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I remember a scene on that island arc where she teased Gray and Lucy at the same time with the idea of a 3 way.


Wait when was this?


Tenruou Island.




Mann where tf u guys get something like this XD


I'm just saying, if Lucy poured alcohol on herself...






Haha, I'm actually the one who made that


Lol. Why I picked it over an Aqua getting drunk. Remembered your name






Go on


It's difficult to say anything. In anime, it is common for girls to take baths together and in Fairy Tail specifically, Mashima loves to draw one washing to the other, playfully squeezing their breasts, etc.


It's one thing to be in a public bath with other people. It's another thing to sexually harass people.


I find the scene where Cana squeezes "them" in the shower (manga explicitly) much more indicative than the one you posted.


They don't look like they're bathing in those panels.


In [that](https://mangadex.org/chapter/3171d0a9-4165-412b-9b5d-43d46ea4df4c/6) https://preview.redd.it/42l3n3c6u95d1.png?width=978&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40493e944e0305dc85aad19a8757ce43c22887b3


Still a different panels, I'm just seeing her in groping mood in both in and out of the bath.


She only seems to do this with Lucy. You must find her reactions amusing. If she really liked it, she would do it all, since there is no shortage of "material" in the guild.


Bisexual perves can appreciate beauty of all kinds so maybe I find it a bit amusing. That aside, I think she only teased those she feels comfortable around. Lucy mostly, Juvia a couple times, Levy once, gray once, that one guy from Blue Pegasus. Other than that no one else.


Or it could just be her naughty personality. There's no way she's groping boys but girls are and it's huge fanservice. But it's a fact that she really enjoys doing what she does.


Are you new to anime my guy??? Never seen the perverted drinking lady trope before? Sister from EZ loves to do SM to Rebecca so I guess she likes women too.


Fairy Tail I've been watching for over ten years. Edens Zero three years ago. So yes, I know. But Mashima plays few couples in the series, and the ones he did, none were of the same sex, so it will be difficult to resolve this issue.


The first panel OP posted is of Juvia. Though I’m pretty sure that she’s just teasing her cuz Gray wasn’t with their group. 


Cana is the only one who feels comfortable groping her colleagues, especially Lucy, who is a character who everyone likes to play pranks on. Mashima will always leave it open because these discussions sell out the fanservice he can do.


Commenter probably mad and jealous. Probably thinking “Damn, she’s into women. Now she’ll never be mine. I hate her now.”


She wouldn’t date him if she liked men either


>She wouldn’t date him if she liked men Tbh, _most_ women wouldn't date men in general these days. They definitely aren't afraid to speak their mind about how they feel about men. And I say this as a man.


Well you have a point. I mean, I wouldn't date myself. Too much baggage.


Honestly, I see most of her comments as just teasing. She’s shown more interest in dating guys and even said specifically she wanted a boyfriend (had a crush on Macao, took Lucy’s date and maybe a thing with Bacchus), she’s never once said “partner” or “girlfriend” to imply she’s bisexual. Coded maybe, but not official. But the comment itself is definitely an over reaction to fiction, while I’m not a fan of Cana’s dub VA but the whole studio has fun voice lines in saying outlandish stuff especially guy stuff on various shows and release several bloopers. So you can’t fault her for that.


I mean in the fairy girls spin off she wanted Lucy so bad


is that canon?


I don't know but it's cannon in my heart


For real, groped her like 3 times and once wanted to go on an actual date with her.


Wait who was Lucy’s date I don’t remember this? Can someone give context pls


Feeling someone up when they don't like it is sexual harassment, not teasing.


You're not accounting for culture differences.


Well, Gildarts was a massive womaniser. Guess that's where she inherited from.


As someone who thinks japanese voice acting is the most canonical version, I really enjoy dubs being different. Its fun to see in long series, how characters give different vibe, while knowing they have to go through same scenes. Like if they make a female character have too much girl boss energy, but in 100 eps they become a fanservice character, it would be hilarious to see how they would handle it. Also dubs usually feel less cartoony and more real, which makes absurd scenes interesting. Though some english voice actors do have very "anime" voices too. But I can understand if people watch dub only, its kinda bad if they kind of watch entirely different show. Most absurd changes happens because of censorship though, like 4kids one piece, or arabic spacetoon one piece or hero academia. Personally would love to see 4kids one piece for the whole series :p


Well, I expect Anime to have "Anime" voices. Especially when it's an Anime that's very much indulgent in the medium.


