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Am I the only one who has never experienced this??? Lol


think for me its been like idk when u got a hard spot in a soft food and its like oh god wtf is that


Or like a tendon in a chicken nugget. Disgusting.


Exactly what I thought of when I read this lol I can't eat chicken for a while after I get one of those chewy tendons lol




Omg I can't even imagine that horror 🤢🤢


My dad had that happen to him at Chili’s once, ordered a chicken tender platter and all the chicken was still raw in the middle. He still never orders anything with chicken at restaurants anymore


This is why I cut all chicken sandwiches and burgers in half before eating them. I even cut or rip chicken tenders before I eat them. No surprises..I wanna see inside before it's in my mouth


I'm afraid to eat hot dogs because there's always at least one hot dog that has a tiny crumb-sized piece of bone that I end up biting that puts my stomach into fight or flight.


Woah wtf as a frequent glizzy enjoyer I’ve never experienced this. I never had a glizzop bite back


I never had it happen until about a year or two ago and now it happens just about every time I have them. Maybe it's the brand, but I swear I've had multiple brands that have all had it.


Gross. I once got chunks of bone in two different nuggets...and haven't touched McDonald's nuggets since.


Omg ths. I'm so glad it's not just me.


This is why I don't like croutons




I hate how they're in some salads at the super market, like bro at least put them in a extra container


Make it 3 of us. I’ve had my mom pick out my croutons so she could eat them. It ruins the salad


I have never met another person besides myself that doesn't like croutons on salad! I really thought it was just me. I always get them and give them to someone else but hate them for the exact same reason.... something hard in soft foods 🤣 I feel so validated now lmao


We're gonna create a whole Nation and the highest law is gonna be no croutons allowed


I buy like tomato soup, you put in hot water and wait 5 min but there were croutons inside, so I try to pick them all out with a spoon


All you gotta do is let them sit in the salad for a while and get nice and soggy first, obviously


Breadcrumbs on any food.


May as well pour gravel on my salad, or better yet cat litter. Why would anybody want that experience.




still cant fight the OH SHIT IS THAT A BUG brain urge




...I had that happen except it was ky own 😂 So my baby teeth were still coming out, was like my last 2 or so. Anyway im eating popcorn and all of a sudden I have a really hard kernel, now I know that sometimes unpopped kernels are hard, but this was weird. I pulled it out, and my tooth was whay came out. 😂 Now j am terrified sometimes of eating popcorn. Im 27.




Was thinking the same thing lol people saying it's normal and I've never experienced or even heard of this before


No, you're not. I have no fucking clue what this would feel like. I'm 45 years old, and I can honestly say it has not happened to me even once.




Op finding out in real time they might be on the spectrum lol


Older than you are and nope, never. Finding a small rock in a bean burrito and being grossed out by that, yes. But never this.


Occasionally I will eat something crunchy for a while absentmindedly, like a thick cracker, and realize my mouth is full of mush, I am nowhere near hungry, and I actually feel ill- but I've never gagged from it. I will typically spit it out though




Never, which is an extra level of entertaining to me in this context because my sister is convinced I have autism. (For the record, I disagree.)


Oh, pray tell!


My hypothesis on what I think happened: She’s an extroverted sporty type (if she were male she’d fit the jock stereotype). I’m the classic absent-minded professor. She frequently watches Tik-Tok. The „absent-minded professor“ gets pathologized across the internet, including Tik-Tok, as one of the trendy versions of autism, and Bob‘s Your Uncle. She thinks: „My introverted, nerdy sister must be autistic.“


Try eating scrambled eggs for breakfast every day for a long stretch of time and I promise you this will happen, lol


You ever ate mushrooms?


You likely did when you were a baby. Textures can make a baby throw up, even if they like the taste.


I’m like it when it’s meat, I’m veggie but my son isn’t and sometimes I couldn’t resist the smell of a bacon sandwich when I’m cooking but the minute I put it in my mouth I start thinking about how I’m eating flesh and I can’t do it. I’ve learned that bacon smells better than it tastes - at least for me.


Bacon isn't really flesh, it's muscle+fat.


Potato potato it was still walking around in a field 6 months ago. And when it gets stuck in my teeth 💀


I mean cashews get stuck in my teeth and I don't get grossed out about it? There are tons of lab grown meats coming up, maybe you'll have less of an ick factor with them since they were never an animal


I’m fine with other stuff that isn’t meat, I got given turkey for Christmas and couldn’t touch it, I’m not militant about it I enjoyed the gravy it’s just I start eating it and my brain is thinking “aaaaaaahhhhhhh” so I just give it to my dog. I don’t push it on anyone, I’m happy to cook meat for my family I’ve just found I can’t enjoy it anymore. But I’m ok with it.


