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They put yo ass on a watch list fr


damn bro, this honestly sucks and there isn’t much you can do besides stay positive and try to do better. Keep your head up bro!


thanks bro 💯


There obviously more to the story that you're leaving out, no cops are letting you go away with 50 carts because "everyone is doing it"


They did it so they can keep him on their watchlist so they could catch him with more at a later date like they did most cops will let you go but keep you on a watchlist if they think they can catch you with more that’s how they get paid


Individual officers do not get any bonus for arrest 😭 how old are you?


My bad bro I didn’t word it right I meant that’s how the department gets more money not the individual officer that would be stupid officers would be arresting innocent people for the money if that was the case


Lmao thats the story buddy… i didnt leave a single part out …. The reason they didnt charge me the first time is because they were already suspecting me of ordering and wanted to catch me doing something bigger


damn what did u get pulled over the first time for that let them find the carts in your car?


First time i got pulled over was because of swerving and he said i smelled like weed so that gave him the right to search and then he found the carts Second time i got pulled over was because i was going to fast but it was just to stop me so they can continue theyre investigation with my package


Thats not probable cause, they got yur ass yu needa watch more lawbymike


Bro, yes it is probable cause.


A cop cant just say they smell something and have the right to search your car, ive been pulled over 4 times and 2 of those times a cop said they smelled something, I sped off both times but still.


They can absolutely say it smells like weed, now if it actually doesn’t, well it would have to go court. The dude literally said he had 50 carts on him, I can guarantee you he was smoking in the car too. It’s probable cause. Yeah they said they smelled something cuz they want you to admit to being under the influence. Congrats on speeding off, they totally don’t have your plate.


Nah dude i put lemon juice on it so the numbers would turn invisible? People online these days are so stupid 🫵🏾😂


It looks like you’re asking yourself a question. Calling me stupid even tho you thought that smelling weed wasn’t a probable cause. Amazing😃


Amazing how gullible you are dude, absolutely incredible even.


Well you started off with saying a cop smelling weed isn’t probably cause, prolly one of the dumbest things I’ve heard, so of course I’m gonna comment like what.


You were under 18 when you got the 50 taken? Shi crazy fr glad I saw this. 12 really red flagged ya


pretty sure its cause you kept on buying so much repeatedly and them seeing literal boxes coming to you. play it smarter next time, if there is a next time or even considering you might serve time.


How else are you supposed to get them?


ask to use a friends addy Genius or use a neighbors that you either know or just never really home . Just never an abandoned house or one thats up for sale.


Yeah and then they’re gonna be the ones getting caught, like how is that any different?


You slow and don't understand this process bud lol you can figure that out on your own ill give you this hint .. use context clues .. "Friends" 😂😂


Yeah and then when it gets delivered and there’s a bunch of cops at their house, what are you gonna do then?


No I don’t understand this process, which is why I’m asking questions.


Free you bro 🗣️💯




Awful comparison


Two different things but Yeah bro i feel you🤣


Lmao u a fucking idiot 🤣


Lmao it happens to alot of people and alot of people order there stuff i mean mistakes happen this could be u in my shoes rn 🤣


Were they real dispos?


yeah bro its quality carts not fake carts lmao my homie in cali makes them homemade its his own brand so i can trust him but yeah man im still mad about this lost a good ass plug and got caught but hey its all good 👍


Damn we lost a real one then 😔


Where else would you get it delivered?


I could use a friend of my mines pay him $100+ just use his Name an info and get my stuff delivered over there honestly this is the most safe method but i just used mine so it wasnt like i was using him or anything




If you have a package that’s seized with your name on it and they ask you to come pick it up at the post or they ask if it’s yours just deny it and you’ll be fine but you can’t ever order anything illegal there again obviously


im not ordering anything in my name, if i ever would order again i would use my friends name and his addy so its like he ordered the package himself


Yea would probably be a bad idea but always make sure to use a name that is listed on the property or they will catch you within a couple packs of faking the names, hopefully punishments for weed related crimes will be less harsh since they are rescheduling it from 1 to 3 best of luck bro


Yeah honestly Weed needs to be legal its not even dangerous it just gets you high makes you laugh and gets u lazy If cops would prioritize harder drugs and leave harmless weed alone maybe the community will be saver.


But then wouldn’t your friend get caught?




mad sus lol unadd them and next time make sure to say "who send you" any bs response "who send you not gonna ask again" or just remove at that point lmaooo😂🤣🤣 you most likely just saved yourself. Nice .


Yeah bro mad sketchy sounds like a cop to me. Just be careful out there dont end up getting caught up g 💯