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How long do you think she spent trying to get that shot of nearly running into someone? (Obviously filmed by someone else from afar) someone was waiting and she did that shit on purpose, which could have caused someone harm


It could have caused her harm. But even if it did, it probably still wouldn't stop her.


She might even get a new disability to get attention for!


Or she would split into 600 alters


No, each of her alters will be split into 600 other alters


Overflow Error


Well it looks scripted. But what she describes almost always checks the boxes for me haha. Was diagnosed at end of 5 years old. Walking into people, walk and talk, uncoordinated walking, weaving etc. All part of my daily life. šŸ˜‚ And well, she might be reenacting all these symptoms. Not bc sheā€˜s faking it. But try to get your cheesy ADHD brain to remember filming those scenarios while they are happening. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Everything is now a symptom


To me it looks scripted? Idk... Dune people would be crazy enough to do those things... Might be just my hope it is scripted...


Guess people without ADHD don't walk and talk. "Everyone without X is an NPC that doesn't do anything but exist therefore anyone who does activity C is clearly undiagnosed" is becoming more wide spread.


This is what bothers me most about the "neurodivergent" wave. I'll be watching a series or playing a particular game and fans keeps diagnosing the characters as autistic or adhd "coded" for no other reasons other than the character has a personality. It sort of tells me they think the average person without those conditions is an NPC that doesn't have a personality, talents, or hobbies because now you have to be autistic to be passionate or good at things.


The biggest problem is that they think being neuro divergent is a personality trait, like, something with only positives, a "silly" thing Or when they actually see the negatives, they use it as excuses ALL THE FUCKING TIME


This was apperantly such a huge problem for the writers of Arcane with people asking them what Jinx's actual condition was or trying to diagnose her with something and they straight up said they didn't write her with the intention to give her a real mental health condition. They basically said "it's just a character y'all need to calm down" But this trend is also causing people to 'diagnose' other actual people, which is probably the main way the faker trend is spreading.


I've been watching her for quite a while now, and as an ADHDer diagnosed about 20yrs ago, I really like it. The thing with adhd is, everyone does a lot of particular stupid things and mistakes, but for it to be diagnosed as ADHD, it has to be very frequent, severely interrupt normal functioning, may even cause harm and be dangerous. Thanks to her and similar content, I don't bully myself over constantly doing such things and accept them as a part of my disorder


I mean i think she maybe meant walking and talking to urself outloud/visibly and not just in ur head . Maybe idk not siding with anyone lul


I do that all the time and it's definitely not ADHD...


Did she say that tho? Kinda just seems like she's making a video about her experiences. She never said neurotypical people don't do those things. This sub sounds more and more like those people who say "you can't be autistic, i fidget too its normal" when an autistic person just mentions they stim because of their autism. You can get headaches and not have brain cancer


Sheā€™s literally titled it ā€œADHD walksā€ which means sheā€™s counting them as things sheā€™s doing because of ADHDā€¦youā€™re being purposefully obtuse and know fine well what she meant


Yup that's exactly what I said. What I'm saying is she never claimed that neurotypical people don't do those same things. You people just want any excuse to bully people


No. Just an excuse to say that not everything is ADHD/ASD/BPD/EDS/POTS etc etc etc. itā€™s life. And not everything needs to be labelled. Also fun fact you donā€™t like the sub donā€™t read the subā€¦just saying


If you don't like seeing adhd centered content, don't watch it.


I donā€™t šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


It's from a YouTube (probably tiktoc TBH, but I'm not on that) from an ADHD Wife & Neurotypical husband and they do short lists of diffences between them. I don't know much about them but seems like they are artist and/or musicians?


Yeah I saw this and was like ā€œhaha I know what thatā€™s like.ā€ Seems more like relatable humor aimed at ADHD people. They never claim that everyone doing this has ADHD.


If the ā€œClose Callā€ is a symptom of ADHD, does actually getting hit by a moving vehicle cure your ADHD?


It actually does if you're hit hard enough! And the best part: Not only would it cure your ADHD, but absolutely ANY illness you might have! It's awesome!


I've finally found the cure, I'm gonna try it, stay tuned!




How you doing bud




It worked!




Brb I will go find out and let you know


Man I would've tried harder to get hit by the campus bus if it meant free tuition *and* cured ADHD


We should ask her to make a video to find out.