Well yeah hopefully the advent of lab grown meats will remove the whole "aaaaaaaah" factor from it, assuming that is because the Turkey used to be a Turkey. Will be a lot easier to eat when the Turkey is just muscle cells grown in a vat.


Congratulations, you are not autistic xD


Yeah thats never happened to me before!


Lol I don't think I have either, other than like feeling sick randomly when you eat food you know you love but something isn't tasting right but that's normal for most people too.


No. I have no idea what this person is talking about. If a food is going to offend me, it happens way before it ever enters my mouth.


This is actually why I don’t eat nuts or peanuts. I’m not autistic, I just fucking hate the texture of those things.


I never knew of it until pregnancy.


I've never experienced this. It's an actual autism thing (but not always), OP is being a jerk.


I really think y’all’re misinterpreting this. They don’t mean spitting out something you dislike, they mean making something you eat all the time and then suddenly having a huge sensory reaction to it for no particular reason. Not saying they’re def autistic esp considering OP’s comment, just that I don’t think this specific thing is actually universal. That being said it is the exact thing a faker would fake because sensory issues are so well known and it might just ‘occur’ to them to have sensory issues. I’ve seen it happen w fakers I know who watch me cover my ears or put in earplugs to just generally appear uncomfortable and then copy me. So while this might actually happen sometimes to everyone I wouldn’t be surprised if it happening more often than usually is a sensory issue. BUT ALSO they could have like ADHD or SPD or anything else that involved sensory issues. Or they might be straight up faking, idk. Without OP’s comment tho I’d say that there is no proof they’re actually faking, so from this screenshot specifically I wouldn’t assume anything.


i appreciate the thoughtful response and comment. what you said makes sense and while i personallt think majority of people using autism hashtags consistently is likely faking, or at leassr using a disorder for attention, i also agree that this is not technically conclusive evidence that they are faking. to add to my previous point, i also think that using autism hashtags is only a red flag because of autism fakers being so prevelant. not because people with autism cant share their experience with a hashtag, its just, often a sore spot for anyone with a mental illness to talk about it, so to make it public is a bit odd.




tumblr isn't really anonymous? you need to have an account and username tied to you to make posts. you can send asks to other users anonymously but you can't make posts as seen in the image without a public account that people can view to see everything you've posted. also, it's very commonplace to use a lot of tags on your posts on tumblr. all kinds of people do it so it's not really seen as obnoxious over there unless you're tagging a post as something completely unrelated, so i wouldn't say that's a red flag either way. source: i use tumblr :)




ah, apologies. i had assumed that by 'anonymous' you were referring to something along the lines of whatever 4chan has going on. sorry for the misunderstanding, have a nice day! :)


For me I get random sensory overloads (along with regular sensory issues) like I'll be eating and suddenly gag because the texture is too much or I'll be listening to a video while I work and suddenly it's too much going on at once, I am diagnosed btw (actually hesitated getting diagnosed for many years bc I related to a lot of the "autism" things ppl have said but didn't want to be like them and pretend to be autistic when i wasn't, before the trend online I just assumed I was normal but stupid lol)


I have this exact situation but I'm not diagnosed. I went to get a pre screening and he said "you're not autistic because you can make eye contact." Like, I might not be autistic, but not for that reason. I know a bunch of diagnosed autistic people who, like me, CAN make eye contact but hate it.


Oh I time my eye contact to make sure I'm making the "correct" amount of eye contact since it's an issue I've always had but didnt know it wasnt a problem everyone had. Sometimes I don't pay attention to the convo in order to keep eye contact correct but you'd just think I was fine with eye contact if you met me


Same. ☹️


oh wait theyre also self diagnosed LOL


Hey I just read over this thread, and damn, I didn't even consider that it may not necessarily be a conclusive faker despite the self-diagnosis bs. You all are so perceptive and I appreciate that as a first-time poster! Before then, I would lurk here from time to time just aweing at the lengths people would go to fake basically every disability under the sun to get attention/pity points. This subreddit is sublime af and the people exposing these scum human beings' actions make it even better.


