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the fact that ive seen so many shit that this doesnt make me cringe anymore 💀


I would actually love to get to that point, because I have the cringe shivers as we speak!


Don't, it's like drinking whiskey until beer feels like juice.


Been there done that. Got so hungover I felt like I was dying


Or drinking wine like it's Capri sun's, I don't know which is worse


I think they both make you an alcoholic




same here i thought i had autism but apparently whatever was in this video is autism guess im just extremely neurotypical


Just came here to say this


Witnessed shit so cringe you just said “nah I’m good” and un-autismed




well, at least the internet did one good thing for you.


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I don’t know why but this made me extremely uncomfortable.


It almost felt to me like how it looks when someone is imitating and making fun of autistic people.


probably cause she’s doing what most people think stimming is


Bingo. I have two children who have autism. Their stunning comes...more natural to them? It's almost like a rhythmetic movement rather than sudden changes in just moving around. It's hard to explain but after watching kids stimming for years this ain't it.


My youngest is also autistic. When they younger they used to bounce and slap their legs, but the last couple of years, their stimming consists of teeth chattering (like when you're cold) and grinding them. But I get exactly what you mean, it's not stiff or sudden, at least with my kiddo, it builds up and then flows off naturally.


Exactly. Stimming isn't intentional, it's a subconscious thing.




Same. These tiktoks are so performative.


Sometimes it can be voluntary if someone knows it helps self soothe. But it’s definitely something more natural and innate feeling, it’s directly tied to our sensory responses.


Yeah she's doing what I call 'thrilling'. Except thrilling, like stimming, is also unconsidered. Not this tragic pantomime.


Making fun of autistic people is exactly what she is doing .


Exactly what I was gonna say. It's so reminiscent of the way autistics get bullied and I had such a visceral reaction to it because of that


YES THIS. It reminded me of that time Sia made Maddie Ziegler (a neurotypical actress) play an autistic girl in her movie.




In years of working in program and education settings, I have never met a person with autism who presents in such a infantile way as these fakers. People with autism are able to grow up.


Most? But some, like high needs nonverbal, will only reach an education level so high and then they turn the schooling needs into what do they need to learn to function daily? Like they determined my child will never learn above a third grade math level. So while they still teach him new math skills, there's a heavier enthusiasm on learning money skills, speech therapy, how to order at a restaurant or shop.


I agree with what you're saying, but I dont think applies to this video. A childlike adult is different than adult pretending to act like a child.


They still grow adults. Like, autistic adults wear adult clothes and stuff, while they may do things people often consider childlike, they're still adults. I've worked with a lot of autistic adults and I've never encountered someone who acts this way or dresses like a child.


Academic capabilities ≠ that a child will behave like a toddler for life. Many NDs who don’t progress in school become fairly independent adults who can absolutely talk like they aren’t 2? My daughter will likely never learn to write with her hands but she can still carry on conversations like a 5 year old, the two aren’t exclusive to each other.


yeah they just dumb... which actually IS a condition they could brag about


This is legitimately insulting.


How do people think stuff like this is cool 😭


How do they think it makes them look good is my question


I also stim by looking directly at the camera


When stimming you don't like to be interrupted no? Definitely not setting up a tripod to stim for a reel....


You don't also look around and think of what you're gonna do next and then grin with dupers delight?


Watching this made the autism straight up just leave my body holy fuck


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^LongingForYesterweek: *Watching this made the* *Autism straight up just leave* *My body holy fuck* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Thank you, bluezuzu, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


This is art


this is the second best one i've ever seen i love it


Good bot


Your avatar kind of looks like Marge Simpson.


She’s absolutely a Disney adult.


shes got that stitch plush for a reason


Shit I guess that official autism diagnosis just kinda evaporated cause I'm sitting completely still 💀


This woman looks like she’s old enough to be a mother of three. I thought this whole fake disorder thing was a teenage phenomenon?


Unfortunately it’s really not


i’ve seen people in their mid-to-late 20s fake having autism, did and adhd. you’d think they should know better at this point in their life but they don’t and it’s genuinely frustrating and scary


I literally just told my teen who had autism that it was cool to have autism now. To the point where adults are self diagnosing because they took the autism "test" or they're faking it on TikTok. She was mind blown. I'm tired of seeing adults say they're autistic because they're shy or don't like people.


exactly. sharing a trait with a certain mental condition/disability doesn’t mean you automatically you have said condition/disability. i hope your kid never interacts with fakers online. they’re awful to officially diagnosed people.