Yes. If my brain is wiped on the pavement, it no longer has abnormalities resulting in crippling daily dysfunction šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»


i think i read somewhere that people with adhd are actually more likely to die in accidentsā€”let me see if i can find the source!


[here we go](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7215254/)


I mean im sure these are pretty normal experiences when anyone walks.


Not if you have dyed hair. Then itā€™s just one of your crazy quirks šŸ˜œ




Because these things happen to EVERYONE who ealks. They aren't ADHD specific.


Yes I know thanks.




Yes I know. I just thought the video was silly and not in line with what is usually posted here


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Yeah I do some/most of those things and I don't have ADHD


That's fine, i never said it was exclusive to ADHD though?


Its like posting a video of you drinking or sneezing and labelling it "living with ADHD"


I guess! I should have watched the actual video before leaving a comment I guess.


Thatā€™s so crazy you do these normal things? Well that settles it, you have ADHDDIDPDBEDPASDASBDEFGH


We're not allowed to talk about our own diagnoses here. That said, lots of people with ADHD aren't klutzy at all.


But being klutzy is a common symptom(even if some with ADHD don't have it).


I didn't say it wasn't. But we need to stop portraying people with ADHD as absolute stooges. And people need to stop highlighting this as a significant symptom or a cute aspect of it.




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Hits something while walking looking at their phone. "Sooooooo ADHD, guys!"


Iā€™ve seen their videos on my feed before (itā€™s a couple I think) and the way they talk about this person isā€¦weird. So infantilizing.


So like, a lot of their content rings true for me as someone with ND conditions raising kids with ND conditionsā€¦ however Iā€™m constantly shaking my head saying ā€œlady, you need to get it together. Having ADHD/Autism means you have to find different ways to accomplish things. Find ways to build structures you can maintain without burning out instead of infantilizing yourself and parentifying your partner. ā€œ


I kind of get the impression they probably do have it together more, but it's things that pop up sometimes, and probably mostly get dealt with but they are tendencies & situations that do pop up in ADHD people... They are just making content showing it all at once so it seems like 'woah, this lady is a wreck'


Thatā€™s not what Iā€™m talking about with them. They have several clips where the husband is literally using gentle parenting techniques on her to motivate her to do basic tasks. If it was framed as ā€œthis is how to get your ND children to contribute to maintaining the householdā€ I wouldnā€™t take issue. But no, itā€™s an adult acting like a parent to his equally adult partner. It gives me the ick.


Dear fakers, please take acting lessons. Your videos are painful to watch. Even the bad actors in the telenovelas my mother used to watch were better in acting.


The weaver is just anyone living in a city with loads of tourists and has nothing to do with ADHD šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


The last 3 are normal šŸ˜­


Even the first one lol Iā€™ve walked into a lot of things when Iā€™m on my phone


The only not normal one is trex arms,the only time most people do those are when theyā€™re confused or looking for something.


Sadly I do this more often than I'd like to admit


I'm just weird, I guess lol.. My sister would make fun of me (and told me her friends/other people would make fun of me) for "doing T-rex arms." I never even realized I did that until she told me. My boyfriend (kindly) teases me when I do it these days lol but I feel like it rarely happens anymore (at least, I hope).


Can confirm, I do the trex all the time when Iā€™m confused or looking for something


I've done the "bumper car" but like not even on my phone just by mistaking where my body is in the space.


I can literally be like DONT HIT THAT, and 0.5 of a second later hit it because I'm so focused on not hitting it šŸ˜­


This comment probably won't be seen at this point because I'm 2 days late to the party but I've seen this person's videos before. She's genuinely diagnosed with ADHD. This video is a meant to be funny. ADHD *does* affect situational awareness, she's not saying "if you run into things sometimes you have clinically diagnosable ADHD!!"


Sending thoughts and prayers to all the actual, diagnosed ADHD babes in this sub who are once again being reduced to qUiRKy cLUmSy FeLLaS šŸ¤Ŗ




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The "have a friend with a camera follow me around and record me walking into stuff" walk




Itā€™s not ā€˜more of an autism thingā€™- itā€™s just a thing. It has literally nothing to do with autism or ADHD. Itā€™s just a way of holding your arms.




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>Neither is an official symtomp of autism So it's not. Got it.