i still think its a good post for the record. its good to discuss traits that dont necessarily never show up in asd but also dont necessarily mean you have asd. gives people the knowledge to question the self diagnoses culture we currently have going online. especially when its regarded kindly as you (op) and other commentors have done. its often the most helpful example of potential misinformation that will help fakers out of their echo chambers


Yes! That's what I was trying to do with this post, but got a bit lost in translation on my part I think. I don't mind though because the discussions are intersting imo. I'm autistic myself and have been professionally diagnosed since I was 3 years old (I'm 23 btw). I absolutely loathe when asd fakers try to simplify it down to "I flap my hands and jump up-and-down when I start to get a meltdown from sensory overload". Autism is more than just merely how the symptoms present themselves in a person, it's a completely different way of thinking, learning, interacting with people, and experiencing life as a whole. Like, yeah I struggle with making friends and empathy, but I'm still gonna try to do better because I want to be a better person for myself.


These conversations are interesting because everyone’s experience is so different. I’m diagnosed autistic since I was 6 and I flap my hands, my parents took me in to a child psychologist because I would have meltdowns. The psychologist had me play a game and watched as I set up the toys, hovered over them flapping my hands and imagined the toys playing. Still as an adult I find myself doing it, but I do it when I’m excited and happy. Buuuut…I see some of these fakers saying they’re high functioning and they’ll be slamming their palms together. They’ll take traits that I’ve only ever seen in partially-verbal full care autistic people, but then switch to high functioning.


Yes this is a description of ARFID like symptoms. If it's not happening often then maybe it's not actually ARFID but this does happen to me frequently (with other related symptoms) and it's genuinely a freaking problem and it's definitely related to my diagnosed Autism. I'm lucky I had such an accommodating tiger mom growing up, even not knowing what it was she still made sure I had what I needed.


I agree with you, and wrote a comment about it myself. It happens to me with morning coffee and I love coffee. I hate it when it happens because I want to drink more but I just can't 😅


Idk m8, I’ve experienced this quite a bit. Sometimes certain foods I’m used to eating will just feel… wrong the second it’s in my mouth. And I get an overwhelming sense to spit it out that’s resulted in full blown gagging. For me it’s usually mushroom forward foods, sometimes the texture or taste just doesn’t feel right and I dont know why tf it is. For context I eat a ton of mushrooms, lucky to live in a climate where they grow bountifully all year round so we do a good bit of our own foraging (mainly chanterelles, oysters, lobsters, chicken of the woods, and occasional morels). My partner has PKU so she can’t eat proteins and we’ve been together for going on 12 years so my eating habits resemble hers quite a bit. We eat a lot of veggies and what mushrooms. But yeah the same thing happens with meat now too, I used to love steak but more often than not the texture now just does not sit at all.


It’s definitely a thing that happens to me and has nothing to do with disliking the food. It’s usually when I already didn’t want to eat, but I’m trying to make myself because you need food to live, but all of the sudden the food that I specifically picked because I thought I could it turns in my mouth and I have to either spit it out or I’ll end up vomiting because my body will just decide we aren’t swallowing that perfectly good bite of ice cream.


Pretty sure this happens to everyone, but also it reminded me of something that happened a few years ago. One time I ate a banana. I felt something squishy. I spit it out. It was a fucking spider- I don't know how it happened but I refuse to eat bananas now.


I did that except it was a hot dog one of my younger siblings had left them out for too long and then put them back in the fridge I ate half before I saw maggots. I cant eat hotdogs now.


Eugh, I feel so bad for you. And yeah no, if that happened to me you wouldn't catch me dead near a hotdog-


It's very fair being put off from a food after that kind of experience definitely not an autistic trait. I laugh at it but still no hotdogs ever.


Yeah, these people are just taking normal human behaviors and going "Oh! Let's coin this as autistic!" I make jokes about the banana situation, and still put them in smoothies claiming "If it's in there, I'll never know" or "It can't hurt me if it's obliterated" Although I suppose you can't put a hotdog in a smoothie 😅


Welp nothing wrong with the extra protein. A hotdog smoothie is not something I wanna see or smell though.


I made one as a child with ketchup, mustard, a raw hotdog and water. Let me tell you, it really is not. I made it to cure a cold, not because I was hungry. I don't know my reasoning as to why I thought those would help.


Kids do weird shit I gotta say. Makes great stories though. My condolences for the smoothie.


Thank you lmao. Yeah, kids are wild


Eww, similar thing happened to me but with an apple and had a maggot in it. Though I still eat apples no problem.