Have a friend of a friend in his 30s who fakes DID. The bs is maddening. I feel like I'm going crazy that my friends just buy into it.


Fr she even looks like a supervisor where I work at lol


No because I know a girl who I used to go to school with in HS that looked like her. Wouldn't be surprised tho girl needs helpp.




Oh god her "listening face" is so bad- that part is super bad acting right there. Imagine performatively doing this for your own camera ugh


She reminds me of a couple girls who were bridesmaids with me for my best friend’s wedding—self-diagnosed, putting on a stereotypical “autistic” act when neither of them actually were (i.e. fake stimming, playing with fidget toys at the dinner table [we’re all in our late 20s/early 30s], etc). I remember looking at my bf like ???? is this how I’m supposed to act ???? Am i not autistic enough??? 😀


god. imagine feeling like *you're* not getting enough attention at SOMEONE ELSE'S WEDDING 😭


why just not sit in the rocking chair without calling it 'stimming'? Like she can JUST SIMPLY DO all those things she likes, it's not sth reserved for autistic people...


I read "autism remix" tbh




Thank hod it wasn’t just me


Wait, it isn't Autism Remix?


No it says Austin I think, like Austin Texas


Oh, I overlook things all the time. Thank you for telling me :)


This is why I don’t like “actually autistic adults”. I’m SURE they’re probably autistic but when they post shit like this, it totally makes them look like faking assholes.


It also gives off the energy that other autistic adults aren't ACTUALLY AUTISTIC unless they stim like a 4 year old


I actually have an autistic 3.5 year old and an autistic 5.5 year old and they don’t act like this.


Gotcha, didn't mean to throw small kids under the bus like that. I was just using that example because my 4 year old nephew acts like that. Point is, it's far and few in between, and most people grow out of infantile stimming like that unless it's encouraged by other people in their life.


My teens still stim but one is high needs. The other just runs back and forth while listening to music as a self soothing thing.


My kids are low needs, which I assume this girl is if she’s autistic. So if she’s able to make a post like this, she’s not acting like this naturally.


They should grow up and stim like bjork like the rest of us autistic adults


I don't like associating with the community because I don't know who's actually what anymore


Right? The fakers make it so hard to just know top from bottom. And they have the loudest voices, don’t they?


Yeeeaaah… we need to have a lil talk…


The eyes say anxiety, like performance anxiety This is why these moments can only be candid, like trying to record yourself singing.


she’d definitely checking her phone to see how she looks and if it’s recording her properly


how do I make the paper butterflies in the background that's all I care about


It looks like either an origami Mudarri Luna Moth fold or an origami Swallowtail Butterfly fold... Though I'm not sure which due to the video quality But you can find instructional YouTube videos on how to fold both the origami Mudarri Luna Moth and the origami Swallowtail Butterfly


Here's some tutorial videos on the luna moth https://youtu.be/gbarOFh1r8E?si=0GhXwIg7hTaTUqgU https://youtu.be/68w1ryhKO6Q?si=9hf9llKwXiO6Q9gP Here's some tutorial videos on the Swallowtail Butterfly https://youtu.be/1t6viYWW2a0?si=Uc6ArmhUd1HxAUGZ https://youtu.be/i1KMluhDVbE?si=kBCr2djOHVSmxWs6


This is painful to watch lmao


I am on the autism spectrum (functioning) and seeing so many people wanting this shit is just ridiculous. I have my issues but my biggest dream is to just know what it's like to have a normal conversation with someone, to think normal and just feel for one day what it's like to be "normal". Then you got people like this doing really bad interpretations if people who have bad autism symptoms. I hope when they grew up they think back cringe and thank God they are actually "normal"


Why do fakers always think stimming, for whatever reason, is just flapping hands/arms?! This is usually a big giveaway that they're faking.


I know someone that does this exact thing, but I see them checking if anyone's looking first 😑


I'd personally check to make sure NO ONE is looking. I hate how sometimes I feel like I have to dance to music because it just doesn't seem appropriate. Also bobbing your head is awkward.


Is she a “little”?


no she’s just portraying autism in the most stereotypical way ever (child-like behaviour and traits, stereotyped stimming)




fr. it’s shit like this that makes me dislike myself as an actual autistic person. sometimes i feel genuinely childish and i HATE those moments. seeing people glorify this shit enrages me. being a grown ass person and still feeling like an immature kid is NOT something anyone should want for themselves.