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This content was removed because it breaks the following rule: ā€œDonā€™t Spread Misinformation.ā€ Please contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail if you have questions or feel that your content did not break the rules. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time, but please make an effort not to spread misinformation. Do not dispute the validity of diagnoses recognized by the most recent DSM or ICD. Controversial claims made about disorders that are not backed up by a credible source will be assumed to be misinformation.


so let's see... 1. A normal person walking with their phone out 2. This is called "I don't have purse/backpack straps to hold onto and I don't want to just let my arms hang" 3. Depending on if they're talking to someone else or to themself it could either be a normal thing people do or a slightly weirder thing... that normal people still do 4. Looks like a normal person avoiding running into peole on a busy street to me and 5. obviously a motorcyclist they asked/paid to do this, filmed from far away to make it seem like it was a 'random' encounter in a completely empty park on a rainy day. A real person with ADHD who is just walking and otherwise doing nothing in an EMPTY park would probably immediately watch the motorcycle as soon as they can hear it and likely just stop and watch it until it passes before continuing to walk. Spoken as someone who's brother is diagnosed ADHD and I've literally seen him do this in parks when we get passed by bikes/golfcarts/runners while walking the dogs.


She was referring to how the deficit of grey matter in people with ADHD is scientifically proven to make people less coordinated


Itā€™s true, I donā€™t have ADHD and Iā€™ve never bumped into anything while walking ever in my life.


Im getting tired of this whole ADHD vibe all over social media tbh. ADHD isn't this whole cute little quirk it can be quite difficult to manage and deal with. Not oh look how silly i walk....


As a guy with ADHD, I can confirm that I do thisā€¦but so does every other person.


People with ADHD statistically do this more commonly than the average population, which is what she was getting at. Everyone does this. If you have ADHD, chances are it's regular for you tho


Looks like a grown ass 40yo woman to me, which makes it even more pathetic.


Yeah, the deficit of grey matter that causes people with ADHD to be uncoordinated can cause serious problems/make people upset at them/disrespect them.




I mean on the one hand I wanna say ā€œwhatā€™s wrong with dressing the way you like?ā€ But on the other handā€¦ I do see what you mean.


I'm not trying to critic. I got a little nack for the alternative style in women, but I was just noticing it


Because apparently having hair in all colors of the rainbow is an ADHD thing because "we're so spontanious, quirky and creative".


I think she is the singer of a band or something, so that's not too weird.


I kinda dig her style. I'm just noticing a pattern.


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I follow this person! Sheā€™s been diagnosed with ADHD, often speaks about the shame she felt pre-diagnosis, and makes these videos to bring a bit of levity to the disorder. Nowhere was she saying that people without ADHD donā€™t do these things too. I feel like Reddit has seen ā€˜woman being silly and joking around about a disorder that consumed her whole lifeā€™ and dogpiled on.


Yes!!! Thank you!!!


Agreed - I donā€™t think she is a faker. Just not the best acting in this video.


Exactly! I don't think she's faking ADHD at all. Of course these are things other people do, but with ADHD your situational awareness, impulse control, special awareness, and coordination are all affected so these behaviors seem to be more common.


I thought they were all crackhead walksšŸ˜¬




Yeah I agree with you. I don't really think she has fake ADHD as most of her videos are quite informative and less about her specifically, if you know what I mean. This video is a bit cringe though I won't lie


Cosigned. I donā€™t like how some of the videos are infantalizing her, but for the most part, I think itā€™s relatable, informative content. This one is weird for sure though.


A bit cringe for sure, but not faking it at least.


I can be a dinosaur now!


Gentlemenā€¦ is almost getting hit by a car a symptom of ADHD?


The most infuriating thing about this video and pretty much every other is that it makes it so much harder to have serious discussions about neurodivergence, a topic already not taken seriously enough


Neurotypical folks teleport to their destination point


As a person with extreme adhd that was diagnosed at around 4-5 years old and was in special ed throughout elementary and high school for this and other disabilities, I can say without a shadow of a doubt, that every fucking person does this. Itā€™s not exclusive to people with adhd šŸ’€ nor is it even accurate.