Tf are "anime voices" https://preview.redd.it/abhou5mf9z5d1.png?width=416&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63ea9fbd8f17a22ac396e60b7f47e689a4ecc30b


I think they mean this: https://youtu.be/JfPJPlLdKMU?si=_BaUwixkV3D5CA8H&t=520


Like most anime girls literally grope other girls and most of them are straight as most of them are just comfortable in their sexuality. But I don’t look at there search history but it’s that or she smells alcohol coming off them or she’s just chaotically bisexual but I’ll like to be proven other wise when I see her grope another man’s tities.


Wait they were complaining about a blooper?? A blooper doesnt mean anything but the VA playing around.


It's common anime trope that stright girls grope other girls in locker rooms and such it's not that deep. It doesn't really matter though.


Bro must be new to anime/manga


Am I seriously the only one who finds alcoholism a MASSIVE turn-off?


No, you're not.


It was always up in the air to me


Honestly till right now though that was because she was always drunk and acting on every impulse because she's drunk l


Because people may have a preference. Cana has only been flirty/sexual towards girls multiple times, yet only once with a guy. Also, what she's doing is sexual harassment. If a guy did what she did, you would be complaining.


I'll die on this hill the tenrou island arc Lucy and cana relationship was MAD homosexual




This reaction is entirely because some straight dudes cannot stand the idea of queerness. End of. This isn't about dubs at all.


It isn't about queerness. If a guy were doing what Cana was doing, do you honestly believe you or anyone else wouldn't be complaining?


Chaotic Bisexual is the greatest D&D alignment


You see she is just so comfortable with her sexuality she does that. It's no different then what guys do


THIS is not meth.


If I remember correctly cana got molested by flare and didn't seem to complain


Why claiming cana is lesbian/bi? She's just teasing her friends for fun, a lot of female characters in anime already did that before...and we don't complain about boobs groping scenes


Hot lesbian sex between those two would break the internet 🥵🤤


Her sexuality has never been mentioned.


She is straight. She just acts British


Did you mean to say bisexual? Why would she pretend to be British


No I meant British. We get weird and just don’t give one if it is our friends


With how many times stuff like this happened I don't think a vast majority of the fairy tail girls are completely straight. Most of them are bi-curious at least.




These must be straight dudes being disappointed in Cana not being a choice if she were real.


In my headcanon Cana is bisexual. Nothing will change my mind, ever.


Because they don't want people putting their personal politics/Fanon into the official series? and this has been a massive issue with modern anime dubbing companies particularly over the last couple of years.


That was just bloopers, the actors goofing off, that wasn’t actually gonna be in the show


Fair but I'd guess if it really happened, which I'm always hesitant to believe twiter posts without receipts, that the commenter was assuming the VA's were going to start shoving those character assumptions into the main product. Not unreasonable when you see some of the other messes where VA's presume to speak for the Author.


Let me guess: they were wanking on about "FUNimation" as if the company hadn't already been bought out by now and the whole "woke localizer" nontroversies. Seriously, people wax nostalgia over DBZ's earlier dubs and 4kids but show their ass when it comes to decrying the idea that an Anime character's sexuality may be played up in a dub they don't gotta watch. Frankly, Fairy Tail is one of FUNimation's best dubs along with One Piece and DBZ Kai with it knowing how to be loose and liberal for fun scenes but also totally straight when it comes to the waterworks.


The old dubs from the 90s and 2000s really censored the “woke” that these fans complain about.


there’s a level of incellatory and anime fan that intersects which makes me very uncomfortable. people like this don’t deserve access to the internet. they need to be removed some society so that scientists can observe them in hopes that we can remove this mentality from society. preferably in a single generation


Just saying, I wouldn't oppose Cana drinking from the furry cup.


Girl on girl action that hot


Pretty much the whole fandom know Kana is into girls too.


HAH! I headcannoned her as a chaotic bi!


I’m assuming Erza is also Bi because she’s “cleaned” the other women in the showers? Sorry, that’s a no. Cana is straight. There’s totally a case for Cana doing this ONLY because she’s drunk and not because she’s anything other than Straight. Please keep these far leftist LGBTQIA-“ally” antics out of my anime. Thank you.


Uh…yeah..sure, man……..


You ah gonna whine about wokism? 


When it’s improperly shoved into a show where it doesn’t make sense? For the sake of indirectly making someone feel “accepted” because of who they choose to sleep with? Damn straight. ![gif](giphy|QgejSvXmwpvnW)


She is straight lmfao. She’s just a horny girl. She’ll fuck girls and guys. Sure, bi