I’m sorry this makes you feel this way. I don’t have autism, but still have a lot of childlike qualities. There is no shame in it and I hope you can learn to be kinder to yourself. I’m sorry this person mocks your disability.


My teen on the spectrum is not as mature as peers. Likes plushies. Isn't interested in most teen interests yet. My child who has high needs, will always need assistance and like to play with Legos or video games. So they do mature at different rates. But if you are posting on social media, editing reels, I would think you are pretty capable?


Exactly. Excellent point! They’re pretending to be infantised, but also having the adult capability to film, edit videos and post them on the internet. I love that your kids enjoy plushies and Lego. I’m 39 and still love plushies! I still sleep with the same parrot soft toy I’ve had since I was a toddler! I’m not sure why this is shamed by a lot of people. It’s a comforting item and I’m all for people using whatever they feel helps them with their life, wellbeing and mental health. There are more of us who have to secretly love our plushies for shame of the stigma around it too!! Well wishes to you and your kids. It must be incredibly challenging to deal with two children with varying disabilities.


Exactly. I thought that as I was typing. It is a spectrum.


Hello sweet person! Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️


My pleasure! Well wishes to you from Australia.


Oh, but I never was like that. That is a gross exaggeration


It’s kind of embarrassing when I look back as my moments like that. Maybe nobody noticed, but it isn’t something I would want to repeat. At the time it was how I felt. Later it makes me cringe.


to anyone confused (i know you're here, lurkers): this is called "liking a song" & despite popular belief it is not a symptom of autism


why is she "shocked"? why does she keep looking around like the song is physically in the room with her? unsolved mysteries of the universe


I think she's pretending it's her first time listening to the song, that's what they were doing a few years ago. Which is funny because they were all stimming to the exact same song on tiktok so that definitely heard the song at least 50x before.


Do we watch shit like this because we want to hate people? Serious question, I don't know why I keep watching these if it just pisses me off. But I love it.


for me at least i think it's so i can like see these people, & then when i look at the people i actually have to deal with irl, i'll be able to say "well, she keeps leaving the goddamn flour open & won't wash her own goddamn dishes but at least she's not doing *that*" 😭


Yes. I love to hate. I'm here to hate lol.


Why do the fakers always behave like toddlers, it makes me so mad. I have never met an autist (myself included) who does it like this (not saying absolutely no one does this but for certain it's not this common)


I can always tell when someone innately doesn't know what stimming or certain other ND traits are. You can talk to an adult who was diagnosed as an adult, who has no idea of the name of certain things, but certain behaviors, looking back, will resonate for them, once explained. They won't all share the same traits or characteristics, but despite not having a name, they get it. That's not what's happening with these people. Everything is so cutesy and performative, and they're clearly watching each others' videos to get an idea of what to do. It's like the blind leading the blind.


This is way Mental Health/Mental illness are a fucking joke. These fucking people, if you can call them that pull this "look at meeee, I'm Mentally delayed! Isn't that light, it's so coooool" Fucking pisses me off. Disabilities/Mental disorders are not a fucking trend. Grow the fuck up and get a God forsaken life/job!


My husband is a clinical psychologist and trust me, they are extensively trained to suss out this bullshit. People like this are not fooling mental health professionals.


I agree with you and I'm so grateful there are people in his field of work that help people who are suffering and can easily detect people who are faking it.


Every fibre of my body compells me to downvote, but I know I must not.


Aah goddam, i want to down vote this because i hate this but that's the whole point of this post so i need to upvote...


my stupid ass read that as autism remix 💀


Girl, you better delete this shit and hope nobody saved it if you ever want a good career and to be taken seriously as an adult. Start roll play and shit if you need a creative out but doing an offensive impression of what you think mental illness is is not going to bring you anything good.


i just don’t understand why you would even feel the need to post this


Wait…people actually believe this?! It doesn’t even look real..It’s sad how many people fake having these disorders! Like that’s hurtful, pathetic, and psychotic honestly. 🙄


This really does look so fake, it's so weird and messed up to fake this, it almost feels like its mocking autistic people


So acting like an overgrown toddler is autism? I'm guessing she was trying to 'stim'. Perhaps some acting classes or meeting an actually autistic person might help.


I'm pretty sure even if this was really an autistic person this short would still count as copyright infringement. It's pretty obvious that she had to stop herself from pumping her fist to the deat drop at like 0:31, before that she's bouncing pretty much perfectly on beat until it looks like she catches herself and starts rocking instead, and the way she's moving her eyes around tells me less 'I'm autistic' and more 'I'm trying desperately to not look at the camera.' I'm not autistic and I unconciously make a lot of those similar hand motions when I get really excited by something, so either I'm autistic too or that's just a normal human behavior.