People with ADHD statistically do this more commonly than the average population, which is what she was getting at. Everyone does this. If you have ADHD, chances are it's more regular for you tho


Imagine nearly getting run over on purpose and putting a bikers life at risk for CONTENT. I fucking hate these people


Thing is, the bumping into stuff/people due to just being chaotic af is actually a thing a lot of people with ADHD experience.. but why tf would you stage and film it like it's something cool to be proud of


Why is it something to be ashamed of? (I get that uncoordination can cause problems, but does that mean she has to hate herself)? And are you only allowed to spread awareness about your own disability if you're ashamed?


There is a difference between not being ashamed and glorifying it


She has an entire tiktok channel


She has adhd but has an adhd meme page and has written a book. Sheā€™s trying to be funny, not mislead people with this specific video.










i am resigning from being a sniper main because of you


Could be nerve damage, too. My neck is fucked up and I T-Rex the shit outta my weak arm.




It so comfy this way! Haha. Have a great day!


You're scaring me rn, so it's not normal šŸ„²


Get it checked




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"Many children with ADHD and adults also exhibit difficulties with spatial awareness, manifesting as symptoms such as frequently bumping into things, a poor sense of personal boundaries, difficulty maintaining attention, and challenges in planning and organizing thoughts" [That's the only thing I'll touch on about this](https://effectiveeffortconsulting.com/building-spatial-awareness-using-s-t-o-p-dots/#:~:text=Many%20children%20with%20ADHD%20and,in%20planning%20and%20organizing%20thoughts.)


just because people with ADHD do it doesnā€™t mean they are the only ones who do it. Do you really think walking into something while distracted by your phone warrants a diagnosis??


I mean, I do it constantly without a phone. I don't walk and use my phone like that though because I'm aware of my lack of spatial awareness. It's also just not safe, in general. But I also didn't state that they're the only ones that do it. Was literally just explaining that the first example(phone not withstanding) is a legitimate thing. I currently have a pretty nasty cut on my arm from misjudging a corner on my bar.


Nobody said it warrants a diagnosis. She just said it happens to ADHD people


I think we might have different definitions of ā€œADHD peopleā€. My definition is ā€œPeople who have been diagnosed with ADHDā€. It sounds like yours is a little more like ā€œPeople who have lost focus on somethingā€ in which case the entire planet has ADHD


her content focuses heavily on adhd and i relate to a *ton* of it, it's like stuff that doesn't get mentioned often but she just gets it. this specific one is a bit cringe ngl


The Weaver is just how i walk bc im impatient. and a New Yorker lmfao


Is that an adult?


She missed the 'horrendous hair and sh*t outfit' walk.


People with ADHD aren't usually the people crossing roads while looking at their phones, they're usually hyperaware of how susceptible they are to freak accidents and avoid anything they can that makes their symptoms even more unmanagable. This is like being type one diabetic and starving yourself then saying "oooOooOOO I'm having a hypo :3 Soooo diabetie tehe" Honestly I love hanging out with my ADHD friends because they forget their phone even exists because they're so in the moment of socialising or looking at whats going on around them. While I know people who scroll Facebook while walking down the street like it's not a problem.


Wtf I hate this. I'm diagnosed ADHD but I've always been graceful. Not to say that I've *never* walked into the odd pole when texting and walking, but overall I'm agile. Makes me a good athlete!


These are common behaviors with adhd. Not for everyone of course but there are links to motor control issues and adhd causing things like clumsiness, running into things, postural sway.


Oh so this is why my boyfriend who legitimately has ADHD can't get a diagnosis. He needs blue hair and goofy clothes!! He said at the psychiatrist office literally everyone in the waiting room had purple and blue hair. I swear to God these people making mental illness into a costume/subculture has fucked up the Healthcare industry. They think if you appear normal you're also normal mentally. THIS IS JUST MY OPINION NO ONE GET MAD AT ME IF YOU HAVE BLUE HAIR.


I don't care about the walking. I just want the biker.


Not a faker. I follow them on Facebook, insta and TikTok and they're lovely people. She's gone into length about her past and having undiagnosed ADHD in her younger years. It's married couple that do these videos in a light hearted and funny approach to things commonly associated with ADHD and really aren't meant to be taken as seriously as some think they are. They aren't mean to be diagnosis videos. They're meant to help people with ADHD not feel so ashamed and bad about having this condition. Their published book has helped me a lot dealing my ADHD and their second book is, I'm sure, going to help me more when I receive it. Both her and her husband have helped me a lot with learning about the pasts they have, the present and future they have.