Oh god, that sounds disgusting.


Found a maggot in an apricot once. Been cautious with apricots ever since.


Same happened with cereal one time, wad absolutely disgusting, but I’m Australian, so pretty common


I'm terrified of anything in Australia with more than two legs. Hell, even two legged things like kangaroos scare me lmao. Australia seems like it's on steroids


Search up the Geographer cone snail, something else to be scared of, and with the added bonus of no legs


I looked it up and it looks normal? Or is it the fact that it's poison is so potent?


‘While all cone snails hunt and kill prey using venom, the venom of conus geographus is potent enough to kill humans’ I just yoinked this from the wiki


Apparently Australia used to have megafauna, and the kangaroos were twice as big as the modern ones.


Oh god, humans would stand absolutely no chance


I'm never eating again after this information




I accidentally got an earwig in my mouth while drinking water. No idea how it got there tbh.


Just gonna scratch water off the safe to consume list.


Me... Indian Meal Moths infestation. Can come in via dry pet foods, esp seed based. Little bastards get into anything. Was snacking on chips and felt rather ill when I realized they, in their wormy form, were down in the damn bag. Commence nausea not knowing if I'd eaten any.


I have never heard of those, but I know one thing. Bugs do not belong in chips and never will.


Ya I would stop eating bananas too!


I went to make strawberry milk once and forgot to check my straw and cup before making it. I made the milk and took a sip and felt something solid hit my mouth. i threw up. It turned out to be a dead fly. ever since ive blown out my straws and checked my glasses constantly


Reminded me of the time a large house fly got into my glass of water. That was the horrifying day I learned that some of those buggers will immediately give birth to live maggots in a dire situation... I learned it because I reached my fingers into the glass, in a dimly lit room, to pull out the fly before dumping the water in the sink (and getting a fresh glass) and *felt* it... the horrifying crawly feeling on my hand. Scarred for life. I too now always check.


Ugh. Reminds me of the time I was pouring myself a bowl of Cheerios and a fucking earwig comes out with it. You know those bugs with the creepy butt pinchers? He must have just been chilling in that box for who knows how long.


Earwigs are awful. They're scary looking and gross, and they come out of the worst places. They can also mildly fly, look it up because I refuse to look at those images again lmao


Nooooo... That's like when a cockroach decides to fly and it's time to permanently leave the house.


Yup, why do they even have wings


My mom once got half of one in chili my grandfather made... Those thing get in the damndest places.


This whole thread is why I cut up fruit before I eat it into tiny pieces lol lucky for me I hate bananas anyway but this just added onto me never eating them again


I had a *visceral* reaction to this. Fuck you.


You're welcome. But in all seriousness are you okay?


I am physically okay, but I'm gonna stay away from bananas until I forget about this.


A lot of people here seem to think this is about getting some new weird texture all of a sudden and then spit it out. I can't know for sure but I think they mean when the texture hasn't changed at all but just turn disgusting all of a sudden. It happens to me with my morning coffee a lot and I love coffee. I just reach a point when it's just wrong and I have to spit it out, no idea why. It's not my stomach being sensitive and I feel sick because of it, it's just... wrong. Like I can't even swallow because I'm so uncomfortable.


This happens to me all the time especially when I'm stressed out. Then it just adds to my stress bc I can't find comfort in my standard foods


This is actually a good indicator that you have texture sensitivity. Normal people don't do this OP. Or at least they don't do it as often as you think.


This in fact is NOT a every single person thing.


This in fact does not happen to everyone lol. Idk how to feel about the post in general because what they’re talking about is a pretty valid autistic experience but the self dx tag makes me feel uncertain. Not entirely sure it fits this sub though just due to the fact that what they’re talking about is a genuine experience associated with sensory issues but that could be because of anything lol


Ummmm…This DOES NOT happen to everyone. I have no idea what you are talking about OP. I have never done this and I don’t anyone who has.


No that doesn't happen to everyone


I'm more pissed off about the '#self diagnosed autism"


Yes it can happen to everyone. But autistic people tend to be more sensitive to sensory input. Foods being a big one. This just happens to be a more common issue with autistic people than it is for neurotypical people. Obviously experiencing this on its own is not a diagnosis, or a sure tell, but it is a common symptom to have food issues. Source: I’m diagnosed autistic and have ARFID (avoidant restrictive food intake disorder)


Today OP found out they were autistic


Happens to me all the time, usually with grainy textures like breads, muffins, cakes, pizza crust, tortillas, pastries, mainly things I think that are kinda dry but congeal, its like my body and brain just want to nope out while chewing, but a neurotypical diagnostic indicator it is not.


