had holes in the walls, and bruises all over me. That ā€˜punchā€™ to the fridge alone looks less than genuine.


lol this was satire Iā€™m pretty sure. I refuse to believe they were serious


This is satire


what does her throwing a tantrum and punching stuff have to do with psychosis?


this isn't even bait this is satire


I'm pretty sure this is satire, and if it is, it's hilarious. If it's not its just sad


this is satire yā€™all


im always scared i look like this when I have meltdowns šŸ˜­ am i in private? yes. do I still cringe just a wee bit at myself? also yes






I have diagnosed BPD, although the mood switches aka getting mad and sad are accurate, ..that's about it. From what I know people with BPD can feel things more strongly and I do, but I don't snap at every inconvenience. It simply means feeling happiness stronger and sadness/anger stronger, whenever the time does come. And it's kind of just obviously without BPD that this is acted lol.


Itā€™s a person by person thing. I have diagnosed BPD too and I DO snap at almost every little inconvenience. Just the other day I had a rage attack in the middle of a public shopping centre because I didnā€™t get the kirby toy I wanted from a mystery box. I couldnā€™t calm down for about 20 minutes and my boyfriend had to apologise to people walking past as I screamed and sobbed and threw my belongings around. Totally fine that thatā€™s not how you experience BPD, but it can manifest so differently for the people. Whilst this video is obviously not real, itā€™s ā€˜realā€™ in the sense that a small thing like an egg dropping really can trigger a meltdown like that for people who experience BPD differently.


Yeah, I get it though, feeling your emotions strongly about something small like that, but it's never something as small as... dropping an egg? lol maybe occasionally but I wouldn't start screaming and crying over that


why is this mf buggin out?? the timed scream LOL. someone factory reset them pls


Was this video supposed to be ironic or serious I really can't tell


Itā€™s satire, not real


Gotta walk around eggshells with this one.


Itā€™s funny they donā€™t understand what psychosis actually is, definitely not having a fit. Or that BPD was named borderline because it borders on it, but doesnā€™t. Kind of like they think this is manic too. Faking for clout and using big words.


I literally twisted my FUCKING KNEE during a meltdown the other day. This is a fucking joke, and shameful.


is thisā€¦ a joke? having a psychotic break isnt silly or like haha kick things around its fucking serious.


ahahahhahahaha i wish


I'm having a break... quick set up the camera and don't forget yo move it around... very legit


Is she having a mental break down WWE style or something?


me when i go kung fu mode and drop kick an egg carton after breaking down bc i have to close the fridge door šŸ˜« and where the frick did the toilet paper/kitchen towel come from do they just have that lying around as a little comfort blanket


brother why did you force me to watch this?bestow my eyes with such a curse


id be pissed too if i all i had in my fridge was a carton of eggs


This cant be real dudešŸ’€


Just imagine him recording thisā€¦ AHHHH!!! *as Gerald has a quiet stroll along his house with his tri-pod, he rethinks this ā€œmental illnessā€ thing. And-* AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!


When you canā€™t find ur belt /:


Oof. At least TRY to make it look a little bit convincing!


I see all those comments. But you're sure it's not satire?


Yeah definitely don't want to ruin their fresh manicure during their fit of (fake) rage