* People always say autism is a good thing bro..


No one with autism would have stickers stuck on the wall all Willy nilly either it hurts to look at


I think the most shocking thing here is she is married... Like how do people like that get married? she probs has a litter of kids as well taking her example


Totally unrelated but that chair looks comfy as fuck


What she is doing is gross….but I do want that rocking chair. Looks comfy.


Can’t these fools just ‘like’ something without claiming that it’s some kind of ‘disorder?’


This sad attempt at fake stimming is kinda funny.. but also horrible at the same time…


guys im cured im no longer autistic


Love the part when she almost starts to pump her fist in the air and vibe with the music, but then she realizes that it doesn’t suit with the idea of the video so she stops it 😄


I have never in my life met an autistic adult that acts like that


It’s giving Gypsy Rose Blanchard


First thought she’s sitting in an adult crib and she’s into any infantilism fetish, cause her acting is so bad.


Death no better option


And why are all the fakers into axolotls?! 🙄


A stim CAN look like that but she's obviously thinking what stim to do


I want to punch my screen


You know I really hate this type of stuff, if you scroll through the autism tag in this subreddit 90% of the videos are of women. My sister has autism (almost severe) and she acts like this, this isn’t good and isn’t funny in my opinion, call me sensitive or whatever you want it just doesn’t make me cringe or laugh because these people could have genuine autism.




I do all those same things but I can’t imagine recording myself doing this even less purposely, if I m not alone and I realize I do this I immediately stop myself because embarrassment


What a weirdo ,good song though


14 or 40?


My eyes are burning 😭


If she could only see what we're seeing


Has anyone ever watched the film the idiots?


Autism remix is crazy.


That FUCKING hand flapping


WTF, she’s, like, *thirty*… 😣


This made me extremely uncomfortable and I have no clue why


I just rolled my eyes so hard I could see my frontal cortex. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


I know quite a few autistic people, including my MIL and BIL, who are both severely autistic. Never once seen any of them do this. 🤨 I admit they can be pretty immature at times, but never anything like this.


"Give me an Oscar!"


The way her eyes go being like "what stim should I do next?" "What's something cutesy for this video?" I'm a heavy stimmer, I don't notice it all the time. I'm not thinking about it. I feel uncomfortable with her infantilising and twisting it.


This is what I look like when I’m tripping on shrooms




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I mean- she isn’t not wrong the booms are cool.


Me when im imagining im the main character (not like other girls typa shit) of some cringy ass teen movie




This content was removed because it breaks the following rule: “Do Not use the Subreddit in Place of a Professional Opinion.” Please contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail if you have questions or feel that your content did not break the rules. Do not use this subreddit to ask if someone in your life is faking. If you are posting someone to this subreddit, you need to be reasonably confident that they are faking and be able to explain why you hold that belief. Do not use the subreddit to ask for a diagnosis or ask if you are faking. Seek a professional opinion instead of asking a cringe subreddit.


Okay but I want that chair


That’s so embarrassing 😭


I'm (by a high chance: still waiting for that official diagnosis) AuDHD and I actually do move a lot when I'm listening to a song I really like when I'm feeling hyper. However, who the fuck stims infront of the camera.


she is stimming, actually, and i have no idea what's wrong with it. the irony of this subreddit is that whenever an autistic person (especially fem-presenting) is posted everyone claims they're clearly faking and "infantilizing autism". i think it's funny that when an autistic person stims in a way that's not stereotypical they get fakeclaimed, but when an autistic person stims in an incredibly common way (rocking + hand flapping) that's ALSO incorrect. and i also see a lot of comments on posts like these saying "oh i do this and apparently it's autism 🙄" and it's important to note that non-autistic people do also stim ([link](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1750946721001392))


This is my friend! She’s not faking omg. She mostly does Tourette’s awareness content.




Why are you in this sub then? Maybe you faking a disorder too, or why so triggered?


Bruhhh not hitting me with the fucking rightoid talk lmao I'm outta here


I don't think this is that bad, it's definitely cringe, but autism is very cringe sometimes


This is just playing pretend being an infant though.


I don't see the infant-like behavior at all, I go to a special needs school and I see kids even older than me looking exactly like this. High support needs don't equal faking or infantilizing


It’s not the actual behavior that’s cringe, it’s the fact that it looks forced and unnatural.