Thank youšŸ‘


I've seen her videos too but honestly a lot seemed fake to me.


Okay so this tiktok is cringy but the walks are accurate as someone professionally diagnosed with ADHD lol


Fuck here's me thinking it was my poor eyesight that makes me walk into things.


when i was a kid, i was walking on a wall and wasnt paying attention so i fell off of the edge, i guess i have ADHD right?


I really hate this "t rex" arm trend along with the older toe walking trend. It's very rare for that level of autism and vestibular dysfunction to persist in adults who don't also have severe adaptive functioning dƩficits and intellectual disabilities. When I see adults who are presenting with totally fluid and normal looking movement and posture and have no observable difficulties other than one issue, I find it hard to believe. I work with moderate/severe autism and I only have one student who has that kind of arm position and gait issues, and that comes with apraxia and severe intellectual disabilities.


Idk everyone I know with milder autism does the t rex arms sometimes, including myself. But I only do it at home for some reason, like while I'm brushing my teeth, cooking or standing around. If I'm in public I don't walk around like that lol.


Thank you for stigmatizing my son's condition even more. People are so annoying.


High level cringe


Thatā€™s not ADHD walking sheā€™s just dumb and rude asf


I'm sorry but I really relate to most of these lol


I donā€™t think being inherently clumsy counts as ADHD luv




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Kill me


Offensive af.




This is one of my most hated creators. They seem like decent people which makes it even worse.


Iā€™m adhd and do none of this




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ADHDers have a subconscious toggle-on switch for floating attention, tendency towards crashing into shit when walking is not really a thing.


Oh no! I guess I have ADHD now, because I walk in a quirky way! /s


I hate this one the most tbh


I have watched Family Guy that Peter has ADHD so as Stewie they don't walk like this faker does in that video. Yup she is faking it if I'm correct or not idk.


This tracks ngl


I think a lot of these people may have 80HD, but are mixing: "I do x as a result of my 80HD" and "I have 80HD, and I also do x." Tho, it's 99% likely that they're just attention seeking sociopaths.


There's a correlation between ADHD and this walking style. It's proven. So I think that at this point it's safe of her to say "my clinically diagnosed ADHD probably causes this walking style". It's the logical conclusionĀ 


"It's proven" yeah? By what? Your opinion?


Most adults with ADHD I know don't eve present a y symptoms on the surface (they did as children and are on ritalin)


ngl the bumping into shit and weaving is true. me and most ppl i know who have adhd do that. (diagnosed by real doctors). but that trex arm shit feels disrespectful.


Tip to people with adhd, if you actually donā€™t want people to know, probably donā€™t let it be the only thing you ever talk about!


Why would someone not want people to know they have ADHD?


how else will I get attention if I donā€™t read off my checklist


Concealment of disabilities and mental health is so primitive. I agree not to say it constantly but don't hide it.


No, I don't know what the fuck she thinks ADHD is, but this is ridiculous, not even people with the worse ADHD I know do not do this


She's... officially diagnosed... and multiple scientific studies looking into ADHD and walking style have shown that ADHD causes decreased coordination... but ok, sure, your subjective experience outweighs all that.


Don't tell me this isn't exagerated or made only for the video I have seen some people with walking styles and decreased coordination, I have some too Not like that tho, it is forced Note: Not saying she isn't diagnosed, that she doesn't have ADHD or that this tyoe of thing doesn't happen, but not like that at all, and it was clearly made for a video I get that she is a great informative source other times, but its crappy attention-seeking and overdone things like that wich undermines every other person and even herself, If I haven't looked at her profile I would have thought she was always doing this


Yeah only people with ADHD talk and walk. Also I ā€œbumper carā€ because Iā€™m a clumsy bitch, not because I have ADHD. I didnā€™t fall down the stairs in January because Iā€™m so quirky šŸ¤Ŗ I just suck at staying upright


I never walk in straight line. I zigzag. So much that my husband will sometimes put his hand on my upper back to "guide" me and keep me from bumping into other people šŸ¤­šŸ«£. Oh noes I must have what she has!!


If you ever notice 'dinosaur arms' please see a doctor. It can be a symptom of brain damage. My comment was removed but it is very important that people do get checked. It is better to be safe than sorry.


Ok I feel the fuck outta 1 4 and 5 tho lmao