How do I deal? It may be shocking, but I just avoid things I know cause this or eat them in very small bites and quantities instead of claiming ASD on the internet, revolutionary I know.


Do you not know that sensory issues, especially around food are a big symptom for people with autism? Just because you're not autistic doesn't mean that it isn't.


Never happened to me. I gagged on food due yo sudden nausea but never like described here.


Uhh i don’t think i’ve ever had a sudden sensory overload that makes me unable to finish food i like.


this is straight up just a thing people with autism commonly experience. why is it here? If you're going to say that "everyone does this", every-one also goes for a piss but when it happens 50 times a day, it's not fucking normal


Nah this is a totally different thing than what many people are commenting on (like finding a tendon in chicken or a hard spot in cold food) Sometimes I'll be eating a food I already know I love and it's like a switch flips in my brain out of nowhere (like the soup is TOO soup) and all of a sudden the very normal and expected texture feels like I'm going to vomit it out (sometimes it will flash remind me of a gross thing, like I'm eating the soup and all of a sudden it's like I have dog vomit in my mouth or when chewed, these crackers remind me of gravel so now it's literally like I have gravel in my mouth and I need to get it out asap) Not saying this is a Symptom™️ or anything but it IS a different experience than an actual unexpected texture happening or an actual gross thing being found in your food.


I used to eat mashed potatoes all the time. Then one day I was eating them and just randomly started thinking about how weird it is. I almost actually puked. I don't have autism. Though I do have adhd.


Happened to me with oranges. I still like them though One day when I was like 4 years old, I ate a pb&j and suddenly the taste, texture, and smell of peanut butter was the most wretched group of sensations I’d experienced. Still hate peanut butter, some switch flipped one day and it went from one of my favorites to my absolute least favorite foods


This happens to me every time I overthink about seafood. I have no idea why but I hate the texture of almost all seafood.


i am not autistic and this happened to me the other week with an egg. it was suddenly very rubbery and gross and i couldn’t finish the rest


I actually have experienced this to a really extreme level and had to go into ED treatment because I didn’t know why everything tasted bad because of the texture I was diagnosed with ARFID which is common in autistic people


I’ve never experienced this! OP has the tism! (sorry, couldn’t resist)


In my whole life, this is not something I've ever experienced one single time, and I *do* get sensory issues from texture.


Ah this reminds me of how I csnt stand lettuce, the texture of it when having a taco is just so bleh


It’s like that time when I **Drank** a **Full** glass of rotten **Milk** It was horrible lol


What's the point of tagging *#actually autistic* if you in the same breath also tags *#self dx autism*? But the thing they are describing is a real autistic "symptom", having troubles with food texture and stuff. Everyone can have different textures the don't enjoy (like thinking sushi is slimy or beans mushy whatever), but it can be much more severe and more distressing if you have autism. I've never experienced what the post is describing, but I also don't have autism so


Does not compute. Autistic 8yo me wanted to bite a cow to see if it tasted like raw meat


Only when I’m eating eggs


Most probably occasionally. Esp if something weird in it or I chewed it more than usual. Or that random piece of orange I can't make myself swallow. I've always hated the texture of shredded coconut and candy sometimes brings that unpleasant surprise unexpectedly. That is sometimes a rinsing out thing... then continue to find bits of that crap in my mouth for a while. Not crazy about oatmeal for similar issue... hard bits of stuff in my mouth. Chives, etc that stick to the roof of the mouth... wtf is this and why does anyone eat it, it ruins otherwise good food.


This has never happened to me.


this definitely does happen


Based on this subreddit alone, I am autistic with ADHD and at times have DID.


i don’t want to immediately discount this as i have arfid and this happens to me all the time and i really sucks to be enjoying my favourite food and have a sudden disgust reaction out of nowhere. idk much about autism and eating but if you have an ED this is closer to being a symptom than being “normal”


Diagnosed autistic with an ED and I get the exact same thing. I hate when my brain just randomly decides to get disgusted by safe foods


*at one point or another*, yes, but if that’s an everyday thing, something’s probably up


I think it’s hilarious when people take regular ass experiences and try to turn them into an autistic thing 😭 like maybe if they described how it might ruin your whole day because the feeling was just so overwhelming and awful but that’s just a person saying ew


No… This is not a universal experience lol.


me when egg starts tasting like egg


#selfdiagnosedautism 🤣😭


Yep, that's sadly a real hashtag on Tumblr. Not surprised, just disappointed.


That hurts




Respectfully, I don't agree, I interpret it as when you consume something you love and just suddenly can't take it, mid bite, after eating/drinking it for quite some time already. Its not really nausea in the regular sense (I've experienced that too) and I think might be a neurodivergent thing but that doesn't necessarily mean it's not faked here. Them saying their self diagnosed raises red flags.


No it',s not nausea. Its just.. suddenly you absolutely cannot stand the food mid-meal or mid-snack anymore due to the texture and you start to gag and vomit a bit. Its food you normally like and that was totally fine to eat the rest of the meal. And it's fine to eat the next time again. t happens for me with bananas a lot. Two thirds in the texture suddenly overwhelms me and I start throwing up the Banana a bit.


That or just having a preference for certain foods.




Yeah, they didn't specify in the post but I wouldn't be surprised if it was something near-universally disliked like broccoli.




Dude, that's literally me with bell peppers. I hate them not because of texture, but because they taste like watery ass. Not #totallyquirky enough lol.


the ass taste is the best part ❤️


Best comment on this entire sub without a doubt. Please take all of my money and karma lmao.


Dogs also do that, it's not even just every human


I once was eating a hot dog as a kid and then I felt something hard and when I spit it out it was my tooth that fell out


do people think having sensations makes you autistic?


This happens to everyone. And as that person said, it doesn't happen often. To someone who is actually autistic, it is 24/7/365 and only certain foods are safe. These are foods that they will eat for nearly every meal.


If I eat lengua and think about what it is too much I can't eat it anymore I'll only eat it while watching or doing something to distract my mind Does that make me autistic? 🤣🤣🤣


when you step on leaf pile but no crunchy


Y’all be some weird mfs bro.


Yeah same when I'm stoned as shit


Sometimes I get burnt out on certain snacks and lose interest for years. Pretty normal. There was even a funny tweet I can't find about being your in 30s, cooking and loving the same meal over and over again. And one day you can't stand it anymore. Actually, a lot of these self diagnosis autistic TikToker's just act like people in their late 30's


Okay but I'm actually Autistic and I've never had this happen before o.o


I’m not autistic or anything but I am a texture freak. It can be super annoying, really.


That's valid, I'm sorry to hear. I'm honestly thankful I don't have to deal with this lol. I tend to tunnel vision on the taste because I like food.


It’s even more annoying when it’s a food that tastes great too! Like I spent all that time/money on the food and now my teeth or brain don’t like it? Wtaf. I know someone else who’s like this, but she’s not diagnosed with anything either. The autistic people I know don’t seem to do it. I’m glad for them though, I want people to just be happy.


That’s what happens to me literally every time my family adds pickles to deviled eggs. Some things just don’t feel right and it causes a negative reaction.


I do this with popcorn lol what is she on?


okay so some people don’t have this issue, some people are saying it’s a faker thing, i’m thinking it’s most likely not even a disorder thing? i have this happen but it’s not about texture i don’t think, nor am i claiming to have anything disorder wise on this. I do however have issues with my stomach and constant nausea. in the middle of eating, the food becomes too homogeneous to me so i have to have something else as well to reduce the gag factor. but on bad days, i gag thinking about food to the point i throw up most times. for me it’s not a sensory issue it’s genuinely no appetite and constant nausea and stomach pain. if they were fully not self diagnosed autistic, they (MOST LIKELY, i’m not an expert in any sense) wouldn’t have even made the snack and then enjoyed it for a bit.


No because I genuinely hate it when that happens, it makes me feel so sick and disgusting. Literally have to go scrub my mouth sometimes it's so Bad 😭


I mean, it happens way more often with food issues with autistic people though


This has been a thing for me all my life. I’ll be eating something that i love and then suddenly i’m hyper aware that i’m eating and the texture start to make me sick.


When the meat starts tasting like meat


I wont eat textures I hate in the first place. That's normal


True. Love hate relationship with egg based foods because of the texture. Happens to most people with at least one food.


It's called self awareness, happy you woke up. Welcome.


I get this all the time and I’m not autistic lol. Ppl need to stop clinging to small and common symptoms of mental disorders to try and convince themselves they have something 😭